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[KinkForAll] KFASF2: Childcare

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Rebecca Crane

Jun 13, 2012, 3:42:38 PM6/13/12
to KinkForAll
Hi All!

This is just a heads up, since I know it's important to let parents know in advance of an event whether or not there will be childcare. If there are parents who would like to attend KFASF2 but need childcare for their young children, I am offering to do a shift of up to three hours of childcare coverage at Noisebridge on Saturday. 

I can watch kids 2 yrs+, up to 3 kids at a time, and I'd appreciate if parents would bring their own snacks, toys, etc. for their children to play with while they're there -- but if not, we can always improvise. :) Also, parents should be aware that Noisebridge is anything but childproofed, so you'll need to be comfortable with your kiddos being in a building with power saws etc. I promise not to improvise anything involving the power saws. ;)

Finally, I just want to make it clear that we're making childcare available simply so that young children who would be bored by attending KFASF2 sessions have an option for something more kid-friendly to do. However, children and youth are also welcome to attend any sessions they're interested in, and we especially encourage any youth or teens attending to participate in the presentations and discussions!

So, there's that. We can't know yet whether or how much need there will be for childcare, but I'm just putting the offer out there in advance in case it makes a difference to any parents in whether or not they decide to come! If there ends up being more of a need for childcare than I'm able to cover by myself, then I'd love it if others would volunteer to help out, too. :)

Thanks! Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday!

- Rebecca


Jun 13, 2012, 3:57:06 PM6/13/12
On Jun 13, 2012, at 12:42 PM, Rebecca Crane wrote:

> Hi All!
> This is just a heads up, since I know it's important to let parents know in advance of an event whether or not there will be childcare. If there are parents who would like to attend KFASF2 but need childcare for their young children, I am offering to do a shift of up to three hours of childcare coverage at Noisebridge on Saturday.

Sweet, this is awesome. :) Hopefully we can do more to get the word out about this offer.[0] :)

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