Flow Tweak issues

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Feb 12, 2014, 12:18:08 PM2/12/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
I'm new on 3D printing, I'm a teacher and at school we have a Cubex Duo.
As the original software is very bad I'm testing Kisslicer.
I've installed the 1.2.01.
I've found quite good params to print with 0,25 layer thickness and now I'm testing to find the right params for 0,1 layer thickness.
The problem is that I've too much material on the printing, and I've no noticeable differencies on changing the Flow Tweak, I've tried 0,7 0,8 1,2 , no difference.
I've also noticed that If I dont force the slicing by changing another parameter, the only change of the Flow Tweak produces exactly the same file.
I would like to know what are your experiencies with this parameter.

Best Regards


Feb 12, 2014, 12:52:24 PM2/12/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
That very interesting. There has been discussion about 1.2.01 having issues. I used it for a while and went back to an older version.  Just a thought.  if you do try an older version lets us know what you find.
I have always found the flow tweak to be very functional.    

Rick Zehr

Feb 12, 2014, 1:41:20 PM2/12/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Functional perhaps, but not the right thing. Set the filament diameter correctly and you shouldn't need to use Flow tweak - it's just a bandaid.

Once having calibrated and set M92 Ennn correctly, I haven't seen any need to touch it since.


Feb 12, 2014, 4:52:05 PM2/12/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hi, I don't have a Cube, but from what I understood the way Kisslicer is producing Gcode is universal.
I would suggest to use the official 1.1.0 version of Kisslicer, and not one of the beta's to learn the program. You can always change to them later.
Are you using one of the profiles of other Cube users? As it's important to have the right 'firmware flavor' and startGcode chosen.

When all done that: be sure to choose the right material under Printer//Extruders, as many forgot to set that when new with Kisslicer.
The Material tab is only a 'library' of materials, only active when set on the Printer//Extruder tab.

Next step is to measure your filament with a caliper in various directions and spots, and take the average of each measurement. I note that measurement on the spool as well, as this is the base of a good print.
Set that measurement on the diameter setting of the material used (on the Material tab). When using PLA: 210 degrees is a good start temp for all settings and 230 for ABS.
Be sure you don't have a strange value at the destringing fields on the Material tab, as a high number on the "prime" field would result in a blob at the beginning of a new extrusion. 
Set the flowtweak to  "one" as it's seldom necessary to tweak it, when using a well measured filament. Be sure that the "Gain" value on the Printer//extruder tab all are set to "one" as well.

Next step: Slice a test box (attached to this post) and print it. Maybe turn off the "Wipe" and "destring" on the Style tab. As these are settings to tweak after the diameter is dialed in. 
When the layers aren't attached well (a to poor extrusion) you can set the filament diameter a little lower, or the flowtweak a little higher.
With over extrusion, you can set the filament diameter higher, or the flowtweak lower. In general the flow tweak shouldn't be at of the range of 0.95 - 1.05. When so, mostly it turns out the filament diameter isn't measured correctly.

In general: when having tweaked the material (diameter) setting: it won't make a difference which slice Style you use on the style tab: with 0.1 or 0.3mm it should all result in the correct amount of extrusion.

Hope it helps.
Calibration_Box center - kopie.stl
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