Always 170C...Am I crazy?

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Jun 30, 2014, 8:19:00 PM6/30/14
Perhaps I am missing something big and obvious, but I am finding that all of my gcode is being exported with a starting temperature of 170 degrees C.

These were settings I had been using since last November. Then a few of my co-workers reported it too, and now I am seeing it from a lot of my users. My Prefix code is as follows:

M106 S255;
G21;                                      ;metric values
G90;                                      ;absolute positioning
M106 S255;                           ;start with the fan on
G28;                                      ;home all axes
G1 X150 Y305  Z0 F5000;    ;move the platform to wait for heat
M109 S<TEMP>;                   ;set to desired temp
G92 E0;                                 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E50;                        ;extrude 50mm of feed stock
G92 E0;                                 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 X150 Y290  Z0 F5000;     ;remove extrusion
G1 X150 Y150  Z15 F5000;   ;center and move the platform down 15mm
G1 F5000;
;Put printing message on LCD screen
M117 Printing...

I am aware of the redundancies in some of this code, but the <TEMP> token is where the issue presides. S<TEMP> is always exporting as S170, no matter what I set the temperature to in the materials tab.

What's weird is that I haven't changed the version of KISSlicer but the problem just manifested. Version

I could be raving crazy, but has anyone else see this?

Marius, o Araújo

Jun 30, 2014, 8:50:28 PM6/30/14
I was going crazy a while ago, until I noticed I was editing temps and flow tweak for the wrong material, i.e, not the one set in the extruder material tab. not saying that's what the problem is, but it really made me slap myself when I finally noticed. 

Robert Eaton

Jul 1, 2014, 12:48:46 PM7/1/14
Yes I've done it too.
It's quite confusing the way it is now.

The "Extruder Materials" tab should be moved to the a tab under "Materials" tab  (Not under "Printer").
Then the "Material Name" drop down in the Material tab should be limited to allow you to only select materials that are currently assigned to your extruders.

I don't see why it would be important to be  able to edit materials you're not currently using.

Jul 1, 2014, 1:19:41 PM7/1/14
Material tab is a sort of library where you can save the parameters of all the filaments you have, by that way when you change the filament into the printer you just have to select into the extruder tab the filament from the library without having to edit all the parameters. 

Robert Eaton

Jul 1, 2014, 1:57:00 PM7/1/14
Yes. I understand. And it's a great feature.

And I know that it shows what materials are being used on the left side of the screen.
And it does warn you with a pop-up dialog box if you select a material that's not being used.
And I (like probably like a lot of people) dismiss the warning forever and then forget after a while when your in a hurry to get a print set up.

It could be a little more intuitive.
All the other tabs control things concerned with your current print job.
The "Material" tab can allow you to "potentially" edit material you're not using in the current job (if you dismiss the warning pop-up forever.)

So it seems to me that it would be better to have a separate "Material Editor" pop-up window that allows you to edit all the materials, but restrict the materials in the tabs associated with the actual job to those currently  being used. OR move all the material settings to a separate editor window.

Just my 2 cents.


Dan Walters

Jul 29, 2014, 7:01:29 PM7/29/14
I had the same problem, then Jonathan pointed out that you need to select the right material under [Printer]->[Extruders].  Fixed the problem!


Jul 30, 2014, 10:14:11 PM7/30/14
On Tuesday, July 1, 2014 10:57:00 AM UTC-7, Robert Eaton wrote:
The "Material" tab can allow you to "potentially" edit material you're not using in the current job
I do that quite a bit, actually; especially when I've made a change to one that would apply to many materials, not only the one being used. Although, if there are a lot of global-ish changes, I just edit the file.
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