Successful Dual-Color Prints with 1.5 beta

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Hans Luther

Sep 27, 2014, 12:28:33 AM9/27/14
The release of version 1.5 beta was exciting, to say the least.  I tried printing dual-material when I first got my Felix 2.0 back in April of 2014, but it never really worked.

After downloading the new 1.5 beta version and was pretty much successful with the first attempt. It took easily 20-30 cycles of tweaking the settings and validating the results, but I am impressed.

I wrote a detailed post on my experience, discussing every setting that I tweaked during the process. It's fairly lengthy so I am not going to replicate it over here, but check it out on my blog:
The results, with pictures before and after tweaking the KISSlicer profile can be seen here:

I would love to hear if others have tried dual-color (dual-material) prints with the latest version and what their experience was! Any suggestions on how to further improve the profile I've come up with would be great!


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