--- Forwarded message --- | |
From: | City of Kirkland kirk...@service.govdelivery.com |
Date: | May 8, 2024 11:29:23 AM |
Subject: | Extended work hours begin this week for waterline installation work on Northeast 87th Street |
To: | ke...@dunlap.org |
We’re reaching out to you on behalf of the I-405/Northeast 85th Street Interchange and Inline BRT Station Project team to notify you that as early as 24 hours from the date and time of this e-mail, crews on Northeast 87th Street may begin to work as late as 8:00 p.m. for as long as six weeks. Previous work hours ended at 7:00 p.m. With an additional hour of work, crews will be able to install more pipe per shift and reduce the overall pipe installation timeframe. Once crews complete the waterline installation work, they will repave Northeast 87th Street and replace disturbed paving on 114th Avenue Northeast and 116th Avenue Northeast. If you have additional questions or concerns you can call the project hotline at 425-224-2423 or send an email to the project inbox at I405SR16...@wsdot.wa.gov. If you would like to sign up for project updates, email the project inbox with the subject line: 85th project updates. Visit the project webpage to learn about upcoming construction work: bit.ly/85th-Interchange-BRT. Thank you for your patience during construction. Update your subscriptions, modify your password or e-mail address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You can also instantly unsubscribe from this topic if you wish. You will need to use your email address to log in to your subscriber preference page. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please visit subscriberhelp.govdelivery.com. This service is provided to you at no charge by the City of Kirkland.