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Dec 18, 2013, 5:17:33 PM12/18/13
Topic: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll (CLOSED) (Read 8423 times)
funbart <;u=379>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #24 on:* January 22, 2013, 02:06:02 AM »

- Quote<;quote=2783;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>
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Quote from: karabas on January 21, 2013, 09:41:26 PM<>

I would like to have additional:

1. smart support - support for big overhangs but no support for small holes
whichare easy to print without.

2. more Inset control. Currenty if I apply inset internal diameters
becomebigger and external ones become smaller. But external were correct!
but become smaller.
So Inset-int and Inset-out or smth like this

@1: do you mean bridging perhaps: gaps are bridged by an extrusion (only
possible when there are two points to connect between, well, a bridge). If
so then that item is in de list.
@2 I add more inset control. I suppose inset works because it defines an
'inside' and 'outside' of a single and manifold volume described by the
stl. In that way it makes the outside in XY direction smaller or bigger,
but I don't know how nested volumes are treated. Jonathan does ;-)

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karabas <;u=264>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #23 on:* January 21, 2013, 09:41:26 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2778;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

I would like to have additional:

1. smart support - support for big overhangs but no support for small holes
whichare easy to print without.

2. more Inset control. Currenty if I apply inset internal diameters
becomebigger and external ones become smaller. But external were correct!
but become smaller.
So Inset-int and Inset-out or smth like this

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sneakypoo <;u=580>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #22 on:* January 21, 2013, 01:46:39 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2774;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

Yeah I can see the value as a reference list.

And no, I didn't create a second account just to vote in this poll. If you
take a look I registered back in November, long before this poll was
started. The name is just a silly nick that stuck with me. I used it when I
was "smurfing" (playing under a different name than usual to stay
incognito) years ago in ut2k4 and it just kinda stuck hehe.
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funbart <;u=379>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #21 on:* January 21, 2013, 11:41:44 AM »

- Quote<;quote=2764;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>
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Yes I know, the poll Interface hasn't many (if any) options.
It doubles as a reference list though, for all wishes and give some
insight how many people specific items desire.
So, the votes under "additional" are the only ones with limitation in vote

I can only reset the complete poll, and everybody has to vote again (what's
a little overdone IMO), or I can add a second poll for the additions in the
Poll. Not so clear either.
Or, when you want to add a vote for an item, post it here, and in a couple
of weeks, when this poll ends, I correct it for the final results.
You can also make a second account to add some votes if you want! Or did
you do that already because of your username / only one post? No Problem
of course!

The Poll gives just some insight in the wanted items. I can imagine
Jonathan implement the easy ones that several users would see in KS. But
difficult ones like the "step-over" item as well "fuzzy slicing" is not
likely to be implemented I think.
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« *Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 11:53:27 AM by funbart* »
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sneakypoo <;u=580>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #20 on:* January 21, 2013, 11:25:14 AM »

- Quote<;quote=2761;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

Continually adding more options when people who have already voted cant
change their vote is a bit silly IMHO. I voted on this shortly after it was
first posted and there's still options being added.
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funbart <;u=379>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #19 on:* January 21, 2013, 08:22:05 AM »

- Quote<;quote=2749;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>
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Quote from: malsais on January 21, 2013, 04:27:15 AM<>

i wish to have more option on cooling system

What do you have in mind? Print Cooling or hardware cooling
Cooling by slower printing, or by active cooling like a fan blowing at the
I believe QU-BD comes with watercooling for the extruders as well a
combined milling / 3D printing bot with water pouring on the object when

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malsais <;u=295>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #18 on:* January 21, 2013, 04:27:15 AM »

- Quote<;quote=2743;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

i wish to have more option on cooling system
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billyzelsnack <;u=244>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #17 on:* January 20, 2013, 09:15:39 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2741;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

Opensource has led us here only because that's our only timeline. It's easy
to imagine many other timelines where we are further ahead than we are
today. That might be fun, but not useful. What I believe is that a higher
velocity of advancement requires the release of source code. Source code is
not a requirement to stand on the shoulders of others.

Jonathan has advanced the state of the art in slicing software on the merit
of his software. The availability of his superior slicer regardless of its
source availability pushes up the bar for all slicers including opensource
ones. Competition is beneficial and should be celebrated.
« *Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 09:12:04 AM by billyzelsnack* »
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Sublime <;u=574>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #16 on:* January 20, 2013, 08:52:57 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2740;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

Quote from: billyzelsnack on January 20, 2013, 08:18:19 PM<>

Quote from: Sublime on January 06, 2013, 08:57:17 PM<>

The part that always gets me is if it were not for people like Zack Hoeken
for writing the first gcode interpreter and releasing it openly NONE of us
would be doing any of this as all our machines including BFB and Makerbot
still use firmware derived from that original program.

This is like arguing that 3d printers would not exist if Charles Hull
didn't make the first one. The technology bar raises when somebody raises
it and shows everyone the new bar. The availability of source code showing
how the bar was raised does not matter. All that matters is that the bar is

Actually it is nothing like that. I did not say 3d printers would not exist
but rather it would not be at a level that all of Us could be doing it
right now if it were not for the people that gave away there work. If
everyone was like Charles Hull only big business would be using crappy slow
million dollar machines. It was the efforts of the people in open source
that made it accessible. It did not have to be any of the people I
mentioned because others would step in a take their place but it would have
to be someone that released the info openly for Us to be doing any of this.
I do not think you could possibly argue this since all of us use machines
derived from opesource roots. If they were not there regardless of who put
them there we would not be doing this. Hence how opensource has lead us
here, no if's, and's or buts about it.
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billyzelsnack <;u=244>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #15 on:* January 20, 2013, 08:18:19 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2739;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

Quote from: Sublime on January 06, 2013, 08:57:17 PM<>

The part that always gets me is if it were not for people like Zack Hoeken
for writing the first gcode interpreter and releasing it openly NONE of us
would be doing any of this as all our machines including BFB and Makerbot
still use firmware derived from that original program.

This is like arguing that 3d printers would not exist if Charles Hull
didn't make the first one. The technology bar raises when somebody raises
it and shows everyone the new bar. The availability of source code showing
how the bar was raised does not matter. All that matters is that the bar is
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funbart <;u=379>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #14 on:* January 20, 2013, 01:00:12 PM »

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added a wish regarding changeable loop numbers at a given layer
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funbart <;u=379>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #13 on:* January 07, 2013, 10:55:12 AM »

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Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on January 07, 2013, 09:44:40 AM<>

I think this poll is a great idea. Sorry for the limited polling tools
available on this forum software.

Good it's basic, it hasn't to be to serious!

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on January 07, 2013, 09:44:40 AM<>

Also, I request that people be free to ask for anything they want, without
generating too much discussion. The Open Source request is a great

Totally agree, I added the request. But the discussions are great ;-)

Your attitude is open source though! Thanks.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #12 on:* January 07, 2013, 09:44:40 AM »

- Quote<;quote=2533;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

I think this poll is a great idea. Sorry for the limited polling tools
available on this forum software.

Also, I request that people be free to ask for anything they want, without
generating too much discussion. The Open Source request is a great
example. I never mind people asking, in fact I love much of the OS
concept. Quick personal opinion: I find when I release something open
source (CSM, SOIL), I do enough to satisfy myself, then mentally say, "If
anyone wants something else, they can do it themselves...the code is right
there!" However, this does not help the majority of's more of
an abandonment. For this one project I thought to myself, "For once I
would like to make an actual project and sell it, one where I try to polish
it as best I can." I will keep working on KISSlicer, listening to
feedback, bug reports, requests, etc. KISSlicer is a "labor of love", it
started as a hobby, grew into something useful, and is finally is its own
little project, with an actual user-base! OK, sorry for the long
digression. [8^)

Keep it up, everyone, and please know I think this forum has one of the
best signal-to-noise ratios on the internet, thanks to *you*!

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funbart <;u=379>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #11 on:* January 07, 2013, 08:46:21 AM »

- Quote<;quote=2529;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>
- Modify<;msg=2529;topic=361.50>
- Remove<;topic=361.50;msg=2529;a5d74a15dd7d=b9fd1c83b5bfe2a9eef4d02a64793a07>

HA! I have to add "Polls that trigger emotions are even more funny".

But it triggered me thinking..

I use Slic3r as much as Kisslicer. With the latest version of Slic3r, with
multiple colored object's, and because straight stl's resulting in straight
lines in Gcodes is it sometimes the better choice for me.
Kisslicer on the other hand is the best when it comes to support
generation, speed, 3D / 2D Gcode visualisation as well predictable results
when adjusting settings.

To be honest, Slic3R and Kisslicer are more and more alike when following
the development the past months.
When it's true what's claimed, that Slic3r generates that much funds, it's
pretty amazing.

Slic3R is open source. More ore less. Well it's open source but at the end
everybody wants the real thing: the official versions of Allessandro.
I forked Slic3R as well. I almost don't understand anything of it, but I
found just that setting I needed to tweak: What's standard in KS: the
distance of the Support structure to the object. I suggested to implement a
setting for that, but you have to document, clarify and so and it isn't
getting in.
You have to be a code expert to really change the open source code to
implement settings and have a good derivative.

But when it comes to specific printer Gcode there are several people being
able to implement that code (for Sailfish, Marlin etc.). But it takes time
that the proud Italian Coder actually merges that initiatives. But, it
leaves a little bit of Independence to well educated users, to have these
settings adjusted for that specific printer.

But, same as Kisslicer, there are more and more Gcode fields with various
placeholders available in the standard version of Slic3r. Having that, you
don't have to be a code expert anymore. Each user can tweak the specific
printer needed settings in the free Gcode fields.
That's the reason I keep asking Jonathan to implement more and more of that
free Gcode fields and enough and clear placeholders.
When more agree with this, we should make an effort to expand and make more
clear the needed items for these Gcode fields. Than it's a really universal

That said: for an average (as well an experienced user), there is no
difference between software using an open source idea (for almost
everybody to difficult to change and recode) or a closed source.
At the end I have the feeling that Jonathan really is listening and trying
to implement wishes, and that's more open source to me than the Github open
source " to difficult to recode myself" way with " difficult to
communicate and convince" developers.

But I add an extra item: "Kisslicer benefits when it's open source" as well
"It make no difference if Kisslicer is open or closed source"

At the end it's Jonathans product. He rules.


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« *Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 08:49:31 AM by funbart* »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #10 on:* January 06, 2013, 10:07:26 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2527;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

Who is attacking, here?

Quote from: Sublime on January 06, 2013, 08:57:17 PM<>

I do not want to get into an argument here.

But then you do.

Sigh. I know better than to get into a discussion on the Internet about
anything that some people feel so vehemently about. Their mind is made up
and they are going to pummel it into yours, no matter what.

I am merely supporting Jonathan and his application and his chosen business
model; not trying to change how he runs his business. My opinion is as
worthy of posting as yours.

Quote from: Sublime on January 06, 2013, 08:57:17 PM<>

But I would like to say this if it is about money then programs like Slic3r
make far more money per month than Johnathan is. They have received single
donations of more than a $1000 and lots under it. They also get a monthly
donation large enough to employ a second programmer.

That would come under the heading of: "Different Business Model" mentioned
above. Jonathan is certainly free to try adopting something like it if he
chooses and he thinks it will work for him but I find it ... interesting
... that the approach is to try to vote someone into giving away their
Intellectual Property.

You seem to know a lot about Slic3r.

Quote from: Sublime on January 06, 2013, 08:57:17 PM<>

That would mean Johnathan would not have made Kisslicer.

Interesting logic.

And there I go, getting into a discussion on the Internet about a polarized
topic.... Time to go do something fun.
« *Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 11:15:08 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Sublime <;u=574>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #9 on:* January 06, 2013, 08:57:17 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2526;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

This is not the place for this conversation I just wanted to have release
code added to the list. I do not want to get into an argument here. But I
would like to say this if it is about money then programs like Slic3r make
far more money per month than Johnathan is. They have received single
donations of more than a $1000 and lots under it. They also get a monthly
donation large enough to employ a second programmer. If it is about the
time invested that was a choice Johnathan made himself because he wanted a
better program than available at the time he started. The amount of time he
spends trying to make other people happy is a result of being closed source
and the user not being able to make the changes themselves or contribute
patches that would reduce the workload on Johnathan. Also Johnathan has
said in the past he may release the code to an older version.

I would far rather make the changes I want then ever ask to have it done
for me. But with Kisslicer we have no choice but to ask Johnathan for what
we want.

The part that always gets me is if it were not for people like Zack Hoeken
for writing the first gcode interpreter and releasing it openly NONE of us
would be doing any of this as all our machines including BFB and Makerbot
still use firmware derived from that original program. Then without people
like Enrique that wrote Skeinforge (the base of Axxon) that NONE of us
would be doing any of this. He does not even have a printer but made it
possible for all of us to own and use one. All the development that has
been made is a result of people openly releasing there work. Just imagine
where we would be if all the source of everything was open in the world.
Companies like BFB and Makerbot would not have even been started if it were
not for releasing the source to those programs. That would mean Johnathan
would not have made Kisslicer.

And remember if it is written on the web it is the opinion of the writer so
no need attack the writer for being honest about there views.
« *Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 09:36:36 PM by Sublime* »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #8 on:* January 06, 2013, 07:57:45 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2525;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

I wouldn't figure that Jonathan is going to release his source and I don't
blame him. He's put a lot of effort and time (both == $) into the
development of this and he well deserves to be compensated for his work.
This software is brilliant; better than any I've found elsewhere. Any
license sales that he would hope to reap after all of his sowing would be
pretty much gone. There'd be derivatives everywhere. Open Source is great
but projects that are going to be OS should start out with that fully in
mind. Yes, some (not many) ancient application versions do eventually
release to OS, but those companies have already reaped a huge amount of
revenue from wide-spread commercial sales OR they have another business
model that pays the bills. This isn't the case, here. Jonathan's call, of
« *Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 08:42:44 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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funbart <;u=379>

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #7 on:* January 06, 2013, 06:07:48 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2523;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>
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Quote from: joergengeerds on January 06, 2013, 05:30:55 PM<>

Quote from: Sublime on January 06, 2013, 03:28:29 PM<>

I think a huge portion of the RepRap world would like to see the source
released even if it was an old version so it could be made more RepRap
friendly as it is going more and more BFB and Makerbot and less and less
usable on RepRaps (especially the terminology used).

I agree with funbart, what makes you think reprap are excluded? Ultimaker
(related to repraps) is running marlin FW, and KS has become a huge darling
in that community (as you can see from yes there rae some
things to get used to it, but nothing screams "no repraps".

Funbart: thanks for setting up the poll
PS: "more control over bridging" is a bit a euphemism: bridging in itself,
or any control over bridging would be nice.

changed... Obviously I'm not native English speaking, so when there are
disturbing language ' things' , please let hear.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #6 on:* January 06, 2013, 05:30:55 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2522;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

Quote from: Sublime on January 06, 2013, 03:28:29 PM<>

I think a huge portion of the RepRap world would like to see the source
released even if it was an old version so it could be made more RepRap
friendly as it is going more and more BFB and Makerbot and less and less
usable on RepRaps (especially the terminology used).

I agree with funbart, what makes you think reprap are excluded? Ultimaker
(related to repraps) is running marlin FW, and KS has become a huge darling
in that community (as you can see from yes there rae some
things to get used to it, but nothing screams "no repraps".

Funbart: thanks for setting up the poll
PS: "more control over bridging" is a bit a euphemism: bridging in itself,
or any control over bridging would be nice.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #5 on:* January 06, 2013, 03:54:43 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2520;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>
- Modify<;msg=2520;topic=361.50>
- Remove<;topic=361.50;msg=2520;a5d74a15dd7d=b9fd1c83b5bfe2a9eef4d02a64793a07>

Quote from: Sublime on January 06, 2013, 03:28:29 PM<>

I think a huge portion of the RepRap world would like to see the source
released even if it was an old version so it could be made more RepRap
friendly as it is going more and more BFB and Makerbot and less and less
usable on RepRaps (especially the terminology used).

I add Reprap friendly.
Well the terminology is different for all slicers I use. Not so difficult
to learn IMO.

But to understand: the basics are the 'firmware flavors" in the Gcode tab.
Is there an essential one missing?
What is specific about Reprap? Just curious.

Further, it should be handy to be able to influence the codes used in
But the free Gcode fields are giving almost all that possibilities I think.

Maybe there are more and clearer Placeholders needed?

But a minor one which giving me troubles: the G92 E0 line placed *after *the
Toolchange with Absolute E.
Would be nice that's not generated (I can put it in the Warm or Coolcode)
or you must be able to determine the position.

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« *Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 11:01:10 AM by funbart* »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #4 on:* January 06, 2013, 03:28:29 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2519;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

I think a huge portion of the RepRap world would like to see the source
released even if it was an old version so it could be made more RepRap
friendly as it is going more and more BFB and Makerbot and less and less
usable on RepRaps (especially the terminology used).
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #3 on:* January 06, 2013, 12:38:22 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2518;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>
- Modify<;msg=2518;topic=361.50>
- Remove<;topic=361.50;msg=2518;a5d74a15dd7d=b9fd1c83b5bfe2a9eef4d02a64793a07>

Quote from: Polygonhell on January 06, 2013, 12:13:53 PM<>

I'd like more control over bridging, but it's not on the list.

just added
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll<>
« *Reply #2 on:* January 06, 2013, 12:13:53 PM »

- Quote<;quote=2517;topic=361.50;last_msg=6004>

I'd like more control over bridging, but it's not on the list.
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Topic: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 4 (Read 31014 times)
tedbeer <;u=887>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #74 on:* March 19, 2013, 02:29:39 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3655;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 18, 2013, 01:19:11 PM<>

I have one beta tester with the same flashing behavior. ... If not, does
setting (or removing?) some compatibility mode from the executable work?

I have Win7 x64, NVidia Quadro600 and flashing behavior. I just tested all
settings in System Properties - Performance Options.
When '*Enable desktop composition*' is on KS is flashing.
I found a question with some explanation<> of
the effect on MSDN.
« *Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 02:17:23 PM by tedbeer* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #73 on:* March 18, 2013, 10:52:53 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3654;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quick answers (I need to get to bed!):

@ Gijs: I can't duplicate the path gap...can you zip the model and
settings? Regarding the Aero flash, is there any chance your system has
dual graphics chipsets, and it switches modes when a 3D window is requested?

@ Jesper:'s a popular request. [8^) I will think more on this
after the release.

@ Sublime: right now anything that actually changes a path needs a
re-slice. I could fake the seam legs as a wipe, but that puts the destring
retract and prime in the wrong location. So, doable, but again I need to
push it off.

I'm really close to the release. I think I got the weird menu text
craziness and the speed slider tooltip problems. I'm trying to get my
Linux build environment up, and trying again to compile for 64-bits under
Mac. Aaaaalllmost there. [8^)

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #72 on:* March 18, 2013, 10:32:27 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3653;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

I just had a look at the seam control windows build in WINE and I notice it
forces a reslice which does not seem required. Also it would be nice if we
could keep the movement while just turning off the extrusion so the
perimeter movement and retractions starts and end inside the object.
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prinster <;u=668>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #71 on:* March 18, 2013, 05:18:33 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3650;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

"Support limit" would be awesome. One of the features I want all time.
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Kenzu <;u=1225>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #70 on:* March 18, 2013, 02:41:38 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3647;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Could you make a support "limit". Say I only want support for
bridges/overhangs bigger that ex. 5mm so alle my holes does not get
support. Or I only want support between layer 20-90 or 10mm-30mm.

Just a wish :-)

Still hope for bridges soon also.

Thanks for the best slicer

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Can you be a zero if you come before number one?
Gijs <;u=338>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #69 on:* March 18, 2013, 01:38:31 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3646;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

The infill bug only seems to be present with only 1 outer loop

as for the flashing: I tried your suggestions, but neither of those change
anything to the behavior
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #68 on:* March 18, 2013, 01:19:11 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3645;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>


OK, I haven't ever seen that before...I will try to duplicate.


EDIT: I have one beta tester with the same flashing behavior. I can not
duplicate that on either Win7 or Win8 (both 64-bit, both with nVidia
GPUs). If you change the advanced Windows setting to "Adjust for best
appearance" or "Let Windows choose what's best for my computer", does that
make a difference? If not, does setting (or removing?) some compatibility
mode from the executable work?
« *Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 01:23:17 PM by lonesock (Jonathan)* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #67 on:* March 18, 2013, 12:10:29 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3644;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 18, 2013, 10:34:22 AM<>

No idea on the 100% infill. It worked for me the last time I tried it.
I've been cheating recently and using 50% infill with the infill extrusion
set to 2x the extrusion width.

Try out this build. [8^) (win32 for now)


The seams on 0 works well for me :-)

I just noticed another infill bug, see attached.
PS: I think you've missed my remark about my display going black when
starting up Kisslicer (and losing the transparent 'aero' of windows 7)
[image: *] infill-bug-rc1.JPG<;topic=489.0;attach=1436> (33
kB, 409x486 - viewed 30 times.)
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JimZuber <;u=951>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #66 on:* March 18, 2013, 11:28:02 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3643;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

One comment on the GUI. After I slice an object, the "open" and "save"
buttons remain in the upper right hand section of the UI. Changes to the
settings for the same object cause do not always reset these buttons back
to "open" and "slice". I can see how some things such as changing the fan
setting would not require the entire object to be resliced. While others,
such as changing materials for an extruder would most likely trigger some
global changes in the gcode. However, in the later case, this does not
change the status of the buttons and they remain "open" and "save". To make
a long story short when making a series of changes to the same object I
find my self deleting the object, reopeneing it, then reslicing it just to
make sure that the changes I have made to the settings are in the gcode.
Regardless of what is going on under the hood, the current UI will leave
users a bit queasy as to whether there settings have really been
incorporated in the gcode. Not sure what the right solution is, as
obviously you don't want to go through a time consuming reslicing if it
isn't necessary, on the other hand there should be some feedback to the
user that "something" has happened to the gcode with they make changes to
the settings.
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lonesock (Jonathan)<;u=1>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #65 on:* March 18, 2013, 10:34:22 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3642;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

No idea on the 100% infill. It worked for me the last time I tried it.
I've been cheating recently and using 50% infill with the infill extrusion
set to 2x the extrusion width.

Try out this build. [8^) (win32 for now)


EDIT: removed the build...there is a newer version 23 or so posts farther
« *Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 02:30:55 PM by lonesock (Jonathan)* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #64 on:* March 18, 2013, 10:14:52 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3641;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Great, looking forward to that.

Do you have an explanation for the fact that my solid infill starts looking
sparse when extrusion width is set to 1 mm as in the photo I posted earlier?
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #63 on:* March 18, 2013, 08:38:18 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3640;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Thanks, Gijs.

The "extrusion width" applies to all loops and solids. The infill width is
actually only for sparse infill (and stacked sparse infill). For vases I
also use extrusion width set to 1 mm and a single loop. It works out quite

I just added in seam-start randomization, so that will be in the release.
You can pick anything from 0 degrees (current behavior) to 360 degrees (it
will be spread around the entire perimeter).

The seam crossover works well for me, and I believe this is because the
path length matches my printer's acceleration value. What I will do is add
in an option to set this length, and if you find it useful at some value,
great, otherwise a 0 would totally remove the crossover portion of the path.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #62 on:* March 18, 2013, 07:28:47 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3639;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

To illustrate the difference in seam quality between Cura and Kisslicer,
take a look at the attachment. Kisslicer produces an excessive seam
compared to Cura. The startpoints are more consistent in Kisslicer though.
These are prints with just a single wall, no infill
[image: *] seam-rc1.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1432> (193.83
kB, 640x478 - viewed 88 times.)
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Gijs <;u=338>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #61 on:* March 18, 2013, 04:35:48 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3637;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

One more 'bug' is that when Z-lift is enabled, it will lift not only when
traveling from one place to the next, but it also does this when going to
the next layer, while the printhead stays in the same location. I believe
this should be removed as it takes slightly more time and helps to form a
blob at a layer jump.
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Gijs <;u=338>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #60 on:* March 18, 2013, 04:26:48 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3636;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Another issue I found is with full infill. The settings suggest that there
is a printwidth for loops and one for infill. However, it looks like 100%
infill is not using the infill settings, is this correct?

What's strange, is that when I set the loops and infill printwidth to 1mm,
I don't get solid infill, as shown clearly in the image below.
Even though my nozzle size is 0.4, I should be able to print fatter lines.
In Cura this is perfectly possible. It is a perfect way to print hollow
objects with only one outer loop.
In the attached image, the spacing between the lines of the 'solid' infill
is correct (1mm) however the printed lines are only about 0.6mm wide. The
outer wall is also a bit smaller at about 0.92mm
[image: *] infill-rc1.JPG<;topic=489.0;attach=1427> (158.2
kB, 640x478 - viewed 42 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #59 on:* March 17, 2013, 03:05:03 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3630;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Gijs on March 17, 2013, 02:35:05 PM<>

Quote from: Sublime on March 17, 2013, 02:16:37 PM<>

Quote from: Gijs on March 17, 2013, 02:04:48 PM<>

As for the big seam that Kisslicer produces, I was doing a little
investigation comparing Kisslicer and Cura and noticed that Kisslicer makes
a weird move at the beginning of each path. I always thought the little
arrow was just an indication of the path start, but when I printed really
slowly, I noticed that this little arrow is in fact part of the print path.

The little arrow I am talking about is what you see in the attached picture.

That makes the move start and end inside the part which reduces the bump.
In my case it actually makes a small divit which is great as it can be
filled instead of removed. I would think if you are getting a blob is has
to do with something completely different. Maybe attach your config.

I don't think there is anything wrong with my config. Cura does not produce
such a fat seam. If it is a feature I'd like to know from Jonathan what the
idea is behind this additional extrusion at each start and end of the path.
In case you have several loops, then the inner loops can actualy push this
extra extrusion to the outside, which makes the seam more visible and you
can also feel the bump. If it is a feature, then I hope we get an option to
switch it off.

I always thought that was just a move outwards at the beginning and inwards
at the end to make them disappear but after your last comment I sliced a
simple cube and had a look at the code and sure enough it is an extrusion
move. This is probably another one of those features that are a result of
being used with DC extruders that end up not starting and stopping as quick
as a stepper extruder. I would agree that it should most likely not be on
for 5D machines. Although strange thing is it really does not leave a bump
for me. Here is a video of Nopheads Mendel 90 calibration part I printed on
Tantillus that has opening for M3 and M4 nuts which both have a seam in
them where the nuts fit perfectly.,191596,192429#msg-192429 The picture in
the post of the large M6 nut cavity you can see where the seam is and how
small it is.
« *Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 05:31:31 PM by Sublime* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #58 on:* March 17, 2013, 02:35:05 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3629;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Sublime on March 17, 2013, 02:16:37 PM<>

Quote from: Gijs on March 17, 2013, 02:04:48 PM<>

As for the big seam that Kisslicer produces, I was doing a little
investigation comparing Kisslicer and Cura and noticed that Kisslicer makes
a weird move at the beginning of each path. I always thought the little
arrow was just an indication of the path start, but when I printed really
slowly, I noticed that this little arrow is in fact part of the print path.

The little arrow I am talking about is what you see in the attached picture.

That makes the move start and end inside the part which reduces the bump.
In my case it actually makes a small divit which is great as it can be
filled instead of removed. I would think if you are getting a blob is has
to do with something completely different. Maybe attach your config.

I don't think there is anything wrong with my config. Cura does not produce
such a fat seam. If it is a feature I'd like to know from Jonathan what the
idea is behind this additional extrusion at each start and end of the path.
In case you have several loops, then the inner loops can actualy push this
extra extrusion to the outside, which makes the seam more visible and you
can also feel the bump. If it is a feature, then I hope we get an option to
switch it off.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #57 on:* March 17, 2013, 02:17:33 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3628;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: JimZuber on March 17, 2013, 02:10:26 PM<>


In your post a day or two ago in this thread you attached a screen shot
from Kisslicer. In it,you had a 3d image representation of an object that I
have not seen during my use of kisslicer, so I was a bit mystified. I am
working on a 32 bit Windows system, so perhaps the 3d rendering works
differently on a Mac of 64 bit system. Any enlightenment would be helpful.
I have attached the image you posted for reference.


That is in model+path view with the layer slider all they way at the bottom
which shows all the layers at once.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #56 on:* March 17, 2013, 02:16:37 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3627;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Gijs on March 17, 2013, 02:04:48 PM<>

As for the big seam that Kisslicer produces, I was doing a little
investigation comparing Kisslicer and Cura and noticed that Kisslicer makes
a weird move at the beginning of each path. I always thought the little
arrow was just an indication of the path start, but when I printed really
slowly, I noticed that this little arrow is in fact part of the print path.

The little arrow I am talking about is what you see in the attached picture.

That makes the move start and end inside the part which reduces the bump.
In my case it actually makes a small divit which is great as it can be
filled instead of removed. I would think if you are getting a blob is has
to do with something completely different. Maybe attach your config.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #55 on:* March 17, 2013, 02:10:26 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3625;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>


In your post a day or two ago in this thread you attached a screen shot
from Kisslicer. In it,you had a 3d image representation of an object that I
have not seen during my use of kisslicer, so I was a bit mystified. I am
working on a 32 bit Windows system, so perhaps the 3d rendering works
differently on a Mac of 64 bit system. Any enlightenment would be helpful.
I have attached the image you posted for reference.


[image: *] 11-3-2013 23-15-13.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1424> (176.57
kB, 573x497 - viewed 19 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #54 on:* March 17, 2013, 02:04:48 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3624;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

As for the big seam that Kisslicer produces, I was doing a little
investigation comparing Kisslicer and Cura and noticed that Kisslicer makes
a weird move at the beginning of each path. I always thought the little
arrow was just an indication of the path start, but when I printed really
slowly, I noticed that this little arrow is in fact part of the print path.

The little arrow I am talking about is what you see in the attached picture.
[image: *] path-start-end.JPG<;topic=489.0;attach=1422> (44.21
kB, 1106x614 - viewed 21 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #53 on:* March 17, 2013, 09:52:47 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3623;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

I know you are busy and did not have a Linux box to compile on but it would
be greatly appreciated if you could get them out so us Linux users (which
you are getting more of every day) could help squash bugs and hopefully
speed up the release of the next Kisslicer (bug free).
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EldRich <;u=769>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #52 on:* March 15, 2013, 01:27:17 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3614;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

You might try Cura - it has a "Joris" mode, that builds up the outside
surface of the object in a spiral rather than a series of planes.
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Framingr <;u=975>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #51 on:* March 15, 2013, 01:21:56 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3613;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Sublime on March 15, 2013, 01:18:41 PM<>

Quote from: Framingr on March 15, 2013, 12:01:46 PM<>

Quote from: Sublime on March 15, 2013, 11:15:18 AM<>

Quote from: Framingr on March 15, 2013, 11:02:00 AM<>

Everything looks good from my standpoint (except for the Klingon in the
file menu). Now we just need random starts so I can eliminate the seam on
my prints and I can switch to KS for everything [image: :)]

If you have everything set up properly like wipe the seam should be smooth.
If not then having random starting points just masks the issue that should
be solved first. If you have it set up perfect and you just don't like the
look of the line being visible in the slightest I can see why you would
want it. But I personally don't like the look of having little visible dots
all over your model instead of the line.

Could you be a little more specific with "everything set up properly" I am
not quite sure what settings I should be tweaking. My prints come out
fantastically with the exception of a visible line that traverses the print
from bottom to top. I don't like the little dots myself but the line is
fairly glaring a spoils the finish on prints with larger open areas. Please
see attached pic for visual.

From that picture I would say you have it almost as good as possible. But
that color makes you see the line that forms inside the object as well as
the one on the surface which exaggerates the issue. If you printed that
with an opaque filament you would most likely not see it the same way. With
all that said the only solution to making your seam less visible is most
likely the random starting points.

Please don't get me wrong - the print quality is by far and away the best
of any slicer I have used - and I have used them all. I printed the same
object with skeinforge slicing last night - and it came out like a
headgehog - all prickles and dots. It would just be the icing on the cake
to see what Jonathan could do with random starting points is all [image: :)]
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #50 on:* March 15, 2013, 01:18:41 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3612;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Framingr on March 15, 2013, 12:01:46 PM<>

Quote from: Sublime on March 15, 2013, 11:15:18 AM<>

Quote from: Framingr on March 15, 2013, 11:02:00 AM<>

Everything looks good from my standpoint (except for the Klingon in the
file menu). Now we just need random starts so I can eliminate the seam on
my prints and I can switch to KS for everything [image: :)]

If you have everything set up properly like wipe the seam should be smooth.
If not then having random starting points just masks the issue that should
be solved first. If you have it set up perfect and you just don't like the
look of the line being visible in the slightest I can see why you would
want it. But I personally don't like the look of having little visible dots
all over your model instead of the line.

Could you be a little more specific with "everything set up properly" I am
not quite sure what settings I should be tweaking. My prints come out
fantastically with the exception of a visible line that traverses the print
from bottom to top. I don't like the little dots myself but the line is
fairly glaring a spoils the finish on prints with larger open areas. Please
see attached pic for visual.

From that picture I would say you have it almost as good as possible. But
that color makes you see the line that forms inside the object as well as
the one on the surface which exaggerates the issue. If you printed that
with an opaque filament you would most likely not see it the same way. With
all that said the only solution to making your seam less visible is most
likely the random starting points.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #49 on:* March 15, 2013, 12:30:40 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3611;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Again, excellent piece of software!
« *Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 12:35:42 PM by Dirty Steve* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #48 on:* March 15, 2013, 12:01:46 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3610;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Sublime on March 15, 2013, 11:15:18 AM<>

Quote from: Framingr on March 15, 2013, 11:02:00 AM<>

Everything looks good from my standpoint (except for the Klingon in the
file menu). Now we just need random starts so I can eliminate the seam on
my prints and I can switch to KS for everything [image: :)]

If you have everything set up properly like wipe the seam should be smooth.
If not then having random starting points just masks the issue that should
be solved first. If you have it set up perfect and you just don't like the
look of the line being visible in the slightest I can see why you would
want it. But I personally don't like the look of having little visible dots
all over your model instead of the line.

Could you be a little more specific with "everything set up properly" I am
not quite sure what settings I should be tweaking. My prints come out
fantastically with the exception of a visible line that traverses the print
from bottom to top. I don't like the little dots myself but the line is
fairly glaring a spoils the finish on prints with larger open areas. Please
see attached pic for visual.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #47 on:* March 15, 2013, 11:15:18 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3609;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Framingr on March 15, 2013, 11:02:00 AM<>

Everything looks good from my standpoint (except for the Klingon in the
file menu). Now we just need random starts so I can eliminate the seam on
my prints and I can switch to KS for everything [image: :)]

If you have everything set up properly like wipe the seam should be smooth.
If not then having random starting points just masks the issue that should
be solved first. If you have it set up perfect and you just don't like the
look of the line being visible in the slightest I can see why you would
want it. But I personally don't like the look of having little visible dots
all over your model instead of the line.
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Framingr <;u=975>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #46 on:* March 15, 2013, 11:02:00 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3608;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Everything looks good from my standpoint (except for the Klingon in the
file menu). Now we just need random starts so I can eliminate the seam on
my prints and I can switch to KS for everything [image: :)]
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xnaron <;u=937>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #45 on:* March 15, 2013, 10:53:22 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3606;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Thanks for the explanation. I just paid to register KISS. [image: ;)]
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #44 on:* March 15, 2013, 10:27:56 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3605;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Yep, new feature. You can disable the popup if you wish, then bring it up
manually with the [Help]-[Mesh Error Key] menu option. The key will now
show you *why* KISSlicer has issues with the model. Try viewing the mesh
in the "Models+Paths" view (transparent) and look for colored edges. The
color key should explain what's going on. I wanted to add this in because
many people did not know that red faces and orange edges were showing
possible problem areas. Those areas might not even have a problem when
sliced, but they are at least suspicious.

OpenSCAD's STL export has this tendency to make meshes "legal" by patching
mismatched edges and T-junctions with degenerate triangles. I usually just
try to slice, and see if the paths look funky. If there are problems, I
check to see what KISSlicer flagged, then attempt to fix the source file.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #43 on:* March 15, 2013, 10:16:28 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3604;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

I just downloaded RC1a. Pretty much any model I open that I generated
with openscad is giving me a popup mesh error key as attached.
[image: *] mesh.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1415> (27.72
kB, 241x413 - viewed 20 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #42 on:* March 15, 2013, 10:13:10 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3603;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Hmm, I think copying strings in the GUI seems to be...fragile...for some
reason (or maybe KISSlicer is automatically translating things into
Klingon?). I am sure it's related to the quality-slider's tooltip issue
too. I will try to figure this out.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #41 on:* March 15, 2013, 10:09:38 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3602;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Not sure if this has been mentioned already but I see garbage chars in the
file menu where the "enter registration key" usually is. Sometimes it is
blank, sometimes garbage chars. Pic attached.

This is with RC1, Windows 64bit running on win 7 64 bit.

[image: *] garbage.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1413> (145.94
kB, 1100x853 - viewed 21 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #40 on:* March 15, 2013, 09:45:31 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3601;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Mac version - apparently related to having set Oversample Resolution to
.01mm. Changed it to .1mm, and slicing is OK.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #39 on:* March 15, 2013, 09:31:57 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3600;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

If it's the Win32 or Mac version, what is your oversample set to? The
tooltip thing is weird..for me same thing, but if I move the mouse away,
then hover again it works.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #38 on:* March 15, 2013, 09:25:58 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3599;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Ouch - I just loaded RC1a, and it crashes when slicing any moderately
complex model, like the Maltese Falcon, even at only moderate Quality (no
tooltip visible for Quality).

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Gijs <;u=338>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #37 on:* March 15, 2013, 09:04:21 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3597;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

On my system, win 7, 64bit, Nvidia Quadro 4000, when running 64 bit of
kisslicer, windows aero gets shut of. So when I am starting up kisslicer,
by screen goes black for a split second. The same when I shut down
kisslicer. Any tips how to solve this? Not a bit deal, but rather annoying
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #36 on:* March 15, 2013, 08:19:54 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3593;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Updated the builds in the first post! Let me know how it goes!

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #35 on:* March 14, 2013, 01:14:15 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3571;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

It really is the only sensible way [image: :)]
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #34 on:* March 14, 2013, 01:06:40 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3570;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Framingr on March 14, 2013, 12:22:23 PM<>

Excellent then. Rather than adding the brim feature Jonathan should buy us
all heated beds and ABS filament.

Maybe we should just invent some G-code:

M1337 Snn - heat bed to S...don't argue, just do it...use pyrokenesis if
M314159265358979323 Sn Tm - Spontaneously create round ABS filament of
diameter S and load it into extruder T

Now it's up to the firmware / printer manufacturers to support those


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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #33 on:* March 14, 2013, 12:22:23 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3565;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: karabas on March 14, 2013, 10:19:34 AM<>

Quote from: prinster on March 13, 2013, 03:17:59 PM<>

When do you plan a brim feature into Kisslicer?

No need for this with ABS on HB

Excellent then. Rather than adding the brim feature Jonathan should buy us
all heated beds and ABS filament.
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lonesock (Jonathan)<;u=1>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #32 on:* March 14, 2013, 10:35:32 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3558;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Adding the brim is actually reasonably easy...I almost started with my
"skirt" code. BUT, brim _must_ also interact with regions of support. It
has to come up to the part perimeter but must exclude support from that
region on the first layer only. Since it was the sort of thing where I
could inadvertently break a bunch of things, without doing more testing I
decided to leave it for the next release.

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plexus <;u=1059>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #31 on:* March 14, 2013, 10:30:05 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3557;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: karabas on March 14, 2013, 10:19:34 AM<>

Quote from: prinster on March 13, 2013, 03:17:59 PM<>

When do you plan a brim feature into Kisslicer?

No need for this with ABS on HB

Brim can be useful for prints you need a wider foot print for on the print
bed (for adhesion) but don't want to use raft.

and i counter the comment assuming HB stands for heat bed. in my experience
printing ABS on a heat bed, if the foot print of the part is small it may
not have enough adherence to the bed and so a brim will help with this. i
often print small items that i need to brim to get them to stick well
enough. especially tall parts where the pressure of the nozzle when
printing is enough to cause enough torque to break the part off the bed.
« *Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 12:51:10 PM by plexus* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #30 on:* March 14, 2013, 10:19:34 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3556;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: prinster on March 13, 2013, 03:17:59 PM<>

When do you plan a brim feature into Kisslicer?

No need for this with ABS on HB
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #29 on:* March 13, 2013, 03:17:59 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3523;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

When do you plan a brim feature into Kisslicer?
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #28 on:* March 13, 2013, 01:09:01 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3518;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

I posted a quick-fix version here:

What I ended up doing on the rotate stuff is this: KISSlicer counts the
total number of objects to be packed. The first pass of the packer uses a
"pack and grow" strategy, and will only enable rotation if the user
requested it AND if there is more than a single model to be packed (e.g. 2
models, or count = 2, etc.). If that first pass of the packer fails to fit
inside the print bed area, KISSlicer will do a second pass of the packer,
this time starting with the entire print bed area, and auto-rotation is on
if the user requested it (even if there is only 1 object to pack...this
lets the packer rotate a rectangle so it best fits a non-square bed).

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #27 on:* March 13, 2013, 12:48:29 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3516;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

Seems to me that Auto-Rotate should default to off. When/if the user learns
what it is, and/or ever needs it, they can turn it on. Otherwise, it can
become confusing that the model they placed is not in the orientation they
expect it to be, and remain that way
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #26 on:* March 13, 2013, 10:26:06 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3509;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>


Not sure the best solution for the "auto Rotate" check box default. I was
just trying to rotate a single object 90 degrees and as as the object was
symmetrical it wasn't obvious that it was auto-rotating and it was very
baffling. I was only when I tried a non-symmetrical object that I could see
what was happening. All works fine now that I unchecked auto-rotate. Not
sure whether my use case is the more common or the multi-object positioning
is more common. I guess that should dictate the default.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #25 on:* March 13, 2013, 07:53:15 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3505;topic=489.250;last_msg=5680>

@ EldRich: Cool, thanks. I wonder if I need to get my old Mac Mini
starting in 64-bit mode before I can compile 64-bit applications?

@ Geo Hagen: Thanks! I really appreciate it.

@ Jim: np, I deleted the other thread. By default KISSlicer's object
packer will rotate objects by multiples of 90 degrees if it thinks that
will help. If you disable it you should get the behavior you expect. The
menu option is [All Models]-[X Auto-Rotate for Packing]. Maybe I should
disable auto-rotation when it is only one copy of 1 model?

EDIT: Oh, sorry I forgot to also thank pmuzz82 for the kind words! Thanks!

« *Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 07:55:05 AM by lonesock (Jonathan)* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #175 on:* March 31, 2013, 02:28:04 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3988;topic=489.100;last_msg=5680>

Hi guys,

On the main version I was able to use M140 instead of M190, I can't find
the equivalent setting in RC2. Any ideas?
I changed the settings using the main version, but when switching back to
RC2 it switches back to M190.

I set my first layer temp quite a lot higher than the rest of print temp,
so it waits for a long time to drop. It also waits over the model (!?)
which creates a huge blob. I have been manually editing the gcode (find and
replace) but it's becoming tedious.


Edit: Found it!
« *Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 04:18:44 PM by CodyT* »

Topic: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 4 (Read 31014 times)
xnaron <;u=937>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #174 on:* March 30, 2013, 03:09:26 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3982;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: buildrob on March 30, 2013, 02:52:59 PM<>

Yeah I had both wipe and destring enabled. I still did not expect it to
have to wipe or retract when moving within the infill space.

I think wipe cause a retract every time. Not sure though...
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #173 on:* March 30, 2013, 02:52:59 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3981;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Yeah I had both wipe and destring enabled. I still did not expect it to
have to wipe or retract when moving within the infill space.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #172 on:* March 30, 2013, 09:37:24 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3977;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: buildrob on March 30, 2013, 12:42:21 AM<>

Win 7 32bit RC2
Watching a print today it seemed to be doing quite a few retracts even
though it was only moving within the infill area (ie it wasn't crossing a
Has anyone else observed this? Is this expected - it seems at first glance
I have Min Jump at 2mm and Threshold at 5mm (ie lower than default)


Did you have wipe selected? I found without wipe there are a lot less
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #171 on:* March 30, 2013, 12:42:21 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3968;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Win 7 32bit RC2
Watching a print today it seemed to be doing quite a few retracts even
though it was only moving within the infill area (ie it wasn't crossing a
Has anyone else observed this? Is this expected - it seems at first glance
I have Min Jump at 2mm and Threshold at 5mm (ie lower than default)

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #170 on:* March 29, 2013, 08:55:06 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3962;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Always worked as expected for me, no matter which version. DL one and find
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #169 on:* March 29, 2013, 08:45:12 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3960;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Does this release candidate fixes the Fast and Precision slide bar? When I
select "Fast", it gives me the slowest value. And when I select "Precise",
it goes fast.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #168 on:* March 28, 2013, 02:45:46 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3911;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

One minor comment on Seam tool tips (RC2):

"Depth scale of seam cross-over" won't help many people work out what this
is actually does.
Also as the box is called "Seam", it is not obvious that a larger value
will result in a smaller seam. You could call this box "Seam Hiding" and
then the scale and jitter values make more sense.
The description for the Jitter could also say that Kisslicer will automatic
try to hide the seam along an edge (which again is not obvious from the
tooltip). [Otherwise many people would automatically think that maximum
jitter is the best idea - it often is for all other slicers which don't do
seam hiding.]
« *Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 02:53:04 PM by buildrob* »
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Re: What a Task Master!<>
« *Reply #167 on:* March 28, 2013, 01:38:20 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3904;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>
- Modify<;msg=3904;topic=489.150>
- Remove<;topic=489.150;msg=3904;a5d74a15dd7d=b9fd1c83b5bfe2a9eef4d02a64793a07>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 27, 2013, 09:22:06 PM<>

Gotta say that I'm impressed. I'm working on this big project and getting
into the scary large part section. The model isn't necessarily complex to
look at but it is demanding. Total polys is 3,511,800. Done in sections,
it'll be about 4' x 1.5' x 2' when it's all assembled. I check the sections
in the modeler, convert to STL, run through Netfabb to get its blessing, it
finds nothing and load into KS. KS finds stuff that the others miss. I go
back into the modeler, following the location as best I can and locate the
problem, fix it and repeat. Last time, it took four round trips to get KS
to be happy. This time, only one. Looks like I'm getting better at it.

I am so happy that KS is strict. Yes, it's work but having a good
foundation to start with is essential to obtaining good results. Garbage in
- Garbage out. KS helps me take out the garbage.

hear, hear!
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #166 on:* March 27, 2013, 10:50:02 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3887;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 27, 2013, 12:54:31 PM<>

You are welcome, and thanks to all Mac users for waiting so long! I don't
want you to feel like second class citizens, I'm just very new to this

I'm very glad it's working!


Well, Mac is generally so far ahead it's polite for us to wait [image: :)]
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What a Task Master!<>
« *Reply #165 on:* March 27, 2013, 09:22:06 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3886;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Gotta say that I'm impressed. I'm working on this big project and getting
into the scary large part section. The model isn't necessarily complex to
look at but it is demanding. Total polys is 3,511,800. Done in sections,
it'll be about 4' x 1.5' x 2' when it's all assembled. I check the sections
in the modeler, convert to STL, run through Netfabb to get its blessing, it
finds nothing and load into KS. KS finds stuff that the others miss. I go
back into the modeler, following the location as best I can and locate the
problem, fix it and repeat. Last time, it took four round trips to get KS
to be happy. This time, only one. Looks like I'm getting better at it.

I am so happy that KS is strict. Yes, it's work but having a good
foundation to start with is essential to obtaining good results. Garbage in
- Garbage out. KS helps me take out the garbage.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #164 on:* March 27, 2013, 06:45:22 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3885;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Hello John,

can we count on the long awaited bridging feature for final version 1.0?

We (nearly) ALL really want that feature! [image: 8)]
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #163 on:* March 27, 2013, 01:52:05 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3881;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 27, 2013, 07:36:33 AM<>

OK, I am attaching my first ever attempt at a Mac "Universal Binary". (log
in to see the attachment)

Just for grins I included 32- and 64-bit Intel and PPC as targets.

That's adventuresome.

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 27, 2013, 07:36:33 AM<>

And do people even still use PowerPC architectures? Let me know how it
goes, and please let me know if I should drop PPC, since the current binary
is 3x the size of a single architecture, I wouldn't mind only supporting
i386 ad x86_64.

I still have a G4, but then I still have a Quadra 800... and an Intel 386
ISA bus machine. Actually needed the latter a while back to program an 8
channel motion control board that operates standalone when in use. The
board powers this:

Can anyone say: "Technology Museum"?

(This isn't a vote to keep PPC code, not with the hardware I'm now running.)
« *Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 09:03:17 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #162 on:* March 27, 2013, 01:03:32 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3879;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 27, 2013, 12:54:31 PM<>

You are welcome, and thanks to all Mac users for waiting so long! I don't
want you to feel like second class citizens, I'm just very new to this

I'm very glad it's working!


Its ok. I am used to being a second hand citizen that has to pay 2or 3
times the money for less features than my windoze counter-parts. I feel
lucky to even have a mac version of KS.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #161 on:* March 27, 2013, 12:54:31 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3878;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

You are welcome, and thanks to all Mac users for waiting so long! I don't
want you to feel like second class citizens, I'm just very new to this

I'm very glad it's working!

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #160 on:* March 27, 2013, 11:05:27 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3875;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

I tested it for memory management, I used the Bellerophina Vase from
Thingi, run through Netfabb Basic to clean it up.

With the 64-bit Mac version, I was able to slice it at .05mm Layer
Thickness and .05 Oversample. The 32-bit Mac version traditionally dies at
around 4gb of memory use, while the 64-bit used around 10.5gb and created a
385mb file (with Comments off) in ~25 minutes. Quite fast, IMHO.

My goal has been to slice this vase at the maximum possible resolution of
my (soon-to-be) Aluminatus, so I tried slicing it at .025 Layer and .025
Oversample, but it crept up to the full 12gb available and locked up.

So, I enabled swapping and tried again. This time it got got about 80% done
before I killed it, because it had been spawning 1gb swap files like crazy,
and it was about to fill up my startup drive after creating 65gb of them. I
have every confidence that it would have completed the job and created a
5GB gcode file or some ridiculous thing.

So the takeaway is that 64-bit code does in fact execute faster, and
eliminates memory constraints on a program such as Kisslicer, promoting it
to far-and-away-fastest-available slicer for Mac users.

Thank you for this!
« *Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 02:38:23 PM by EldRich* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #159 on:* March 27, 2013, 09:47:31 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3873;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

yes of course. results have been revised.

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 27, 2013, 09:34:52 AM<>

Nice!! I can only assume you really meant 42% faster, since 42 is always
the answer! [8^)


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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #158 on:* March 27, 2013, 09:34:52 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3872;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Nice!! I can only assume you really meant 42% faster, since 42 is always
the answer! [8^)

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #157 on:* March 27, 2013, 09:01:24 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3871;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

I just benchmarked 1.1.0RC2 mac 32 bit only and 32/64 bit in 64 bit mode.

32 bit: load 45.9s, slice 90.1s
64 bit: load 45.2s, slice 63.2s

*64 bit slices about 42% faster*

I used a complex model from a 3D scan using 50?m layers to get a long slice

PPC code, IMHO, need *not* be supported. I don't think the typical printer
host apps support PPC (eg. pronterface, repetier-host) although I haven't
« *Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 09:47:03 AM by plexus* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #156 on:* March 27, 2013, 09:00:23 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3869;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

I'd say ditch the PPC code. It's been years since Apple went Intel, and
OS-X hasn't supported PPC code in emulation mode for several releases.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #155 on:* March 27, 2013, 07:36:33 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3868;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

OK, I am attaching my first ever attempt at a Mac "Universal Binary". (log
in to see the attachment)

Just for grins I included 32- and 64-bit Intel and PPC as targets. Of
course, I have no idea if anything other than the 32-bit version works.
And do people even still use PowerPC architectures? Let me know how it
goes, and please let me know if I should drop PPC, since the current binary
is 3x the size of a single architecture, I wouldn't mind only supporting
i386 ad x86_64.

[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1487> (1603.57
kB - downloaded 17 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #154 on:* March 27, 2013, 04:54:42 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3867;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

I was wondering if 64 bit mac is faster? It's pure demands here
Jonathan... [image: :)].. I think the 64 bit mac had a kink, ok if it cant
be sorted. 32 bit mac is better than win vm so I am not going to whinge..

Seems like you don't get enough credit, like no one else has tried the
other stuff.. Well, I have. Yours is better. Not slightly either..

I can't wait for multimaterial prints.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #153 on:* March 26, 2013, 03:42:33 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3853;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Ambiguous terminology alert. I read this three times and then substituted
"limit" with "Speed Increase"; then it made sense. I see "Limit" as being
the, well, limits set in the Speed input boxes and then interpolated
according to the Precision setting. A limit is a limit. An increment goes
up to the limit.

Might want to add "%" to the Tooltip. Yes, it's kind of absurd to assume
that the default of 50 would be mm/s but, still. [image: ;D]

So this begs a question. I'm using this build on current parts and the Raft
Second Layer is thin and strung out, while the first layer is just right.
Does the Speed Increase / Layer apply to Rafts as well as Support/Part?

*EDIT:* Found the answer to the Raft Second Layer volume. It was the Min
Flow Rate for this particular material. Had it set to a ridiculously low
value to debug something else a while back and left it there
« *Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 05:23:22 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #152 on:* March 26, 2013, 12:13:09 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3847;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

If you set the perimeter speed to 60, it will cap out at 60.

speed = min( requested_speed, base_speed + delta_speed * layer_number )

Where layer_number starts at 0 (and technically restarts after a raft).

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #151 on:* March 26, 2013, 12:08:26 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3845;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 26, 2013, 12:02:00 PM<>

The speed limit itself will go to infinity (or 3.4e38, whichever comes
first [8^). However, the path speed is chosen as the minimum of the speed
limit or the requested speed for the path type. So typically the perimeter
speed is the slowest...once the limit speed is over this value, the
perimeter speeds will no longer change...they will be stuck at the
requested perimeter speed.

Does that make sense?

So let me see if I have this right.

If I have a perimeter speed of 60 and a first layer speed of 30 and the
increase speed set to 5 then After 6 layers the perimeter speed would max
out at 60.

If however I set the increase to 50 then after 1 layer the perimeter speed
would max out at 80?

I am probably being dense here
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #150 on:* March 26, 2013, 12:02:00 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3844;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

The speed limit itself will go to infinity (or 3.4e38, whichever comes
first [8^). However, the path speed is chosen as the minimum of the speed
limit or the requested speed for the path type. So typically the perimeter
speed is the slowest...once the limit speed is over this value, the
perimeter speeds will no longer change...they will be stuck at the
requested perimeter speed.

Does that make sense?
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #149 on:* March 26, 2013, 11:52:07 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3843;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Question regarding the Limit Increase/Layer setting. Does this have a top
end? One imagines that it is the values set in the speeds. Looking for
confirmation that it doesn't just keep increasing speed ad infinitum.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #148 on:* March 26, 2013, 10:59:59 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3841;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

@ lotw: Great!

I just added the 64-bit Linux version to the 2nd post.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #147 on:* March 26, 2013, 09:58:08 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3840;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 26, 2013, 06:54:29 AM<>

I just updated the Mac build to RC2. lotw, could you retest with this

Also, I had no luck compiling for 64-bit on my 32-bit older Mac Mini...I
will try to borrow a friend's 64-bit Mac this week.

I am also having trouble getting the latest 64-bit Debian up to speed with
my build environment (32-bit went fine). I may have to try another distro,
even though it may have a newer GLIBC version.


I tried it on both machines and it seems to work fine. If it happens again
I'll let you know.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #146 on:* March 26, 2013, 09:17:59 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3838;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Good idea. I used distrowatch to check GLIBC versions. Apparently Debian
6 is using 2.11.2. So I would probably do ubuntu 10.04 at 2.11.1 (ubuntu
10.10 moves up to 2.12.1).

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #145 on:* March 26, 2013, 08:47:36 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3836;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 26, 2013, 06:54:29 AM<>

I am also having trouble getting the latest 64-bit Debian up to speed with
my build environment (32-bit went fine). I may have to try another distro,
even though it may have a newer GLIBC version.


You could use Ubuntu 10.10 so it has the old glibc without having to deal
with Debians new multiarchitecture.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #144 on:* March 26, 2013, 06:54:29 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3828;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

I just updated the Mac build to RC2. lotw, could you retest with this

Also, I had no luck compiling for 64-bit on my 32-bit older Mac Mini...I
will try to borrow a friend's 64-bit Mac this week.

I am also having trouble getting the latest 64-bit Debian up to speed with
my build environment (32-bit went fine). I may have to try another distro,
even though it may have a newer GLIBC version.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #143 on:* March 26, 2013, 02:22:52 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3826;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

The latest version for the Mac does have so e video issues still. The
model window doesn't update correctly or displays garbage, close the app
re-run a few times and it works. I have tried on two different Macs with
the same problem. Both of them are MacPros with 10gb of RAM.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #142 on:* March 26, 2013, 01:18:57 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3825;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Makerbot just published How We Test MakerBot Print Quality: MakerWare<>
About models they use to test slicing and printing.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #141 on:* March 25, 2013, 08:29:20 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3822;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: prinster on March 25, 2013, 06:24:50 PM<>

What does depth of the seam crossover mean?

What I have gathered it is a division of the depth of the little V at the
start/end of perimeters with 1 being how it always was and 0.5 half the
depth etc. The little V makes the ends of the perimeter extrusion start and
end inside the part, but extruded while doing so and added extra material
which left a bump. Now you can reduce its depth which also reduces its
volume extruded.

Thought!! Maybe it would be better if the slider just changed the volume of
plastic requested instead of the depth it went in. This way it would not
have to reslice and would still have the benefit of making it stronger
while at the same time reducing the volume of plastic and the size of the
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #140 on:* March 25, 2013, 06:24:50 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3821;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

What does depth of the seam crossover mean?
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #139 on:* March 25, 2013, 02:20:14 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3819;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Sublime on March 25, 2013, 12:55:51 PM<>

As long as you have a lot of cooling (at least with PLA) you can go down to
almost any layer height and Ultimaker owner flouSH says he gets the best
overhangs at the lowest layer heights (meaning 10micron 0.01mm). Try
printing much narrower at low layers so you are not trying to use extrusion
force to spread out the filament being extruded and most of the problem
with overhangs will go away. But do not go below the nozzle diameter in
extrusion width.

I finally found the conversation we had about this more than a year ago.
Here is the link,100359,100359#msg-100359

I've heard my name [image: :D] What a coincidence... just browsed for this
thread to see what Jonathan came up with recently.

Regarding the discussion (a bit off-topic, isn't it? [image: ;)]): Very
small layer height work great for overhangs (see and
following pictures. These ears were printed at 0.04mm layers)! I think
excessive curling could also be caused by:

- Strong cooling
- Material (I've seen more or less curling with different PLA mixes for
- Perimeter order - check "Loops go from inside to perimeter"

But now back to some Kisslicer testing!

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #138 on:* March 25, 2013, 12:55:51 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3817;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: codexmas on March 25, 2013, 12:38:54 PM<>

Quote from: karabas on March 24, 2013, 09:24:54 AM<>

I despirately fight with overhangs curling and following head striking.

Just as an FYI, I was having similar issues with overhangs curling as well.
I tried all kinds of things, researched for weeks and weeks. Finally I
found comment that I *believe* was from nophead in a reprap forum that
stated that they layer height you are printing at is too thin.

There is only so far you can squish the layer thickness before the tension
of the overly flattened extrusion causes this.

Essentially don't go thinner than ~75% of your nozzle size.

I am using a .5 nozzle and switching from a .25 layer to .35 made an
incredible difference. Resolution of course suffers but not having prints
fail due to crashes resulting in offsets was a joyous thing indeed!

Give it shot, try the same print with progressively thicker layers until
you find the happy medium.

Given all that you can still use fine layers for certain prints.

Would be cool if we could alter layer height by feature or specify where
the change should occur in ranges.


As long as you have a lot of cooling (at least with PLA) you can go down to
almost any layer height and Ultimaker owner flouSH says he gets the best
overhangs at the lowest layer heights (meaning 10micron 0.01mm). Try
printing much narrower at low layers so you are not trying to use extrusion
force to spread out the filament being extruded and most of the problem
with overhangs will go away. But do not go below the nozzle diameter in
extrusion width.

I finally found the conversation we had about this more than a year ago.
Here is the link,100359,100359#msg-100359
« *Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 02:04:16 PM by Sublime* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #137 on:* March 25, 2013, 12:38:54 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3816;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: karabas on March 24, 2013, 09:24:54 AM<>

I despirately fight with overhangs curling and following head striking.

Just as an FYI, I was having similar issues with overhangs curling as well.
I tried all kinds of things, researched for weeks and weeks. Finally I
found comment that I *believe* was from nophead in a reprap forum that
stated that they layer height you are printing at is too thin.

There is only so far you can squish the layer thickness before the tension
of the overly flattened extrusion causes this.

Essentially don't go thinner than ~75% of your nozzle size.

I am using a .5 nozzle and switching from a .25 layer to .35 made an
incredible difference. Resolution of course suffers but not having prints
fail due to crashes resulting in offsets was a joyous thing indeed!

Give it shot, try the same print with progressively thicker layers until
you find the happy medium.

Given all that you can still use fine layers for certain prints.

Would be cool if we could alter layer height by feature or specify where
the change should occur in ranges.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 2<>
« *Reply #136 on:* March 25, 2013, 08:23:36 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3814;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

I just posted a Release Candidate 2 for Windows 32- & 64-bit, and for Linux
32-bit (in the 2nd post). Linux 64 is in the process of being installed in
my VirtualBox, and Mac should come later tonight.

Bug reports are welcome, but I need to ignore any feature requests at this
time. [8^)

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #135 on:* March 25, 2013, 01:38:03 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3810;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Further, not all settings in the tabs trigger a new slice. If a change does
not do anything to the paths, no further slicing is required. When those
non-re-slice changes are made, they *are* written to the file. When you
press Save, you see the yellow plane move up the model. That is when the
file data is compiled and written with the final data.
« *Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 01:40:05 AM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #134 on:* March 25, 2013, 01:10:57 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3809;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: plexus on March 11, 2013, 07:50:19 PM<>

Another: if i slice and then change a setting in the tabs, Save will become
Slice. but if i move the precision slider, i can't re-slice. seems to me
that should also trigger a re-slice.

The precision slider affects only the printer speed, so no need to trigger
a new slice.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #133 on:* March 24, 2013, 11:16:00 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3806;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: karabas on March 24, 2013, 09:32:22 PM<>

So you suggest to decrease gap from 1mm to about 0.2-0.3..

That's about right. 1mm is a lot.

Quote from: karabas on March 24, 2013, 09:32:22 PM<>

The next problem is I use big gaps ( f.e. 4mm) to avoid support in small
holes in vertical walls. If part contains nonhorizontal overhang it's
virtually impossible to suppport it.

Not being familiar with the model, it's difficult to suggest solutions.
There are many variables possible in a given model that dictate which
method/orientation/settings to apply. Could be that a combination of
Support Z-roof and Support Deg. could work to do what you want. It all
depends upon a lot of factors.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #132 on:* March 24, 2013, 09:32:22 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3805;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

So you suggest to decrease gap from 1mm to about 0.2-0.3..
The next problem is I use big gaps ( f.e. 4mm) to avoid support in small
holes in vertical walls. If part contains nonhorizontal overhang it's
virtually impossible to suppport it.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #131 on:* March 24, 2013, 11:44:46 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3797;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

It's horizontal between the Support Interface and Part.


Deep Orange diagram:

Which, if too great a value, will detrimentally influence the vertical gap
on angled surfaces but the horizontal surfaces will still touch.
« *Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 11:47:30 AM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #130 on:* March 24, 2013, 11:11:49 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3795;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe support gap is the gap between
vertical walls and support structure, not the gap between the support
structure, and the supported model layer. This seems to be the print
results I've seen.
« *Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 11:13:21 AM by Dirty Steve* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #129 on:* March 24, 2013, 09:24:54 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3792;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

I despirately fight with overhangs curling and following head striking. I
turn on support and I realize that it does not support actually. Support
touches only horizontal overhangs. If any angle, I got gap I set with
What I think can really help is new Slider to control angle to allow
support to touch overhangs.
I want to set 1mm gap for easy removing and for example actually touching
support from 15grad..
.Something wrong with it?

On the pic I many times got head striking, lost steps, pausing, correcting,
Now I will print part horizontally [image: :(](
[image: *] IMG250.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1476> (495.51
kB, 2048x1536 - viewed 45 times.)
« *Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 09:29:58 AM by karabas* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #128 on:* March 23, 2013, 07:01:33 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3775;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

That's 'support interface' which isn't adjustable, there have been requests
to give a bit more control over this. If the object required 10 layers of
support, you would see a changing density for the middle 4 or 5 (?) layers
as you change the density slider. The first few layers and the last few are
interface layers, and are a set density.
« *Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 07:03:16 AM by Aggresive* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #127 on:* March 23, 2013, 05:28:54 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3773;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

I have an object that has an arch at the very bottom. I enabled support
material, but the density of the support on the sliced object appears to be
identical whether I set the slider to course or to fine. See the two
attached screen shots of kisslicer showing the path for the support
material with course and fine support set. The paths are identical. Am I
missing something or is this a bug?
[image: *] Image1.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1469> (86.98
kB, 868x940 - viewed 30 times.)
[image: *] Image2.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1471> (86.89
kB, 868x940 - viewed 16 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #126 on:* March 22, 2013, 07:16:34 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3768;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: jbernardis on March 22, 2013, 07:00:07 PM<>

I just scanned through all 9 pages of this topic, and I might have missed
it. Is there a version of the 1.1.0 Release Candidate available for
Linux? Specifically Ubuntu 12?


No, not yet. Lonesock had an issue on his machine he compiled the linux
builds on and is a little behind. The good news is the Beta version for
Linux has most of the features and if you would like to try the latest
build you can run the Win version in Wine without issue. Also the actual
latest build is
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #125 on:* March 22, 2013, 07:00:07 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3767;topic=489.150;last_msg=5680>

I just scanned through all 9 pages of this topic, and I might have missed
it. Is there a version of the 1.1.0 Release Candidate available for
Linux? Specifically Ubuntu 12?


Topic: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 4 (Read 31014 times)
PenskeGuy <;u=385>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #124 on:* March 22, 2013, 02:48:01 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3763;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM<>

on round perimeters the old method could still pick anywhere along the
perimeter as well. It's sort of like the rotating-calipers algorithm.
Only internal points or straight lines have no chance of being selected.

Let me see if I'm getting this. So a cube, no matter how it is rotated,
will have a seam on a corner but a smooth cylinder will default to 45 deg?

If so, what is the threshold of straight lines to round? All rounds are a
series of small straight traverses. IOW, what is the shortest straight line
in a series of short straight lines that makes the choice between the two
locations? Described a different way: how many sides on an object can there
be before the switch is made? OR, how low a resolution model can one use
and not trigger the switch?

Further, if a cube, Jitter is > 0, using the first method, will the layer
start jump from corner to corner?

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM<>

And I am not throwing the new version out just yet, or based on a single
instance of testing...I am saying it was probably not wise on my part to
change out a working algorithm that has been tested through many releases
and many many prints, for an untried algorithm.

There is that. Got it. Been there, myself.

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM<>

If the new version makes it in it will be as you suggest, via a checkbox.


Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM<>

thanks, really going to bed this time

I finally did, too.
« *Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 02:50:58 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #123 on:* March 22, 2013, 01:27:13 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3762;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Sublime on March 22, 2013, 09:48:49 AM<>

Quote from: Dirty Steve on March 22, 2013, 09:42:31 AM<>


In the non pro version, as far as small detail, when I see paths like 0.25
oversample, that is just telling me that my nozzle/extrusion width is too
big to handle the detail size.

Agreed I just reduce the extrusion width a little and the issue goes away.

Hi at all,

yes, you right I could reduce a little bit the extrusione witdh; in the
specific object reducing the extrusion width from 0.5 to 0.4 and the
oversample to 0.25, instead of 0.05, solve the slicing problem, but then I
have other.
The extrusion speed can become too low and the extruder don't work
properly, I need to increase the flow tweak, reducing temperature with pla
or increase the feedrate.
I have experienced some extrusion clogging problem with 0.4mm extrusion
width, so for me change the value of oversample is the simpler and more
reliable way to correct the slicing problem and use a most reliable setting.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #122 on:* March 22, 2013, 09:48:49 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3760;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dirty Steve on March 22, 2013, 09:42:31 AM<>


In the non pro version, as far as small detail, when I see paths like 0.25
oversample, that is just telling me that my nozzle/extrusion width is too
big to handle the detail size.

Agreed I just reduce the extrusion width a little and the issue goes away.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #121 on:* March 22, 2013, 09:42:31 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3759;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>


In the non pro version, as far as small detail, when I see paths like 0.25
oversample, that is just telling me that my nozzle/extrusion width is too
big to handle the detail size.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #120 on:* March 22, 2013, 09:34:08 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3758;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 21, 2013, 08:25:07 PM<>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 03:25:33 PM<>

obviously theese are just usability suggestions, to Jonathan the last word.
I don't have any idea what and how many modification are needed to move the

Agreed. I'm just citing that this perhaps seemingly simple change may not
be trivial.

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 03:25:33 PM<>

however I think that in the style.ini file can be simply written the value
of the setting; if the setting is used or ignored is license dependent.

I suppose that could work. The way Crowning and Oversample are implemented
currently, they are global variables. I see a certain elegance in that
approach. For me, moving them to individual Styles makes them become too
granular; a lot of duplication of a setting that was once in one place. I
have a lot of Styles, I mean a LOT. I set them up ahead of time to save
time later on. If yet another pair of variables get added to this mix, the
number of Styles grows immensely.

Seems to me that both Crowning and Oversample are settings that can be set
once, as a general process workflow thing for the type of printing an
individual user does on a normal basis, on the particular hardware that
they have. Perhaps you can share with me why having to change them every
slice is necessary, or even a good thing?

Hi Penske,
the reason are the small detail and the slicing time.
To slice the file that you see in the screenshot, with 0.05mm oversample my
pc need 15 sec; with 0.25mm only 6 second.
As you can see with 0.25mm is not enoght for a correct slicing, while
0.05mm is.
With bigger object and less detail 0.05mm only increase the slice time
without any quality benefit.

[image: *] 0.25mm oversample.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1462> (335.18
kB, 2069x1299 - viewed 31 times.)
[image: *] 0.05mm oversample.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1464> (313.26
kB, 2066x1297 - viewed 27 times.)
[image: *] 0.05mm oversample_print.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1466> (220.17
kB, 759x1074 - viewed 29 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #119 on:* March 22, 2013, 09:26:42 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3756;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM<>

@ litosaragon:
Let me know if it works!


It works !!!

Thanks again
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #118 on:* March 22, 2013, 08:45:56 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3754;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Framingr on March 22, 2013, 07:47:48 AM<>

I have to say my vote would be for a checkbox to choose one or the other.
On flat surfaces for solid models I love the new option as it removes and
unsightly seam, which while not very raised, was very noticeable. I do
however see the need for the old methodology on those items of irregular
shapes, where the algorithm seemed to be amazing at hiding the seam within
the folds etc.

Agreed. +1
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #117 on:* March 22, 2013, 07:47:48 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3752;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

I have to say my vote would be for a checkbox to choose one or the other.
On flat surfaces for solid models I love the new option as it removes and
unsightly seam, which while not very raised, was very noticeable. I do
however see the need for the old methodology on those items of irregular
shapes, where the algorithm seemed to be amazing at hiding the seam within
the folds etc.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #116 on:* March 22, 2013, 05:41:04 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3751;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

I've ran alot of gears through KISSlicer without any issue with the seam on
a corner or on the tip of a gear tooth, "farthest along vector V" with a
jitter would have my vote.

I also noticed with Seam depth set to 0 on a vase print, the following
layer is moved inward so much at the seam that the extrusion is completely
inside the outside wall and it is extruded 'in air' and does not attach to
the previous layer, but comes back into line at the following corner. I
stopped the print when I saw that.

I don't quite understand what seam depth would be needed for. For me, RC1a
and earlier seams are about the best seams I've seen from any slicer. It is
visible, but is barely detectable running a fingernail across it on a
non-vase print. I can only speak for the results I'm seeing on my printer.
0.25mm nozzle, 0.1mm layers.

I know you are getting to the fine tuning bits of the code, just remember
the name, K.I.S.S.!!!

Thanks for all your hard work!
« *Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 07:31:43 AM by Dirty Steve* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #115 on:* March 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3746;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Further quick notes: on round perimeters the old method could still pick
anywhere along the perimeter as well. It's sort of like the
rotating-calipers algorithm. Only internal points or straight lines have
no chance of being selected.

And I am not throwing the new version out just yet, or based on a single
instance of testing...I am saying it was probably not wise on my part to
change out a working algorithm that has been tested through many releases
and many many prints, for an untried algorithm. If the new version makes
it in it will be as you suggest, via a checkbox. [8^)

thanks, really going to bed this time, [8^)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #114 on:* March 21, 2013, 11:55:58 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3745;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 11:43:00 PM<>

So, quick note on this: The "constant angle" behavior was an intentional
change, but on further reflection it may not be a good idea.

Don't jump to conclusions.

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 11:43:00 PM<>

The old behavior was "farthest along vector V", and the new behavior is
"Closest to lying along vector V from the middle of this perimeter". I did
this because with the old behavior for things like gears you would always
end up with the seam on the end of the teeth, or on the corners of a
rectangle, for example. I thought "if we are going to jitter, we might as
well have the entire region to play with". But, if the seams just
naturally blend better on corners it will be trivial to change the behavior

Same response x 2.

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 11:43:00 PM<>

I really appreciate your comments and insight on this issue. I am tempted
to revert (while still leaving in the just may not be noticable
on things like rectangles). Or maybe a hybrid where I try to weight
corners with a higher probability than straight edges?

Same response x 3. Don't try to anticipate *for* the user what the model
needs. There will be models that fall into a grey area where any algorithm
will not be able to accurately decide what is or isn't a "corner" or,
indeed, a preferred location.

Please provide at least a checkbox to select *between* the two seam
options, as I can certainly see applications in my work for *both*;
depending upon the model. To now lose one or the other, because of one
instance of testing, would not be welcome.

Thanks for considering.
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 11:59:26 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #113 on:* March 21, 2013, 11:43:00 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3743;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dirty Steve on March 21, 2013, 05:34:03 PM<>

The seam on a vase print from 'short_G-code' compared to RC1a is very

RC1a seam follows the corner of the print, but short_G-code seam is at a
constant angle relative to the print, same positioning with Seam set to 0
and 1.

Overlook the print quality, I'm pushing my maximum print speed.

RC1a on the left, short_G-code on the right.

So, quick note on this: The "constant angle" behavior was an intentional
change, but on further reflection it may not be a good idea. The old
behavior was "farthest along vector V", and the new behavior is "Closest to
lying along vector V from the middle of this perimeter". I did this
because with the old behavior for things like gears you would always end up
with the seam on the end of the teeth, or on the corners of a rectangle,
for example. I thought "if we are going to jitter, we might as well have
the entire region to play with". But, if the seams just naturally blend
better on corners it will be trivial to change the behavior back.

The changes I made only affect the start location of the perimeter and
loops, and the Seam slider controls the depth of the crossover paths. No
changes were made to destring or wipe, so I'm guessing that any increased
blobbing or stringing has more to do with the change described in the first
paragraph (assuming the Seam depth slider was set to 1.0, which duplicates
the previous versions' seam depth).

I really appreciate your comments and insight on this issue. I am tempted
to revert (while still leaving in the just may not be noticable
on things like rectangles). Or maybe a hybrid where I try to weight
corners with a higher probability than straight edges?

thanks, heading to bed,
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #112 on:* March 21, 2013, 08:39:32 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3736;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Until the 'small_G-code' release, the seam has followed a vertical edge in
the model for me in all releases like the print on the left, this is the
first time I've seen a seam like the right one. Both prints are sliced with
auto-rotate off, no manual rotation.
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 08:45:50 PM by Dirty Steve* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #111 on:* March 21, 2013, 08:25:07 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3733;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 03:25:33 PM<>

obviously theese are just usability suggestions, to Jonathan the last word.
I don't have any idea what and how many modification are needed to move the

Agreed. I'm just citing that this perhaps seemingly simple change may not
be trivial.

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 03:25:33 PM<>

however I think that in the style.ini file can be simply written the value
of the setting; if the setting is used or ignored is license dependent.

I suppose that could work. The way Crowning and Oversample are implemented
currently, they are global variables. I see a certain elegance in that
approach. For me, moving them to individual Styles makes them become too
granular; a lot of duplication of a setting that was once in one place. I
have a lot of Styles, I mean a LOT. I set them up ahead of time to save
time later on. If yet another pair of variables get added to this mix, the
number of Styles grows immensely.

Seems to me that both Crowning and Oversample are settings that can be set
once, as a general process workflow thing for the type of printing an
individual user does on a normal basis, on the particular hardware that
they have. Perhaps you can share with me why having to change them every
slice is necessary, or even a good thing?
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #110 on:* March 21, 2013, 08:07:03 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3732;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Caveat: We may be talking about two different things, here.

As I understand it, the Seam 0/1 controls how far inside the part the
transition between Loops is.

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM<>

At least for my RapMan having the seam on (the default of 1 equals the old
behavior) really helps as the prime and retracts happen slightly inside the
part. Since the 5D people can more accurately tune their destring it makes
more sense for them to have a smaller seam crossover (or none).

Clarification? The print on the left positions the seam along that helix
sharp edge? I didn't know that was possible. So, KS is looking at the
geometry and determining where the best place to hide a seam would be? I've
done this intentionally by carefully rotating the part to the default 45
deg. layer start point but having a slicer that hides the seam, wherever
possible, is sheer genius.
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 08:10:58 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #109 on:* March 21, 2013, 05:34:03 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3730;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

The seam on a vase print from 'short_G-code' compared to RC1a is very

RC1a seam follows the corner of the print, but short_G-code seam is at a
constant angle relative to the print, same positioning with Seam set to 0
and 1.

Overlook the print quality, I'm pushing my maximum print speed.

RC1a on the left, short_G-code on the right.

[image: *] seam.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1459> (277.55
kB, 1005x838 - viewed 65 times.)
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 06:28:23 PM by Dirty Steve* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #108 on:* March 21, 2013, 03:31:35 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3726;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: funbart on March 21, 2013, 02:20:18 PM<>

I suggested it earlier, but I would opt to move the Misc items as Crowning
Threshold, Oversample resolution as well to the Style tab, as they are of
direct influence to the slice paths. As I found them of great influence.
It's not convenient that these are not save-able in profiles. But for me,
it would be very logical to be able to save them with the style profiles.

What I'm doing now, to remember those settings, I make style profiles with
naming as:
0.2mm <project name> <printed part> OS<oversampling> CT<crowning threshold>

so resulting in "0.2mm building rooof OS 0.1 CT -1"

I agree about the Z-lift of the material tab to move to the style tab. With
Slic3r Z-lift is on the Printer tab BTW, but they have suck and prime as
well on the printer tab, which makes no sense IMO, as they are more
Material specific settings (I mean, change with different material types).

But thinking further: Support generation is for me a candidate as well for
the Style tab. But then you end with a huge style tab when moving
But's it's more a UI designing thing I suppose. I thought Penske had a
proposal somewhere, but I couldn't find it yet.


+1 for the Misc. options suggested by funbart, ie oversampling resolution
and crowning threshold in the style tab! That would also be very handy.

Come to think of it having a quick drop down of your preset support options
in the style tab would also be very useful. Just the titles of your support
types for quick selection.

However agree we are getting into a rather cumbersome style tab (could be
controlled by having most things off in beginner mode for newbies as it is

Thanks anyway Jonathan for giving some of our nice to have UI ideas some


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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #107 on:* March 21, 2013, 03:25:33 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3724;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 21, 2013, 03:10:09 PM<>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 02:32:53 PM<>

I'm with you funbart, Crowning and Oversample in style tab is better.

Those are Pro-only features, so I'd wager that it won't be trivial to move
them and enable/disable them on each and every Style. Everything on a Style
is written to the .ini file. Seems that Crowning and Oversample are written
to the Prefs. Separating them may be a can of worms. As it is, the whole
tab that holds Crowning and Oversample is either active or not. Of course,
I don't know how the Pro features are coded, so perhaps it isn't as
difficult and convoluted as it seems it may be. Perhaps a Pro-only sub-tab
on the Styles tab, similar to the Printers tabs, may be an answer. Then it
and all it contains can be disabled. However, those settings would not be
saved with the Style.... or maybe they could be. Idunno.

Hi Penske,

obviously theese are just usability suggestions, to Jonathan the last word.
I don't have any idea what and how many modification are needed to move the
however I think that in the style.ini file can be simply written the value
of the setting; if the setting is used or ignored is license dependent.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #106 on:* March 21, 2013, 03:10:09 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3722;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 02:32:53 PM<>

I'm with you funbart, Crowning and Oversample in style tab is better.

Those are Pro-only features, so I'd wager that it won't be trivial to move
them and enable/disable them on each and every Style. Everything on a Style
is written to the .ini file. Seems that Crowning and Oversample are written
to the Prefs. Separating them may be a can of worms. As it is, the whole
tab that holds Crowning and Oversample is either active or not. Of course,
I don't know how the Pro features are coded, so perhaps it isn't as
difficult and convoluted as it seems it may be. Perhaps a Pro-only sub-tab
on the Styles tab, similar to the Printers tabs, may be an answer. Then it
and all it contains can be disabled. However, those settings would not be
saved with the Style.... or maybe they could be. Idunno.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #105 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:57:27 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3721;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Gijs on March 21, 2013, 01:53:56 PM<>

I understand that, but if I thicken the infill, I would suspect that the
paths need to be changed as well, otherwise the overlap won't match

Depends upon what you mean by "thickening the Infill". Moving the Infill
slider from one selection to another (5% > 25%) causes a re-slice because
the paths change. Thickening the Infill by setting a different Infill
Extrusion Width does not cause a re-slice because the paths don't change;
they only get thicker by increasing the feed calculation.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #104 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:32:53 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3719;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: funbart on March 21, 2013, 02:20:18 PM<>

Quote from: pmuzz82 on March 21, 2013, 02:09:57 PM<>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM<>

@ pmuzz82:
Hmmm, I'm not sure about the Z-lift checkbox. I could see _maybe_ moving
the whole thing into "Style" instead of "Material". Does that make more
sense? It's a (small) breaking change, thoug, so I would like to hear many
people weigh in on this issue.

I am also a bit scared to output binary G-code as that seems even more
platform specific. It would be trivial to call a command line tool with
the post-processor, though. Are there any programs or scripts that will do
the conversion?


Hi Jonathan,

Moving the entire "Misc. Z-lift" checkbox into the Style tab would
definitely work. It is definitely more of a style or printer specific thing
than a material trait as Gijs also mentioned.

I have looked at a few programs for doing the conversion and agree it would
be a trivial post processing addition. I will have a play and post anything
that I get working.



I suggested it earlier, but I would opt to move the Misc items as Crowning
Threshold, Oversample resolution as well to the Style tab, as they are of
direct influence to the slice paths. As I found them of great influence.
It's not convenient that these are not save-able in profiles. But for me,
it would be very logical to be able to save them with the style profiles.

What I'm doing now, to remember those settings, I make style profiles with
naming as:
0.2mm <project name> <printed part> OS<oversampling> CT<crowning threshold>

so resulting in "0.2mm building rooof OS 0.1 CT -1"


I'm with you funbart, Crowning and Oversample in style tab is better.
When I make a big low detailed print keeping a high value in oversample a
lot of time is wasted in slicing process.
I change the oversample every time together with style.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #103 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:20:18 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3718;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>
- Modify<;msg=3718;topic=489.200>
- Remove<;topic=489.200;msg=3718;a5d74a15dd7d=b9fd1c83b5bfe2a9eef4d02a64793a07>

Quote from: pmuzz82 on March 21, 2013, 02:09:57 PM<>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM<>

@ pmuzz82:
Hmmm, I'm not sure about the Z-lift checkbox. I could see _maybe_ moving
the whole thing into "Style" instead of "Material". Does that make more
sense? It's a (small) breaking change, thoug, so I would like to hear many
people weigh in on this issue.

I am also a bit scared to output binary G-code as that seems even more
platform specific. It would be trivial to call a command line tool with
the post-processor, though. Are there any programs or scripts that will do
the conversion?


Hi Jonathan,

Moving the entire "Misc. Z-lift" checkbox into the Style tab would
definitely work. It is definitely more of a style or printer specific thing
than a material trait as Gijs also mentioned.

I have looked at a few programs for doing the conversion and agree it would
be a trivial post processing addition. I will have a play and post anything
that I get working.



I suggested it earlier, but I would opt to move the Misc items as Crowning
Threshold, Oversample resolution as well to the Style tab, as they are of
direct influence to the slice paths. As I found them of great influence.
It's not convenient that these are not save-able in profiles. But for me,
it would be very logical to be able to save them with the style profiles.

What I'm doing now, to remember those settings, I make style profiles with
naming as:
0.2mm <project name> <printed part> OS<oversampling> CT<crowning threshold>

so resulting in "0.2mm building rooof OS 0.1 CT -1"

I agree about the Z-lift of the material tab to move to the style tab. With
Slic3r Z-lift is on the Printer tab BTW, but they have suck and prime as
well on the printer tab, which makes no sense IMO, as they are more
Material specific settings (I mean, change with different material types).

But thinking further: Support generation is for me a candidate as well for
the Style tab. But then you end with a huge style tab when moving
But's it's more a UI designing thing I suppose. I thought Penske had a
proposal somewhere, but I couldn't find it yet.


[image: Modify message]
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 02:27:52 PM by funbart* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #102 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:11:04 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3717;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>
- Modify<;msg=3717;topic=489.200>
- Remove<;topic=489.200;msg=3717;a5d74a15dd7d=b9fd1c83b5bfe2a9eef4d02a64793a07>

Quote from: Gijs on March 21, 2013, 01:53:56 PM<>

I understand that, but if I thicken the infill, I would suspect that the
paths need to be changed as well, otherwise the overlap won't match

You would be correct if it was working as you (and me) expected to, but
from what I understood, this is what happening (joergengeerts)
*KS is using the extrusion width to calculate the infill, but not the
infill width, which means that if 50% at 0.4mm is not enough for you, try
50% and 0.5mm or 0.6mm... it'll still use the same spacing as if it's
0.4mm, but is printing the thicker extrusion, hence a more solid infill.*

I don't know the reason of Jonathan for this, or it's something to be
[image: Modify message]
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #101 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:09:57 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3716;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM<>

@ pmuzz82:
Hmmm, I'm not sure about the Z-lift checkbox. I could see _maybe_ moving
the whole thing into "Style" instead of "Material". Does that make more
sense? It's a (small) breaking change, thoug, so I would like to hear many
people weigh in on this issue.

I am also a bit scared to output binary G-code as that seems even more
platform specific. It would be trivial to call a command line tool with
the post-processor, though. Are there any programs or scripts that will do
the conversion?


Hi Jonathan,

Moving the entire "Misc. Z-lift" checkbox into the Style tab would
definitely work. It is definitely more of a style or printer specific thing
than a material trait as Gijs also mentioned.

I have looked at a few programs for doing the conversion and agree it would
be a trivial post processing addition. I will have a play and post anything
that I get working.


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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #100 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:02:52 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3715;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 20, 2013, 07:00:23 PM<>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 20, 2013, 04:06:50 PM<>

What problems you mean? I have updated the firmware just a few days ago and
the first impressions seem to be positive.

Heh. I've read a number of less than happy accounts on the BfB forum.
Obviously, not everyone has the same situation, as there aren't hundreds of
trouble reports. Still, there are enough that are serious enough for the
prudent to steer clear; at least until a third or fourth revision comes
down the pipe and more users report positive results.

I usually go for the latest and greatest but chose to hold off this time,
due to other indications and the fact that I am in the middle of a huge,
important project and screwing the pooch mid-stream by trusting that their
programmers: a) know what they're doing and, b) actually test stuff before
releasing it, and by doing so bricking my printer, is not in the picture.
Knowing when to jump is equally as important as knowing when to stop.

In a nutshell, they rushed out their shiny new firmware to be able to push
Axon3 on the unsuspecting; what with its proprietary closed format, no
settings and encrypted output files. More than a few owners are having a
variety of hardware problems after flashing. The 5.4.1 is at least a bit
better but still not rock solid enough for me to risk it. Seems that I
recall that one person tried to roll back to 5.3.1 to get his functionality
back and got stuffed. Not cool.

Hi Penske,

I forgot to specify, but I was talking about of version 5.4.2, that's work
fine and better than 5.3.1. I know the problem about firmware 5.4.1.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #99 on:* March 21, 2013, 01:53:56 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3714;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

I understand that, but if I thicken the infill, I would suspect that the
paths need to be changed as well, otherwise the overlap won't match
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #98 on:* March 21, 2013, 01:31:30 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3713;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Only a small set of things cause a complete re-slice from nothing (blue
cutting plane followed by green cutting plane). Changing Support Style will
do it but changing Precision won't. All changes are reflected in the code
saved, however, as you can see that the slicer does a final process of the
STL (yellow cutting plane) after hitting Save and specifying a filename and
location to save it in.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #97 on:* March 21, 2013, 10:57:26 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3709;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

imho z-lift is more a printer thing than a material thing

another thing: Once I have sliced an object and change the infill print
width, Kisslicer does not change the Save button to Slice...
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Re: Random Layer Start<>
« *Reply #96 on:* March 21, 2013, 10:28:47 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3708;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 20, 2013, 08:43:22 PM<>

Works pretty darn well! Finally carved out some time during my workstation
upgrade programs (3 machines at once) to try a print using this new
version. Wipe was off, De-string on, Seam @ 0.5 (unsure how this works as
yet, so hit the middle), Jitter @ 359. Got a nice little low dome using 0%
Infill, 3 Loops. *The layer starts look like meteor trails all over the
part. A noticeable thick, round deposit that trails off over approx. 0.25"
distance as the head continues on the path.* They are prominent enough to
cause the impression of lesser quality overall. Reminds me of Solar System
depictions of planets coalescing from the Solar Nebula of gas and dust.
This trailing is not evident on the previous parts printed before Jitter
came online. They have a very tight manifestation of the seam; less than
0.032" wide. Perhaps adjusting the Seam value or turning Wipe back on will
produce positive results in this area.

I'm seeing the same thing.. Kind of like blobs that are being dragged into
the perimeter. The jitter feature is working but it doesn't seem as though
retraction on the perimeter is working with jitter enabled. Using it left
strings all over my part which are not there if jitter is disabled. Easy
enough to trim but probably not working as intended.
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 11:03:44 AM by Knimrod* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #95 on:* March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3701;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

@ pmuzz82:
Hmmm, I'm not sure about the Z-lift checkbox. I could see _maybe_ moving
the whole thing into "Style" instead of "Material". Does that make more
sense? It's a (small) breaking change, thoug, so I would like to hear many
people weigh in on this issue.

I am also a bit scared to output binary G-code as that seems even more
platform specific. It would be trivial to call a command line tool with
the post-processor, though. Are there any programs or scripts that will do
the conversion?


@ PenskeGuy:
At least for my RapMan having the seam on (the default of 1 equals the old
behavior) really helps as the prime and retracts happen slightly inside the
part. Since the 5D people can more accurately tune their destring it makes
more sense for them to have a smaller seam crossover (or none). In my mind
the jitter option is mostly a personal you like the seam
all in one place, or bits of the seam all over the place? [8^)

For Vase mode it makes sense to enable a little jitter, especially if the
crossover seam depth is set to 0. If those were all stacked up you might
have imperfect bonding there, and a weakness along the seam...especially of
the destring settings aren't tuned. This is why the wipe pillar moves the
start location around on each layer.

@ litosaragon:
Let me know if it works!

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #94 on:* March 20, 2013, 09:32:11 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3689;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 20, 2013, 02:28:00 PM<>

Actually, it was easier to just add in the wrapping behavior. G-code
comments in this build will wrap at about 62 characters.


EDIT: this build also has the fixed crowning speed & width.

Thanks! I will try it and then i'll report you.

I know the problem is in the firmware of the printer but BFB3000 is not
supported anymore by BFB, there is no new developments for it.
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« *Reply #93 on:* March 20, 2013, 08:43:22 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3688;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Works pretty darn well! Finally carved out some time during my workstation
upgrade programs (3 machines at once) to try a print using this new
version. Wipe was off, De-string on, Seam @ 0.5 (unsure how this works as
yet, so hit the middle), Jitter @ 359. Got a nice little low dome using 0%
Infill, 3 Loops. The layer starts look like meteor trails all over the
part. A noticeable thick, round deposit that trails off over approx. 0.25"
distance as the head continues on the path. They are prominent enough to
cause the impression of lesser quality overall. Reminds me of Solar System
depictions of planets coalescing from the Solar Nebula of gas and dust.
This trailing is not evident on the previous parts printed before Jitter
came online. They have a very tight manifestation of the seam; less than
0.032" wide. Perhaps adjusting the Seam value or turning Wipe back on will
produce positive results in this area.
« *Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 08:45:16 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #92 on:* March 20, 2013, 07:00:23 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3686;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 20, 2013, 04:06:50 PM<>

What problems you mean? I have updated the firmware just a few days ago and
the first impressions seem to be positive.

Heh. I've read a number of less than happy accounts on the BfB forum.
Obviously, not everyone has the same situation, as there aren't hundreds of
trouble reports. Still, there are enough that are serious enough for the
prudent to steer clear; at least until a third or fourth revision comes
down the pipe and more users report positive results.

I usually go for the latest and greatest but chose to hold off this time,
due to other indications and the fact that I am in the middle of a huge,
important project and screwing the pooch mid-stream by trusting that their
programmers: a) know what they're doing and, b) actually test stuff before
releasing it, and by doing so bricking my printer, is not in the picture.
Knowing when to jump is equally as important as knowing when to stop.

In a nutshell, they rushed out their shiny new firmware to be able to push
Axon3 on the unsuspecting; what with its proprietary closed format, no
settings and encrypted output files. More than a few owners are having a
variety of hardware problems after flashing. The 5.4.1 is at least a bit
better but still not rock solid enough for me to risk it. Seems that I
recall that one person tried to roll back to 5.3.1 to get his functionality
back and got stuffed. Not cool.
« *Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 08:22:49 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #91 on:* March 20, 2013, 06:23:49 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3685;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Hi Jonathan,

Similarly to how you have added Wipe on/off to the Style settings tab,
would it be possible to do the same thing for z lift?

The reason I ask is that on hollow single loop objects which start/stop
layers at the same point (eg hollow bracelets, vases, lithophanes etc)
printed with skin thickness 0, wipe off, destring off you still get a z
lift unless you set up a different Material tab for "z lift off" or go and
manually turn z lift on/off.

If we could just have a simple check box as for Wipe and Destring it would
be perfect.

Absolutely love the effectiveness of your seam depth scale and jitter
random start point additions for perfect seam free prints. You are kicking
goals faster than most companies can think of them! Keep up the great work.

I am also going to give the new "short g code comments" version a go as
this wrapping of long text may fix the "include comments on" issue I have
encountered in the past. Historically we have always sliced with "include
comments" off as the overflow of long comments onto/into other lines of g
code when using Repetier Host to convert to binary can cause random pauses
in the print and/or just not print at all if the error is present in the
first few lines of code. I have not revisited this for some months so will
report back how it performs on our MEGA 2560/RAMPS1.4; Repetier Firmware
Delta bots.

On a side note I have also wondered what would be involved in including the
option for saving gcode in binary format (.gco) directly within Kisslicer
for firmware like Repetier so as to completely bypass using host software
for binary formatting when SD card printing.

Thanks again for your excellent software Jonathan.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #90 on:* March 20, 2013, 04:06:50 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3684;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 20, 2013, 04:00:43 PM<>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 20, 2013, 01:12:26 PM<>

I think the problem is the same on BFB3000, in 3DT the problem is solved
with the new firmware.

That problem is fixed but the 5.4.x firmware introduces a lot of others. [image:
>:(] I'll take Jonathan's solution over BfB's any day.

What problems you mean? I have updated the firmware just a few days ago and
the first impressions seem to be positive.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #89 on:* March 20, 2013, 04:00:43 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3683;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 20, 2013, 01:12:26 PM<>

I think the problem is the same on BFB3000, in 3DT the problem is solved
with the new firmware.

That problem is fixed but the 5.4.x firmware introduces a lot of others. [image:
>:(] I'll take Jonathan's solution over BfB's any day.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #88 on:* March 20, 2013, 02:28:00 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3680;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Actually, it was easier to just add in the wrapping behavior. G-code
comments in this build will wrap at about 62 characters.


EDIT: this build also has the fixed crowning speed & width.
[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1455> (566.16
kB - downloaded 19 times.)
« *Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 02:31:54 PM by lonesock (Jonathan)* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #87 on:* March 20, 2013, 01:42:47 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3679;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

I wonder if it is the length of the line? Maybe the "read next line"
function has a fixed size buffer? Could you try keeping the same text, but
breaking it up every 60 characters or so? (And including new ';' in front
of each line, of course.)

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #86 on:* March 20, 2013, 01:27:21 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3677;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 20, 2013, 12:43:02 PM<>

Could you please zip and attach the G-code file?


I attach the gcodefile. Thanks Jonathan.
I dont like to disable comments because they are very useful.
[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1444> (510.39
kB - downloaded 2 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #85 on:* March 20, 2013, 01:12:26 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3676;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 20, 2013, 12:50:36 PM<>

Quote from: litosaragon on March 20, 2013, 11:49:36 AM<>

Ive tryed the last review of this post in a BFB3000 with firmware 4.2.2.
When i ckeck the box of add comments the printer doesnt start to print in
version 1,0,9 doesnt have that error.

The mistake is in the line 16 to 20 of the bfb file

I've encountered this on the 3DT. Line was 6, however. Just figured that
the inimitable BfB firmware was barfing on the commented lines, so
re-sliced with them off. It did have me going that my printer was Borked
until I recalled having seen this prior and shut them off. Then all was


the same for me with 3DTouch and the old firmware 5.3.1, and KS from
version and above.
The problem is the number of the characters of the comment line. Disable
comment remove the long lines and solve the problem.
I don't remember exactly what is the maximum number of characters.

I think the problem is the same on BFB3000, in 3DT the problem is solved
with the new firmware.

If you want try simply delete from .bfb file the line that start with:

this should solve the problem.


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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #84 on:* March 20, 2013, 12:58:30 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3675;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 20, 2013, 10:40:50 AM<>

If there is a resolution on the screen-flash issue I will see if I can do
something to remove it, or I can at least make a note of it in the release

Had a think and found something that may lead you to the problem and a

- There is a correlation between the versions that trigger the Windows
Problem Reporting System at app start and the black 3D View.
- It isn't the first slice that causes the second black screen. It is
the first time that Show Settings collapses, whether it is triggered by a
slice or is unchecked--having not even loaded a model.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #83 on:* March 20, 2013, 12:50:36 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3674;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: litosaragon on March 20, 2013, 11:49:36 AM<>

Ive tryed the last review of this post in a BFB3000 with firmware 4.2.2.
When i ckeck the box of add comments the printer doesnt start to print in
version 1,0,9 doesnt have that error.

The mistake is in the line 16 to 20 of the bfb file

I've encountered this on the 3DT. Line was 6, however. Just figured that
the inimitable BfB firmware was barfing on the commented lines, so
re-sliced with them off. It did have me going that my printer was Borked
until I recalled having seen this prior and shut them off. Then all was
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Re: 3D View Going Black<>
« *Reply #82 on:* March 20, 2013, 12:47:33 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3673;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: tedbeer on March 20, 2013, 07:29:35 AM<>

Did you try to switch off Advanced System Setting -> Settings ->
Performance Options(Visual Effects) -> 'Enable desktop composition' ?

That setting is not there. It's Windows 8. Turning everything off (Adjust
for best performance) makes no difference.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #81 on:* March 20, 2013, 12:43:02 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3672;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Could you please zip and attach the G-code file?

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #80 on:* March 20, 2013, 11:49:36 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3670;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Ive tryed the last review of this post in a BFB3000 with firmware 4.2.2.
When i ckeck the box of add comments the printer doesnt start to print in
version 1,0,9 doesnt have that error.

The mistake is in the line 16 to 20 of the bfb file
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #79 on:* March 20, 2013, 10:40:50 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3669;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Thanks, azulene! Very kind of you.

If there is a resolution on the screen-flash issue I will see if I can do
something to remove it, or I can at least make a note of it in the release

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Re: 3D View Going Black<>
« *Reply #78 on:* March 20, 2013, 07:29:35 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3666;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 20, 2013, 03:39:55 AM<>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 18, 2013, 01:19:11 PM<>

I have one beta tester with the same flashing behavior. I can not
duplicate that on either Win7 or Win8 (both 64-bit, both with nVidia GPUs).

I can confirm that the 3D View goes black when starting the app and
starting the first slice in both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of
& on Win8 64-bit, GTX670. Subsequent re-slices work without issue.

Did you try to switch off Advanced System Setting -> Settings ->
Performance Options(Visual Effects) -> 'Enable desktop composition' ?
[image: *] desktopComposition.png<;topic=489.0;attach=1442> (65.02
kB, 520x715 - viewed 15 times.)
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3D View Going Black<>
« *Reply #77 on:* March 20, 2013, 03:39:55 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3665;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 18, 2013, 01:19:11 PM<>

I have one beta tester with the same flashing behavior. I can not
duplicate that on either Win7 or Win8 (both 64-bit, both with nVidia GPUs).

I can confirm that the 3D View goes black when starting the app and
starting the first slice in both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of
& on Win8 64-bit, GTX670. Subsequent re-slices work without issue.

The 64-bit versions cause the Windows Error Reporting Service (wermgr.exe)
to fire at app start and try to phone home. My firewall throws up a dialog
asking if it's OK to send. No details are available about what went wrong,
where. Setting compatibility and Run As Administrator make no difference.

32-bit 3/18 version on Win8 32-bit starts OK and does not have the black 3d
View stuff going on at app start and first slice.

Change Registration Key in the File Menu is a light colored font until a

The Seam adjustments in the 3/18 look cool. Haven't tried a print
yet but the paths are promising.
« *Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 03:49:15 AM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #76 on:* March 19, 2013, 05:51:16 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3662;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

When ever I start Kisslicer and Repetier in Win7 64bit Pro, my desktop
flashes and Aero shuts off. Always thought this was just normal behavior;
Kiss being an executable that is not "installed" in the classic Windows
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #75 on:* March 19, 2013, 04:39:52 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3661;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Well, just wanted to say, you rock Jonathan!

That last upgrade of your stitch up killing marvel has worked wonders.

It prints beautifully, no more scars, no zits, just pure awesomeness on our
delta. You have taken it to the next level..

We have been looking at the paths the latest version creates and think you
are a genius!

You have a subtlety with molten plastic, keep up the good work [image: ;)]
Topic: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 4 (Read 31014 times)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #124 on:* March 22, 2013, 02:48:01 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3763;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM<>

on round perimeters the old method could still pick anywhere along the
perimeter as well. It's sort of like the rotating-calipers algorithm.
Only internal points or straight lines have no chance of being selected.

Let me see if I'm getting this. So a cube, no matter how it is rotated,
will have a seam on a corner but a smooth cylinder will default to 45 deg?

If so, what is the threshold of straight lines to round? All rounds are a
series of small straight traverses. IOW, what is the shortest straight line
in a series of short straight lines that makes the choice between the two
locations? Described a different way: how many sides on an object can there
be before the switch is made? OR, how low a resolution model can one use
and not trigger the switch?

Further, if a cube, Jitter is > 0, using the first method, will the layer
start jump from corner to corner?

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM<>

And I am not throwing the new version out just yet, or based on a single
instance of testing...I am saying it was probably not wise on my part to
change out a working algorithm that has been tested through many releases
and many many prints, for an untried algorithm.

There is that. Got it. Been there, myself.

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM<>

If the new version makes it in it will be as you suggest, via a checkbox.


Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM<>

thanks, really going to bed this time

I finally did, too.
« *Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 02:50:58 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #123 on:* March 22, 2013, 01:27:13 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3762;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Sublime on March 22, 2013, 09:48:49 AM<>

Quote from: Dirty Steve on March 22, 2013, 09:42:31 AM<>


In the non pro version, as far as small detail, when I see paths like 0.25
oversample, that is just telling me that my nozzle/extrusion width is too
big to handle the detail size.

Agreed I just reduce the extrusion width a little and the issue goes away.

Hi at all,

yes, you right I could reduce a little bit the extrusione witdh; in the
specific object reducing the extrusion width from 0.5 to 0.4 and the
oversample to 0.25, instead of 0.05, solve the slicing problem, but then I
have other.
The extrusion speed can become too low and the extruder don't work
properly, I need to increase the flow tweak, reducing temperature with pla
or increase the feedrate.
I have experienced some extrusion clogging problem with 0.4mm extrusion
width, so for me change the value of oversample is the simpler and more
reliable way to correct the slicing problem and use a most reliable setting.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #122 on:* March 22, 2013, 09:48:49 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3760;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dirty Steve on March 22, 2013, 09:42:31 AM<>


In the non pro version, as far as small detail, when I see paths like 0.25
oversample, that is just telling me that my nozzle/extrusion width is too
big to handle the detail size.

Agreed I just reduce the extrusion width a little and the issue goes away.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #121 on:* March 22, 2013, 09:42:31 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3759;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>


In the non pro version, as far as small detail, when I see paths like 0.25
oversample, that is just telling me that my nozzle/extrusion width is too
big to handle the detail size.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #120 on:* March 22, 2013, 09:34:08 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3758;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 21, 2013, 08:25:07 PM<>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 03:25:33 PM<>

obviously theese are just usability suggestions, to Jonathan the last word.
I don't have any idea what and how many modification are needed to move the

Agreed. I'm just citing that this perhaps seemingly simple change may not
be trivial.

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 03:25:33 PM<>

however I think that in the style.ini file can be simply written the value
of the setting; if the setting is used or ignored is license dependent.

I suppose that could work. The way Crowning and Oversample are implemented
currently, they are global variables. I see a certain elegance in that
approach. For me, moving them to individual Styles makes them become too
granular; a lot of duplication of a setting that was once in one place. I
have a lot of Styles, I mean a LOT. I set them up ahead of time to save
time later on. If yet another pair of variables get added to this mix, the
number of Styles grows immensely.

Seems to me that both Crowning and Oversample are settings that can be set
once, as a general process workflow thing for the type of printing an
individual user does on a normal basis, on the particular hardware that
they have. Perhaps you can share with me why having to change them every
slice is necessary, or even a good thing?

Hi Penske,
the reason are the small detail and the slicing time.
To slice the file that you see in the screenshot, with 0.05mm oversample my
pc need 15 sec; with 0.25mm only 6 second.
As you can see with 0.25mm is not enoght for a correct slicing, while
0.05mm is.
With bigger object and less detail 0.05mm only increase the slice time
without any quality benefit.

[image: *] 0.25mm oversample.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1462> (335.18
kB, 2069x1299 - viewed 31 times.)
[image: *] 0.05mm oversample.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1464> (313.26
kB, 2066x1297 - viewed 27 times.)
[image: *] 0.05mm oversample_print.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1466> (220.17
kB, 759x1074 - viewed 29 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #119 on:* March 22, 2013, 09:26:42 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3756;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM<>

@ litosaragon:
Let me know if it works!


It works !!!

Thanks again
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #118 on:* March 22, 2013, 08:45:56 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3754;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Framingr on March 22, 2013, 07:47:48 AM<>

I have to say my vote would be for a checkbox to choose one or the other.
On flat surfaces for solid models I love the new option as it removes and
unsightly seam, which while not very raised, was very noticeable. I do
however see the need for the old methodology on those items of irregular
shapes, where the algorithm seemed to be amazing at hiding the seam within
the folds etc.

Agreed. +1
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #117 on:* March 22, 2013, 07:47:48 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3752;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

I have to say my vote would be for a checkbox to choose one or the other.
On flat surfaces for solid models I love the new option as it removes and
unsightly seam, which while not very raised, was very noticeable. I do
however see the need for the old methodology on those items of irregular
shapes, where the algorithm seemed to be amazing at hiding the seam within
the folds etc.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #116 on:* March 22, 2013, 05:41:04 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3751;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

I've ran alot of gears through KISSlicer without any issue with the seam on
a corner or on the tip of a gear tooth, "farthest along vector V" with a
jitter would have my vote.

I also noticed with Seam depth set to 0 on a vase print, the following
layer is moved inward so much at the seam that the extrusion is completely
inside the outside wall and it is extruded 'in air' and does not attach to
the previous layer, but comes back into line at the following corner. I
stopped the print when I saw that.

I don't quite understand what seam depth would be needed for. For me, RC1a
and earlier seams are about the best seams I've seen from any slicer. It is
visible, but is barely detectable running a fingernail across it on a
non-vase print. I can only speak for the results I'm seeing on my printer.
0.25mm nozzle, 0.1mm layers.

I know you are getting to the fine tuning bits of the code, just remember
the name, K.I.S.S.!!!

Thanks for all your hard work!
« *Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 07:31:43 AM by Dirty Steve* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #115 on:* March 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3746;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Further quick notes: on round perimeters the old method could still pick
anywhere along the perimeter as well. It's sort of like the
rotating-calipers algorithm. Only internal points or straight lines have
no chance of being selected.

And I am not throwing the new version out just yet, or based on a single
instance of testing...I am saying it was probably not wise on my part to
change out a working algorithm that has been tested through many releases
and many many prints, for an untried algorithm. If the new version makes
it in it will be as you suggest, via a checkbox. [8^)

thanks, really going to bed this time, [8^)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #114 on:* March 21, 2013, 11:55:58 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3745;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 11:43:00 PM<>

So, quick note on this: The "constant angle" behavior was an intentional
change, but on further reflection it may not be a good idea.

Don't jump to conclusions.

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 11:43:00 PM<>

The old behavior was "farthest along vector V", and the new behavior is
"Closest to lying along vector V from the middle of this perimeter". I did
this because with the old behavior for things like gears you would always
end up with the seam on the end of the teeth, or on the corners of a
rectangle, for example. I thought "if we are going to jitter, we might as
well have the entire region to play with". But, if the seams just
naturally blend better on corners it will be trivial to change the behavior

Same response x 2.

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 11:43:00 PM<>

I really appreciate your comments and insight on this issue. I am tempted
to revert (while still leaving in the just may not be noticable
on things like rectangles). Or maybe a hybrid where I try to weight
corners with a higher probability than straight edges?

Same response x 3. Don't try to anticipate *for* the user what the model
needs. There will be models that fall into a grey area where any algorithm
will not be able to accurately decide what is or isn't a "corner" or,
indeed, a preferred location.

Please provide at least a checkbox to select *between* the two seam
options, as I can certainly see applications in my work for *both*;
depending upon the model. To now lose one or the other, because of one
instance of testing, would not be welcome.

Thanks for considering.
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 11:59:26 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #113 on:* March 21, 2013, 11:43:00 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3743;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dirty Steve on March 21, 2013, 05:34:03 PM<>

The seam on a vase print from 'short_G-code' compared to RC1a is very

RC1a seam follows the corner of the print, but short_G-code seam is at a
constant angle relative to the print, same positioning with Seam set to 0
and 1.

Overlook the print quality, I'm pushing my maximum print speed.

RC1a on the left, short_G-code on the right.

So, quick note on this: The "constant angle" behavior was an intentional
change, but on further reflection it may not be a good idea. The old
behavior was "farthest along vector V", and the new behavior is "Closest to
lying along vector V from the middle of this perimeter". I did this
because with the old behavior for things like gears you would always end up
with the seam on the end of the teeth, or on the corners of a rectangle,
for example. I thought "if we are going to jitter, we might as well have
the entire region to play with". But, if the seams just naturally blend
better on corners it will be trivial to change the behavior back.

The changes I made only affect the start location of the perimeter and
loops, and the Seam slider controls the depth of the crossover paths. No
changes were made to destring or wipe, so I'm guessing that any increased
blobbing or stringing has more to do with the change described in the first
paragraph (assuming the Seam depth slider was set to 1.0, which duplicates
the previous versions' seam depth).

I really appreciate your comments and insight on this issue. I am tempted
to revert (while still leaving in the just may not be noticable
on things like rectangles). Or maybe a hybrid where I try to weight
corners with a higher probability than straight edges?

thanks, heading to bed,
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #112 on:* March 21, 2013, 08:39:32 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3736;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Until the 'small_G-code' release, the seam has followed a vertical edge in
the model for me in all releases like the print on the left, this is the
first time I've seen a seam like the right one. Both prints are sliced with
auto-rotate off, no manual rotation.
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 08:45:50 PM by Dirty Steve* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #111 on:* March 21, 2013, 08:25:07 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3733;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 03:25:33 PM<>

obviously theese are just usability suggestions, to Jonathan the last word.
I don't have any idea what and how many modification are needed to move the

Agreed. I'm just citing that this perhaps seemingly simple change may not
be trivial.

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 03:25:33 PM<>

however I think that in the style.ini file can be simply written the value
of the setting; if the setting is used or ignored is license dependent.

I suppose that could work. The way Crowning and Oversample are implemented
currently, they are global variables. I see a certain elegance in that
approach. For me, moving them to individual Styles makes them become too
granular; a lot of duplication of a setting that was once in one place. I
have a lot of Styles, I mean a LOT. I set them up ahead of time to save
time later on. If yet another pair of variables get added to this mix, the
number of Styles grows immensely.

Seems to me that both Crowning and Oversample are settings that can be set
once, as a general process workflow thing for the type of printing an
individual user does on a normal basis, on the particular hardware that
they have. Perhaps you can share with me why having to change them every
slice is necessary, or even a good thing?
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #110 on:* March 21, 2013, 08:07:03 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3732;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Caveat: We may be talking about two different things, here.

As I understand it, the Seam 0/1 controls how far inside the part the
transition between Loops is.

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM<>

At least for my RapMan having the seam on (the default of 1 equals the old
behavior) really helps as the prime and retracts happen slightly inside the
part. Since the 5D people can more accurately tune their destring it makes
more sense for them to have a smaller seam crossover (or none).

Clarification? The print on the left positions the seam along that helix
sharp edge? I didn't know that was possible. So, KS is looking at the
geometry and determining where the best place to hide a seam would be? I've
done this intentionally by carefully rotating the part to the default 45
deg. layer start point but having a slicer that hides the seam, wherever
possible, is sheer genius.
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 08:10:58 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #109 on:* March 21, 2013, 05:34:03 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3730;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

The seam on a vase print from 'short_G-code' compared to RC1a is very

RC1a seam follows the corner of the print, but short_G-code seam is at a
constant angle relative to the print, same positioning with Seam set to 0
and 1.

Overlook the print quality, I'm pushing my maximum print speed.

RC1a on the left, short_G-code on the right.

[image: *] seam.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1459> (277.55
kB, 1005x838 - viewed 65 times.)
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 06:28:23 PM by Dirty Steve* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #108 on:* March 21, 2013, 03:31:35 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3726;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: funbart on March 21, 2013, 02:20:18 PM<>

I suggested it earlier, but I would opt to move the Misc items as Crowning
Threshold, Oversample resolution as well to the Style tab, as they are of
direct influence to the slice paths. As I found them of great influence.
It's not convenient that these are not save-able in profiles. But for me,
it would be very logical to be able to save them with the style profiles.

What I'm doing now, to remember those settings, I make style profiles with
naming as:
0.2mm <project name> <printed part> OS<oversampling> CT<crowning threshold>

so resulting in "0.2mm building rooof OS 0.1 CT -1"

I agree about the Z-lift of the material tab to move to the style tab. With
Slic3r Z-lift is on the Printer tab BTW, but they have suck and prime as
well on the printer tab, which makes no sense IMO, as they are more
Material specific settings (I mean, change with different material types).

But thinking further: Support generation is for me a candidate as well for
the Style tab. But then you end with a huge style tab when moving
But's it's more a UI designing thing I suppose. I thought Penske had a
proposal somewhere, but I couldn't find it yet.


+1 for the Misc. options suggested by funbart, ie oversampling resolution
and crowning threshold in the style tab! That would also be very handy.

Come to think of it having a quick drop down of your preset support options
in the style tab would also be very useful. Just the titles of your support
types for quick selection.

However agree we are getting into a rather cumbersome style tab (could be
controlled by having most things off in beginner mode for newbies as it is

Thanks anyway Jonathan for giving some of our nice to have UI ideas some


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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #107 on:* March 21, 2013, 03:25:33 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3724;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 21, 2013, 03:10:09 PM<>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 02:32:53 PM<>

I'm with you funbart, Crowning and Oversample in style tab is better.

Those are Pro-only features, so I'd wager that it won't be trivial to move
them and enable/disable them on each and every Style. Everything on a Style
is written to the .ini file. Seems that Crowning and Oversample are written
to the Prefs. Separating them may be a can of worms. As it is, the whole
tab that holds Crowning and Oversample is either active or not. Of course,
I don't know how the Pro features are coded, so perhaps it isn't as
difficult and convoluted as it seems it may be. Perhaps a Pro-only sub-tab
on the Styles tab, similar to the Printers tabs, may be an answer. Then it
and all it contains can be disabled. However, those settings would not be
saved with the Style.... or maybe they could be. Idunno.

Hi Penske,

obviously theese are just usability suggestions, to Jonathan the last word.
I don't have any idea what and how many modification are needed to move the
however I think that in the style.ini file can be simply written the value
of the setting; if the setting is used or ignored is license dependent.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #106 on:* March 21, 2013, 03:10:09 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3722;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 21, 2013, 02:32:53 PM<>

I'm with you funbart, Crowning and Oversample in style tab is better.

Those are Pro-only features, so I'd wager that it won't be trivial to move
them and enable/disable them on each and every Style. Everything on a Style
is written to the .ini file. Seems that Crowning and Oversample are written
to the Prefs. Separating them may be a can of worms. As it is, the whole
tab that holds Crowning and Oversample is either active or not. Of course,
I don't know how the Pro features are coded, so perhaps it isn't as
difficult and convoluted as it seems it may be. Perhaps a Pro-only sub-tab
on the Styles tab, similar to the Printers tabs, may be an answer. Then it
and all it contains can be disabled. However, those settings would not be
saved with the Style.... or maybe they could be. Idunno.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #105 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:57:27 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3721;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Gijs on March 21, 2013, 01:53:56 PM<>

I understand that, but if I thicken the infill, I would suspect that the
paths need to be changed as well, otherwise the overlap won't match

Depends upon what you mean by "thickening the Infill". Moving the Infill
slider from one selection to another (5% > 25%) causes a re-slice because
the paths change. Thickening the Infill by setting a different Infill
Extrusion Width does not cause a re-slice because the paths don't change;
they only get thicker by increasing the feed calculation.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #104 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:32:53 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3719;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: funbart on March 21, 2013, 02:20:18 PM<>

Quote from: pmuzz82 on March 21, 2013, 02:09:57 PM<>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM<>

@ pmuzz82:
Hmmm, I'm not sure about the Z-lift checkbox. I could see _maybe_ moving
the whole thing into "Style" instead of "Material". Does that make more
sense? It's a (small) breaking change, thoug, so I would like to hear many
people weigh in on this issue.

I am also a bit scared to output binary G-code as that seems even more
platform specific. It would be trivial to call a command line tool with
the post-processor, though. Are there any programs or scripts that will do
the conversion?


Hi Jonathan,

Moving the entire "Misc. Z-lift" checkbox into the Style tab would
definitely work. It is definitely more of a style or printer specific thing
than a material trait as Gijs also mentioned.

I have looked at a few programs for doing the conversion and agree it would
be a trivial post processing addition. I will have a play and post anything
that I get working.



I suggested it earlier, but I would opt to move the Misc items as Crowning
Threshold, Oversample resolution as well to the Style tab, as they are of
direct influence to the slice paths. As I found them of great influence.
It's not convenient that these are not save-able in profiles. But for me,
it would be very logical to be able to save them with the style profiles.

What I'm doing now, to remember those settings, I make style profiles with
naming as:
0.2mm <project name> <printed part> OS<oversampling> CT<crowning threshold>

so resulting in "0.2mm building rooof OS 0.1 CT -1"


I'm with you funbart, Crowning and Oversample in style tab is better.
When I make a big low detailed print keeping a high value in oversample a
lot of time is wasted in slicing process.
I change the oversample every time together with style.

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funbart <;u=379>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #103 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:20:18 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3718;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>
- Modify<;msg=3718;topic=489.200>
- Remove<;topic=489.200;msg=3718;a5d74a15dd7d=b9fd1c83b5bfe2a9eef4d02a64793a07>

Quote from: pmuzz82 on March 21, 2013, 02:09:57 PM<>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM<>

@ pmuzz82:
Hmmm, I'm not sure about the Z-lift checkbox. I could see _maybe_ moving
the whole thing into "Style" instead of "Material". Does that make more
sense? It's a (small) breaking change, thoug, so I would like to hear many
people weigh in on this issue.

I am also a bit scared to output binary G-code as that seems even more
platform specific. It would be trivial to call a command line tool with
the post-processor, though. Are there any programs or scripts that will do
the conversion?


Hi Jonathan,

Moving the entire "Misc. Z-lift" checkbox into the Style tab would
definitely work. It is definitely more of a style or printer specific thing
than a material trait as Gijs also mentioned.

I have looked at a few programs for doing the conversion and agree it would
be a trivial post processing addition. I will have a play and post anything
that I get working.



I suggested it earlier, but I would opt to move the Misc items as Crowning
Threshold, Oversample resolution as well to the Style tab, as they are of
direct influence to the slice paths. As I found them of great influence.
It's not convenient that these are not save-able in profiles. But for me,
it would be very logical to be able to save them with the style profiles.

What I'm doing now, to remember those settings, I make style profiles with
naming as:
0.2mm <project name> <printed part> OS<oversampling> CT<crowning threshold>

so resulting in "0.2mm building rooof OS 0.1 CT -1"

I agree about the Z-lift of the material tab to move to the style tab. With
Slic3r Z-lift is on the Printer tab BTW, but they have suck and prime as
well on the printer tab, which makes no sense IMO, as they are more
Material specific settings (I mean, change with different material types).

But thinking further: Support generation is for me a candidate as well for
the Style tab. But then you end with a huge style tab when moving
But's it's more a UI designing thing I suppose. I thought Penske had a
proposal somewhere, but I couldn't find it yet.


[image: Modify message]
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 02:27:52 PM by funbart* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #102 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:11:04 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3717;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>
- Modify<;msg=3717;topic=489.200>
- Remove<;topic=489.200;msg=3717;a5d74a15dd7d=b9fd1c83b5bfe2a9eef4d02a64793a07>

Quote from: Gijs on March 21, 2013, 01:53:56 PM<>

I understand that, but if I thicken the infill, I would suspect that the
paths need to be changed as well, otherwise the overlap won't match

You would be correct if it was working as you (and me) expected to, but
from what I understood, this is what happening (joergengeerts)
*KS is using the extrusion width to calculate the infill, but not the
infill width, which means that if 50% at 0.4mm is not enough for you, try
50% and 0.5mm or 0.6mm... it'll still use the same spacing as if it's
0.4mm, but is printing the thicker extrusion, hence a more solid infill.*

I don't know the reason of Jonathan for this, or it's something to be
[image: Modify message]
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pmuzz82 <;u=593>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #101 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:09:57 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3716;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM<>

@ pmuzz82:
Hmmm, I'm not sure about the Z-lift checkbox. I could see _maybe_ moving
the whole thing into "Style" instead of "Material". Does that make more
sense? It's a (small) breaking change, thoug, so I would like to hear many
people weigh in on this issue.

I am also a bit scared to output binary G-code as that seems even more
platform specific. It would be trivial to call a command line tool with
the post-processor, though. Are there any programs or scripts that will do
the conversion?


Hi Jonathan,

Moving the entire "Misc. Z-lift" checkbox into the Style tab would
definitely work. It is definitely more of a style or printer specific thing
than a material trait as Gijs also mentioned.

I have looked at a few programs for doing the conversion and agree it would
be a trivial post processing addition. I will have a play and post anything
that I get working.


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Dismantled <;u=429>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #100 on:* March 21, 2013, 02:02:52 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3715;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 20, 2013, 07:00:23 PM<>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 20, 2013, 04:06:50 PM<>

What problems you mean? I have updated the firmware just a few days ago and
the first impressions seem to be positive.

Heh. I've read a number of less than happy accounts on the BfB forum.
Obviously, not everyone has the same situation, as there aren't hundreds of
trouble reports. Still, there are enough that are serious enough for the
prudent to steer clear; at least until a third or fourth revision comes
down the pipe and more users report positive results.

I usually go for the latest and greatest but chose to hold off this time,
due to other indications and the fact that I am in the middle of a huge,
important project and screwing the pooch mid-stream by trusting that their
programmers: a) know what they're doing and, b) actually test stuff before
releasing it, and by doing so bricking my printer, is not in the picture.
Knowing when to jump is equally as important as knowing when to stop.

In a nutshell, they rushed out their shiny new firmware to be able to push
Axon3 on the unsuspecting; what with its proprietary closed format, no
settings and encrypted output files. More than a few owners are having a
variety of hardware problems after flashing. The 5.4.1 is at least a bit
better but still not rock solid enough for me to risk it. Seems that I
recall that one person tried to roll back to 5.3.1 to get his functionality
back and got stuffed. Not cool.

Hi Penske,

I forgot to specify, but I was talking about of version 5.4.2, that's work
fine and better than 5.3.1. I know the problem about firmware 5.4.1.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #99 on:* March 21, 2013, 01:53:56 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3714;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

I understand that, but if I thicken the infill, I would suspect that the
paths need to be changed as well, otherwise the overlap won't match
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #98 on:* March 21, 2013, 01:31:30 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3713;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Only a small set of things cause a complete re-slice from nothing (blue
cutting plane followed by green cutting plane). Changing Support Style will
do it but changing Precision won't. All changes are reflected in the code
saved, however, as you can see that the slicer does a final process of the
STL (yellow cutting plane) after hitting Save and specifying a filename and
location to save it in.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #97 on:* March 21, 2013, 10:57:26 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3709;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

imho z-lift is more a printer thing than a material thing

another thing: Once I have sliced an object and change the infill print
width, Kisslicer does not change the Save button to Slice...
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Knimrod <;u=1069>

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Re: Random Layer Start<>
« *Reply #96 on:* March 21, 2013, 10:28:47 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3708;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 20, 2013, 08:43:22 PM<>

Works pretty darn well! Finally carved out some time during my workstation
upgrade programs (3 machines at once) to try a print using this new
version. Wipe was off, De-string on, Seam @ 0.5 (unsure how this works as
yet, so hit the middle), Jitter @ 359. Got a nice little low dome using 0%
Infill, 3 Loops. *The layer starts look like meteor trails all over the
part. A noticeable thick, round deposit that trails off over approx. 0.25"
distance as the head continues on the path.* They are prominent enough to
cause the impression of lesser quality overall. Reminds me of Solar System
depictions of planets coalescing from the Solar Nebula of gas and dust.
This trailing is not evident on the previous parts printed before Jitter
came online. They have a very tight manifestation of the seam; less than
0.032" wide. Perhaps adjusting the Seam value or turning Wipe back on will
produce positive results in this area.

I'm seeing the same thing.. Kind of like blobs that are being dragged into
the perimeter. The jitter feature is working but it doesn't seem as though
retraction on the perimeter is working with jitter enabled. Using it left
strings all over my part which are not there if jitter is disabled. Easy
enough to trim but probably not working as intended.
« *Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 11:03:44 AM by Knimrod* »
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Slainte mhath!
lonesock (Jonathan)<;u=1>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #95 on:* March 21, 2013, 08:44:44 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3701;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

@ pmuzz82:
Hmmm, I'm not sure about the Z-lift checkbox. I could see _maybe_ moving
the whole thing into "Style" instead of "Material". Does that make more
sense? It's a (small) breaking change, thoug, so I would like to hear many
people weigh in on this issue.

I am also a bit scared to output binary G-code as that seems even more
platform specific. It would be trivial to call a command line tool with
the post-processor, though. Are there any programs or scripts that will do
the conversion?


@ PenskeGuy:
At least for my RapMan having the seam on (the default of 1 equals the old
behavior) really helps as the prime and retracts happen slightly inside the
part. Since the 5D people can more accurately tune their destring it makes
more sense for them to have a smaller seam crossover (or none). In my mind
the jitter option is mostly a personal you like the seam
all in one place, or bits of the seam all over the place? [8^)

For Vase mode it makes sense to enable a little jitter, especially if the
crossover seam depth is set to 0. If those were all stacked up you might
have imperfect bonding there, and a weakness along the seam...especially of
the destring settings aren't tuned. This is why the wipe pillar moves the
start location around on each layer.

@ litosaragon:
Let me know if it works!

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*A2TD : "Added to the ToDo list"
litosaragon <;u=1032>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #94 on:* March 20, 2013, 09:32:11 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3689;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 20, 2013, 02:28:00 PM<>

Actually, it was easier to just add in the wrapping behavior. G-code
comments in this build will wrap at about 62 characters.


EDIT: this build also has the fixed crowning speed & width.

Thanks! I will try it and then i'll report you.

I know the problem is in the firmware of the printer but BFB3000 is not
supported anymore by BFB, there is no new developments for it.
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- [image: Personal Message (Offline)]<;sa=send;u=385> Random Layer Start<>
« *Reply #93 on:* March 20, 2013, 08:43:22 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3688;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Works pretty darn well! Finally carved out some time during my workstation
upgrade programs (3 machines at once) to try a print using this new
version. Wipe was off, De-string on, Seam @ 0.5 (unsure how this works as
yet, so hit the middle), Jitter @ 359. Got a nice little low dome using 0%
Infill, 3 Loops. The layer starts look like meteor trails all over the
part. A noticeable thick, round deposit that trails off over approx. 0.25"
distance as the head continues on the path. They are prominent enough to
cause the impression of lesser quality overall. Reminds me of Solar System
depictions of planets coalescing from the Solar Nebula of gas and dust.
This trailing is not evident on the previous parts printed before Jitter
came online. They have a very tight manifestation of the seam; less than
0.032" wide. Perhaps adjusting the Seam value or turning Wipe back on will
produce positive results in this area.
« *Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 08:45:16 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #92 on:* March 20, 2013, 07:00:23 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3686;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 20, 2013, 04:06:50 PM<>

What problems you mean? I have updated the firmware just a few days ago and
the first impressions seem to be positive.

Heh. I've read a number of less than happy accounts on the BfB forum.
Obviously, not everyone has the same situation, as there aren't hundreds of
trouble reports. Still, there are enough that are serious enough for the
prudent to steer clear; at least until a third or fourth revision comes
down the pipe and more users report positive results.

I usually go for the latest and greatest but chose to hold off this time,
due to other indications and the fact that I am in the middle of a huge,
important project and screwing the pooch mid-stream by trusting that their
programmers: a) know what they're doing and, b) actually test stuff before
releasing it, and by doing so bricking my printer, is not in the picture.
Knowing when to jump is equally as important as knowing when to stop.

In a nutshell, they rushed out their shiny new firmware to be able to push
Axon3 on the unsuspecting; what with its proprietary closed format, no
settings and encrypted output files. More than a few owners are having a
variety of hardware problems after flashing. The 5.4.1 is at least a bit
better but still not rock solid enough for me to risk it. Seems that I
recall that one person tried to roll back to 5.3.1 to get his functionality
back and got stuffed. Not cool.
« *Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 08:22:49 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #91 on:* March 20, 2013, 06:23:49 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3685;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Hi Jonathan,

Similarly to how you have added Wipe on/off to the Style settings tab,
would it be possible to do the same thing for z lift?

The reason I ask is that on hollow single loop objects which start/stop
layers at the same point (eg hollow bracelets, vases, lithophanes etc)
printed with skin thickness 0, wipe off, destring off you still get a z
lift unless you set up a different Material tab for "z lift off" or go and
manually turn z lift on/off.

If we could just have a simple check box as for Wipe and Destring it would
be perfect.

Absolutely love the effectiveness of your seam depth scale and jitter
random start point additions for perfect seam free prints. You are kicking
goals faster than most companies can think of them! Keep up the great work.

I am also going to give the new "short g code comments" version a go as
this wrapping of long text may fix the "include comments on" issue I have
encountered in the past. Historically we have always sliced with "include
comments" off as the overflow of long comments onto/into other lines of g
code when using Repetier Host to convert to binary can cause random pauses
in the print and/or just not print at all if the error is present in the
first few lines of code. I have not revisited this for some months so will
report back how it performs on our MEGA 2560/RAMPS1.4; Repetier Firmware
Delta bots.

On a side note I have also wondered what would be involved in including the
option for saving gcode in binary format (.gco) directly within Kisslicer
for firmware like Repetier so as to completely bypass using host software
for binary formatting when SD card printing.

Thanks again for your excellent software Jonathan.
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Dismantled <;u=429>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #90 on:* March 20, 2013, 04:06:50 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3684;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 20, 2013, 04:00:43 PM<>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 20, 2013, 01:12:26 PM<>

I think the problem is the same on BFB3000, in 3DT the problem is solved
with the new firmware.

That problem is fixed but the 5.4.x firmware introduces a lot of others. [image:
>:(] I'll take Jonathan's solution over BfB's any day.

What problems you mean? I have updated the firmware just a few days ago and
the first impressions seem to be positive.

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3D Touch dual head (fw 5.4.2)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #89 on:* March 20, 2013, 04:00:43 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3683;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: Dismantled on March 20, 2013, 01:12:26 PM<>

I think the problem is the same on BFB3000, in 3DT the problem is solved
with the new firmware.

That problem is fixed but the 5.4.x firmware introduces a lot of others. [image:
>:(] I'll take Jonathan's solution over BfB's any day.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #88 on:* March 20, 2013, 02:28:00 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3680;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Actually, it was easier to just add in the wrapping behavior. G-code
comments in this build will wrap at about 62 characters.


EDIT: this build also has the fixed crowning speed & width.
[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1455> (566.16
kB - downloaded 19 times.)
« *Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 02:31:54 PM by lonesock (Jonathan)* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #87 on:* March 20, 2013, 01:42:47 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3679;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

I wonder if it is the length of the line? Maybe the "read next line"
function has a fixed size buffer? Could you try keeping the same text, but
breaking it up every 60 characters or so? (And including new ';' in front
of each line, of course.)

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #86 on:* March 20, 2013, 01:27:21 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3677;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 20, 2013, 12:43:02 PM<>

Could you please zip and attach the G-code file?


I attach the gcodefile. Thanks Jonathan.
I dont like to disable comments because they are very useful.
[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1444> (510.39
kB - downloaded 2 times.)
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #85 on:* March 20, 2013, 01:12:26 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3676;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 20, 2013, 12:50:36 PM<>

Quote from: litosaragon on March 20, 2013, 11:49:36 AM<>

Ive tryed the last review of this post in a BFB3000 with firmware 4.2.2.
When i ckeck the box of add comments the printer doesnt start to print in
version 1,0,9 doesnt have that error.

The mistake is in the line 16 to 20 of the bfb file

I've encountered this on the 3DT. Line was 6, however. Just figured that
the inimitable BfB firmware was barfing on the commented lines, so
re-sliced with them off. It did have me going that my printer was Borked
until I recalled having seen this prior and shut them off. Then all was


the same for me with 3DTouch and the old firmware 5.3.1, and KS from
version and above.
The problem is the number of the characters of the comment line. Disable
comment remove the long lines and solve the problem.
I don't remember exactly what is the maximum number of characters.

I think the problem is the same on BFB3000, in 3DT the problem is solved
with the new firmware.

If you want try simply delete from .bfb file the line that start with:

this should solve the problem.


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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #84 on:* March 20, 2013, 12:58:30 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3675;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 20, 2013, 10:40:50 AM<>

If there is a resolution on the screen-flash issue I will see if I can do
something to remove it, or I can at least make a note of it in the release

Had a think and found something that may lead you to the problem and a

- There is a correlation between the versions that trigger the Windows
Problem Reporting System at app start and the black 3D View.
- It isn't the first slice that causes the second black screen. It is
the first time that Show Settings collapses, whether it is triggered by a
slice or is unchecked--having not even loaded a model.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #83 on:* March 20, 2013, 12:50:36 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3674;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: litosaragon on March 20, 2013, 11:49:36 AM<>

Ive tryed the last review of this post in a BFB3000 with firmware 4.2.2.
When i ckeck the box of add comments the printer doesnt start to print in
version 1,0,9 doesnt have that error.

The mistake is in the line 16 to 20 of the bfb file

I've encountered this on the 3DT. Line was 6, however. Just figured that
the inimitable BfB firmware was barfing on the commented lines, so
re-sliced with them off. It did have me going that my printer was Borked
until I recalled having seen this prior and shut them off. Then all was
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Re: 3D View Going Black<>
« *Reply #82 on:* March 20, 2013, 12:47:33 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3673;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: tedbeer on March 20, 2013, 07:29:35 AM<>

Did you try to switch off Advanced System Setting -> Settings ->
Performance Options(Visual Effects) -> 'Enable desktop composition' ?

That setting is not there. It's Windows 8. Turning everything off (Adjust
for best performance) makes no difference.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #81 on:* March 20, 2013, 12:43:02 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3672;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Could you please zip and attach the G-code file?

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #80 on:* March 20, 2013, 11:49:36 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3670;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Ive tryed the last review of this post in a BFB3000 with firmware 4.2.2.
When i ckeck the box of add comments the printer doesnt start to print in
version 1,0,9 doesnt have that error.

The mistake is in the line 16 to 20 of the bfb file
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #79 on:* March 20, 2013, 10:40:50 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3669;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Thanks, azulene! Very kind of you.

If there is a resolution on the screen-flash issue I will see if I can do
something to remove it, or I can at least make a note of it in the release

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Re: 3D View Going Black<>
« *Reply #78 on:* March 20, 2013, 07:29:35 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3666;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: PenskeGuy on March 20, 2013, 03:39:55 AM<>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 18, 2013, 01:19:11 PM<>

I have one beta tester with the same flashing behavior. I can not
duplicate that on either Win7 or Win8 (both 64-bit, both with nVidia GPUs).

I can confirm that the 3D View goes black when starting the app and
starting the first slice in both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of
& on Win8 64-bit, GTX670. Subsequent re-slices work without issue.

Did you try to switch off Advanced System Setting -> Settings ->
Performance Options(Visual Effects) -> 'Enable desktop composition' ?
[image: *] desktopComposition.png<;topic=489.0;attach=1442> (65.02
kB, 520x715 - viewed 15 times.)
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3D View Going Black<>
« *Reply #77 on:* March 20, 2013, 03:39:55 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3665;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 18, 2013, 01:19:11 PM<>

I have one beta tester with the same flashing behavior. I can not
duplicate that on either Win7 or Win8 (both 64-bit, both with nVidia GPUs).

I can confirm that the 3D View goes black when starting the app and
starting the first slice in both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of
& on Win8 64-bit, GTX670. Subsequent re-slices work without issue.

The 64-bit versions cause the Windows Error Reporting Service (wermgr.exe)
to fire at app start and try to phone home. My firewall throws up a dialog
asking if it's OK to send. No details are available about what went wrong,
where. Setting compatibility and Run As Administrator make no difference.

32-bit 3/18 version on Win8 32-bit starts OK and does not have the black 3d
View stuff going on at app start and first slice.

Change Registration Key in the File Menu is a light colored font until a

The Seam adjustments in the 3/18 look cool. Haven't tried a print
yet but the paths are promising.
« *Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 03:49:15 AM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #76 on:* March 19, 2013, 05:51:16 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3662;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

When ever I start Kisslicer and Repetier in Win7 64bit Pro, my desktop
flashes and Aero shuts off. Always thought this was just normal behavior;
Kiss being an executable that is not "installed" in the classic Windows
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #75 on:* March 19, 2013, 04:39:52 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3661;topic=489.200;last_msg=5680>

Well, just wanted to say, you rock Jonathan!

That last upgrade of your stitch up killing marvel has worked wonders.

It prints beautifully, no more scars, no zits, just pure awesomeness on our
delta. You have taken it to the next level..

We have been looking at the paths the latest version creates and think you
are a genius!

You have a subtlety with molten plastic, keep up the good work [image: ;)]

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #24 on:* March 13, 2013, 05:17:55 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3504;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

Oops, didn't mean to post my feedback in news as a new topic. Sorry about
that. Here it is in a more appropriate location...The latest beta
has some issues with rotating the stl image. If you attempt to rotate an
irregular object, you will notice that when rotating between 45 and 60
degrees the image flips 90 degrees. All-in-all 1.1.0 has some great
improvements to Kisslicer!
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #23 on:* March 12, 2013, 11:49:35 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3500;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>


I just ordered the pro license.
The main reason is that you are doing a great job!
Especially with this last version and then the transform axis option.
This saves me using a other software package to position a model on the

Geo Hagen
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #22 on:* March 12, 2013, 01:54:32 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3497;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

"EldRich: sigh...I still have much to learn."

You can check on running Mac processes in the Activity Monitor - usually
found in the Utilities folder.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #21 on:* March 12, 2013, 01:10:07 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3496;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>


disabling auto-rotation it's fine.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #20 on:* March 12, 2013, 12:57:44 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3495;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

Possibly that is the packer rotating the part by some multiple of 90
degrees? Try it with [All Models]-[X Auto-Rotate for Packing] disabled?

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #19 on:* March 12, 2013, 12:30:22 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3494;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>


The part rotation is correct only up to 46 degree.
Above 47 degree is wrong; at 90? the part is rotated of 180?.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #18 on:* March 12, 2013, 11:23:37 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3493;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

I found the error with copying styles...stupid copy-n-paste error checking
for duplicate profile names. I'll get the Windows versions updated soon.

And yes, I really want to update the settings layout. That post was an
awesome layout. It's just taking a while, and I want to get this version
released so the functionality is out there.

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #17 on:* March 12, 2013, 07:10:31 AM »

- Quote<;quote=3492;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

Starting from a bare install, where it has to create the .ini files, if you
copy the material, then copy that material, it will crash.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #16 on:* March 11, 2013, 11:14:42 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3491;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

Quote from: plexus on March 11, 2013, 07:35:32 PM<>

On the mac, I get this. i got this with 1.1.0 beta and I just assumed it
was something that was going to be fixed. im referring to the UI controls
being crammed over on the right and wasting vertical space. these should
spread out over the width in a liquid fashion. this format looks like a UI
bug to me.

Nope. That's the way it is. I've been asking for better utilization of
screen real estate; even made a UI mock-up. This portion of the thread
starts here:
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #15 on:* March 11, 2013, 09:37:08 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3490;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

Have been using KISSlicer since October last year. As with the last version
( I have been using religiosuly this latest update ( 32
bit Windows on my Windows 7 Core 2 Duo with 4GB of RAM has started off
great [image: :)] Copied in my old ini files and away it went. No printer
style or materials style bugs on my machine when I create a new copy.
Really pleased to see the Wipe on/off button in Styles, this will reduce my
number of Materials options significantly for hollow single walled objects.
Is running excellent on my dual head delta robot so far. Thanks for your
hardwork Joanthan. Looking forward to your future features such as multi
colour material dual/triple extruders and intelligent bridging control.
Really love using this software for tough ABS prints with PLA as the raft,
support and support interface. Also very handy Nylon.
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #14 on:* March 11, 2013, 07:50:19 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3488;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

Another: if i slice and then change a setting in the tabs, Save will become
Slice. but if i move the precision slider, i can't re-slice. seems to me
that should also trigger a re-slice. also no need for the [ ] around the
slider title.

Thanks for KISSlicer! i am really enjoying using and exploring its
« *Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 08:22:51 PM by plexus* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #13 on:* March 11, 2013, 07:35:32 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3487;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

On the mac, I get this. i got this with 1.1.0 beta and I just assumed it
was something that was going to be fixed. im referring to the UI controls
being crammed over on the right and wasting vertical space. these should
spread out over the width in a liquid fashion. perhaps even put each tab in
a tool bar type format so that they can be drag n drop organized. i
digress... this format looks like a UI bug to me.
[image: *] Screen Shot 2013-03-11 at 11.32.42 PM.png<;topic=489.0;attach=1370> (138.89
kB, 1918x1155 - viewed 49 times.)
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1.1.0 Release Candidate 1 32-bit Crash<>
« *Reply #12 on:* March 11, 2013, 04:12:00 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3482;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

64-bit on Win8 seems to be OK. 32-bit on XP, SP3 crashes right outta the
gate. Tried with no _ini files, too. M$ error report says Offset: 0005b11f

There's a bunch of data in the details report but it is not selectable. Was
able to grab the data file attached.
[image: *] 51b6_appcompat.txt<;topic=489.0;attach=1369> (2.44
kB - downloaded 4 times.)
« *Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 04:30:38 PM by PenskeGuy* »
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #11 on:* March 11, 2013, 03:43:45 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3479;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>
- Modify<;msg=3479;topic=489.300>
- Remove<;topic=489.300;msg=3479;a5d74a15dd7d=b9fd1c83b5bfe2a9eef4d02a64793a07>

Quote from: lonesock (Jonathan) on March 11, 2013, 02:50:11 PM<>

@ Framingr: thanks, I'll check those settings since I can't duplicate the
crash with mine.

@ EldRich: sigh...I still have much to learn.

@ Bart: thanks. Do you have a translation file enabled, by any chance? I
did see the default G-code post, and that will have to go in before release.


Sorry, no translation, but most Dutch people are speaking English at about
my level. I figured that is enough for understanding and postings on the
If you get questions to have Dutch in, I continue with it. I have stuff
installed already.
[image: Modify message]
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lonesock (Jonathan)<;u=1>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #10 on:* March 11, 2013, 03:16:13 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3475;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

Yep, I am working on that. My old laptop died...all the KISSlicer source
code is in revision control, of course, but I lost all my Virtual Box
operating systems, so it will take a while to re-download and configure
(virtual install, then setting up the required development environment).
On the plus side, the build environment should be cleaner. [8^)

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Sublime <;u=574>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #9 on:* March 11, 2013, 02:53:32 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3472;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

I would like to do some testing so can you please release the Linux
versions (compiled on an older system or current debian testing so it has
the older glib).
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lonesock (Jonathan)<;u=1>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #8 on:* March 11, 2013, 02:50:11 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3471;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

@ Framingr: thanks, I'll check those settings since I can't duplicate the
crash with mine.

@ EldRich: sigh...I still have much to learn.

@ Bart: thanks. Do you have a translation file enabled, by any chance? I
did see the default G-code post, and that will have to go in before release.

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funbart <;u=379>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #7 on:* March 11, 2013, 01:53:07 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3467;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>
- Modify<;msg=3467;topic=489.300>
- Remove<;topic=489.300;msg=3467;a5d74a15dd7d=b9fd1c83b5bfe2a9eef4d02a64793a07>

First trying looks great!.
But I have the same problem with materials, copy it resulting in a crash.
No special characters.
I'm on a Win x64.
When changing the ini in a text editor, of course no problem occurred.

One small thing in the file menu. I took a screenshot (left upper corner)

Thanks for the Makerbot style items. Although I have mixed feelings they
have to get in for them...

Did you see may posting about the "default" button for Makerbot? I can
simplify it.
And the distribution packing with ReplicatorG?

Do some more testing...Did some testing
For me it works great !
A lot of fan switching with this test, but that simply to adjust, when all
100% It's nice to be able to use the fan now!
Great the 3D flipping and mirroring! For me more then enough possibilities
now. The color scheme is nice. Never realized but the switch for Z-height
between model and Gcode is essential. Strange I never missed it ;-)

I have to play with the tokens like <E> later on. And of course it's always
possible to discover some other thing. There is nothing changed regarding
the slicing as with oversampling / the way support is generated is it?

I shall update my configs in the forum. There is a simple Makerbot stl bed
in it as well.

[image: Modify message]
[image: *] 11-3-2013 23-15-13.jpg<;topic=489.0;attach=1365> (176.57
kB, 573x497 - viewed 155 times.)
« *Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 02:29:18 PM by funbart* »
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Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #6 on:* March 11, 2013, 01:46:06 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3466;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>


Mac's supposed to be 32-and 64-bit, but I am not sure that

Nope - Activity Monitor says it's 32-bit.
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Framingr <;u=975>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #5 on:* March 11, 2013, 01:25:12 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3465;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

No special characters that I can see. Just tried copying them in the beta
to make sure and they worked fine.
[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1364> (2.29
kB - downloaded 23 times.)
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lonesock (Jonathan)<;u=1>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #4 on:* March 11, 2013, 12:58:20 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3464;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

Ouch! Could you please zip and attach the INI files? (Or email them to me
if you wish.) Is there any chance the profiles contain any of the
characters "\@&/"?

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #3 on:* March 11, 2013, 12:54:48 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3463;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

Well I will be the first to jump in with a bug. Trying to copy a material
crashes the app. I am using the config files from the beta.
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lonesock (Jonathan)<;u=1>

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Re: KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 1<>
« *Reply #2 on:* March 11, 2013, 12:16:22 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3460;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

RC2 for Linux32. I'm downloading 64-bit Debian right now.

EDIT 2013-03-26: adding the 64-bit Linux version.

EDIT 2013-04-08: Linux32 and Mac builds for RC3. (The linux build might
need to re-marked as an executable...the forum upload failed, and I had to
decopress & recompress on Windows.)

EDIT 2013-04-25: RC4

[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1805> (589.66
kB - downloaded 19 times.)
[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1806> (1172.25
kB - downloaded 45 times.)
[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1807> (585.12
kB - downloaded 5 times.)
« *Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 09:58:45 PM by lonesock (Jonathan)* »
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lonesock (Jonathan)<;u=1>

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KISSlicer 1.1.0 Release Candidate 4<>
« *Reply #1 on:* March 11, 2013, 12:15:00 PM »

- Quote<;quote=3459;topic=489.300;last_msg=5680>

OK, I always want to add more features, but I just have to call it: here is
the release candidate!

I'll try to fix any bugs you find, other than that, this is what I plan to
release. So, any last minute machine settings or translations are welcome!

Changed since last beta:

- Better packer
- Fixed "count = 0" bug (would not slice, then not save, if one objects
count was 0)
- Better translation
- Added axes transformations (right-click on model tab)
- Updated compiler for Windows builds...not sure if this will be
- Disallow slashes in profile names, disallow duplicate profile names
- Z slider can now show the layer's Z value in model space, or in G-code
- Changed path color scheme...hopefully clearer (and removed "pause" [8^)
- Can change 3D background color
- Added an option to translate only the tooltips, leaving the interface
the same
- Added a distinct "Use Wipe" option in style (so it's not controlled by
"use Destring")
- Fixed "Extruder selection" bug.
- Generic fan commands (mostly for makerbot)
- Logs "Support" profile settings to the G-code file now
- Fixed a bug with segmented adaptive support and infill (right before
the solid layers)
- Throws a warning on empty paths after slice
- Added <E> G-code token (for use with makerbot again)
- Some small UI changes

Hope you like it! Regular users have been stuck with the old version for
far too long!

Linux builds to come soon, and probably an updated Mac's
supposed to be 32-and 64-bit, but I am not sure that worked.


EDIT 2013-03-15: updating to RC1a
* Fixed a bug when creating new profiles
* Fixed a bug where some extra moves were generated when Wipe was disabled
* Fixed a bug where a solid layer was still created on the bottom even
when skin thickness = 0
* Disable auto-rotate when there is only one part
* Changed Min Layer Time G-code comment text, and the "no paths" message
* Added a mesh error key, and used different colors for different types of
mesh errors
* Removed some double-quotes from the translation (pot) file (this is not
in the Mac build yet!)

EDIT 2013-03-25: updating to RC2
* Seam can now be randomized (Jitter) and the depth of the seam crossover
can be modified.
* Fixed some tab-order issues
* Fixed some translation / menu / tooltip string update issues
* Added a delta speed limit (1st layer speed limit is increased by this
each layer, so you can do gradual speed increases)
* Fixed a huge crowning bug! The speeds and widths should be sane now.
* G-code comments now wrap to stay within 62 characters
* removed some double quotes that were choking the translator

EDIT 2013-03-26
* adding Mac build for RC2. (Note: it has an updated PRNG for the seam

EDIT 2013-04-08: updating to RC 3
* added in a <%> token to the G-code includes.
* change setting text to red if the layer thickness > extrusion width
* improved the loop ordering, fixed a bug where some loops might get left
* updated tooltips
* changed Speed v. Quality slider to show the speeds instead of a tooltip
* add the actual speeds to the G-code comments
* added some anti-clustering to Jitter
* fixed a bug in the shared-path calculations
* removed GLU dependence
* Mac build is now 32- or 64-bit (universal binary)

EDIT 2013-04-25: RC4
* Raspberry Pi build
* changed min window size
* fixed bug with bogus loops on really really large models
* fixed a few other internal bugs
* faster slicing when using sparse infill
* WARNING: still has the crash on pillar raft!
[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1802> (709.14
kB - downloaded 247 times.)
[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1803> (566.13
kB - downloaded 129 times.)
[image: *]<;topic=489.0;attach=1804> (654.43
kB - downloaded 23 times.)
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