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Re: Some settings for the Replicator 1
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2013, 10:47:31 AM »
Thanks for this post - we have a TOM from Makerbot in university and it was a very good point to start for me! Prints better then ever before!
Post is here:
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 11:30:16 AM by LucasB »


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Re: Some settings for the Replicator 1
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2013, 06:03:07 PM »
Printer Help
? Sent to: funbart on: September 20, 2013, 02:10:49 PM ? ReplyQuoteDelete
I'm using a Makerbot Replicator Dual clone and am using the same gcode information that you mention here:

Here are the problems that I'm having:
- I don't see any progress on the printer LCD
- The first layer temp is the temperature it stays at regardless of what I set the main temp to.

Any ideas?

Hi, Kisslicer doesn't produce the Gcode to view the progress.
That are the lines like:
M73 P4 (display progress)
And showing on the display 4%.

I don't bother, because I can see how for the print is, but you can let it add by KS by modifying the Gcode fiels N
  • Layers and let it add each N layers. But you have to know how many layers that specific print is and adjust it each time. Lot of work.

Another option is to use the postprocessor for x3g files by wingcommander. I thought it generates that process codes as well.

Or you write your own postprocessor ;-)

I have posted more on equal stuff at this post (including newer configs)

Or you post the Gcode file with the temp problem, so I can look into it.

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Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
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Re: Some settings for the Replicator 1
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2013, 10:12:03 AM »

Thank you for such a quick and detailed reply!  I am using KISSlicer Pro with Sailfish 7.5.  As soon as I get home from work, I'll test out the procedure you posted.

Thanks again,


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Some settings for the Replicator 1
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2013, 09:26:58 AM »
Hi wtwerner, I reply in a new topic to your questions, maybe for others handy as well:


Thank you so much for posting your .ini files for the settings you use with the Replicator Dual.  I'm trying to get those to work with my machine as well.  I was wondering how you can keep ReplicatorG from heating up both extrusion heads to 220.  I only want the left extruder to heat up, but both do so it causes the PLA I have in the right to leak out.  Also, is there any way to set it up so that I can use PLA support and ABS for the part?

Thank you for your help


First: do you have the pro version of KS? You need it for printing in two materials (support and object with different extruders). 
Second: which firmware do you use? With Sailfish it's possible you have the override temp function on, by which the temp is set by the frimware and not the slicer.

I suppose you haven't the Pro version yet (it's great, you need it and you support the developer, so just do it ;-)
When that's right, and you use the free version, be sure to use the profile to print (under the tab "printer") Rep MB firmware printing with the Left extruder T1. It still has two extruders set, but you have to for the correct Tool set.
Be sure as well on the Printer // Extruders tab to set Ext 2 as extruder, and under Ext map all to Ext 2.
Finally, check under Ptr Gcode (belonging to the T1 printer preset!) that the lines in the prefix Gcode include:

M109 S<BED> T1  (set HBP temperature: this is a KS token of the first material to print)
M104 S<TEMP> T1  (set Left extruder temperature this is a KS token of the first material to print)
(**** begin homing ****)

When you have used the dual profile accidentally to print with T1, and even when you set the extruders mapped to T1, then it uses this Prefix Gcode:
M109 S<BED> T0  (set HBP temperature: this is a KS token of the first material to print)
M104 S<TEMP> T0  (set Right extruder temperature this is a KS token of the first material to print)
M104 S<TEMP> T1  (set Left extruder temperature this is a KS token ALSO of the first material to print)
(**** begin homing ****)

At the end resulting in a material temp set of 220 in:

M104 S220 T0  (set Right extruder temperature this is a KS token of the first material to print)
M104 S220 T1  (set Left extruder temperature this is a KS token ALSO of the first material to print)
(**** begin homing ****)

So heating both extruders.

I hope this helpes.
I attached some screenshots, as well the email I had sent to somebody else about printing with PLA as support and ABS, including a more recent profile.

here the settings I used for that dual (ABS/PLA) print. I checked the settings and as far I can see they should work with the following remarks:
  • I use KS 1.1.0 Pro
  • I use Sailfish 7.5 and the belonging ReplicatorG 40r22 Sailfish edition I use the new coordinate system (to be set in the firmware) as well the ' fine'  acceleration settings. Be sure you have tweaked your extruder offset well in the firmware settings, otherwise there is less change for attaching PLA to ABS when printing dual.
  • In KS I'm using the ' Makerbot' firmware flavor without G92E0
  • the settings under Style are standard for me, be sure Wipe and destring are checked, set infill to what you want as well the infill style (straight is the fastest)
  • Under support are different presets set. Commonly a gap of 0.5mm is ok. For that tiny Youtube print I had set it to 0.2mm though, because otherwise there is to little connection especially between PLA and ABS. Maybe you have to experiment with that gap more for that for the combination of PLA and ABS. Also printing a little slower gives more change for sticking PLA to ABS. I never use the prime pillar because it gives me troubles, maybe you have more luck
  • I found that printing with 0.1mm layer height the support angle can be about 65 degrees.
  • For tiny dual objects, use the sheath function of support and inflate it 1%
  • I have a lot of materials set. Of course you have to measure your own filament for the diameter. Note the extreme flowtweak for Nylon I have set (but it works for Taulman as well I have very little stringing). To be sure: the most problems I saw with others with dual printing was obviously because the diameter of the used materials wasn't tweaked well. For good attachment the extrusions must be equally ' fat' . I always spent time for tweaking that diameter by printing calibration cubes.
  • When printing PLA and ABS dual, maybe you have to set the Z-lift for that two materials to 1mm, because of the warping of ABS not sticking well to the PLA
  • Mostly 0.5mm retraction and prime are working for me with a jump of 5mm (2mm for tiny objects). The Wipe is triggered with 5mm jump and also wipes 5mm
  • I print both PLA as ABS on a hairsprayed aluminium plate. PLA 60 degrees HPB and ABS 90/100 (others use 110 degrees). When using PLA as support it will printed first on the HPB so a HPB of 60 degrees seems logical. For the setup combi of dual PLA/ABS printing I found that treating ABS as PLA gave the best results regarding warping. For that I mounted an extra 120mm computer fan on the Rep resulting in a hurricane style of cooling. By this object and support are very fast cooled (and on the same temp) by which warping is reduced. Only the just printed line is hot.
  • To reduce Oozing, set the print temp of the materials as low as possible in regards to the print speed. (You can test it in the control panel of RepG, lowering the temp until it start skipping. (I use 3RPM). Also under materials: set the Keep warm temp a little lower to reduce Oozing of the inactive extruder.
  • Watch under the printer tab my settings for roughness and z offset, as it can be different with your HPB leveling, so maybe you have to adjust your level of the HPB. I attached the Rep stl as well (just for fun in the 3D view)
  • At the Printer, extruders tab (choose the dual printer setting) you have to set the used materials for each extruder, and under Ext Map you tell KS with which extruder the object will be printed. The others are for the support of course
  • For a first test with PLA and ABS print slow. (all 40mm/s?)
  • Watch the Prefix Gcode of the Rep Dual setting: I have set for both extruders to prime 1.5 seconds at the left set of the HPB.
  • Also watch the Postfix Gcode: I added a Line to keep the Rep warm for 10 minutes ( so the next print starts faster). When not wanted you can comment it out: (G4 P600000 (keep warm for 10 minutes after a print)
  • The oversample resolution can be smaller for tiny objects (0.05mm) and larger for straight objects (0.2mm)
  • I turnend off the crowning threshold, but when there are to much gaps between infill and perimeter, set it to 1mm
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* Kisslicer settings (264.07 kB - downloaded 28 times.)

* 2013-09-05_19-16-27.jpg (74.89 kB, 544x272 - viewed 44 times.)

* 2013-09-05_19-13-11.jpg (76.78 kB, 545x273 - viewed 43 times.)

* 2013-09-05_19-31-27.jpg (90.22 kB, 533x274 - viewed 43 times.)
« Last Edit: September 05, 2013, 09:32:41 AM by funbart »
Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
Minimalistic Mk8 replacement by Emmett
Sailfish Firmware
Kisslicer Pro 1.1.0 Alpha


Dec 18, 2013, 5:28:49 PM12/18/13

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Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2013, 07:08:43 AM »
@brucethehoon: it's a funny test stl you have for dual testing, but also difficult to callibrate with it.
I have posted some dual stl's for testing.

But for Kisslicer I use always the one attached, with a more easy first few layers.
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* 10-3-2013 16-07-25.jpg (36.67 kB, 466x288 - viewed 0 times.)
* overstek test.stl (1.25 kB - downloaded 2 times.)
Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
Minimalistic Mk8 replacement by Emmett
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Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2013, 06:35:34 AM »
But don't everybody already to know what has to be in the extruder change Gcode?

Not in the least. I'm getting there but still haven't found a good reference for the variables and how they work.

Ok, then it mustn't changed of course. KISS! (I meant Keep it simple Stupid, not implying I'm making "moves", PenskeGuy).

But I'm not sure it's true yet, because your setting are working because of good "default Kisslicer settings" 
I assume you use the Bits for Bits flavor and press "default"  leading to a correct extruder change. That's not the same as: "don't change it because it's working right now.".
And the BfB are not using absolute E I think, so have no problems with the G92 E0 comand I suppose.

It's like this:
(Deselect extruder)

; Retract
M542 (nozzle wipe, go to park)
M56<EXT+1> P6000 S900 (retract)
M543 (exit nozzle wipe)
; Cool the (same) extruder
M<EXT+1>04 S<TEMP>

Select extruder)

; Select and warm the (new?) extruder
M<EXT+1>04 S<TEMP> 
; Purge
M542 (Nozzle wipe active extruder ?)
M55<EXT+1> P32000 S900 (Prime extruder)

And Gcode is with M101/M103 commands, for an extrusion the speed is set with RPM?
Kisslicer seems to add for BfB internally after the user extruder change like
M108 S500 (for T0, for Makerbot it's M108 R3 T0)
M208 S500 (for T1, for Makerbot it's M108 R3 T1. I like the BfB style more)

Jonathan is now making Kisslicer more standard and askes for working profiles.
I can imagine that there will be a more focusing of working profiles to the style, support and material tab, and that for the complex Printer tab, there will be a more various and complete default setting regarding the "firmware flavor" and belonging Gcode fields, when pressing the "default" button at the PtR G-Code.

So opting for more firmware styles and belonging default working Gcodes fields, actually to make thinks simplier. KISS again..

So for Makerbot two styles:
One as the Makerbot style, I never looked at the defaults belonging to that, but I'm going to)
and one Sailfish style as derivative of the absolute E style. Which is leaving the internal G92 E0 command out.
I really opt to be able absolute E with a Sailfish  style, because you are more able to do more complex wipes at extruder change.

Like Sublime posted,there is more confusion: , the firmware flavors can have the sub options like "one extruder"  "dual extruders"  I also found out by helping others, that one-fits-all settings are leading to problems even when the difference is just one or two extrudes with a Makerbot
So for makerbot there are allready 4:
Makerbot firmware, one extruder
Makerbot firmware, dual extruders
Sailfish firmware: one extruder
Sailfish firmware, dual extruders.

It can be it will be a long drop down menu at the Printer//Firmware tab. But when their exact printer is in it, it gives everyone the feeling they have good start settings when pressing "default".
In addition with working material settings of other users, there is far more change they have little problems when starting with Kisslicer.
yes KISS....

edit: the defaults of the Makerbot style firmware aren't ok for dual printing. They have to be like:

deselect is ok:

; Deselect the (same) extruder (usually to cool)
M104 S<TEMP>

select has to be:

; Select new extruder
M108 T<EXT+0>
; Warm it up, and wait till it's warm
M104 S<TEMP>

The prefix has to be (maybe to long for KS default?)

(*** start.gcode for The Replicator, dual head printing Dual****)
M103 (disable RPM)
M73 P0 (enable build progress)
G21 (set units to mm)
G90 (set positioning to absolute)

M109 S<BED> T0  (set HBP temperature: this is a KS token of the first material to print)
M104 S<TEMP> T0  (set Right extruder temperature this is a KS token of the first material to print)
M104 S<TEMP> T1  (set Left extruder temperature this is a KS token of the first material to print)
(**** begin homing ****)
G162 X Y F2500 (home XY axes maximum)
G161 Z F1100 (home Z axis minimum)
G92 Z-5 (set Z to -5)
G1 Z0.0 (move Z to "0")
G161 Z F100 (home Z axis minimum)
M132 X Y Z A B (Recall stored home offsets for XYZAB axis)
(**** end homing ****)
G1 X-100.5 Y-74 Z100 F3300.0 (move to waiting position)
G130 X20 Y20 Z20 A20 B20 (Lower stepper Vrefs while heating)
M6 T0 (wait for toolhead, and HBP to reach temperature)
M6 T1 (wait for the Left toolhead to reach temperature)
G130 X127 Y127 Z40 A127 B127 (Set Stepper motor Vref to defaults)
(**** prime Right Extruder)
M108 R3.0 T0 (set right extruder active)
G1 X-100.5 Y-74 F3600 (Position Nozzle)
G1 Z0.4  F1200   (Position Height)
M108 R3.0    (Set Extruder Speed)
M101         (Start Extruder)
G4 P1500     (Create Anchor)
G1 X-100 Y-74 Z0.2 
M103 (stop extruder)
G92 E0 
(**** prime Left Extruder)
M108 R3.0 T1 (set Left extruder active)
G1 X-110.5 Y-74 (Position Nozzle)
G1 Z0.4     (Position Height)
M108 R3.0    (Set Extruder Speed)
M101         (Start Extruder)
G4 P1500     (Create Anchor)
G1 X-110 Y-74 Z0.2
G1 F3600
(*** end of start.gcode for The Replicator, dual head printing dual****)

end the endcode:

(******* End.gcode*******)
M73 P100 ( End  build progress )
G0 Z130. ( Send Z axis to bottom of machine )
M18 ( Disable steppers )
M109 S0 T0 ( Cool down the build platform )
M104 S0 T0 ( Cool down the Right Extruder )
M104 S0 T1 ( Cool down the Left Extruder )
G162 X0. Y0. F2500 ( Home XY endstops )
M18 ( Disable stepper motors )
M72 P1  (Play Ta-Da song )
(*********end End.gcode*******)

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« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 06:41:51 AM by funbart »
Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
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Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2013, 05:17:29 PM »
But don't everybody already to know what has to be in the extruder change Gcode?

Not in the least. I'm getting there but still haven't found a good reference for the variables and how they work.

Agreed I only have single extruder machines and yet those fields cause issues and I still have no idea why they would ever be needed for a single extruder machine.


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Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2013, 04:57:16 PM »
But don't everybody already to know what has to be in the extruder change Gcode?

Not in the least. I'm getting there but still haven't found a good reference for the variables and how they work.
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Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2013, 03:32:55 PM »
I was just pointed by Dan the Sailfish firmware, to the reason of all this. 

I have to read further to get it all, but shortly, for printing dual, and probably with one extruder as well, it's the best to generate Gcode with the Makerbot flavor of Firmware, with endless adding E and no G92 E0 comand at the extruder change.

So with the Makerbot firmware choosen on the Printer tab, the minimum for a toolchange is:
M108 T<EXT+0>

No G92 E0 command anywhere in the Select or Deselect Gcode tab of that printer profile.
M104 S<TEMP> commands are not a problem to have it in.

Also, it makes a difference to print with USB or SD card. With SD card is advised for now.

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Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
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Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2013, 02:03:18 PM »
It will sure make testing a lot easier, so please do!

On the other hand: I found out, it's not the firmware delivering this problem, but the Software to drive it: ReplicatorG (Dan of Sailfish spent a lot of time to investigate) And that software hasn't developed in a year, because Makerbot is Switching to Makerware. I found out Makerware has even more problems with "foreign" Gcode, and certainly is very picky (and not developed) regarding dual extrusions.

Because all of this, I'm looking for another printer, (or I replace the circuit board) to be able to use Marlin or Repetier host based drivers/firmware.
Bot in the meantime, I try within my possibilities to get it working. There is more interest risen, I think, to Kisslicer. But do you noticed that  as well?

It would help maybe as well, (for dual extrusion) that the internal generated G92 E0 command of Kisslicer with absloute E is not generated automatically after toolchange, but has to be in the Select extruder box (together with the native toolchange comand)
But on one hand: more difficult for new users. But don't everybody already to know what has to be in the extruder change Gcode?
Normally it's only T<EXT+0> I thought. And Makerbot  M108T<EXT+0>.
I have no brolem with it, because it can be post-processed easily, but the kind of users of Makerbot got, are certainly not willing to do that step (postprocessing). You can tell by how little of the 15000 makerbot users are willing to try even another slicer.

So an E token would be great, but I can imagine that moving the internal G92 E0 command is to tricky.

I'm very curious to the final release!
You give the impression, you have some changes after the latest beta. Not a bad idea before releasing the final version to do a test by users.

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Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
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Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2013, 03:20:17 PM »
Bart, I can still add a <E> token to the G-code engine, then you could do a:

G1 Fnnn E<E-10>

or whatever.  Would that help?

*A2TD : "Added to the ToDo list"


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Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2013, 01:27:28 PM »
My MightyBoard is blown, and I placed the old half broken back to see what's wrong.
And what do you know? Nothing is wrong!
A beautiful print with Black ABS and Red PLA, looking they are in love with each other!
To show these lovebirds in my dirty, hair spray dripping, no extruder fan working you must see the Youtube video I made, specially for you.
So you know it's you, and nothing but you is standing between the happiness of two plastic extrusions!
So, there you have it!

Just kidding, you are not crazy, I got the same bad result as you. Although the poor extrusion is new for me, I earlier had problems with RepG to invoke the extruder change, because of the order of commands at Toolchange.
It was solved, because I printed with the  same settings with an earlier version of RepG40 sailfish. But it's not working anymore as I now found out as well.  Dan of Sailfish hasn't a clue either. So the extruder change with G92 E0 is not working at the moment with RepG.

I expect it takes a while to work reliable in actually. I'm certainly trying to get another (Repetier-Host / Marlin) capable Circuit board working in it. It costs me to much time as well.
As you see you can print ok, just change to the "Makerbot style of Gcode" generation (which is endless E).
The minimum extruder change has to be M108 T<EXT+0>. There mustn't be G92 E0 commands in it anywhere.
You can leave the temperature change commands in it as you wish. It's certainly helpful with larger dual prints, to reduce oozing.
I'm developing an active wipe system for the extruder change, so I put a lot of code in it to do cooling and warming and going to a fysical wipe spot.
When you use actual temporally temperature changes, it's advised to combine it at least with the waiting command for the warming up extruder..
So the extruder change for the selected extruder will be:

M108 T<EXT+0>
M104  S<TEMP>
M6 T<EXT+0>

But then it's warming while still on the print. So when you want, I can give some additional "useful" advice. Like the great advice using the Sailfish flavor Gcode with an G92 E0 comand ;-)

So, sorry I have given you such a hard time with it. The advantage is that you are an expert now!

When I can give some more fuzzy advises, always happy to.


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« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 02:05:59 PM by funbart »
Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
Minimalistic Mk8 replacement by Emmett
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    Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
    « Reply #20 on: March 08, 2013, 09:40:09 AM »
    The height is an illusion caused by printing on glass covered in hair spray (I'll never go back to Kapton).

    I will make those changes, but I had actually already tried that and ended up with the same result.   I'll keep trying!


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    Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
    « Reply #19 on: March 08, 2013, 05:15:16 AM »

    I see the problem now! You are on a Apple ;-)The resulting Gcode is the same when I generate it. Time to leave the academical grounds and start it up.

    That video looks different for me, then I'm used to, the jerks of the travel are pretty violent.  It seems it's extruding to high, so your build plate  is to low?.  According the Gcode the print is starting on 0.25mm. I have tweaked the Print Hardware settings as well, to get a fatter first layer.  Can it be you are used to a callibrated RepG which is starting the print a bit closer, so at smaller height? 
    Nevertheless the blobs are odd.

    About the temps: actually the Prefix code has two <TEMP> in it, but they both use the same material for that, as I understood Jonathan, that's the way it is. But when looking at the code, there is no reason to drop it anywhere, because it's everywhere equal.
    It could be a Sailfish thing though.
    To be exactly: I have Sailfish 7.3 r942 And ReplicatorG40 Sailfish r10
    I have set the acceleration to "fine".  
    And on the Acceleration (MISC) tab I have everything checked except the Override Target temperature.
    So the "NEW" coordinate system set as well

    But I do much larger temp drops and raises at each extruder change at the moment (because experimenting with an actual wipe next to the platform)
    And that kind of inconsistencies I never had.

    To be sure for now and go back to much standard replicator style:
    maybe make a new copy of your print profile, and replace all the <temps> in the prefex code with actual numbers like 230 degrees.
    Also disable the M104 commands in the two extruder changes or delete them.

    For an extruder change you only need actually (in the select extruder field) when using Absolute E and Sailfish
    G92 E0
    M108 T<EXT+0>

    I'll be back, as they say in Austria.
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    Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
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      Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
      « Reply #18 on: March 07, 2013, 11:35:14 PM »
      No luck!
      I even went back and downloaded the updated settings from funbart's original post.

      One thing I've noticed is that the temperature is not properly being set.  When first starting a print, I will have the left and right extruders preheated to 230.  I'll have 230 as the ABS MAT temperature.  I've even set the keep warm to 230 just to make sure no rogue temperatures were getting in there.

      Nevertheless, when I send the gcode to the printer through replicatorG, I see that the temperature has dropped to 220-224 before it even extrudes the anchors.   When looking at my youtube video, it's interesting because I was printing with two light filaments that are happy at 225-228 even at high speeds, but right now, I've got black in my right extruder, and I'm seeing it BARELY extrude for the first layer (if at all) then the heat will start catching up about the third layer and it's extruding too much.   I feel like if I could determine why the printer wasn't waiting for the extruders to heat up first, then I could perhaps resolve more of the issue with tweaking the filament diameter (it's correct as measured by my good calipers) and the flow tweak.   Until I have a stable temperature to work with, however, it's just not going to be doable.

      I am slicing the attached box using the defaults from funbart's updated profiles. The only change is changing the keep warm at 230
      I have included the gcode I get.

      I have EXCELLENT luck when printing with only ONE extruder, but when switching to both, everything goes mad and we get results like the youtube video I link to here (created from the attached gcode.)

      * box-halfinch-45.stl (0.67 kB - downloaded 1 times.)
      * box-halfinch-45.gcode (214.51 kB - downloaded 2 times.)


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        Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
        « Reply #17 on: March 07, 2013, 09:23:24 PM »
        While I'm not positive I understand, I've made the changes I believe you're recommending, and am trying another test print.  With any luck, it will work right away! Either way, I genuinely appreciate all the help!


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        Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
        « Reply #16 on: March 07, 2013, 08:50:23 PM »
        I notice in the extruder-change G-code the retract uses:
        Code: [Select]
        G92 E0
        G1 F1800
        G1 E-1.0
        G1 F2400
        G92 E0
        This might be triggering the same bug I'm trying to avoid with the "Abs E - no reset".  (For regular Abs E mode KISSlicer resets the E value at the start of every layer, that way we don't end with huge E floating point values as most firmware barely support 32 bit floats well (about 7 significant figures).  The "no reset" version specifically avoids using "G92 E0" commands as that seemed to mess with something.)

        Maybe I could add an <E> value to the G-code replacement tokens, so the G-code include would just be:
        Code: [Select]
        G1 F1800
        G1 E<E-1.0>
        G1 F2400

        Would that work?  I would also appreciate funbart's expertise on this.


        When I wasn't showing off with the Matl Gcode, you hadn't to develop conspiracy theories... ;-)

        The Matl Gcode was this:

        (for Sailfish only: example to trigger an extra retract for extruder change)
        (**** MATL Gcode for extra retraction before extruder change)
        G92 E0
        G1 F1800
        G1 E-1.0
        G1 F2400
        G92 E0

        and the deselect Gcode:

        (**** DeSelect Gcode extruder change***)
        ;<MATL> (the specific material Gcode is inserted, as example an extra retraction at extruderchange. Remove the "; " from this line)
        M104  S<TEMP>

        I copied it as an example. But an example has to be good as well, I found out now....

        But when not the deleting of the " ; " for matl is the reason, I think further. 
        Because I printed a beautiful and smooth bracelet with my settings and KS yesterday, I'm sure it's solvable..


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        Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
        « Reply #15 on: March 07, 2013, 08:34:41 PM »
        Sorry I react so late, some issues here, actually working at night 5AM in holland now ;-)...

        I think what's wrong. I have left the Matl Gcode of an experiment in the setup files.  Blush... But wanted also show what was possible with it.
        And thats for an extra prime at an extruder change and can explain the problem.  But I disabled the Matl Gcode actually by putting a " ; " for it in the in the tab " deselect extruder" , maybe you have deleted that? I really hope so!

        But for now: delete all the text of the profiles of Matl (belonging to each material) just put something in it as (empty) as I thought they can't be left blank.

        In the dual printer Gcode tab " deselect extruder, delete the Matl  line

        (**** DeSelect Gcode extruder change***)
        ;<MATL> (the specific material Gcode is inserted, as example an extra retraction at extruderchange. Remove the "; " from this line)
        M104  S<TEMP>

        when not wanting the start prime delete these lines in the prefix code:

        (**** prime Right Extruder)
        M108 R3.0 T0 (set right extruder active)
        G0 X-100.5 Y-74 (Position Nozzle)
        G0 Z0.6      (Position Height)
        M108 R5.0    (Set Extruder Speed)
        M101         (Start Extruder)
        G4 P2000     (Create Anchor)
        G1 X-95 Y-70 Z0.2 F1000 (do a slow wipe...)
        M103 (stop extruder)
        G92 E0 
        (**** prime Left Extruder)
        M108 R3.0 T1 (set Left extruder active)
        G0 X-100.5 Y-74 (Position Nozzle)
        G0 Z0.6      (Position Height)
        M108 R5.0    (Set Extruder Speed)
        M101         (Start Extruder)
        G4 P2000     (Create Anchor)
        G1 X-95 Y-70 Z0.2 F1000 (do a slow wipe...)
        G0 Z0.5 (...and lift)

        Regarding the Z hop it can be the following, and you can adjust it to zero:
        the Z lift on the material tab (adjust for each material then) it makes the extruder go up with each retraction
        At the printer Hardware tab the Z settle (resulting in a extra Z hop with layer change

        I shall simplify my settings without showing off the nice features of Kisslicer.

        But I hope this was the problem.

        The first two blobs are actually intended to do as priming. You can delete them in the startcode.

        I'm in a terrible hurry, I hope it solves it and change the rep presets later on!

        Edit, I did a quick edit and ccheck them later better

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        « Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 08:42:58 PM by funbart »
        Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
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        Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
        « Reply #14 on: March 07, 2013, 09:37:03 AM »
        I notice in the extruder-change G-code the retract uses:
        Code: [Select]
        G92 E0
        G1 F1800
        G1 E-1.0
        G1 F2400
        G92 E0
        This might be triggering the same bug I'm trying to avoid with the "Abs E - no reset".  (For regular Abs E mode KISSlicer resets the E value at the start of every layer, that way we don't end with huge E floating point values as most firmware barely support 32 bit floats well (about 7 significant figures).  The "no reset" version specifically avoids using "G92 E0" commands as that seemed to mess with something.)

        Maybe I could add an <E> value to the G-code replacement tokens, so the G-code include would just be:
        Code: [Select]
        G1 F1800
        G1 E<E-1.0>
        G1 F2400

        Would that work?  I would also appreciate funbart's expertise on this.

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        Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
        « Reply #13 on: March 07, 2013, 09:02:43 AM »
        So that's what that was.  :)
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          Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
          « Reply #12 on: March 07, 2013, 06:56:18 AM »
          No luck with the little box.  It's one of the photos I posted above.  I'll try getting in touch with funbart and see if he can get me some gcode out of his slicer :)


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          Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
          « Reply #11 on: March 07, 2013, 01:43:27 AM »
          Well, funbart knows his stuff with those machines way more than I. I'm sure he'll find this thread and offer some insight. Did you have any success with the little box?
          « Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 01:48:07 AM by PenskeGuy »
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            Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
            « Reply #10 on: March 06, 2013, 08:17:31 PM »
            I used the settings from and really only had even mild success when choosing the Abs E no Reset (Makerbot) setting.   



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            Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
            « Reply #9 on: March 06, 2013, 08:14:37 PM »
            Well, it's the slicer that is common and why we're all here. Could be that you have the wrong setting chosen for firmware. There are three 5D types on the Printer > Firmware tab that could be chosen for your machine. Which one do you have selected? Do a search for your machine and firmware and see if there is something shared on that front. Being that teh problem shows up right away, just choose the other two in succession and run a test to see if that's it.
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              Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
              « Reply #8 on: March 06, 2013, 08:08:52 PM »
              Understood! I assumed that anyone responding would be another replicator user!   

              Thanks so much for the help!   Hopefully Jonathan can take a look soon.


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              Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
              « Reply #7 on: March 06, 2013, 08:03:34 PM »
              My slice will be way different, as I'm on a 3D Touch and my settings are optimized for that. There's probably a setting that needs adjustment if my model did the same thing. Jonathan will have to take a look at both of your files made from my and your STLs to see if there is anything odd going on.
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                Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
                « Reply #6 on: March 06, 2013, 05:39:08 PM »
                I'm afraid I'm getting the same result.  For reference, I used Tinkercad to create the initial object.

                I've included the gcode generated by KS from your object.

                Perhaps you could slice and upload your dual g-code?  I could give that a shot and we could see if it made any difference?
                * sphere-lw.gcode (359.02 kB - downloaded 0 times.)


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                Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
                « Reply #5 on: March 06, 2013, 04:30:47 PM »
                What modeler are you using? I took a look at the sphere in Netfabb Studio and it looked OK. Repaired it anyway and brought both of them into KS. Immediately I saw odd representation of the polygons in the 3D display. The sphere should look uniform. It doesn't. I then took the original sphere.stl, converted it to a LWO and brought it into Lightwave to see if there were any duplicate polys or non-merged points. Found nothing odd. Exported that and converted to STL, brought it into KS and the same odd representation was there in all three. Created a new sphere matching the original, exported and brought that into KS. The attached screen grab tells the story. The sphere on the left is the Netfabb-repaired. The one in the center back is the original. The one on the right is my new one. I've attached the model. Slice it and see how it goes.

                * 3spheres.jpg (74.06 kB, 1024x669 - viewed 9 times.)
                * sphere-lw.stl (46.96 kB - downloaded 2 times.)
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                  Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
                  « Reply #4 on: March 06, 2013, 03:39:49 PM »
                  TERRIBLY sorry - I appear to have neglected to mention that I'm on Sailfish 7.0!


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                    Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
                    « Reply #3 on: March 06, 2013, 03:38:16 PM »
                    Thank you for your fast reply!
                    I've attached the model for my test, the gcode generated by KS for that test and the gcode generated of your test object.
                    I've also attached photos of the first three layers of the prints. Yellow is my left extruder, pink is on the right.

                    What I THINK I'm seeing is that the z axis drops and raises in between layers. I'm just lost on why!

                    I've uploaded a video of the issue to Youtube, and linked it here:
                    Please note at 00:25 the z axis boogie.

                    Please forgive if I've forgotten something, and let me know if there's anything else I can do!
                    Thanks so much!

                    * testobject.JPG (586.89 kB, 1632x1224 - viewed 12 times.)

                    * sphere.JPG (550.16 kB, 1632x1224 - viewed 8 times.)
                    * sphere.gcode (358.57 kB - downloaded 1 times.)
                    * box-halfinch-45.gcode (173.3 kB - downloaded 1 times.)
                    * sphere.stl (46.96 kB - downloaded 1 times.)


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                    Re: Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
                    « Reply #2 on: March 06, 2013, 03:14:22 PM »
                    Probably would be best to find out what in the model may be confusing KS, rather than going to a completely different object first. KS isn't as forgiving as other slicers. It will find errors that the others just plain gloss over.

                    Have you run the model through Netfabb to see if it finds any errors? Can you post it here, so that we can take a look at its structure? I've attached a little model that I use to calibrate my KS settings. Slice that and see how it goes.
                    * box-halfinch-45.stl (0.67 kB - downloaded 3 times.)
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                      Can't seem to get good results from a Rep 1/dual
                      « Reply #1 on: March 06, 2013, 02:48:25 PM »
                      I've been testing out KS with a Replicator 1 dual.   This is a pretty freakishly well tuned machine, and the results I get from SF have been excellent.  That said, I can't seem to dial in the settings properly on KS.

                      I am using the profiles I found here:

                      I've gone in and changed only one thing.  Under firmware type,  I selected the Abs E no Reset (Makerbot) setting, because when I didn't, the alignment was offset by the distance between the extruders.

                      The issue:
                      When I print a simple test shape (a sphere with support), the first layer of support appears almost right.  The first layer of the actual sphere is in the middle of the support and all is grand.   
                      When moving to the second layer, a MASSIVE blob of filament is extruded on one side of the support and all bets are off at that point.  The Z seems to be going up and down randomly (by 1 step it appears) and extrusion amounts are completely wonky.

                      Can anyone think of a reason why this might happen?  Is there a test object that anyone would recommend I slice and print to provide photos that will help with diagnosing this issue?



                      Dec 18, 2013, 5:30:26 PM12/18/13

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                      Strange difference of repesentation of 3D Gcode.

                      I just found out that the G92 E0 command is not working with the latest version of RepG 40.
                      It has nothing to do with the Sailfish firmware. 
                      But when using Absolute E, It's unpredictable if the toolchange is applied, together with other site effects.

                      I posted more about this:

                      Sorry, about the bad jokes
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                      Hi, Ray.

                      I sent an you email (at least I *think* I did!). Any new info?  One thing I wondered is if the printer itself behaved as predicted by repetier-host?

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                        Re: Makerbot Replicator double extrusion G92 problem / settings (SOLVED!)
                        « Reply #16 on: February 22, 2013, 10:55:58 PM »
                        Im running a makerbot Replicator 1 dual with the 7.0 firmware.   Recently got tired of ReplicatorG's clunkliness and Makerware shortcomings and purchased the pro-version of Kisslicer. (using the "5d-Abs E No Reset" firmware setting recommended for makerbots.   
                        My first few prints worked great and the speed still has me amazed.  However, i recently model and object (sat radio mount for a VW) which required supports.  so i thought this would be fine time to try out kisslicers dual extruding abilities, and chose to print my object with black PLA and my support with Black ABS. With hope of using acetone to aid in the support removal and cleanup.   
                        However... i ran into a problem and i think it may be having a similar to the problem described in this thread.  
                        I have attached a few screenshots showing how when i slice with my support and object using different extruders the gcode places my object a few cm above the support material(i alway try to inspect the gcode for wierdness with repetier-host prior to giving to the Bot).   The pictures i attached show what the kisslicer thinks the Gcode should look like, and what repeteir shows it actually be.  Plus i include a perfect gcode created when i told kisslicer to only use 1 extruder.
                        the only thing that fixes the problem is changing the firmware setting to "5d-Abs E" firmware which is not intended for the makerbot, as this yields great g-code. but from what i have read in this forum will create a lopsided print due to some issues with G92 and Makerbot firmware.
                        My question at this point is there a clean fix to this issue where i change a setting somewhere that i missed, or do i need to either change firmware to Sailfish or write post-processing script to tweak g-code?  Im still new to this as i only got my Rep1 in November and have not gotten to set in my ways yet.

                        thanks for any assistance!!!!


                        * Kissliser thinks it looks like this.jpg (61.63 kB, 577x408 - viewed 4 times.)

                        * Orginal object requiring support.jpg (28.59 kB, 462x324 - viewed 3 times.)

                        * using 2 extruder.jpg (50.8 kB, 768x480 - viewed 6 times.)

                        * using 1 extruder.jpg (54.96 kB, 768x480 - viewed 4 times.)

                        * this is using 5d abs E-not for makerbot.jpg (74.58 kB, 577x408 - viewed 4 times.)
                        Makerbot Rep1-dual
                        MB Firmware 7.0- for now...
                        Stock MK8 extruders


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                          Hello Bart,

                          It is so exciting to hear your good news about the usage of KISSlicer on dual Replicator 1.
                          I have the same machine and I want to try KISSlicer with Sailfish firmware.

                          Would you please provide a guide to use KISSlicer on Dual Replicator 1?

                          I already download your RAR file "KISSlicer MB win64 alpha settings.rar". 
                          Is it the right way that use ReplicatorG to send G-Code generated by KISSlicer to Replicator 1 directly?

                          Thank you so much!
                          And thank KISSlicer team and Jetty team also for the great job!

                          « Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 12:04:24 AM by blmvnew »
                          Makerbot Replicator 1 dual
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                          Re: Makerbot Replicator double extrusion G92 problem / settings
                          « Reply #14 on: October 17, 2012, 07:50:41 AM »
                          Great news!

                          Yep, this release is all about cleaning up the user interface to KISSlicer, and trying to get back to its "simple to get started" roots.  The plans for the subsequent release include multi-material objects.  It's kind of hard for me to hold off on the fun stuff while working on cleaning up the interface, but I really think it has to be done for KISSlicer to be more accessible to new users.

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                          Hmmmm.  Don't hold your breath waiting for G92 to be "fixed" for MBI firmware & dual extrusion.  There is an issue with it: Jetty and I hit it when we ported the Jetty Firmware to the Replicator.
                          [size=78%]Now, when we ported the Jetty Firmware to the Replicator we fixed a couple of the issues -- issues that impacted our firmware and it's interaction with ReplicatorG.  I don't know if it then makes G92 work correctly, but it might.  As you can see from Makerbot's github activity, they have been incorporating much of our work.  However, they aren't incorporating all of it and as such even if G92 now works with Jetty on the Replicator, it may not work with what MBI eventually releases.  (Anything they release won't appear until 6.1 at the earliest.)[/size]

                          Hello Dan, as I also tried to report at Jetty Firmware group; The Sailfish firmware hasn't the problem with the G92E0 command. Compliments! 
                          So When installed the Sailfish firmware for the Replicator 1, people can use Kisslicer with the "absolute E firmware", as it should be.
                          When using the official Makerbot firmware (tried 5.5 and 6.0), the G92 E0 problem still exists. Jonathan has made a "makerbot flavor firmware" which results in  an absolute E without reset. I think it will be in the next release of Kisslicer.

                          As user I'm "amazed" (read as; beyond amazed) that only a few people like the Jetty-team and Jonathan-Kisslicer-team are capable to make better products than Makerbot itself.
                          As for the Jetty team: to solve evident errors in firmware, make firmware that deliver great prints at high speed, take the time to test it (Makerbot 6.0 stops at about 10mm height with smooth printing....) with also understandable user guides (now I had the courage to tweak acceleration settings). Also there is good and fast support on the google group site.
                          The same for Kisslicer: Makerbot tries to make new software with Makerware/Miracle Grue, but it's buggy, still slow, almost no options to change (even no change of filament diameter etc.). Compared to Kisslicer it's really strange; Were Kisslicer is really fast and give a lot of options to tweak. Also the support structures are more clever compared to Skeinforge (only dense direct under the object). Now that Kisslicer can be used with both the Makerbot as Sailfish firmware: there is only one combination to use: Sailfish with Kisslicer! 
                          Kisslicer also gives in the Pro-version the possibility to print support with the second extruder).
                          The only option which is missing is to print objects in 2 colors. I'm sure this will be available in the near future.


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                            Re: Makerbot Replicator double extrusion G92 problem / settings
                            « Reply #12 on: October 10, 2012, 04:35:40 AM »

                            Attached is what I think would bring KS across the Makerbot Dual Extrusion finish line.

                            Please add the option to write out to the GCODE file A G54 through G59 when each tool is called up. I think this is the only think missing from KS that will allow both extruders to be used.

                            In my experience, when I want to use extruder 2, I write a G54 out to the file. When I want to use extruder 1, I write a G55 out to the file. I think this is all that is missing right now.

                            Thanks for your consideration.
                            * KS-Makerbot.pdf (129.55 kB - downloaded 19 times.)


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                            Hello Jonathan. 
                            Super that you took the time to write this firmware type!

                            I first tried it with one extruder; it works very well! The calibration box is now printed as intended, and not slanted anymore!
                            After that I tried the dual extruder mode. After some tweaking and trying with the Gcode for extruder exchange this works as well! Super!

                            Only the support extruder will have to prime, it is missing the first 3 centimeters. After that it's going well. I don't now if that has something to do with the extruder change or that it is solved when it's possible to use the prime Pillar in this version of Kisslicer.
                            Anyway, what I did for the extruder change:

                            <EXT> (replace line)
                            M108 T<EXT>(Set tool)
                            M18 A B
                            G1 Z<Z> F3000

                            After that I search and replace with a text editor "1 (replace line)" with G55
                            and "0 (replace line)" with G54. That is certain necessary for the toolchange
                            I think the M108 line is necessary , and probably the M18 A B, but don't know. I will try further.

                            So thanks, and I will try a little more and post what I find out!

                            Normally the toolchange of ReplicatorG is like this (so there is some copying of lines further in the Gcode, back to the Toolchange. But it seems not necessary.:

                            (*************start toolchange*************)
                            M108 T0(Set tool)
                            M18 A B
                            G1 Z0,14 F3000
                            G1 X-10,52 Y-14,79 Z0,14 F3000
                            G1 F3300,0
                            (*************end toolchange*************)
                            M73 P1 (display progress)
                            (<layer> 0.135 )
                            G1 X-10.52 Y-14.79 Z0.14 F3300.0
                            G1 F1200.0
                            G1 E1.0
                            G1 F3300.0
                            G1 X-10.52 Y-14.8 Z0.14 F1080.0 E1.001

                            Just curious what it means: It seems that in new Gcode of Miracle Grue the E value will be assigned to toolhead T0 and the equivalent A value will be assigned to toolhead T1.

                            Answer on my question on Makerbot group: 
                            Ann' and 'Enn T0' (tool head 0) are the same. The Tn is assumed after a Tn from a previous command, and T0 is the default.
                            Ann = Enn T0 (right extruder)
                            Bnn = Enn T1 (left extruder)
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                            Re: Makerbot Replicator double extrusion G92 problem / settings
                            « Reply #10 on: October 04, 2012, 09:05:21 PM »
                            Give this version a whirl?  Set the [Firmware Type] to "5D - Absolute E Without Reset" and let me know if it works.  This will track the E value per extruder, so hopefully that is what the firmware is expecting!  No changing T0/T1, but you can use the [Post-Process] command to run a script on the output file to search-and-replace.


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                            EDIT: removed version here:
                            « Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 12:33:25 PM by lonesock (Jonathan) »
                            *A2TD : "Added to the ToDo list"


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                              Re: Makerbot Replicator double extrusion G92 problem / settings
                              « Reply #9 on: October 04, 2012, 02:12:25 PM »
                              Hmmmm.  Don't hold your breath waiting for G92 to be "fixed" for MBI firmware & dual extrusion.  There is an issue with it: Jetty and I hit it when we ported the Jetty Firmware to the Replicator.

                              The underlying problem is the toolhead offset maintained in the firmware when switching between extruders.  Internally, the machine is having to offset all the positioning information as it switches between one extruder and the other.  The MBI firmware handles this insofar as getting its printing done.  However, it doesn't account for it correctly when you do things like ask for the position back or set a new position.

                              Now, when we ported the Jetty Firmware to the Replicator we fixed a couple of the issues -- issues that impacted our firmware and it's interaction with ReplicatorG.  I don't know if it then makes G92 work correctly, but it might.  As you can see from Makerbot's github activity, they have been incorporating much of our work.  However, they aren't incorporating all of it and as such even if G92 now works with Jetty on the Replicator, it may not work with what MBI eventually releases.  (Anything they release won't appear until 6.1 at the earliest.)

                              The Jetty Firmware port to the Replicator is at 


                              but you also need a modified ReplicatorG,


                              (Nearly all of that modified ReplicatorG is now in release 39 of RepG.  However, I haven't looked to see what version of the MightyBoard firmware they look for to enable the correct Machine Onboard Parameters UI.  The two github repos cited above produce a firmware which considers itself to be 5.6 and a RepG which presents the correct UI when it sees 5.6 as the version number.)



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                                Re: Makerbot Replicator double extrusion G92 problem / settings
                                « Reply #8 on: October 03, 2012, 07:54:45 AM »
                                Bravo ! :D
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                                Re: Makerbot Replicator double extrusion G92 problem / settings
                                « Reply #7 on: October 01, 2012, 07:45:42 AM »
                                It's not a hard thing to implement...just a bit of's on the list.

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                                Hello Jonathan,
                                I have asked at Makerbot, but they don't see any bug for G92E0, so it won't be solved. 
                                "Hi Bart,
                                Thank you for contacting MakerBot! I'm very sorry, but this is definitely something that you're going to have to contact Kisslicer about, as MakerBot does not have any control over what they do. Sorry for any inconvenience.
                                Best, Gavin"

                                So, is it possible to develop a Makerbot flavor under "firmware type"?
                                It is so for Makerbot that for each extruder the E value is added (both starting with zero of course) and that it keeps adding after toolchange. So first extruder T0 for by example 10 layers is adding to E100, than change to T1 and adding to E50 for example, than toolchange and T0 starts with E100. No overflow issue apparently.
                                Of course than no G92E0 command is involved.
                                Also the toolchange code itself is perhaps difficult because it is changing from G54 to G55

                                Hope it's possible to implement it in Kisslicer, because Makerbot won't do anything about it.
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                                Oh wait, I understand more:
                                ReplicatorG generate Gcode only for each tool (and when not changing tool, the E values are adding also on higher layers) 
                                Kisslicer generates the Gcode for each toolchange AND each layer always starting with E0 (therefore is the G92E0 command necessary I suppose). So the programm RMS from DDstarkey also search for each layer and turns the Gcode so that it startes with E0 on each layer. 
                                For now it seams that when changing toolheads RMS this is not recognizing, it now keeps adding E values even after the toolchange on that layer.

                                toolhead change for the replicator have this structure

                                standard ReplicatorG
                                G1 F4800.0
                                (*************start toolchange*************)
                                M108 T0(Set tool)
                                M18 A B
                                G1 Z1,22 F3000
                                G1 X30,6 Y1,03 Z1,22 F3000
                                G1 F9000,0
                                (*************end toolchange*************)
                                M73 P23 (display progress)
                                (<layer> 1.215 )
                                G1 X30.6 Y1.03 Z1.22 F9000.0
                                G1 F1200.0

                                (*************start toolchange*************)
                                G54 (G53 when changing from T0 to T1)
                                M108 T0(Set tool) (in Kisslicer you can define this as T<EXT>
                                M18 A B (always the same)
                                G1 Z(1,22) actual layer <Z> in kisslicer F3000 (F3000 seems standard)
                                G1 X30,6 Y1,03 Z1,22  (this is the same as the position where the toolhead will start) F3000 (F3000 seems also standard)
                                G1 F9000,0  (this is the same F valueas  where the toolhead will start with)
                                (*************end toolchange*************)
                                G1 X30.6 Y1.03 Z1.22 F9000.0 (example)
                                G1 F1200.0 (example)

                                No idea what is possible...
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                                I now your problem with teething... hope that you get more sleep soon.

                                For now: I don't see any solutions for the G92 E0 problem at Makerbot. 
                                DD starkey has a problem that removes that code line. Also turning the code to absolute, but I thought it was already in Kisslicer.

                                When it's only this, Kisslicer should be able to remove this line to solve the problem, or not?
                                Beside that, the toolchange I need is simple 

                                when changing to extruder T0: like this
                                G1 X-12.4 Y4.35 Z4.1 F6000.0 E1030.954
                                G1 X-12.8 Y4.33 Z4.1 F6000.0 E1030.972
                                G1 X-12.8 Y12.71 Z4.1 F6000.0 E1031.36
                                G1 F1200.0
                                G1 E1031.36
                                G1 F6000.0
                                (*************start toolchange*************)
                                M108 T0(Set tool)
                                M18 A B
                                G1 Z4,1 F3000
                                G1 X8,82 Y6,99 Z4,1 F3000
                                G1 F9000,0
                                (*************end toolchange*************)
                                M73 P14 (display progress)
                                (<layer> 4.104 )
                                ;M108 R50.0
                                G1 X8.82 Y6.99 Z4.1 F9000.0
                                G1 X8.82 Y-0.26 Z4.1 F9000.0

                                and changing to extruder T1: like this
                                G1 X-18.0 Y19.2 Z0.66 F6250.0 E167.496
                                G1 X-18.0 Y20.4 Z0.66 F6250.0 E167.533
                                G1 X18.0 Y20.4 Z0.66 F6250.0 E168.653
                                G1 F1200.0
                                G1 E168.653
                                G1 F6250.0
                                ;M108 R40.0
                                (*************start toolchange*************)
                                M108 T1(Set tool)
                                M18 A B
                                G1 Z0,66 F3000
                                G1 X-24,0 Y0,0 Z0,66 F3000
                                G1 F9000,0
                                (*************end toolchange*************)
                                M73 P1 (display progress)
                                (<layer> 0.664 )
                                ;M108 R70.0
                                G1 X-24.0 Y0.0 Z0.66 F9000.0
                                G1 F1200.0
                                G1 E125.468
                                G1 F9000.0
                                G1 X24.0 Y0.0 Z0.66 F6250.0 E126.961
                                G1 X24.0 Y-1.2 Z0.66 F6250.0 E126.999
                                G1 X-24.0 Y-1.2 Z0.66 F6250.0 E128.492

                                The start Gcode it uses for the coodinate system is:
                                (**** start.gcode for The Replicator, Dualstrusion! ****)

                                M103 (disable RPM)
                                M73 P0 (enable build progress)
                                G21 (set units to mm)
                                G90 (set positioning to absolute)
                                G10 P1 X0 Y0 Z0 (Designate T0 Offset)
                                G10 P2 X33 Y0 Z0 (Designate T1 Offset)
                                G54 (Recall offset cooridinate system for T0)

                                So replicator has to refere with each change to the appropiate coordinate system.

                                Hope you can help.


                                The complete Start Gcode is:
                                (**** start.gcode for The Replicator, Dualstrusion! ****)

                                M103 (disable RPM)
                                M73 P0 (enable build progress)
                                G21 (set units to mm)
                                G90 (set positioning to absolute)
                                G10 P1 X0 Y0 Z0 (Designate T0 Offset)
                                G10 P2 X33 Y0 Z0 (Designate T1 Offset)
                                G54 (Recall offset cooridinate system for T0)
                                M109 S110 T0 (set HBP temperature)
                                M104 S240 T0 (set extruder temperature) (temp updated by printOMatic)
                                M104 S240 T1 (set extruder temperature) (temp updated by printOMatic)

                                (**** begin homing ****)
                                G162 X Y F2500 (home XY axes maximum)
                                G161 Z F1100 (home Z axis minimum)
                                G92 Z-5 (set Z to -5)
                                G1 Z0.0 (move Z to "0")
                                G161 Z F100 (home Z axis minimum)
                                M132 X Y Z A B (Recall stored home offsets for XYZAB axis)
                                (**** end homing ****)
                                G1 X-70.5 Y-74 Z150 F3300.0 (move to waiting position)

                                G130 X20 Y20 Z20 A20 B20 (Lower stepper Vrefs while heating)
                                M6 T0 (wait for toolhead, and HBP to reach temperature)
                                G130 X127 Y127 Z40 A127 B127 (Set Stepper motor Vref to defaults)
                                M108 R3.0 T0
                                G0 X-70.5 Y-74 (Position Nozzle)
                                G0 Z0.2      (Position Height)
                                M108 R4.0    (Set Extruder Speed)

                                M101         (Start Extruder)
                                G4 P2000     (Create Anchor)
                                G1 X-80.5 Y-64 F1500.0 (Create Pre-Anchor extrude)
                                G1 X-90.5 Y-74 F1500.0 (Create Pre-Anchor extrude)
                                G1 X-100.5 Y-64 F1500.0 (Create Pre-Anchor extrude)
                                G1 X-110.5 Y-74 F1500.0 (Create Pre-Anchor extrude)
                                G1 X-110.5 Y-64 F1500.0 (Create Pre-Anchor extrude)
                                G4 P500     (Create Anchor) 
                                (**** end of start.gcode ****)

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                                Re: Makerbot Replicator double extrusion G92 problem / settings
                                « Reply #3 on: August 31, 2012, 04:04:22 PM »
                                I'm still working away in the background, but my free time had is less busy, but Daniel is teething, so while I have more time, I have less sleep!  [8^)

                                Multi-material objects is definitely in the future of KISSlicer.  Could you find a working G-code file that does 2-head on the Replicator?  From that I should be able to figure out what is different.  Also, is there any news on fixing the G92 bug in the firmware itself?  I had seen some forum posts on that, but not sure what the current status is.

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                                Kisslicer development / forum fading away? Waiting for something?
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                                I have tried a lot settings in Kisslicer for the Replicator of Makerbot. I use the newest firmware 5.5 with acceleration. As long as I choose only one extruder it prints fine with the settings (ini files) as provided by DDStarkey, only it prints slanted (see other topic). Also the support structure is fine as long it is the same material as the object.
                                DDstarkley has provided a great program (RMS) to eliminate this problem, which has someting to do with an G92 bug.

                                Now I have upgrated to the pro version of Kisslicer, I'm stuck, not being able to figure out how to generate Gcode for object and material in different material. I have tried a lot, but I really can't figure out whether there is a problem with the Gcode prefix, extruder change, or maybe the interference of the Post process with the RMS exe.
                                Also, I think that the solution for this G92 problem is more for Kisslicer to solve.

                                Also I was hoping that printing in different materials would be possible. Jeff (Lochemage) is developing Gsplicer, which I would love to try, but first I have to figure out the working settings for the Replicator.
                                Also I think the dual colour printing (beside the support in an other material) has to be a feature in Kisslicer.
                                I have added some gcode files with the different settings, as well the ini files I used.

                                I really hope there is a solution for this problem.
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                                * replicator gcode.rar (242 kB - downloaded 4 times.)
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                                « Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 07:01:09 PM by funbart »
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