New Release : CubeitMod V3.6

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Mar 27, 2014, 2:00:29 PM3/27/14
What's new :
- More informations at the end of process.

- Some changes into Kisslicer's Material Menu.
You'll find Infill% and Solid%, use these values to increase the X/Y speed while the extruder is making Solid or Infill, this will result on a lower quantity of material deposed.
As many of you have pointed out, looks like Kisslicer doesn't calculate right the quantity of material and if you set the right values for the perimeter it'll result on too much material when Infill and Solid are extruded, this is specially evident when filling small parts or if you use high Infill like 50%.
If you put Infill%=100 and Solid%=100 no change will be made from original Kisslacer values, put smaller values to increase the X/Y speed and reduce the quantity of material extruded.
Need to test to find the right values but as starting point I've on tried on a smallpart and Infill%=80 , Solid%=80 for an Infill =50% was not so bad and Infill%=30 , Solid%=80 for Infill=50% was "a starting point".
Watch out !!! When Use small values like 20 or 50 for Solid% and Infill% the X/Y speeds are strongly increased, with 50 the speed is twice faster and with 20 the speed will be 5 x faster.
If you use walues like these I suggest you to reduce the Solid speed and the Sparse infill speed into the Printer/Speed parameters to a low speed like 15 or even less because the real speed will be 2 or 5 times faster.
Look at the message at the end of process, it'll show you how much the original speeds are multiplied, than you can choose if print or change the values into Kisslicer.

How to install :
copy the CubeItMod files into the Kisslicer Folder
Rename CubeItMod.exx to CubeItMod.exe
Start Kisslicer and go to Preferences/Languages/Load Language file
Select the CubeitMod.po
Now you have the new Menu, with the names for CubeItMod.

Starting settings :
M227P =0.15
M227S =0.04

Turn the comments ON into the Printer/Firmware Menu

Check your Prt GCode menu you must have :

Prefix :
; [mm] mode
; absolute mode

Select Extruder:
; Select extruder, warm, purge

; BfB-style
M<EXT+1>04 S<TEMP>
M55<EXT+1> P2000 S80

Deselect Extruder:
; Guaranteed same extruder, cooling down

; BfB-style
M<EXT+1>04 S<TEMP>

N [*] Layers
; Maybe re-home X & Y?

M104 S0
M204 S0
M304 S0

Peter Gregory

Mar 29, 2014, 5:15:05 PM3/29/14
Here is the MAC version

Mar 31, 2014, 12:36:37 PM3/31/14

New Release CubeItMod V3.7

What's new :
The speeds of X/Y axis while the printer makes "Solid", "Loop" or "Perimeter" are calculated from the values that the user gives to Kisslicer.
Into the previous versions the speeds was calculated from the values calculated by Kisslicer.
With this change the ratio RPM / XYSpeed is more constant and the quality of extrusion is improved.
I didn't apply that change to other extrusions ( Infill, pillar, skirt ,...) because as they are not the visible part of the piece they doesn't need to be so precise, this change could be made if future if required.

Install and use like Ver3.6

As I had to do a lot of changes, and the way the program calculate Solid, loop ans permieter speed is totally different please let me know if you find something strange or bugs.

I've tested printing some pieces with layer thickness 0.1 and I find the quality is better.


Peter Gregory

Mar 31, 2014, 10:05:51 PM3/31/14
And the mac version

Apr 3, 2014, 3:39:13 PM4/3/14
Important , to avoid cooling problems :

Change the Ptr G-code , Select Extruder section like this ( removed the M107 line ) :

; Select extruder, warm, purge

; BfB-style


Apr 6, 2014, 12:23:24 AM4/6/14
Hi Gio,
Great Mod!!! just need a little more info as I am having trouble understanding what you mean by "Flow/Speed Rapport" for the solid% and infill% setting. Can you enlighten me?



Apr 6, 2014, 11:44:22 AM4/6/14
Hi BK,
if you read the lasts messages on "CubeItMod V3.0" tread you'll see that many of us have pointed out that sometimes Kisslicer calculates too much material for flat surfaces ( =Solid ) and for infill.
This is more evident when the flat surfaces are small and the extruder makes small zig-zags or when you choose a big infill factor ( more than 33%).
That's why I've decided to add 2 factors of correction : solid% and infill%.
They work exactly the same way but each one only into his part of the printing.

If you set 100 there are no changes and the values calculated by Kisslicer are used.
If you set less than 100, for example you set Solid% = 90, when CubeItMod finds a "Solid"section it takes the X/Y speeds and divide them 90%, example if the original speed was F270 the new speed will be 270*100/90 = 300.
As the RPM are not changed this will result on a smaller quantity of material extruded into the Solid section only.
By that way you can still have the good parameters for the perimeter and make a correction on the Solid or/and Infill sections when needed. 

The next step will to make the Solid% change into the same printing, when the surface is small with small zigzags it will be smaller and when the surface is larger it will be 100 or slightly less. But to achieve this I had to make a lot of test to see exactly how Solid% and the surface printed are related and at the moment I didn't have the time to do this.


Le dimanche 6 avril 2014 06:23:24 UTC+2, Bkjnky a écrit :
Hi Gio,Great Mod!!!  just need a little more info as I am having trouble understanding what you mean by "Flow/Speed Rapport" for the solid% and infill% setting.  Can you enlighten me?  




Apr 7, 2014, 7:13:44 PM4/7/14
Thanks for the explanation, it was really helpful! I've had some good results so far. Do you have any suggestions for settings to correct the over suck/under prime issue when the print head is switching from support to perimeter, or when the head is traveling further than a few mm?



Apr 8, 2014, 5:19:23 AM4/8/14
Hi BK,
I set this way:
make with the pencil a small mark on the extruder's motor's axis to observe how it rotates while is making the suck and prime:
Images intégrées 1

M227P is the dynamic suck and static prime, is set something like 0.15, you have to observe the motor's axis while the extruder makes long traveling distances in your printing, the dynamic suck has to be maintained for the most part of the travel, but not necessary for all the travel. If you large parts you can increase M227P.

M227S is the RPM, the speed, is important to adjust it to the fluidity of the material you're using, is the speed is too slow the material will go out of the extruder while is doing the dynamic Suck, and if you set it too high the material will be aspirated into the nozzle and the air will enter into the nozzle, producing small blobs when the extruder will start the job. The ideal speed is the one that arrives to maintain the material just at the edge of the nozzle.
If you change the temperature of the material you have to change the M227S as the material become more fluid as the temperature raises. I've set to 0.04 for an ABS working at 270°C, but this value can vary form a material to another.

For M228S and P  I set them by observing the seam on the piece, if into the last part of the loop there's too much material/stringing I increase the static Suck M228S,  if you see that ther's a lack of material decrease M228S.
At the beginning of the loop if you see too much material increase the dynamic prime M228P if after the beginning of the loop when the dynamic prime ends and the normal extrusion starts you notice a lack of material decrease the M228P.
I've set for my ABS M228P 0.015 and M228S 0.025.

I print with loops from inside to perimeter and with at least 2 loops to have always the same small distance from the last loop to the beginning of the perimeter loop.
I set seam hiding 0.4, wipe 0.15, min jump and trigger[mm] both to 0.

Don't take these values as "perfect values to aplpy" but as a starting point to find the right ones.



Apr 13, 2014, 1:56:40 AM4/13/14
Hi Gio,

What are your fast and precise speed settings in KISSlicer for loops, solid and sparse?



Apr 13, 2014, 3:26:04 AM4/13/14
Hi BK,
fast : 30 , 50 ,60
precise : 17 , 25 , 30

I always print with precise, but I'm certainly not the best reference for the settings because I didn't have the time to make a lot of prints and fine tuning.
Hugues makes a lot of tests and I think he said that he had the best results by setting the same speed for the 3.

Maybe it would be a good idea to build a database here on the group with the good settings for each situation ( material, shape,size, layer thickness, ...) and everyone can contribute.

This will also help me to develop CubeItMod.



Apr 13, 2014, 5:29:30 PM4/13/14

It's easier to setup when you put the same values for speed mainly for small layer height (0.05 or 0.1 mm), the cubex motor drive isn't really precise so it's better to find values link with a "clear"  rpm motor and speed. 
I've some couple at work i can communicate but the last version of cubeitmod 3.7 match them. The useful values are something like 9 - 11.5 - 14.5 - 18 - 22... 
i used to print in 14.5 or 22, depend of the object size.

I'm confronted to a problem now, i cannot get the same quality with the 2 extruder. Same settings, same file, 2 render as you can see in the picture below:

I've asked the 3DS team for this, they told me to check the voltage of the card extruder and to make it equal, but it doesn't work well. If you've an idea...

I also started a file for a database, feel free to contribute.

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