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Dec 18, 2013, 5:11:02 PM12/18/13


Which items do you wish to be in Kisslicer?  The items under 'additional' are added during Poll and not accurate

Polls are stupid, I trust Jonathan
2 (0.2%)
I trust Jonathan but Polls are funny
14 (1.6%)
3 (0.3%)
I like the basic looks of Kisslicer
16 (1.8%)
KS needs a more polished look and feel
14 (1.6%)
Calibration Scripts (diameter, width, speed)
24 (2.7%)
KS internals saved with Style
5 (0.6%)
Gcode as text displayed and editable
13 (1.5%)
More helpfiles instead of Tooltips
14 (1.6%)
More Tooltips
13 (1.5%)
Libary of settings per printertype
21 (2.4%)
Speed settings as Value, no slider
15 (1.7%)
Autopositioning switch on/off
6 (0.7%)
PC freeze free mode (but slower slicing)
1 (0.1%)
Overruling Oversampling: stl determines the exact Gcode path
11 (1.2%)
Fuzzy slicing: not perfect stl's having a reasonable output
13 (1.5%)
0 (0%)
More influence on infill %
18 (2%)
Solid infill every N layers
28 (3.2%)
Area's smaller than X mm2 as solid
29 (3.3%)
Setting for infill angle
20 (2.3%)
Horizontal surface as Concentric Pattern
24 (2.7%)
Joris Style Printing
23 (2.6%)
Step-over setting (layer height smaller at slow slopes)
25 (2.8%)
4 (0.5%)
Influence on the number of layers of the Support Interface
23 (2.6%)
Influence regarding the prime pillar (size, loops)
14 (1.6%)
More options for Raft (density, layers)
27 (3%)
1 (0.1%)
Bed temperature change at # layer
25 (2.8%)
1 (0.1%)
Feedrate influences Extrusion temperature
17 (1.9%)
Z-lift at layer start
6 (0.7%)
Jitter (random starting points per layer)
39 (4.4%)
Influence on position Layer start
21 (2.4%)
User Gcode for Layer Change
14 (1.6%)
User Gcode for specific layers
14 (1.6%)
1 (0.1%)
Control over Bridging
50 (5.6%)
Multi-colored objects (stl's linked to different extruders)
20 (2.3%)
Reprap Friendly Gcode generation
10 (1.1%)
Kisslicer benefits when it's open source
21 (2.4%)
It make's no difference if Kisslicer is open or closed source
12 (1.4%)
3D rotating of objects
30 (3.4%)
Separate setting for floor and top thickness
30 (3.4%)
number of loops changeable at a #given layer
14 (1.6%)
Brim / skirt #layers around objects
26 (2.9%)
More control over inset (outside / holes)
13 (1.5%)
Smart support, Support only where bridging isn't possible
30 (3.4%)
Sequential Printing
5 (0.6%)
Styles applied to #Layer Ranges
3 (0.3%)
More options for Cooling (min/max speeds for materials, extruders, support, object)
11 (1.2%)
Postprocessing internal in Kisslicer (search and replace)
3 (0.3%)
Thin part detection / options (like forcing one loop @chosen point)
17 (1.9%)
Possibility to combine Raft and Skirt (maybe skirt with #layers / raft editible)
6 (0.7%)
Pausing option to change filament
10 (1.1%)
Progress indication on LCD by inserting the M73 P(0-100) command in the Gcode.
10 (1.1%)
M126/M127 command "flavor" to switch the Print cooling fan
2 (0.2%)
Viewing Text  Gcode and used Parameters
4 (0.5%)
entry of backlash measurements
0 (0%)
changing print speeds at a certain part of the print
0 (0%)
layer-crossing infill.
0 (0%)
temperatures of zero results in no Gcode lines
0 (0%)
maximize overlap in layer where there is no support under infill bridge
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 97

Author Topic: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll (CLOSED)  (Read 8423 times)


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll (CLOSED)
« Reply #74 on: July 07, 2013, 12:03:25 AM »
Didn't miss it.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll (CLOSED)
« Reply #73 on: July 06, 2013, 10:43:59 AM »
Jonathan mentioned somewhere recently that it may be time to start a new thread based upon the feature set already included in the Release and gather newer ideas. Some will no doubt be repeated but it'll be more consolidated and pertinent to the current state of KS.

You are right of course, and I had closed it earlier after the final release  if I was only able to. 
Maybe you missed it, but I gave hem a big complement that during poll a lot of features allready were baked into the beta's and the final release.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll (CLOSED)
« Reply #72 on: July 04, 2013, 03:55:48 PM »
Jonathan mentioned somewhere recently that it may be time to start a new thread based upon the feature set already included in the Release and gather newer ideas. Some will no doubt be repeated but it'll be more consolidated and pertinent to the current state of KS.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #71 on: July 04, 2013, 08:29:40 AM »
Hi everybody, I locked the poll just now. It's goal was to let 'free think' about features wanted and give an impression how many users would be interested in it. Thank you all for contributing! I have added the last posts to the list, just to have it all on one place.

It's of course to Jonathan to decide what to use, or not, especially regarding to the very hard to hold 'simple' aspect of Kisslicer. 

Some features are implemented in the current official 1.1.0 release (like the badly wanted jitter and 3D rotation), others may be very user specific (I had some...), others (like dual colored objects) seems already to be planned for next releases of KS. 

A very rough and maybe rude conclusion regarding the poll is that the addition of Bridging is the most wanted by users, probably in relation with some fine tuning of the support generation (smart support).

Other -in general- wanted functions have to do with more control over infill, more influence on the (pattern of) top and botom layersskirt around objects, and the implementation of the futuristic 'step over' as well 'Joris style' printing.

Looking through the list I realised that -during the poll-  Jonathan had many functions implemented in the newest release. Absolutely great how he takes users seriously! Thanks!

In my eyes is Kisslicer 'complete' when dual colored objects and Bridging/smart support have been added. So, when will that be Jonathan ;-)
I'm sure that the other functions will be added as well, when possible and fitting in the 'simple' aspect of KS.

So big complements Jonathan, for the level already reached with KS, and I'm sure more and more users will discover Kisslicer!

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #70 on: May 10, 2013, 10:27:53 AM »
Idea for fast bridge implementation.
Using thick layers 0.35-0.4 most bridges are printed good. Except infill bridges. The problem is nonworking overlap when printing  in air. In such case extruded plastic does not touch loop. No layer compression - no width required to reach the loop.
Example - x-motor-bracket  from mendel90 repo. Look at central square - bridge is loops-and-infill simultaniosly. Cannot be printed without support and hardly even with support. But on external sides  the situation is opposite. Walls are very thick and some internal loops serve as a support for infill bridge. Printed perfect. So my idea to maximize overlap in layer where there is no support under infill bridge just before touching loop.


Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #69 on: April 30, 2013, 04:35:20 PM »
I'd like to be able to specify temperatures of zero for the hot end and platform to have them left out of the g-code.  I typically control my temps manually then print the file after the temperatures are where I want them.

Just remove the M104 <TEMP> and M109 <TEMP> entries from the all the gcode fields and it will not insert them.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #68 on: April 29, 2013, 11:00:56 PM »
By what parameters are you "controlling the temperatures manually" and then later deciding to print the object? What governs your decision on what is or is not the correct temperature? Why is this not able to be decided upon prior to slice?
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #67 on: April 29, 2013, 10:06:00 PM »
I'd like to be able to specify temperatures of zero for the hot end and platform to have them left out of the g-code.  I typically control my temps manually then print the file after the temperatures are where I want them.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #66 on: April 26, 2013, 10:56:12 PM »
Looking for a way to increase the layers bonding I found this trick in a blog:

The author call it layer-crossing infill.
And pratically the infill loop are alterante shifted by half of the layer tickness, this will increase the surface contact between layers.
Take a look to the image and to the link.

I would like to see implemented in ks.


* bonding-infill.jpg (27.51 kB, 400x204 - viewed 9 times.)
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2013, 07:03:21 AM »
The feature I want most is a rip off of Cura where travel is done inside the part wherever possible (avoids crossing the perimeter, even if it means taking a complex non-straight path) and won't retract when doing so. 

I have a delta printer with a bowden tube that can move very fast but has to retract 12mm to avoid strings. Retracting thousands of times really slows down the print and puts a lot of wear on the extruder. A second bonus is that it makes external strings only possible on parts with separate islands.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #64 on: April 07, 2013, 12:38:46 PM »
I would like to see options for changing print speeds at a certain part of the print.  For instance bottom of part has no holes or anything that would require slowing print speed down, but further up the model their might be, so could slow it down when it got to that point.
3D Printer - Lulzbot AO-101.  OS - OSX 10.8.3, KISSlicer, Repetier Host.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #63 on: April 07, 2013, 12:33:56 PM »
I would really like KS to allow entry of backlash measurements and give a user the option of selecting/deselecting compensating in the CGODE. For small parts or parts with critical dimensions this would be very useful!


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #62 on: March 10, 2013, 09:51:21 AM »
I think I have added it.
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Re: Ok. Really, really REALLY need the ability to open a G-code File
« Reply #61 on: March 09, 2013, 09:40:55 PM »
...and see what it is and how it was created. I have many variations of files generated on the way to a solution; some only miniscule differences between. While the versioning process is in-work is one thing but after a few days, all of that short term data is lost to the sands of time. We need a way to look at a KS-generated file and see its parameters. Axon will open .bfb files. Doesn't necessarily show all of the aspects (haven't checked that far) but it does show you the build.

I completely agree. I am fine if it will only open files that contain the comments still so you can take advantage of them for quick rendering of different path types etc.


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Ok. Really, really REALLY need the ability to open a G-code File
« Reply #60 on: March 09, 2013, 09:30:04 PM »
...and see what it is and how it was created. I have many variations of files generated on the way to a solution; some only miniscule differences between. While the versioning process is in-work is one thing but after a few days, all of that short term data is lost to the sands of time. We need a way to look at a KS-generated file and see its parameters. Axon will open .bfb files. Doesn't necessarily show all of the aspects (haven't checked that far) but it does show you the build.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #59 on: March 07, 2013, 01:16:50 PM »
About cooling.IMHO one more important feature is  required. Higher cooling speed on overhangs. Overhangs tend to curle without intensive cooling. I increase fan speed manually.

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #58 on: March 07, 2013, 10:58:42 AM »
The fan codes are now settable.  [8^)  

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #57 on: March 04, 2013, 07:51:22 PM »
Of course! But I never got a response whatsoever when asking something like that. They are invisible and surely not open for user suggestions. 

For now the Makerbot Gcode is for the most the same as in Sprinter I think. Only small differences. But there are also small differences with Ultimaker / BfB.

But, they are changing the Gcode further regarding consumed settings. For nothing and more different than other machines. I'm not happy with it either. 

For me it's no problem, I can postprocess easily. I ask this addition, because I expect more makerbot users for Kisslicer. 

Actually it's a small problem to solve for all. It's just the last remaining internal Gcode generated by Kisslicer, that I'm aware of not reachable for the user on the Gcode tab.  The rest is all user tweakable.
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« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 12:26:31 PM by funbart »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #56 on: March 04, 2013, 02:01:12 PM »
added a Makerbot flavor for print cooling fan code.

Would it not be easier and better to change the firmware (edit one file and transpose two numbers) so that the makerbot works with the standard gcodes instead of the propitiatory ones they implemented to try and force people to use their software?


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #55 on: March 04, 2013, 01:27:54 PM »
added a Makerbot flavor for print cooling fan code.
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Re: User Gcode for specific layers
« Reply #54 on: February 12, 2013, 04:03:50 PM »
I'd like to have a pause at layer option, to change filament colors or insert a metal part to be encapsulated.

It's in the sailfish firmware to do on the fly. And maybe it's a machine / firmware thing to do this anyway.
Kisslicer is doing all the Maths to produce Gcode. Every printer has it's own driver (like Repetier-Host or ReplicatorG) to import that Gcode and do printer specific stuff.

But when you want to do it on a specific spot (so not on the fly) I can imagine that you insert a Gcode command somewhere to pause the printer. Maybe you can use the Gcode field *N layers for that (but it's multiplied then). Or insert it manually in a text editor. Or Jonathan has to make another Gcode field option to only insert Gcode at a specific layer.

For a specific pause on a given layer you have to insert Gcode specific for your printer, 
for just a Pause I can imagine it's just like this (Makerbot style):

G162 X Y F2500 (home XY axes maximum)
G161 Z F1100 (home Z axis minimum)
G4 P300000 (wait 5 minutes, so you can change filament (but not operate the extruders I think)

After 5 minutes it returns to continue printing.

To change filament (single extruder)you can maybe add some commands to reverse and extrude, like:

G162 X Y F2500 (home XY axes maximum)
G161 Z F1100 (home Z axis minimum)
G92 E0
G1 F1200
G1 E-10 (reverse 10mm filament)
G92 E0
G4 P120000 (wait 2 minutes, so you can remove the old filament and feed the new filament)

G92 E0
G1 F1200
G1 E10 (feed 10mm filament to be sure the extruder is primed well)
G92 E0
G4 P120000 (wait 2 minutes, so you can remove ooze)

and return printing.

It's just a suggestion, you have to find out yourself which commands your printer needs. a lot of this will be in your specific startGcode I suppose.

As also this Gcode is machine specific I assume it's not a general feauture to expect in Kisslicer, but I add it to the list.

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« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 04:05:47 PM by funbart »
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User Gcode for specific layers
« Reply #53 on: February 12, 2013, 02:56:57 PM »
I'd like to have a pause at layer option, to change filament colors or insert a metal part to be encapsulated.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2013, 12:25:19 PM »
added (and added some extra)
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2013, 07:29:03 AM »
I'd like the option of using a skirt and a raft in the same print, without having to slice twice and manually combine the g-code.
Leapfrog Creatr

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #50 on: February 01, 2013, 04:57:53 PM »
I like the idea of at least a color key for mesh errors / warnings.


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Re: Error Reporting
« Reply #49 on: January 29, 2013, 02:48:44 PM »
I had a think this morning while I was getting ready for the day. Rather than trying to make KS try to fix bad modeling, how about making it educational? KS already identifies and flags errors that it finds but it doesn't tell you what the errors may be, so you can go into the modeler, fix them and, by doing so, learn how to prevent them in the future.

I have orange elements show up from time to time, but then I have to try to figure out what KS is finding wrong by zooming in and getting some idea where the problem is on the model and then in the modeler scour that area for anything that looks out of sorts. If KS knows that the model is Borked, it should then be able to say what it found. Best implementation would be to hover over an orange set of pixels and a dialogue pops up stating what it found, as there may very well be more than one type of error in the model. Or make different error types show up as different colors. Short of that, a list of found errors that is accessible by a button could suffice to narrow things down. IOW, if it found a hole, I don't need to go searching for an orphaned edge.

If this approach is adopted, users will become better modelers, as opposed to sitting back, relying on the software to fix everything for them, and continuing to produce junk that the modeler has to repair in order to produce a clean slice that prints well.

Currently, I run everything through Netfabb but, even then, KS finds stuff that Netfabb doesn't. Such is the nature of software analyzing complex models and trying to make assumptions on what the human intended and then trying to act upon those assumptions. So, it would appear that KS is in some ways more capable in this regard but doesn't help the user do the fixing by telling them what to fix. With some of the errors that KS finds, I am unable to locate anything in the model that is wrong. Having the capability of learning what it thinks is wrong would be a big step forward.

It IS frustrating that KS find errors and Netfabb not. I even tried Magics, professional stl repair
software, but even that one can't find errors @ KS orange lines.
It can be that KS isn't flagging for STL errors, but signaling something else. But what?
I got the feeling it has something to do with the angles of that stl's. OTOH: most of the time there are no slicing errors despite the orange lines.

The educational function is a good idea though. Maybe with some additional help files. But your next idea I have to disagree out of principle. You understand...

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Error Reporting
« Reply #48 on: January 29, 2013, 02:32:24 PM »
I had a think this morning while I was getting ready for the day. Rather than trying to make KS try to fix bad modeling, how about making it educational? KS already identifies and flags errors that it finds but it doesn't tell you what the errors may be, so you can go into the modeler, fix them and, by doing so, learn how to prevent them in the future.

I have orange elements show up from time to time, but then I have to try to figure out what KS is finding wrong by zooming in and getting some idea where the problem is on the model and then in the modeler scour that area for anything that looks out of sorts. If KS knows that the model is Borked, it should then be able to say what it found. Best implementation would be to hover over an orange set of pixels and a dialogue pops up stating what it found, as there may very well be more than one type of error in the model. Or make different error types show up as different colors. Short of that, a list of found errors that is accessible by a button could suffice to narrow things down. IOW, if it found a hole, I don't need to go searching for an orphaned edge.

If this approach is adopted, users will become better modelers, as opposed to sitting back, relying on the software to fix everything for them, and continuing to produce junk that the modeler has to repair in order to produce a clean slice that prints well.

Currently, I run everything through Netfabb but, even then, KS finds stuff that Netfabb doesn't. Such is the nature of software analyzing complex models and trying to make assumptions on what the human intended and then trying to act upon those assumptions. So, it would appear that KS is in some ways more capable in this regard but doesn't help the user do the fixing by telling them what to fix. With some of the errors that KS finds, I am unable to locate anything in the model that is wrong. Having the capability of learning what it thinks is wrong would be a big step forward.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 02:36:23 PM by PenskeGuy »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #47 on: January 29, 2013, 01:44:41 PM »

Hello !
I would like the possibility to insert a gcode after the layer N, another after the layer M, another after the layer O.
It's because I want a temp of 235?C in the first layer and after I want to decrease this value to 210?C step by step (3 minutes in order not to weaken the structure)

Hi, thanks for your reaction. But isn't the vote for: User Gcode for specific layers covering that?

Maybe it was not clear, but I saw this item as an option like:
@ layer N: insert user Gcode Na
@ layer M: insert user Gcode Mb and so on.

Maybe it's dubbeling a little bit as well with Postprocessing internal in Kisslicer (search and replace)

I can imagine that, if Jonathan is willing to implement all this editable functions, to keep it clear, is in one subtab Gcodes edits, as now appeared in the latest version.
But If I did not understand you correctly, let it know and I add it to the list.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #46 on: January 29, 2013, 08:39:31 AM »
Hello !
I would like the possibility to insert a gcode after the layer N, another after the layer M, another after the layer O.
It's because I want a temp of 235?C in the first layer and after I want to decrease this value to 210?C step by step (3 minutes in order not to weaken the structure)


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #45 on: January 27, 2013, 07:42:34 PM »
Regarding your concern about Kisslicer keeps focusing on it 's core business  I remember a dispute with you about that. I had problems to slice my CAD-based files properly, and wondered why other slicers did a better job. You were pretty convincing (PenskeGuy way ;-) not to leave the path of a 'pure'  slicer and leave modelling to the modelers and slicing to the slicers.
Annoying of course, back then,  but now I understand some more from stl's I agree with you.
Predictable results with the slicer are more important then a shift towards a modeler (Until there is a better way to describe solids; an other file format with a less sensitive behavior).

Happy to learn that I made some small contribution.

A good example is a "BUG" that was readily assumed to have been KS at fault and needed "fixing", when it was sloppy modeling and essentially just not paying attention to one's model to see that it is sound and whole parts of it are not inside out. Even Netfabb could not automatically identify and flip the offending polys. Nor could Meshlab or my modeler. Most times, it takes someone having a pulse to make this decision and correct the flaw when in the modeler, because the software has difficulty deciding what is what. Going through a magnitude of effort to try to add this functionality to a slicer is, IMO, a colossal waste of time; especially when applications that are dedicated to this type of operation fail.

But, said that: there are still some items that are 'in between' slicer and modeler, like:
* oversampling (I would like to be able to turn it off, to slice the exact corners of the stl)
* the thin paths not behaving as expected
* enhanced vase mode 
* arrange models / rotate on the plate
* inset

I've seen and dealt with all of these and agree that some enhancements to them would be good.

Thanks for the discussion.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 12:30:48 AM by PenskeGuy »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #44 on: January 27, 2013, 06:24:37 PM »

One point to be made on "censoring". I'm not exactly sure where this notion came from. Yes, everyone should be able to ask for anything they want. By the same token, anyone should be able to state their view on the subject, without their being censored.

About that: was at the beginning of the Poll:

Also, I request that people be free to ask for anything they want, without generating too much discussion.  The Open Source request is a great example.  I never mind people asking, in fact I love much of the OS concept.  

Regarding your concern about Kisslicer keeps focusing on it 's core business  I remember a dispute with you about that. I had problems to slice my CAD-based files properly, and wondered why other slicers did a better job. You were pretty convincing (PenskeGuy way ;-) not to leave the path of a 'pure'  slicer and leave modelling to the modelers and slicing to the slicers.
Annoying of course, back then,  but now I understand some more from stl's I agree with you.
Predictable results with the slicer are more important then a shift towards a modeler (Until there is a better way to describe solids; an other file format with a less sensitive behavior).

But, said that: there are still some items that are 'in between' slicer and modeler, like:
* oversampling (I would like to be able to turn it off, to slice the exact corners of the stl)
* the thin paths not behaving as expected
* enhanced vase mode 
* arrange models / rotate on the plate
* inset


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #43 on: January 27, 2013, 05:23:22 PM »
Yes, exactly. Calling it 'thin parts detection and options' sounds good to me :)

Ah, that I understand! So, when crowning switched off / or an enhancement for crowning, you should be able to force KS to generate only perimeters from a chosen point and also how many. As now it seems to have trouble with very thin parts trying to squeeze 2 loops in it, you could then say something like, only #many loops generated and only generated seen from 'heart' of the object (inside) or oustide. (a checkbox to flip the side it starts generating the perimeters.
I can add something like: thin parts detection and options?


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #42 on: January 27, 2013, 05:02:35 PM »
My thoughts exactly. Yeah, I figured that the only way to have a true picture of what is and isn't desired is to have two entries for all options. That way, if someone votes for and another person votes against and a third person doesn't care one way or another, so doesn't vote, the actual weight of each vote can be determined by running the votes against the total number of voters.

One point to be made on "censoring". I'm not exactly sure where this notion came from. Yes, everyone should be able to ask for anything they want. By the same token, anyone should be able to state their view on the subject, without their being censored. I do not see where asking for something carries any more weight than a dissenting opinion about that something. IOW, people should be able to ask for something that they don't want "without too much discussion", too. Works both ways; or at least it should. Certain people may not like their idea not being immediately adopted, but that's the way it goes. Sometimes, it's a bad idea. There are many ways to accomplish any task. Discussion about them is to be encouraged, not squelched. Some people simply do not have the experience level or have different experience and, therefore, have a different approach to the same concept. All approaches are valid - to varying degrees.

I learned programming when time on a CPU cost hundreds of dollars per second. Concise, efficient code wasn't an optional thing, it was the only thing. Adding in many lines of code to duplicate tasks that have already been made possible by other dedicated and, as such, more capable software is just inviting complexity into the code. This is something you never want to do, even today. Interoperability within the code can raise some ugly problems that can be difficult to track down. Complexity is bad. Keep to your strengths and, while KS is becoming less simple, keep it as simple as possible while doing great things.

Sure, it'd be nice to have one program do everything. Unrealistic, however. A couple of cases in point: A modeler can't slice. Why should a slicer be made to do modeling? Convenient sometimes, yes, but at what cost? IMO, Jonathan's time, energy and talent are better spent in making KS do slicing like no other slicer can. That will require enough work and code as it is, because some of the slicing concepts requested are decidedly not trivial but are very worthwhile pursuing. Others, not so much. Choosing between them should not be done in a bubble; and that's why your poll is valuable.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 11:37:47 AM by PenskeGuy »
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Re: Does the poll have this?
« Reply #41 on: January 27, 2013, 07:59:47 AM »
Don't know if this is even possible in this forum software (probably not) but one thing that is missing in the poll is the ability to vote not for something. As it stands, there are only positive votes. This is misleading in that votes to not include something are lumped in with non-votes (the voter doesn't care one way or the other, so doesn't vote for it), so the person who feels that a feature is either better not included or could be done another way has no vote. Not saying to scrap the whole thing, because this is good as far as it goes. Just an observation on obtaining a clearer picture.

Obviously, this is Jonathan's show. His vote on anything trumps all others. Still, it is a good idea to give him all of the information we can; on both sides of a given idea.

Totally agree. But the poll of this forum has absolute NO options, only vote for an item or not. To vote against isn't possible. Only vote. The possibility to vote against would lead to double items. (like the ambigue first ones).
Also when you have voted, you can't change or add an vote.
About editing the poll I have the possibility to add an item, complete delete an item, or complete reset the poll. I can't change the number of votes or anything.

When you want to add a wish to express your explicit vote agains an item, I'm happy to add it. Jonathans only concern was that everybody could add an item without censoring it. I try to do that, sometimes after a short discussion to understand the wish.

So, the moral of the poll: don't take it to seriously, it isn't even officially. It doubles as an shortlist for wishes though, because I found it very difficult to find wishes in the forum, also because of different terminology and languages (like me).
It shows more or less a common shared 'need' for some items. It also shows that some wishes are very specific and not commonly shared.
It's a good idea to add specific votes against it.

As all polls, it only expresses the wishes of users who ALSO  are willing to vote. I have no idea how many people KS actually use. (so actual users, not only people who described to the forum). 
Also annoying: the adding of items during Poll and delivering unclear results.

I can imagine that, when the activity for this poll is fading away, Jonathan can give some comments on the Poll, and mark the realistic ones, maybe separate them in items that can be implemented on a short notice, more future wishes, and impossible or unwanted ones.

Maybe an additional discussion is needed then, but I think that needs more Jonathans lead. I would like to help if he wants, to maintain a new ' wish / bug shortlist' but that's up to him.
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Does the poll have this?
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2013, 06:04:36 PM »
Don't know if this is even possible in this forum software (probably not) but one thing that is missing in the poll is the ability to vote not for something. As it stands, there are only positive votes. This is misleading in that votes to not include something are lumped in with non-votes (the voter doesn't care one way or the other, so doesn't vote for it), so the person who feels that a feature is either better not included or could be done another way has no vote. Not saying to scrap the whole thing, because this is good as far as it goes. Just an observation on obtaining a clearer picture.

Obviously, this is Jonathan's show. His vote on anything trumps all others. Still, it is a good idea to give him all of the information we can; on both sides of a given idea.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 06:14:25 PM by PenskeGuy »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #39 on: January 26, 2013, 02:19:58 PM »
Hi Funbart,

Yeah, 'vase mode' was perhaps bad wording on my part. The feature I'm describing is the ability to print an .STL file that already looks like a vase (i.e., the center is hollow and the model has a wall thickness), but to print it with only the outside or inside perimeters. 

Another way to describe it is if you wanted to print a knife blade, as you get to the top you have to rely on 'crowning' for it to switch from inner/outer perimeter into just a single loop. But there are limitations on crowning (it often doesn't make a smooth connected path for situations like this). So that's why I wanted the ability to switch to just the inner or outer perimeter at a certain height. 

About vase mode: I always thought that vase mode is with a not hollow object, to describe for bottom and outside perimeter how much layers (bottom) or extrusions (perimeter) has to be printed. 

What you describe is an object which already looks lake a vase as model: so already hollow I think? Because otherwise there is no inside perimeter. I don't think that's the common way to describe vase mode IMO, but I can be wrong. 
For that it's more a task for the modeler I think. Or more an enhancement for the new inset function, the outside of the vase will be without inset applied but the inset will. 
I recognize your problem though, having struggled with something like this as well,: also in a modeler it's very difficult to get this done exactly how you want it.

Ah, that I understand! So, when crowning switched off / or an enhancement for crowning, you should be able to force KS to generate only perimeters from a chosen point and also how many. As now it seems to have trouble with very thin parts trying to squeeze 2 loops in it, you could then say something like, only #many loops generated and only generated seen from 'heart' of the object (inside) or oustide. (a checkbox to flip the side it starts generating the perimeters.
I can add something like: thin parts detection and options?
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2013, 02:10:27 PM »
I thought Kisslicer already has a 64bits version for Linux and Windows for earlier versions?

I want a 64-bit Mac version to eliminate memory and stack overflow concerns.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2013, 12:46:05 PM »
Hi Funbart,

Yeah, 'vase mode' was perhaps bad wording on my part. The feature I'm describing is the ability to print an .STL file that already looks like a vase (i.e., the center is hollow and the model has a wall thickness), but to print it with only the outside or inside perimeters. 

Another way to describe it is if you wanted to print a knife blade, as you get to the top you have to rely on 'crowning' for it to switch from inner/outer perimeter into just a single loop. But there are limitations on crowning (it often doesn't make a smooth connected path for situations like this). So that's why I wanted the ability to switch to just the inner or outer perimeter at a certain height. 

About vase mode: I always thought that vase mode is with a not hollow object, to describe for bottom and outside perimeter how much layers (bottom) or extrusions (perimeter) has to be printed. 

What you describe is an object which already looks lake a vase as model: so already hollow I think? Because otherwise there is no inside perimeter. I don't think that's the common way to describe vase mode IMO, but I can be wrong. 
For that it's more a task for the modeler I think. Or more an enhancement for the new inset function, the outside of the vase will be without inset applied but the inset will. 
I recognize your problem though, having struggled with something like this as well,: also in a modeler it's very difficult to get this done exactly how you want it.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2013, 11:04:59 AM »
The poll did not list the biggest thing you could do - compile it as a 64-bit application. This would eliminate any memory concerns, and speed up slicing considerably.
I thought Kisslicer already has a 64bits version for Linux and Windows for earlier versions? Or do you mean for the latsets Beta?
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« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 11:08:25 AM by funbart »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2013, 11:03:41 AM »
Yes, for sequential printing you'll need to specify an extruder offset. However, for printers where the bed does not move (like my Series 1) if you print front to back there is no limit on model height as long as the printer never moves back to the front. If it's many small height parts under about 14mm for my printer (to clear the carriage) then it could print anywhere on the bed with just an extruder clearance. 

I've manually combined separate KISSlicer gcode files together to do this and it works well.

For enhanced vase mode, yes that is a good way to describe it, but the new feature is that style b would only print the inside or outside perimeter of a part.

@sequential printing: great idea: I assume you need also some settings regarding an offset to avoid the extruder knocking over printed parts. With the standard 3D printers with the carriage on two rods you can only print about 20mm high I think? 
Or you also have to taken into account the movement of the carriage to see it's not knocking over printed parts? The Rostock max has more possibilities for that.

@enhanced vase mode: so lets say, layer 1 to X: style a, layer X to Y: style b, etcetera? Can I call it something like "Styles applied to layer ranges" ?

About vase mode: I always thought that vase mode is with a not hollow object, to describe for bottom and outside perimeter how much layers (bottom) or extrusions (perimeter) has to be printed. 

What you describe is an object which already looks lake a vase as model: so already hollow I think? Because otherwise there is no inside perimeter. I don't think that's the common way to describe vase mode IMO, but I can be wrong. 
For that it's more a task for the modeler I think. Or more an enhancement for the new inset function, the outside of the vase will be without inset applied but the inset will. 
I recognize your problem though, having struggled with something like this as well,: also in a modeler it's very difficult to get this done exactly how you want it.

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2013, 09:08:05 AM »
The poll did not list the biggest thing you could do - compile it as a 64-bit application. This would eliminate any memory concerns, and speed up slicing considerably.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2013, 10:43:59 PM »
Yes, for sequential printing you'll need to specify an extruder offset. However, for printers where the bed does not move (like my Series 1) if you print front to back there is no limit on model height as long as the printer never moves back to the front. If it's many small height parts under about 14mm for my printer (to clear the carriage) then it could print anywhere on the bed with just an extruder clearance. 

I've manually combined separate KISSlicer gcode files together to do this and it works well.

For enhanced vase mode, yes that is a good way to describe it, but the new feature is that style b would only print the inside or outside perimeter of a part.

@sequential printing: great idea: I assume you need also some settings regarding an offset to avoid the extruder knocking over printed parts. With the standard 3D printers with the carriage on two rods you can only print about 20mm high I think? 
Or you also have to taken into account the movement of the carriage to see it's not knocking over printed parts? The Rostock max has more possibilities for that.

@enhanced vase mode: so lets say, layer 1 to X: style a, layer X to Y: style b, etcetera? Can I call it something like "Styles applied to layer ranges" ?


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2013, 02:11:59 PM »
MOst painfull for me now:
Bridging: i realy need to control speed/flow there...
Adding brim. As it seems be usefull for small complicated objects. (none > brim > grid >pillar) or make possible attach skirt to object.
Ability to rotate 3D objects in all 3 axis.
Macro for removing specific M code from program after slicing.
I suppose you have voted allready and want to express your interest in the " additional"  items.

@bridging: noted
@brim: I'll add it you mean a brim round each object on the plate, with offset, and printed the complete height of the object I suppose?
@rotating: noted
@Macro I'll add,  it I suppose you mean an intern postprocessing for KS

I'm curious, can you give an example of the removal of unwanted Code, because I think with the latest KS version almost everything is tweakable now.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2013, 12:44:31 AM »
MOst painfull for me now:
Bridging: i realy need to control speed/flow there...
Adding brim. As it seems be usefull for small complicated objects. (none > brim > grid >pillar) or make possible attach skirt to object.
Ability to rotate 3D objects in all 3 axis.
Macro for removing specific M code from program after slicing.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 12:48:04 AM by drk222 »


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2013, 11:28:25 AM »
i wish to have more option on cooling system
What do you have in mind? Print Cooling or hardware cooling (extruders/circuitboard)?
Cooling by slower printing, or by active cooling like a fan blowing at the print? 
I believe QU-BD comes with watercooling for the extruders as well a combined milling / 3D printing bot with water pouring on the object when milling.

i mean that having an option if minimum slow speed would be great (see attachment), kinda tired of having blobby points even fan blasting at full speed, the minimum layer time can be transfer to pillars, so on pillars it will be super slow and normal speed on the object prints.

and also minimum length to trigger retraction, sometimes i see unnecessary retraction on small prints

I think the minimum and maximum flow are meant for this, but maybe a little difficult to understand / doing math for it and somehow limited.
So I add: More options for Cooling (min/max speeds for materials, extruders, support, object)
Yep!  Different materials seem to have a different maximum flow rate, on my extruder at least.  I know the extrusion temperature, filament diameter, and actual extruder design play a big part in this, but since most of those are defined along with the material, I like having the max flow rate defined there.  When KISSlicer is requested to lay a path W[mm] wide, D[mm] thick, at a head speed of V [mm/s], KISSlicer computes the nominal flow rate as W*D*V[mm^3/s].  If that flow rate is too fast, then the head speed is reduced until the flow rate matches the maximum, that way the path volume stays correct, but we never push plastic through faster than the extruder can handle with that material.


So, path 0,4 * height 0,2 * max speed wanted say 15 = 1,2 for the minimum flow.
I wonder what the effect is then when this conflicts with the minimum layer time?

I think there are already settings in it to only trigger destring when traveling after extrusion is more then Xmm. There is also a setting for triggering wipe when travel after it is more then Ymm.
See screen,

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* 23-1-2013 20-16-40.jpg (141.46 kB, 647x516 - viewed 4 times.)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 02:12:48 PM by funbart »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2013, 10:51:45 AM »
I would like to request Sequential printing as I did not see it on this list. This would be a big help to me, and sounds like programming it wouldn't be too hard (I think :) 

When you are printing many of the same object (small height objects) it is often troublesome to print 20x objects and then have a jam or other issue half way through as then all parts are trash. But with sequential printing you only lose a single print as the others would be finished. There are also quality improvements since there doesn't need to be travel moves in between layers. 

I think as people and the industry moves towards personal manufacturing (i.e., using printers for manufacturing) this will be even more important.

Finally along the lines of controlling the number of layers vs. z-height. I would like to enhance it to be able to only print the 'inside' or 'outside' of vase-like structures at a given z-height (i.e., the perimeters would only be done on the inside or outside surface). This would be an awesome feature that sets KISSlicer apart from the competition.

@sequential printing: great idea: I assume you need also some settings regarding an offset to avoid the extruder knocking over printed parts. With the standard 3D printers with the carriage on two rods you can only print about 20mm high I think? 
Or you also have to taken into account the movement of the carriage to see it's not knocking over printed parts? The Rostock max has more possibilities for that.

@enhanced vase mode: so lets say, layer 1 to X: style a, layer X to Y: style b, etcetera? Can I call it something like "Styles applied to layer ranges" ?
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« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 11:29:27 AM by funbart »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #28 on: January 23, 2013, 03:15:59 AM »
i wish to have more option on cooling system
What do you have in mind? Print Cooling or hardware cooling (extruders/circuitboard)?
Cooling by slower printing, or by active cooling like a fan blowing at the print? 
I believe QU-BD comes with watercooling for the extruders as well a combined milling / 3D printing bot with water pouring on the object when milling.

i mean that having an option if minimum slow speed would be great (see attachment), kinda tired of having blobby points even fan blasting at full speed, the minimum layer time can be transfer to pillars, so on pillars it will be super slow and normal speed on the object prints.

and also minimum length to trigger retraction, sometimes i see unnecessary retraction on small prints

* Screenshot_012313_060208_PM.jpg (29.48 kB, 473x122 - viewed 12 times.)


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2013, 03:59:18 PM »
I would like to request Sequential printing as I did not see it on this list. This would be a big help to me, and sounds like programming it wouldn't be too hard (I think :) 

When you are printing many of the same object (small height objects) it is often troublesome to print 20x objects and then have a jam or other issue half way through as then all parts are trash. But with sequential printing you only lose a single print as the others would be finished. There are also quality improvements since there doesn't need to be travel moves in between layers. 

I think as people and the industry moves towards personal manufacturing (i.e., using printers for manufacturing) this will be even more important.

Finally along the lines of controlling the number of layers vs. z-height. I would like to enhance it to be able to only print the 'inside' or 'outside' of vase-like structures at a given z-height (i.e., the perimeters would only be done on the inside or outside surface). This would be an awesome feature that sets KISSlicer apart from the competition.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2013, 12:52:45 PM »
@1: do you mean bridging perhaps: 
No - exactly support structures.
Imagine you want to print vertical wall with very big square window/hole (support required, bridging is not enough) and small round holes ( support does not required only bridging)

I had the assumption that the two had something to do with each other and not had to be seen separably:   so first apply "bridging"  according given settings, and after that, apply support structures according settings, ( so support generated, except the spots where bridging was applied.

So, as I understand you now, it's not obvious that bridging and support generation are having a dependency. IMO was it unthinkable they are not belonging together. Good you persisted on this! The obvious for one isn't it for the other.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2013, 08:17:42 AM »
@1: do you mean bridging perhaps: 
No - exactly support structures.
Imagine you want to print vertical wall with very big square window/hole (support required, bridging is not enough) and small round holes ( support does not required only bridging)

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2013, 02:06:02 AM »
I would like to have additional:

1. smart support - support for big overhangs but no support for small holes whichare easy to print without.

2. more Inset control. Currenty if I apply inset internal diameters becomebigger and external ones  become smaller. But external were correct!  but become smaller.
So Inset-int  and  Inset-out or smth like this

@1: do you mean bridging perhaps: gaps are bridged by an extrusion (only possible when there are two points to connect between, well, a bridge). If so then that item is in de list.
@2 I add more inset control. I suppose inset works because it defines an 'inside' and 'outside' of a single and manifold volume described by the stl. In that way it makes the outside in XY direction smaller or bigger, but I don't know how nested volumes  are treated. Jonathan does ;-)

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2013, 09:41:26 PM »
I would like to have additional:

1. smart support - support for big overhangs but no support for small holes whichare easy to print without.

2. more Inset control. Currenty if I apply inset internal diameters becomebigger and external ones  become smaller. But external were correct!  but become smaller.
So Inset-int  and  Inset-out or smth like this


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2013, 01:46:39 PM »
Yeah I can see the value as a reference list.

And no, I didn't create a second account just to vote in this poll. If you take a look I registered back in November, long before this poll was started. The name is just a silly nick that stuck with me. I used it when I was "smurfing" (playing under a different name than usual to stay incognito) years ago in ut2k4 and it just kinda stuck hehe.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2013, 11:41:44 AM »
Yes I know, the poll Interface hasn't many (if any) options.
It doubles as a reference list though,   for all wishes and give some insight how many people specific items desire.
So, the votes under "additional"  are the only ones with limitation in vote representation.

I can only reset the complete poll, and everybody has to vote again (what's a little overdone IMO), or I can add a second poll for the additions in the Poll. Not so clear either.
Or, when you want to add a vote for an item, post it here, and in a couple of weeks, when this poll ends, I correct it for the final results. 
You can also make a second account to add some votes if you want! Or did you do that already  because of your username / only one post? No Problem of course!

The Poll gives just some insight in the wanted items. I can imagine Jonathan implement the easy ones  that several users would see in KS. But difficult ones like the "step-over" item as well "fuzzy slicing"  is not likely to be implemented I think.
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« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 11:53:27 AM by funbart »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2013, 11:25:14 AM »
Continually adding more options when people who have already voted cant change their vote is a bit silly IMHO. I voted on this shortly after it was first posted and there's still options being added.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2013, 08:22:05 AM »
i wish to have more option on cooling system
What do you have in mind? Print Cooling or hardware cooling (extruders/circuitboard)?
Cooling by slower printing, or by active cooling like a fan blowing at the print? 
I believe QU-BD comes with watercooling for the extruders as well a combined milling / 3D printing bot with water pouring on the object when milling.

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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2013, 04:27:15 AM »
i wish to have more option on cooling system


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2013, 09:15:39 PM »
Opensource has led us here only because that's our only timeline. It's easy to imagine many other timelines where we are further ahead than we are today. That might be fun, but not useful. What I believe is that a higher velocity of advancement requires the release of source code. Source code is not a requirement to stand on the shoulders of others.

Jonathan has advanced the state of the art in slicing software on the merit of his software. The availability of his superior slicer regardless of its source availability pushes up the bar for all slicers including opensource ones. Competition is beneficial and should be celebrated.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 09:12:04 AM by billyzelsnack »


Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2013, 08:52:57 PM »
The part that always gets me is if it were not for people like Zack Hoeken for writing the first gcode interpreter and releasing it openly NONE of us would be doing any of this as all our machines including BFB and Makerbot still use firmware derived from that original program.

This is like arguing that 3d printers would not exist if Charles Hull didn't make the first one. The technology bar raises when somebody raises it and shows everyone the new bar. The availability of source code showing how the bar was raised does not matter. All that matters is that the bar is visible.

Actually it is nothing like that. I did not say 3d printers would not exist but rather it would not be at a level that all of Us could be doing it right now if it were not for the people that gave away there work. If everyone was like Charles Hull only big business would be using crappy slow million dollar machines. It was the efforts of the people in open source that made it accessible. It did not have to be any of the people I mentioned because others would step in a take their place but it would have to be someone that released the info openly for Us to be doing any of this. I do not think you could possibly argue this since all of us use machines derived from opesource roots. If they were not there regardless of who put them there we would not be doing this. Hence how opensource has lead us here, no if's, and's or buts about it.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2013, 08:18:19 PM »
The part that always gets me is if it were not for people like Zack Hoeken for writing the first gcode interpreter and releasing it openly NONE of us would be doing any of this as all our machines including BFB and Makerbot still use firmware derived from that original program.

This is like arguing that 3d printers would not exist if Charles Hull didn't make the first one. The technology bar raises when somebody raises it and shows everyone the new bar. The availability of source code showing how the bar was raised does not matter. All that matters is that the bar is visible.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2013, 01:00:12 PM »
added a wish regarding changeable loop numbers at a given layer
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2013, 10:55:12 AM »

I think this poll is a great idea.  Sorry for the limited polling tools available on this forum software.  
Good it's basic, it hasn't to be to serious!

Also, I request that people be free to ask for anything they want, without generating too much discussion.  The Open Source request is a great example.  
Totally agree, I added the request. But the discussions are great ;-)

Your attitude is open source though! Thanks.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2013, 09:44:40 AM »
I think this poll is a great idea.  Sorry for the limited polling tools available on this forum software.  

Also, I request that people be free to ask for anything they want, without generating too much discussion.  The Open Source request is a great example.  I never mind people asking, in fact I love much of the OS concept.  Quick personal opinion: I find when I release something open source (CSM, SOIL), I do enough to satisfy myself, then mentally say, "If anyone wants something else, they can do it themselves...the code is right there!"  However, this does not help the majority of's more of an abandonment.  For this one project I thought to myself, "For once I would like to make an actual project and sell it, one where I try to polish it as best I can."  I will keep working on KISSlicer, listening to feedback, bug reports, requests, etc.  KISSlicer is a "labor of love", it started as a hobby, grew into something useful, and is finally is its own little project, with an actual user-base!  OK, sorry for the long digression.  [8^)

Keep it up, everyone, and please know I think this forum has one of the best signal-to-noise ratios on the internet, thanks to you!

*A2TD : "Added to the ToDo list"


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2013, 08:46:21 AM »
HA! I have to add "Polls that trigger emotions are even more funny".

But it triggered me thinking..

I use Slic3r  as much as Kisslicer. With the latest version of Slic3r, with multiple colored object's, and because straight stl's resulting in straight lines in Gcodes is it sometimes the better choice for me. 
Kisslicer on the other hand is the best when it comes to support generation, speed, 3D / 2D Gcode visualisation as well predictable results when adjusting settings.

To be honest, Slic3R and Kisslicer are more and more alike when following the development the past months.
When it's true what's claimed, that Slic3r generates that much funds, it's pretty amazing.

Slic3R is open source. More ore less. Well it's open source but at the end everybody wants the real thing: the official versions of Allessandro.
I forked Slic3R as well. I almost don't understand anything of it, but I found just that setting I needed to tweak: What's standard in KS: the distance of the Support structure to the object. I suggested to implement a setting for that, but you have to document, clarify and so and it isn't getting in.
You have to be a code expert to really change the open source code to implement settings and have a good derivative.  

But when it comes to specific printer Gcode there are several people being able to implement that code (for Sailfish, Marlin etc.). But it takes time that the proud Italian Coder actually merges that initiatives. But, it leaves a little bit of Independence to well educated users, to have these settings adjusted for that specific printer.

But, same as Kisslicer, there are more and more Gcode fields with various placeholders available in the standard version of Slic3r. Having that, you don't have to be a code expert anymore. Each user can tweak the specific printer needed settings in the free Gcode fields.
That's the reason I keep asking Jonathan to implement more and more of that free Gcode fields and enough and clear placeholders. 
When more agree with this, we should make an effort to expand and make more clear the needed items for these Gcode fields. Than it's a really universal slicer.

That said:  for an average (as well an experienced user), there is no difference  between software using an open source idea (for almost everybody to difficult to change and recode) or a closed source. 
At the end I have the feeling that Jonathan really is listening and trying to implement wishes, and that's more open source to me than the Github open source " to difficult to recode myself"  way with " difficult to communicate and convince"  developers.

But I add an extra item: "Kisslicer benefits when it's open source" as well "It make no difference if Kisslicer is open or closed source

At the end it's Jonathans product. He rules.


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« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 08:49:31 AM by funbart »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2013, 10:07:26 PM »
Who is attacking, here?

I do not want to get into an argument here.

But then you do.

Sigh. I know better than to get into a discussion on the Internet about anything that some people feel so vehemently about. Their mind is made up and they are going to pummel it into yours, no matter what.

I am merely supporting Jonathan and his application and his chosen business model; not trying to change how he runs his business. My opinion is as worthy of posting as yours.

But I would like to say this if it is about money then programs like Slic3r make far more money per month than Johnathan is. They have received single donations of more than a $1000 and lots under it. They also get a monthly donation large enough to employ a second programmer.

That would come under the heading of: "Different Business Model" mentioned above. Jonathan is certainly free to try adopting something like it if he chooses and he thinks it will work for him but I find it ... interesting ... that the approach is to try to vote someone into giving away their Intellectual Property.

You seem to know a lot about Slic3r.

That would mean Johnathan would not have made Kisslicer.

Interesting logic.

And there I go, getting into a discussion on the Internet about a polarized topic.... Time to go do something fun.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 11:15:08 PM by PenskeGuy »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2013, 08:57:17 PM »
This is not the place for this conversation I just wanted to have release code added to the list. I do not want to get into an argument here. But I would like to say this if it is about money then programs like Slic3r make far more money per month than Johnathan is. They have received single donations of more than a $1000 and lots under it. They also get a monthly donation large enough to employ a second programmer. If it is about the time invested that was a choice Johnathan made himself because he wanted a better program than available at the time he started. The amount of time he spends trying to make other people happy is a result of being closed source and the user not being able to make the changes themselves or contribute patches that would reduce the workload on Johnathan. Also Johnathan has said in the past he may release the code to an older version. 

I would far rather make the changes I want then ever ask to have it done for me. But with Kisslicer we have no choice but to ask Johnathan for what we want.

The part that always gets me is if it were not for people like Zack Hoeken for writing the first gcode interpreter and releasing it openly NONE of us would be doing any of this as all our machines including BFB and Makerbot still use firmware derived from that original program. Then without people like Enrique that wrote Skeinforge (the base of Axxon) that NONE of us would be doing any of this. He does not even have a printer but made it possible for all of us to own and use one. All the development that has been made is a result of people openly releasing there work. Just imagine where we would be if all the source of everything was open in the world. Companies like BFB and Makerbot would not have even been started if it were not for releasing the source to those programs. That would mean Johnathan would not have made Kisslicer.

And remember if it is written on the web it is the opinion of the writer so no need attack the writer for being honest about there views.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 09:36:36 PM by Sublime »


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2013, 07:57:45 PM »
I wouldn't figure that Jonathan is going to release his source and I don't blame him. He's put a lot of effort and time (both == $) into the development of this and he well deserves to be compensated for his work. This software is brilliant; better than any I've found elsewhere. Any license sales that he would hope to reap after all of his sowing would be pretty much gone. There'd be derivatives everywhere. Open Source is great but projects that are going to be OS should start out with that fully in mind. Yes, some (not many) ancient application versions do eventually release to OS, but those companies have already reaped a huge amount of revenue from wide-spread commercial sales OR they have another business model that pays the bills. This isn't the case, here. Jonathan's call, of course.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 08:42:44 PM by PenskeGuy »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2013, 06:07:48 PM »
I think a huge portion of the RepRap world would like to see the source released even if it was an old version so it could be made more RepRap friendly as it is going more and more BFB and Makerbot and less and less usable on RepRaps (especially the terminology used).

I agree with funbart, what makes you think reprap are excluded? Ultimaker (related to repraps) is running marlin FW, and KS has become a huge darling in that community (as you can see from yes there rae some things to get used to it, but nothing screams "no repraps".

Funbart: thanks for setting up the poll
PS: "more control over bridging" is a bit a euphemism: bridging in itself, or any control over bridging would be nice.

changed... Obviously I'm not native English speaking, so when there are disturbing language ' things' , please let hear.
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2013, 05:30:55 PM »
I think a huge portion of the RepRap world would like to see the source released even if it was an old version so it could be made more RepRap friendly as it is going more and more BFB and Makerbot and less and less usable on RepRaps (especially the terminology used).

I agree with funbart, what makes you think reprap are excluded? Ultimaker (related to repraps) is running marlin FW, and KS has become a huge darling in that community (as you can see from yes there rae some things to get used to it, but nothing screams "no repraps".

Funbart: thanks for setting up the poll
PS: "more control over bridging" is a bit a euphemism: bridging in itself, or any control over bridging would be nice.


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 03:54:43 PM »
I think a huge portion of the RepRap world would like to see the source released even if it was an old version so it could be made more RepRap friendly as it is going more and more BFB and Makerbot and less and less usable on RepRaps (especially the terminology used).

I add Reprap friendly. 
Well the terminology is different for all slicers I use. Not so difficult to learn IMO.

But to understand: the basics are the 'firmware flavors"  in the Gcode tab. Is there an essential one missing?
What is specific about Reprap? Just curious.

Further, it should be handy to be able to influence the codes used in Kisslicer.
But the free Gcode fields are giving almost all that possibilities I think.

Maybe there are more and clearer Placeholders needed?

But a minor one which giving me troubles: the G92 E0 line placed after the Toolchange with Absolute E.
Would be nice that's not generated (I can put it in the Warm or Coolcode) or you must be able to determine the position.

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« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 11:01:10 AM by funbart »
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2013, 03:28:29 PM »
I think a huge portion of the RepRap world would like to see the source released even if it was an old version so it could be made more RepRap friendly as it is going more and more BFB and Makerbot and less and less usable on RepRaps (especially the terminology used).


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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2013, 12:38:22 PM »
I'd like more control over bridging, but it's not on the list.

just added
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Re: Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2013, 12:13:53 PM »
I'd like more control over bridging, but it's not on the list.


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Unofficial Kisslicer Wishlist Poll (CLOSED)
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 11:43:51 AM »

To have some oversight I tried to combine all the wishes I saw in one list with short descriptions. Of course I add options when asked.
It's difficult to find if someone has posted wishes allready in the expanding forum. Also, sometimes, a user (like me) feels that it's impossible to live without that specific geek-tweak. It's nice to see if others also feel this urge (or feel the need to point out that there is also a life without 3D printing).
Jonathan does a great job, developing a unique slicer and when possible implimenting features users asking. 

The poll of the forum KS uses has not many options, so you can vote, or not. 


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« Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 10:35:44 AM by funbart »
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