Stunning Sydney Winter Days

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Steve Kibble

2021年6月16日 21:24:592021/6/16
收件人 Kirribilli Runners

Greetings KRew

I hope everyone had a great long weekend and that whatever you got up to, you had some fun, saw some family and friends and of course went out for a few runs. I was fortunate to have a good solid long run with a friend on Saturday on one of my favourite routes the 10 Bridges Classic. Then on Sunday joined a contingent of the KRew, along with some Rhodes Runners and Sydney Striders for a 25k jaunt from Strathfield and Sydney Olympic Park to the Airport as part of a fund raising event for the Run Beyond Project. A great morning that was well organised by our own Geordie Owen and raised a bit of money for a great cause.


Coming up we have SMH Half in two weeks time where a large number of the KRew are going to racing the best CBD course in the world and also we have a lot of volunteers who are going to marshalling the event. If you want to volunteer let me know and I’ll add you to the group, all of our folks who have volunteered in the past always report back on having a great time.


Then the following weekend is the Gold Coast marathon weekend, which is going to be an awesome time, and I’m very excited about being part of that weekend. If you are planning on being there make sure you let Joy or I know so that we can invite you to some pre and post race gatherings we are planning.


Closer to now though, tonight at the KRClassic we will be there from about 6:20pm or so to welcome you and while some folks are still running out a bit earlier in smaller groups, as restrictions have really eased we are heading back to having the whole group start at 6:40pm. But, no matter whether you want to start a bit earlier, or at the more traditional time of 6:40pm, we will have a car to store your bags should you need it. Can I ask though, that you please have your bags stored by 6:40pm so that we can all head out for a run across the bridge together?

And can I also ask that you please register your attendance at this link:

Or I will have a QR code tonight for you to register as you arrive.

Post the run we have been heading to the Kirribilli Hotel and then on to pizza to socialise and I hope that you to will stay and join us, of course observing the current COVID restrictions in those places. Last week we were even back in the spiritual home of KR in the downstairs of the KH!

Today I am talking to another one of the awesome KR medicos that are part of the club, Giles. Giles is someone who has been part of KR longer I have and has seen it change and grow for over 13 years. (And he has a really cute puppy.)

Your name and/or running nickname?

Giles or just 'G'

How long have you been running?

I started enjoying athletics/cross country from about age 16. I've maintained a steady interest since although these days I'm much less bothered about times and just enjoy getting out. I’ve been running with KR since 2008, which makes me almost a founding member.

What inspires you to keep running?

It just makes me feel better in myself and it feels like something, as humans, we're born to do. Have also met runners that keep me inspired.

What's coolest place you have ever run?

I'm lucky to have run in some very special places. The best was running at sunrise in Jerusalem, Israel. I lived in the Old City for 6 months as a 19-year-old and my morning run included the old city and reps up the Mt. of Olives. Magical to watch as the sun comes up on thousands of years of history.

Where we are isn't bad either too!

How do you feel at the start of a run?

It sometimes takes a while to get going but around the 1k mark I get into the rhythm.

When you see another runner coming towards you, what do you do?

I usually nod and a smile, unless I'm completely in my own world.

What's the most interesting thing that ever happened to you whilst running?

Once while on a run in Africa I looked around to see a growing crowd of kids joining me. A white man running through their village was something of a novelty. A real Forrest Gump moment.

What do your friends think of your running?

Those friends that are runners are very encouraging. The friends that are not just don't get it...

What do you do with your clothes immediately after you get home from a run?

Throw them against the wall. If they stick - time for the wash. If not, she'll be 'right...*

What's the one thing you wish you'd been told before you started running?

The importance of mixing it up with speed, distances and trails - variety makes it much more interesting.

I also find that, if I'm in a new place, running is the best way to explore and you'll really get to know the area (and meet new people too).

(* Kidding! Straight-in-the-basket. Cleanliness is next to godliness and all that...)

Thank you for sharing Giles, that’s awesome and I know what you mean about running in Africa, some of my best memories of running are from there as well.

ChrisO #HealthTip 

Zone 2 Heart Rate Training For Longevity and Performance 

I love a good solo run and try to go out at least once a week, but the challenge I find is that my heart rate often goes into zone 3 as my pace picks up. This got me thinking; why is zone 2 heart rate so important for longevity and performance? How do I know when I am in zone 2, and how long should I stay in zone 2? 

After some research I found this article on the topic of ‘base training’, that is a heart rate in zone 2. The article has a good depth of science for those who like that, while remaining easy reading for the rest of us. For me at least, I will now be making some adjustments to my weekly running.

Thanks Chris and I thought you just loved running with me……. ;-) 

Well that’s a wrap for another week. 

Remember to take care of yourself and others.

Happy trails,








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