Ballot results, including suggestions and meeting topics

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Karen Story

Dec 27, 2020, 12:22:20 PM12/27/20
Thank you to everyone who voted in the Highlands 2021 board election!

Please welcome the wonderful volunteers who will be working during the coming year to organize projects, events, communications, welcome fliers, and meetings to help our neighborhood continue to be a great place to live. A special welcome to new board member Laura Ruderman! Let me know if you have any questions.

2021 Highlands Board Members

Co-chairs:  Karen Story, Debbie Ohman
Treasurer:  Jim Jung
Secretary:  Mari Bercaw
Kirkland Alliance of Neighborhoods Representative: Debbie Ohman
Board Members at Large:
    Debbie Sinick
    Kevin Dunlap
    Matthew Sachs
    Kara Pietlia
    Tim Malone
    Laura Ruderman


Suggestions Received on Ballot

Note: Please submit suggestions to the City of Kirkland as well:

- Remove the neon Vegas-style speed signs in the neighborhood. They look cheesy and are not effective. People often speed up to see what top speed they can get to and make it flash "Slow Down". [Consider a post on Nextdoor to ask if others in the neighborhood support removing these.]

- People completely and consistently ignore the 4-way stop at the intersection at 112th Ave NE and NE 100th St. Pedestrians are in danger at this intersection. [Please report this to the city at the above link. What else can we do to address this concern?]

- Stop bulldozing down houses, we don't need more 2 million dollar homes one on top of the other, we need to keep our trees and open spaces, even the smaller ones between houses, those things called yards that are so quickly going away. [I'll invite city staff to address this at a future meeting.]

- Have the sun come out more in the winter. [ :) ]

- Do not let high density housing creep further in to the Highlands. Keep it close to 85th. [The Kirkland zoning map shows the current Highlands zoning. There are no plans to change this.]

- Continue to address concerns about the BRT station impact on our neighborhood. Don't allow 20-story buildings on Rose Hill. [Be sure to send written input about the Station Area Plan to Allison Zike at, and register for the Jan. 7 community open house at]

- More functions where neighbors get to know each other. Maybe a street party day where we break it down to smaller areas and have multiple parties and get to know the people that live on your street. It would be really nice to know more people that live near by. We all work and have our family lives and it is hard to know people that live just half a block away. Maybe encourage neighborhood holiday functions. Have functions that help raise money for projects around our neighborhood or for charity. [These are wonderful ideas. Is anyone interested in working on this? Post-Covid, of course!]

- I always love it when it snows and everyone in the neighborhood goes to the Pit [Spinney Park] and sleds. It is a time when everyone is happy and everyone is welcome. Kids, dogs, adults all having fun. This is what I would encourage us to do at other times with other events. [Nextdoor is a great way to spread the word about opportunities for outdoor gatherings!]

- Continue to do Random Acts of Kindness [It's always nice to read about these on Nextdoor as well.]

- Make sure speed limits are enforced on 112th and 116th. [Please report speeding to the city.]

- Efforts to address the car breakins [Please attend our crime meeting on Jan. 20.]

- Sidewalk on 97th between 116th and 112th [Keep submitting this to Our Kirkland, and being a squeaky wheel!]

- Building hutches to accomodate lockable mailboxes wherever possible. [The neighborhood can't pay for these, but we can certainly encourage them! There is good advice on Nextdoor for how to buy and install these.]

- Get a pickleball court in the Highlands [Be sure to submit this suggestion to the city! The more people who suggest it, the more likely it is to happen. Put the word out on Nextdoor to find out how many pickleball players there are in our neighborhood.]

Ideas for Meeting Topics

(These have been added to our list for future neighborhood meetings.)

- Rules about lot coverage, setbacks, tree removal, and house size.
- Rules about tree retention and preservation. How do those rules fit with the Sustainability Plan just approved by the City Council?
- Master plan for the CKC, and whether it will be paved.
- Sound Transit project at I-405 and NE 85th St. and the impact on our neighborhood.
- Street parking/safety [Could whoever submitted this please contact me with more information?]
- Gardening in the NW [Probably not an appropriate topic for a neighborhood meeting, but you could start a Nextdoor group to connect with other gardeners.]
- How to be civil in these divided times. [Probably not an appropriate topic for a neighborhood meeting, but I'm open to suggestions!]
- Another history meeting would be wonderful. [Great idea! Meanwhile, please see our neighborhood history page at]


"The Highlands Neighborhood Association (HNA) is volunteers who work
to improve community, safety, traffic, sidewalks, parks, activities,
and quality of life in our neighborhood"
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