KRClassic Course Back Tonight

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Steve Kibble

Nov 9, 2022, 8:39:49 PM11/9/22
to Kirribilli Runners

Greetings KRew

Running around the Opera House this week I’m pleased to see that the east side path has reopened and they have also changed the fencing so now it is not as much of bottle neck as it has been. So let’s go back to running the KRClassic course, but please be careful around the Opera House!

Big shout out and congratulations to the KRs who ran the Inaugural Bondi2Manly 80k Ultra on Saturday. We had a few KRs taking on the 80k solo course as well as couple of teams in the relay option where each person ran roughly 20k each. And a big thank you to the KRew that volunteered it was great to see you as we came through checkpoint 2.

We also had a contingent of the KRew in the USA this weekend, running the TCS New York marathon! 7 of the KRew took on the streets of the 5 boroughs and I hear they all had a great time and we look forward to hearing from them all about their adventure. 

This Saturday we have 20 of the KRew heading to Carcoar for the Carcoar cup. We have five KR teams for the marathon relay and it’s going to be an awesome time. (I’ve told them they have to bring back 1st, 2nd and 3rd for our trophy cabinet!!) Go well teams have an awesome time!!

Helena #KRdoesMovember

This week’s Movember Moment 

Don’t forget that throughout November, Kirribilli Runners will be focusing on Men’s Health. Let’s break down barriers, start conversations, and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in men. 

Important dates:

24th November: The KR Movember Run – Dress up with a Mo, as a Mo, draw a Mo on your T-Shirt Get creative! 

26th November: [Mo]re than a run – a mega fundraiser run finishing at The Establishment in the city. Choose to run 10km, 30km, or 60km to mark three important statistics relating to Men’s Mental Health: the 10% of men who experience an anxiety disorder, the 30% rise in men dying by suicide, and the 60 men we lose globally every hour to death by suicide. We will post the course maps for the three distances and more information soon.

Messages from the Men: 

1.     Talking with Ant 

This week we were lucky enough to chat to Ant Wood. For those of you that don’t know, Ant is our Monday run director and an all round legend. Mental health is something close to Ant’s heart, and he kindly offered to share the following thoughts with us:

“Growing up it was role-modelled to me by my father that showing emotion & vulnerability was weakness, because that’s what he himself had been brought up to understand. Dad certainly did his best but was just never comfortable admitting when he was wrong or talking about his feelings if he was under pressure. Instead he embodied a ‘teaspoon of concrete’ attitude. It’s taken me years to be able to undo that programming and recognise that being vulnerable is a strength. I still wrestle with anxiety and the negative/self doubt talk but love the opportunity to chat shoulder to shoulder with supportive mates. It takes a brave man to ask a mate ‘how you travelling?’ and to dig a little deeper but the connection it creates can provide men with deeper, more meaningful and heartfelt relationships.”

Thanks for sharing, Ant – a few words and a bit of digging can go a long way in helping others feel like they’re not so alone. 

2.     Tips from the experts 

We also spoke to Mitch Howarth, a clinical psychologist specialising in men’s mental health and wellbeing, and asked him what men can do to reflect on their mental health. Here’s his tip:

"Focus on a time when your mental health was at its best. Where were you? What were you doing, or not doing? Who were you with, or not with? When trying to figure out how to feel better, looking at your history can be a great place to start".

To find out more about Mitch or to make an appointment, visit

3.     This week’s “I wish someone had told me...”

“I wish I was told earlier than it’s ok to be emotionally open to others and to express your emotions - masculinity was never portrayed to me that way when I was younger.”

If you’d like to donate please use the following link:

That’s it for our Movember Moment this week. Stay safe, look after each other, and look after yourselves. 

If you or someone you know is struggling please contact the people below who can help:

Lifeline | 13 11 14 

24-hour Australian crisis counselling service

Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467 

24-hour Australian counselling service

beyondblue | 1300 22 4636 

24-hour phone support and online chat service and links to resources and apps.

Upcoming Events

Next year for Canberra Marathon we now have a discount code that gives you 10% off, so use that if you are going to sign up for it. (SM-MEMBER-KR)

Blackmores Sydney Running Festival 17 Sep 23! Never to early to sign up for the marathon and get your training program sorted. I have started a KR group so make sure you join the KRew team!

SAVE THE DATE! KR annual Christmas Party and Annual Awarding on the ‘KR Person of the Year’, is going to be held on 11 December! Stay tuned for more details closer to the date.

For the run tonight, if you are bringing bags, Helena will be there with her car, to hold them whilst you run. Thank you Helena that is really awesome!!

That’s it for this week; remember to take care of yourself and others.

Keep running and happy trails,











KRew 3 Nov 22a.jpeg
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