Settings Makerbot Replicator 1 dual with Kisslicer

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Dec 13, 2013, 5:27:39 PM12/13/13
Makerbot Replicator 1 dual (Sailfish and Makerbot firmware)

Updated for the Kisslicer 1.1.0 Release candidate 1    11-3-2013. The profiles are working with absolute E without reset. This firmware setting should work with Sailfish and Makerbot Firmware. RepG 40 has to be used for dual printing. 
Dan of Sailfish pointed out that there are less problems to be expected when printing Dual with SD. So, when possible when printing Dual, avoid printing over USB.

aditional note 8-3-2013: there are some problems with the extruder change with G92 E0 comands in it, because of some problems in ReplicatorG. To avoid it change to the Makerbot style of firmware. You still can use Sailfish firmware in your bot. That has nothing to do with all.

I was just pointed by Dan the Sailfish firmware, to the reason of all this. 
I have to read further to get it all, but shortly, for printing dual, and probably with one extruder as well, it's the best to generate Gcode with the Makerbot flavor of Firmware, with endless adding E and no G92 E0 comand at the extruder change.
So with the Makerbot firmware choosen on the Printer tab, the minimum for a toolchange is:
M108 T<EXT+0>
No G92 E0 command anywhere in the Select or Deselect Gcode tab of that printer profile.
M104 S<TEMP> commands are not a problem to have it in.

Also, it makes a difference to print with USB or SD card. With SD card is advised for now.

Settings are updated 8-3-2013

Download and extract the version of Kisslicer of choice. It's not going to be installed, just click on the program file in the folder just extracted to. You can make a shortcut to it of course.
  • Download and extract the settings of choice; copy / paste / overwrite  them in the same folder as the program.
  • Open Kisslicer, click settings and set the settings level to expert
  • Click 'open' to load a stl (or drag and drop). You can scale and rotate objects. Multi-objects with the Pro version. It can be done with the menu on top for all objects at once as well.
  • In the menu on top you can define the color scheme and disable auto rotating as well.
  • With the slider under 'show settings' you can define the print speed , defined in the settings of each printer (see the "printer" speed tab of the settings). There are sliders as well which let you define the position of the object as well. With copy and delete profile you can add or delete the various settings of the folowing tabs:
  • On the style tab set the settings to use as  layer height, infill percentage. Check the destring box when not already. The inset surface let you adjust the size of the object little in XY direction (0.1mm makes it a little smaller, -0.1mm a little bigger. Only small numbers advised)
  • On the support tab: if wanted: set the settings to generate the external support structure as well Raft structure. Support can be limited to a height entered. Sheath is an extra shell around the support structure to make it more stable.
  • The material tab is a library of settings for each material you own. These settings (as well the belonging Matl Gcode tab) are the only ones of all tabs not applied for slicing directly. Under the tab "printer" subtab "extruder" you set the material to be used for slicing.
    • Measure you filament and adjust the diameter. Use working values for thetemperature settings. The "keep warm value" is only used for printing with dual extruders. Adjust the Bed temperature.
    • The destring settings: Before a travel: retraction is Suck; After a travel, before starting the actual print extruding a little is Prime. Before travel going back a little on the already extruded path is Wipe. Minimum jump is used for the Wipe function. Trigger is used for the Prime and suck function. Set them both to 5mm. I find 0.5mm suck and prime good starting settings, as well 10mm wipe path.
    • Minimum layer time can force to slow down (for PLA) preventing the object is getting to hot and soft.
    • Z-lift is going up when also a destring is triggered when traveling
    • Flow tweak is a more advanced feature. Set it to 0.1 to 10, a range being handled by the Replicators.
  • The Tab "Matl Gcode" is actually a subtab for each material being used. This specific Gcode you entered here (example: an extra suck when printing dual)  <MATL> can be inserted (nested) in the Gcodes belonging to each Printer setting.
  • The tab Printer defines the specific setting for each printer type. The tab "Ptr Gcode' is belonging to each printer setting, and is actually a subtab of each printer setting.
      • the subtab Hardware under printers is describing bed size and offset. As gadget you can load a stl of your printer to be shown in the 3D window.
      • the Firmware tab let choose the flavor your printer takes. Absolute E for Sailfish (generating G92 E0 commands with each layer change and extruder change) and the Makerbot flavor to use with MB firmware. The "mark path start/stop" will generate M101/3 commands in the Gcode, usable with Sailfish retraction and prime. When using the Sailfish retraction and Prime, unmark the destring option at the Style tab. When using Kisslicer Destring set it to "none"
      • under Extruders you define the materials to be used for slicing. The PRO version has to be used to let it generate support extruded by the Second extruder. Ext1=T0. Ext2=T1.
      • The Speed tab let you define the minimum and maximum speed to be used. The final speed of slicing has to be set with the slider next to the setting box. Watch the extra features as first layer, travel and Z speed. The acceleration value is only for calculating print time.
  • The Ptr G-code tab is actually a subtab of each printer setting. In this tabs you set the prefix (start) Gcode as Postfix (end) Gcode. The Select and deselect tabs are used for printing dual to define the Extruder change. For example, they can be used to lower the temp of the inactive extruder to reduce oozing. (the keep-warm value on the material tab and inserted by the token <TEMP>.
  • Under Misc (Pro version)  you can define the resolution of slicing (0.05 for detailed objects, 0.1 for normal and 0.15 for simple objects). The value crowning threshold tries to squeeze in additional extrusion paths, to avoid voids in especially thin walled objects. For a lot of settings of Kisslicer you can use the value -1 to disable it.
  • When ready with the settings press the slice button. First it generates the 3D Gcode to be 3D examined on the model+path option above the 3D window, or 2D with the "path" option. When everything is OK, press the save button for the final Gcode.
  • Copy and paste that Gcode into ReplicatorG40 for Makerbot firmware, or ReplicatorG40 Sailfish version, for Sailfish firmware; to be used with Gcode with G92 E0 commands.
  • Generate x3g Gcode with ReplicatorG. Copy the generated x3g file to the SD card mounted in your PC, insert after that the SD card in the Replicator and choose "print from SD card".
Makerbot Replicator 1.stl
Kisslicer 1.1.0 R1 - Makerbot Replicator 1.1.0 R1 11-3-2013.rar


Dec 18, 2013, 6:02:25 PM12/18/13
Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2013, 04:03:13 PM »
Here are some settings I have for regular PLA , glow in the dark PLA, ABS, Nylon 618, T-glase.  Range from 0.1mm-0.3mm thickness. Some settings are still being tweaked and are experimental.  This is for the Solidoodle 3.
* KISSlicer_Win32_1_1_0.rar (2.32 kB - downloaded 16 times.)


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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2013, 04:26:04 PM »
Here are my calibrated settings for Printing PLA on the Replicator 2.

Hi, whpthomas,

We've started using KISSlicer with your PLA settings for our Replicator 2; thanks very much for sharing! However, we're experiencing some very odd quality/strength issues, despite every print being successful.

When we used your RepG settings, everything came out incredibly strong, especially when using 50-100% infill + 3 shells. With KISSlicer + your settings, though, each print has fantastic 100 micron surface finish, but the printed parts are wafer-thin, easily broken, and we're not actually confident 3 outer shells are being added, if any. We're also wondering if it's a matter of infill. We tried to print parts in KISSlicer with 100% infill and, while slightly stronger, came nowhere near 100% infill in RepG or Makerware; in RepG or Makerware, 100% infill would have resulted in a solid, strong, nearly-unbreakable part - not so in KISSlicer.

We've reached the end of our knowledge in terms of how to accurately improve the structural integrity of KISSlicer-produced prints. Every part we've printed is weak to the point of being silly, and many have been snapped when carefully tweezing away supports. Our latest round of prints have all been with 100% infill, but still the weak, poor integrity issues continue.

Note: We *do not yet have* a heated build plate upgrade from because they are still out of stock.


Hi, can you post the settings you use with Kisslicer?
Which settings do you use with RepG, only the main settings or a tweaked Skeinforge as well?
Kisslicer and RepG have a different approach to the calculation of Extrusion, so:
First reaction (I don't know your experience level): Have you set the filament diameter correct, according to different measurements with a caliper? 
As a Rep1 user it sounds you haven't set the diameter right. 
Second possibility is on the Printers/Hardware tab: Loop overlap: I have this set to 80%
With me is 100% infill really solid and strong.

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Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
Minimalistic Mk8 replacement by Emmett
Sailfish Firmware
Kisslicer Pro 1.1.0 Alpha


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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2013, 01:10:05 PM »
Calibrate your materials. I have zero issues of strength in KS produced parts.
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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2013, 08:13:47 AM »
Here are my calibrated settings for Printing PLA on the Replicator 2.

Hi, whpthomas,

We've started using KISSlicer with your PLA settings for our Replicator 2; thanks very much for sharing! However, we're experiencing some very odd quality/strength issues, despite every print being successful.

When we used your RepG settings, everything came out incredibly strong, especially when using 50-100% infill + 3 shells. With KISSlicer + your settings, though, each print has fantastic 100 micron surface finish, but the printed parts are wafer-thin, easily broken, and we're not actually confident 3 outer shells are being added, if any. We're also wondering if it's a matter of infill. We tried to print parts in KISSlicer with 100% infill and, while slightly stronger, came nowhere near 100% infill in RepG or Makerware; in RepG or Makerware, 100% infill would have resulted in a solid, strong, nearly-unbreakable part - not so in KISSlicer.

We've reached the end of our knowledge in terms of how to accurately improve the structural integrity of KISSlicer-produced prints. Every part we've printed is weak to the point of being silly, and many have been snapped when carefully tweezing away supports. Our latest round of prints have all been with 100% infill, but still the weak, poor integrity issues continue.

Note: We *do not yet have* a heated build plate upgrade from because they are still out of stock.



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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2013, 09:37:12 PM »
Here are my settings for my Bukobot Duo.  I am only printing in PLA for now and getting great results, loading gcode into RepitierHost and running from 100 to 130 speed.  As far as Temps, thay are at 200 in the material so Gcode generated for temp.  I leave the feedrate at 100 but best results I have with current settings I turn down Flow to 93.  Loving this software.  Thanks again Jonathan  ;D
* (2.96 kB - downloaded 9 times.)


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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2013, 11:28:58 PM »
My CORRECT setting for makerbot Replicator 2X, ABS and PLA, firmware 7.2 official.

UPDATED 8 may 2013
* Replicator2X_Dualhead_ks111.rar (2.98 kB - downloaded 45 times.)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 04:22:18 AM by Wundel »


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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2013, 04:33:45 AM »
Here are my calibrated settings for Printing PLA on the Replicator 2.

The Nylon settings are still a work in progress.
* KISSlicer Replicator 2 INI (4.1 kB - downloaded 73 times.)

lonesock (Jonathan)

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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2013, 11:39:18 AM »
Thanks, everybody!


P.S.  If you have a STL of the printer bed, feel free to attach it!
*A2TD : "Added to the ToDo list"


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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2013, 10:57:49 PM »
The last few printers "off the line" have had consistent settings so I figured it's about time that I posted.
* (1.85 kB - downloaded 38 times.)


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Re: Makerbot Replicator 2 (Sailfish firmware) with FIRMWARE destringing
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2013, 09:51:13 PM »
Same as the other settings for the Replicator 2, but the settings changed under materials and printers, letting the Sailfish firmware do the destringing in stead of Kisslicer with the M101 and M103 command.
Not possible for Makerbot firmware.

Thanks again Bart!


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« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2013, 11:02:04 AM »
Makerbot Replicator 1 dual (Sailfish and Makerbot firmware)

Updated for the Kisslicer 1.1.0 Release candidate 1    11-3-2013. The profiles are working with absolute E without reset. This firmware setting should work with Sailfish and Makerbot Firmware. RepG 40 has to be used for dual printing. 
Dan of Sailfish pointed out that there are less problems to be expected when printing Dual with SD. So, when possible when printing Dual, avoid printing over USB.

aditional note 8-3-2013: there are some problems with the extruder change with G92 E0 comands in it, because of some problems in ReplicatorG. To avoid it change to the Makerbot style of firmware. You still can use Sailfish firmware in your bot. That has nothing to do with all.

I was just pointed by Dan the Sailfish firmware, to the reason of all this. 
I have to read further to get it all, but shortly, for printing dual, and probably with one extruder as well, it's the best to generate Gcode with the Makerbot flavor of Firmware, with endless adding E and no G92 E0 comand at the extruder change.
So with the Makerbot firmware choosen on the Printer tab, the minimum for a toolchange is:
M108 T<EXT+0>
No G92 E0 command anywhere in the Select or Deselect Gcode tab of that printer profile.
M104 S<TEMP> commands are not a problem to have it in.

Also, it makes a difference to print with USB or SD card. With SD card is advised for now.

Settings are updated 8-3-2013

Download and extract the version of Kisslicer of choice. It's not going to be installed, just click on the program file in the folder just extracted to. You can make a shortcut to it of course.
  • Download and extract the settings of choice; copy / paste / overwrite  them in the same folder as the program.
  • Open Kisslicer, click settings and set the settings level to expert
  • Click 'open' to load a stl (or drag and drop). You can scale and rotate objects. Multi-objects with the Pro version. It can be done with the menu on top for all objects at once as well.
  • In the menu on top you can define the color scheme and disable auto rotating as well.
  • With the slider under 'show settings' you can define the print speed , defined in the settings of each printer (see the "printer" speed tab of the settings). There are sliders as well which let you define the position of the object as well. With copy and delete profile you can add or delete the various settings of the folowing tabs:
  • On the style tab set the settings to use as  layer height, infill percentage. Check the destring box when not already. The inset surface let you adjust the size of the object little in XY direction (0.1mm makes it a little smaller, -0.1mm a little bigger. Only small numbers advised)
  • On the support tab: if wanted: set the settings to generate the external support structure as well Raft structure. Support can be limited to a height entered. Sheath is an extra shell around the support structure to make it more stable.
  • The material tab is a library of settings for each material you own. These settings (as well the belonging Matl Gcode tab) are the only ones of all tabs not applied for slicing directly. Under the tab "printer" subtab "extruder" you set the material to be used for slicing.
    • Measure you filament and adjust the diameter. Use working values for the temperature settings. The "keep warm value" is only used for printing with dual extruders. Adjust the Bed temperature.
    • The destring settings: Before a travel: retraction is Suck; After a travel, before starting the actual print extruding a little is Prime. Before travel going back a little on the already extruded path is Wipe. Minimum jump is used for the Wipe function. Trigger is used for the Prime and suck function. Set them both to 5mm. I find 0.5mm suck and prime good starting settings, as well 10mm wipe path.
    • Minimum layer time can force to slow down (for PLA) preventing the object is getting to hot and soft.
    • Z-lift is going up when also a destring is triggered when traveling
    • Flow tweak is a more advanced feature. Set it to 0.1 to 10, a range being handled by the Replicators.
  • The Tab "Matl Gcode" is actually a subtab for each material being used. This specific Gcode you entered here (example: an extra suck when printing dual)  <MATL> can be inserted (nested) in the Gcodes belonging to each Printer setting.
  • The tab Printer defines the specific setting for each printer type. The tab "Ptr Gcode' is belonging to each printer setting, and is actually a subtab of each printer setting.
      • the subtab Hardware under printers is describing bed size and offset. As gadget you can load a stl of your printer to be shown in the 3D window.
      • the Firmware tab let choose the flavor your printer takes. Absolute E for Sailfish (generating G92 E0 commands with each layer change and extruder change) and the Makerbot flavor to use with MB firmware. The "mark path start/stop" will generate M101/3 commands in the Gcode, usable with Sailfish retraction and prime. When using the Sailfish retraction and Prime, unmark the destring option at the Style tab. When using Kisslicer Destring set it to "none"
      • under Extruders you define the materials to be used for slicing. The PRO version has to be used to let it generate support extruded by the Second extruder. Ext1=T0. Ext2=T1.
      • The Speed tab let you define the minimum and maximum speed to be used. The final speed of slicing has to be set with the slider next to the setting box. Watch the extra features as first layer, travel and Z speed. The acceleration value is only for calculating print time.
  • The Ptr G-code tab is actually a subtab of each printer setting. In this tabs you set the prefix (start) Gcode as Postfix (end) Gcode. The Select and deselect tabs are used for printing dual to define the Extruder change. For example, they can be used to lower the temp of the inactive extruder to reduce oozing. (the keep-warm value on the material tab and inserted by the token <TEMP>.
  • Under Misc (Pro version)  you can define the resolution of slicing (0.05 for detailed objects, 0.1 for normal and 0.15 for simple objects). The value crowning thresholdtries to squeeze in additional extrusion paths, to avoid voids in especially thin walled objects. For a lot of settings of Kisslicer you can use the value -1 to disable it.
  • When ready with the settings press the slice button. First it generates the 3D Gcode to be 3D examined on the model+path option above the 3D window, or 2D with the "path" option. When everything is OK, press the save button for the final Gcode.
  • Copy and paste that Gcode into ReplicatorG40 for Makerbot firmware, or ReplicatorG40 Sailfish version, for Sailfish firmware; to be used with Gcode with G92 E0 commands.
  • Generate x3g Gcode with ReplicatorG. Copy the generated x3g file to the SD card mounted in your PC, insert after that the SD card in the Replicator and choose "print from SD card".
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* Makerbot Replicator 1.stl (615.02 kB - downloaded 32 times.)
* Kisslicer 1.1.0 R1 - Makerbot Replicator 1.1.0 R1 11-3-2013.rar (224.4 kB - downloaded 79 times.)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 02:35:33 PM by funbart »
Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
Minimalistic Mk8 replacement by Emmett
Sailfish Firmware
Kisslicer Pro 1.1.0 Alpha


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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2013, 11:12:20 AM »
I forgot to mention that I always set up my bed + head temperature by hand, so my config and gcode preamble don't do that.


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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2013, 06:46:14 AM »
Printer: Cartesio M (V0.7) from
PLA only for now. still todo are ABS and Taulmans Nylon 

Printer G-code
- used <MATL> in prefix and <BED> in N-layer to increase bed temp for first layer only 
- prefix includes wiping action before printing (Cartesio has a nozzle cleaner 'brush' attached to the bed)      

- last line in prefix code ('G1 Z.05') is used to fix an error in Z height on our machine after homing (still working on that)
- had to tweak bed-offset to 80,150 to get prints centred properly, not sure why (should be 105,100)   

And credits should go to The Hague University, Human Kinetic Technology. They've payed for this 3D printer and my salary :) 

* (2.82 kB - downloaded 15 times.)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 07:13:13 AM by Nutville »
Human Kinetic Technology, The Hague University

Printer: Cartesio M V0.7 (
Firmware: Marlin


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Re: Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2013, 09:41:17 PM »
I mostly tweaked the high-quality 20%-fill settings for a mesh of 45-degree overhangs, and I only use PLA.

* (3.03 kB - downloaded 72 times.)

lonesock (Jonathan)

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Please post your machine settings (for v1.1.0 Beta)
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2013, 08:56:57 AM »
Hi, everybody!

If you have a working profile for the latest Beta version of KISSlicer here on the forum, could you please zip up the 4 INI files and attach them to a single post here?  I would like to collect as many good starting points as I can...the release is just around the corner!

  • Please use the convention:
  • Post your name or username as you would want me to credit you
  • Describe anything special about your setting (e.g. "Works really well with thin walls")
  • List any possible problems (e.g. "ABS settings are too hot", or "Uses my non-standard extruder design")
  • This isn't a good thread for a discussion, I would just like to collect as many machine settings as possible, as soon as possible  [8^)



Jan 16, 2014, 3:04:33 PM1/16/14
Attached my latest settings (26-1-2014)  for the Makerbot replicator 1 dual, together with gpx postprocessing.
(including windows 64 version of the beta Kisslicer
Kisslicer 1.2.0 - Replicator 1 dual incl

nimra killio

Jan 16, 2014, 11:49:20 PM1/16/14
something is wrong, my extruder kept crashing into the end of printer thank god i was fast enough to turn it off before something ugly happen

sailfish 7.5 , replicator 1 dual

do you know what went wrong?
i already reset to factory setting


Jan 17, 2014, 9:40:34 AM1/17/14
No idea, maybe haunted by ghosts ;-)
Please post the zipped Gcode which caused the crash (check the "include comments" box at the printer tab).

To be sure: when you use Sailfish, you have to use a special version of ReplicatorG as well! You have to set the right "sailfish version" as your printer and modify the URL at the preferences tab.
Had you set the firmware to the 'new coordinate system"?
It is important that when upgrading to Sailfish 4.6 and 7.6, that you must also upgrade to ReplicatorG 40r22 - Sailfish or later. 


ken grant

May 26, 2014, 11:10:20 AM5/26/14
I would to download your file to help me out; but the link does not seem to work.  Anybody and clues


May 27, 2014, 9:48:50 AM5/27/14
Hi, you are sure? The attachment files of the first post are downloading with me (on chrome, click 'download')

Otherwise I upload some updated ini files the coming days (including gpx). Are you on a Mac or Windows?



May 27, 2014, 2:09:22 PM5/27/14
I know this is the first time you guys have seen me post over here but I want to say thanks for all the information in this thread. Most everything I am experimenting with is Replicator-1 based designs running Sailfish firmware.
I'll try to share back my relevant profiles and settings in this Replicator-1 thread as well.
Again, it's amazing product and between just plain good code, what makes it stand out is the community behind the support creating good solid profiles like the ones found here.
A special thanks to funBart for getting me involved.


May 27, 2014, 3:50:25 PM5/27/14
Hello Jetguy! Welcome.

@ ken: I have cleaned my settings for the Replicator 1 Dual a bit for the current Beta of Kisslicer 1.4.14, the Mac version. Attached to this post.
The settings should work as well with the Kisslicer Windows version, but won't work with GPX, as that program needs the windows version of GPX / is using a different path in the post processing field. It worked with older versions of Kisslicer, but not at the moment. When I have it working, I post that settings as well.

I have updated the instructions a bit:

Makerbot Replicator 1 dual (Sailfish and Makerbot firmware)

Updated for Kisslicer  Beta MAC version. Profiles can be used for the free Kisslicer version as well, but only the PRO version is capable to print multicolor.

Extract /rename the zip file and copy the content to a folder called „Kisslicer”  to the Application folder of your Mac. The profiles are working with absolute E without reset (as Makerbot firmware has a problem with G92E0 commands). This firmware settings should work with Sailfish and Makerbot Firmware. 

Recommended is to use Sailfish firmware and the belonging ReplicatorG Sailfish version. Currently I use ReplicatorG 40r23 - Sailfish (can be found as downloads of Thingiverse Thing 32084) and Sailfish 7.6Instruction for that can be found on . Read carefully.

Included is the program GPX of WingCommander ( This program automatically spits out x3g code as well when generating gcode by Kisslicer. Make sure that the Post Proces field under the Printer // Firmware tab is pointing to the correct location. The ini files of gpx are already changed to work with the Replicator 1 dual. The x3g files generated has to be copied to a SD card and used in the Replicator to print. 

There are less problems to be expected when printing with SD. So, when possible avoid printing over USB.

When not using GPX: RepG 40r23 can be be used as well to generate x3g code or print. For that there are 3 profiles (the three first ones under the Printer tab) that *should* generate gcode that will be processed by ReplicatorG. (mainly the start / extruder change / endcode are the ‚old way’  and it’s using E values for extrusion). I haven’t used them lately, so check the Gcode fields / compare them with normally used Gcodes with your printer.

There are three profiles as well with a „Makerware” style (and usable with GPX). These profiles are using „A” and „B” for extrusion for the two extruders. The Gcode fields are updated as well to „Makerware” style. The Gcode generated by these profiles can’t be used with replicatorG (as it doesn’t understand them). I use them only together with GPX which does understand that Gcode and converts it correct to x3g files. I only print with these files / printer settings at the moment. I hadn’t had success to import these „Makerware style” Gcode files in Makerware yet btw….

Short Guide:

  • Open Kisslicer, click settings and set the settings level to expert
  • Click 'open' to load a stl (or drag and drop). You can scale and rotate objects. Multi-objects with the Pro version. Multicolored objects can now be sliced as well. With the preferences set correct (Load multiple stl's into a single model checked) , you can select multi stl’s when clicking the „open” button. They keep the original position to each other as exported from the Modeller. When clicking the picture of the imported stl’s a new window opens and you can assign the extruders (colors) to all found Meshes.  
  • In the menu on top you can define the color scheme and disable auto rotating as well. 
    • With the slider under 'show settings' you can define the print speed , defined in the settings of each printer (see the "printer" speed tab of the settings). There are sliders as well which let you define the position of the object as well. With copy and delete profile you can add or delete the various settings of the following tabs:
    • On the style tab set the settings to use as  layer height, infill percentage. I have set different profiles: always check the Infill% and infill style (I mostly use the fast „straight” infill style). Check the destring box when not already. I had different results with „wipe”. I disable it mostly. The inset surface let you adjust the size of the object little in XY direction (0.1mm makes it a little smaller, -0.1mm a little bigger. Only small numbers advised). The seam hiding box has influence on the startpoint of each layer.
    • On the support tab: if wanted: set the settings to generate the external support structure as well Raft structure. Support can be limited to a height entered. Sheath is an extra shell around the support structure to make it more stable. The prime Pillar is handy when printing dual, as the inactive extruder is oozing.
      • The material tab is a library of settings for each material you own. These settings (as well the belonging Matl Gcode tab) are the only ones of all tabs not applied for slicing directly. Under the tab "printer" subtab "extruder" you set the material to be used for slicing.
        • Measure you filament and adjust the diameter. A GOOD TWEAKED FILAMENT DIAMETER IS THE BASE OF A GOOD PRINT. Use working values for the temperature settings. To prefent Oozing set it as low as possible in relation to the print speed. The "keep warm value" is only used for printing with dual extruders. Adjust the Bed temperature.
        • The destring settings: Before a travel: retraction is Suck; After a travel, before starting the actual print extruding a little is Prime. Before travel going back a little on the already extruded path is Wipe. Minimum jump is used for the Wipe function. Trigger is used for the Prime and suck function. Set them both to 5mm. I find 0.5mm suck and prime good starting settings, ( as well 5mm wipe path when actually using wipe).
        • Minimum layer time can force to slow down (for PLA) preventing the object is getting to hot and soft.
        • Z-lift is going up when also a destring is triggered when traveling
        • Flow tweak is a more advanced feature. Set it to 1, as measuring the filament diameter is the first step to do. It only need to be adjusted for very specific prints / materials maybe and in a range of 0.9 to 1.1. About the Max flow: Normally I have set it to 10, but when printing dual, and wanting to print a color slower than the other, you can tweak it to 2.5 or so. Check the generated Gcode for the resulting speeds.
      • The Tab "Matl Gcode" is actually a subtab for each material being used. This specific Gcode you entered here (example: an extra suck when printing dual)  <MATL> can be inserted (nested) in the Gcodes belonging to each Printer setting.
      • The tab Printer defines the specific setting for each printer type. The tab "Ptr Gcode' is belonging to each printer setting, and is actually a subtab of each printer setting.
          • the subtab Hardware under printers is describing bed size and offset. As gadget you can load a stl of your printer to be shown in the 3D window. The Bed Roughness / Z offset fields can be used to make a fatter first layer.
          • the Firmware tab let choose the flavor your printer takes. Absolute E for Sailfish (generating G92 E0 commands with each layer change and extruder change) and the Makerbot flavor to use with MB firmware. The "mark path start/stop" will generate M101/3 commands in the Gcode, usable with Sailfish retraction and prime. When using the Sailfish retraction and Prime, unmark the destring option at the Style tab. When using Kisslicer Destring set it to "none"
          • The Speed tab let you define the minimum and maximum speed to be used. The final speed of slicing has to be set with the slider next to the setting box. Watch the extra features as first layer, travel and Z speed. The acceleration value is only for calculating print time. 
          • The Extruder Hardware tab is define the letter to be used for extrusion (normally „E”, but Makerware style „A” and „B”)
          • under Extruders Materials  you define the materials to be used for slicing and has to correspond with the actually used filament in the extruder. (Again: the settings of these  materials are set in the „library” under the Material tab)
          • The PRO version has to be used to let it generate support extruded by the Second extruder. Ext1=T0. Ext2=T1. 
        • The  G-code tab is actually a subtab of each printer setting. In this tabs you set the prefix (start) Gcode as Postfix (end) Gcode. The Select and deselect tabs are used for printing dual to define the Extruder change. For example, they can be used to lower the temp of the inactive extruder to reduce oozing. (the keep-warm value on the material tab and inserted by the token <TEMP>.
        • Under Misc (Pro version)  you can define the resolution of slicing (0.05 for detailed objects, 0.1 for normal and 0.15 for simple objects). The value crowning threshold tries to squeeze in additional extrusion paths, to avoid voids in especially thin walled objects. For a lot of settings of Kisslicer you can use the value -1 to disable it. Set the RAM warning / threads to mach your machine, as when set to high it’s possible to freeze your complete computer.
        • When ready with the settings press the slice button. First it generates the 3D Gcode to be 3D examined on the model+path option above the 3D window, or 2D with the "path" option. When everything is OK, press the save button for the final Gcode.
        • When using the „Makerware” style gcode you have to use it with GPX. When set ok it should be done atomatically.  When not: it’s possible to drag and drop a gcode file on the gpx program as well to generate x3g code. Copy the x3g file to a SD card and use it in the Replicator to print. 
        • When using the three „old style”  profiles with „E” as extrusion value: copy and paste the Gcode into ReplicatorG40  Sailfish version, 
        • Generate x3g Gcode with ReplicatorG. Copy the generated x3g file to the SD card mounted in your PC, insert after that the SD card in the Replicator and choose "print from SD card".
          Kisslicer Mac Makerbot Replicator 1 dual with gpx - extract to application folder.rename zip
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