KFASF2: Press Release - Request For Comments (was Re: [KinkForAll] Re: KFASF2: Facebook event, fliers, and other outreach efforts)

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Apr 3, 2012, 5:12:55 PM4/3/12
to KinkForAll
> On Apr 3, 2012, at 11:34 AM, Dakota Raynes wrote:
> Hey there folks,
> A draft of the KFASF2 press release is up on google docs and shared with Alisa and Maymay as they are quoted in it. Please check the quotes and let us know what you think about it overall.

Kota, you are made of awesome! :) On my first (very brief) read, it looks great!

I don't actually have time to look at this right this instant for Reasons so instead I just popped in to create a new thread on this mailing list (this message) for the press release distinct from the Facebook event/outreach thread,[0] and publish this draft to the Web so that it's public,[1] not private within a small group of people who have editing access.

This means that our edits will be public as soon as we make them, so please don't put personal or private information in this document as we draft it. If anyone else would like editorial access to leave comments in the Google Doc, just ask. Alternatively, anyone who's subscribed to this mailing list can also just reply to this message to comment on the press release draft and add your suggestions.

> See y'all soon!
> Kota

I hope you're doing well!

Blog: http://maybemaimed.com
Talk show: http://KinkOnTap.com
Community: http://KinkForAll.org


[0] https://groups.google.com/group/kinkforall/browse_thread/thread/76d0460f5e636aac
[1] https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1KQy9osiRG3Bsw1HC4W6EGQxT8MZVpeEsiY47Wmx5nyA

Dakota Raynes

Apr 3, 2012, 5:47:34 PM4/3/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 3:12 PM, maymay <bitethea...@gmail.com> wrote:

Kota, you are made of awesome! :) On my first (very brief) read, it looks great!

It was actually more Rebecca writing and me saying "You don't need a comma there...that is misspelled...or how about it we word it this way." Not to say that we are not made of awesome :)

I don't actually have time to look at this right this instant for Reasons so instead I just popped in to create a new thread on this mailing list (this message) for the press release distinct from the Facebook event/outreach thread,[0] and publish this draft to the Web so that it's public,[1] not private within a small group of people who have editing access.

Thanks, I was wondering how to go about doing a more public posting, but couldn't get my brain to figure it out that late in the day/early in the morning.

This means that our edits will be public as soon as we make them, so please don't put personal or private information in this document as we draft it. If anyone else would like editorial access to leave comments in the Google Doc, just ask. Alternatively, anyone who's subscribed to this mailing list can also just reply to this message to comment on the press release draft and add your suggestions.

> See y'all soon!
> Kota

I hope you're doing well!

Blog: http://maybemaimed.com
Talk show: http://KinkOnTap.com
Community: http://KinkForAll.org


[0] https://groups.google.com/group/kinkforall/browse_thread/thread/76d0460f5e636aac
[1] https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1KQy9osiRG3Bsw1HC4W6EGQxT8MZVpeEsiY47Wmx5nyA

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Dakota Raynes
McNair Scholar
Graduate Assistant
Sociology & Women's Studies
New Mexico State University - Las Cruces


Apr 4, 2012, 1:27:01 PM4/4/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
Hey folks, I just made some edits/suggestions to the press release doc but wanted to back up a moment and send a huge, huge thank you to Dakota and Rebecca for drumming this out!  You guys seriously rock my socks, thanks!


"'You know zat another term for an icongrapher would be 'photographer?'  From the old word Photus in Latation, vhich means--' 'To prance around like an idiot ordering everyone about as if you owened the place.'" ~ Pratchett; the Truth

Dakota Raynes

Apr 4, 2012, 3:08:21 PM4/4/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
On Apr 4, 2012, at 11:27 AM, RagingAmazon wrote:

Hey folks, I just made some edits/suggestions to the press release doc but wanted to back up a moment and send a huge, huge thank you to Dakota and Rebecca for drumming this out!  You guys seriously rock my socks, thanks!


"'You know zat another term for an icongrapher would be 'photographer?'  From the old word Photus in Latation, vhich means--' 'To prance around like an idiot ordering everyone about as if you owened the place.'" ~ Pratchett; the Truth

Thanks, we are awesome...but we're not 'guys'...just sayin'. ;)



Apr 5, 2012, 1:45:36 PM4/5/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
Hey y'all,

I finally got around to making some of my own edits to the draft of the KinkForAll San Francisco 2 Press Release.[0] I wanted to change the quote Kota and Rebecca used from me, so thank you both for checking in with me about that.

Also, I wanted to give this press release a bit more of its own flair rather than pull *too* strongly from the previous boilerplates. Moreover, since KFASF2 will be at Noisebridge, I wanted to change the language to speak more to the technology angle.

So I rewrote sections and I'm embedding a copy in this email for the sake of convenience (and for making a backup copy in all y'all's email inboxes.) ;)

Challenging sex-ed status quo, KinkForAll brings culture hackers and peer-to-peer educators back to San Francisco

San Francisco, CA – TK-DATE – The Noisebridge Hackerspace in San Francisco’s Mission district will host a free, all-ages, and open to the public unconference full of discussions about sexuality and its intersections with the rest of life. Empowering participants to share knowledge directly with neighbors and peers, organizers are encouraging everyone with an interest in challenging the status quo regarding sexuality information and its distribution to converge on Saturday, June 16th, 2012 for KinkForAll San Francisco 2. The event is the tenth conference of its kind nationally, and its second incarnation in the Bay Area.

“This is an opportunity for participants to explore ideas of self-empowerment, presentation tactics and community organizing, as well as an opportunity for cross-pollination with hacker, Maker and open source communities,” organizer Alisa said. The “unconference” format offers participants 20-minute slots in which to facilitate a discussion, give a presentation or lead a session on any topic related to sexuality. Interested individuals are already using websites and social media to brainstorm, such as: "Open Space Technology and Kink", “The Cake Is Not a Lie; The Closet Is,” and "Custom Relationship Design." Many KinkForAll sessions are recorded, and videos from previous events are available online for free.

“It’s like an interactive Wikipedia,” unconference founder Meitar Moscovitz said. “Imagine a world where everyone not only had free access to a library containing the sum total of sexuality information, but had a say in what information that library recorded. That’s why everyone from traditional sex educators to bloggers, and even chefs, circus troupes and street performers, photographers, new media journalists, and culture hackers of all stripes are welcome to participate.” Everyone attending is encouraged to participate in whatever form they find most inspiring or comfortable, including presenting, bringing food to share or livetweeting sessions using the #KFASF2 hashtag. Anyone interested can sign up and share ideas at http://wiki.kinkforall.org/KinkForAllSanFrancisco2 and can learn more at http://wiki.KinkForAll.org/KinkForAll.
KinkForAll San Francisco unorganizer


Meitar Moscovitz
KinkForAll co-founder
(323) 963-4827
An innovative conference to empower a citizen-driven reform of sexuality education, KinkForAll San Francisco 2, will be held at Noisebridge Hackerspace on June 16th, 2012. The event is free, open to the public, and strongly stresses education and sexual freedom over eroticization. Anyone with the desire to learn or with something to contribute is welcome and invited to participate.
About KinkForAll
KinkForAll is an ad-hoc unconference about sexuality for anyone and everyone, drawing participants from an astounding range of both sexuality-related and other communities. Anyone with the desire to learn in an open environment or with something to contribute is welcome and invited to participate. KinkForAll is a 100% free event that is open to the public.
KinkForAll is a fast-paced event with discussions, presentations, and interaction from all participants. There are no spectators, only participants. To attend, you must give a presentation or otherwise help out. KinkForAll events aim to support participants face-to-face and to create shared knowledge with lasting benefit to humanity. KinkForAll is inspired by and based upon the BarCamp community and unconference model.

As always, feedback is welcome. You can share your comments by replying to this message, and I hope you do. :)



Rebecca Crane

Apr 5, 2012, 3:07:05 PM4/5/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
This looks good to me!

Only thing I'd change is I'd add a word e.g. "session ideas" or "topics" to this sentence: "Interested individuals are already using websites and social media to brainstorm [topics], such as: [...]"

Thanks for taking a look. :)

- R



Apr 5, 2012, 3:14:59 PM4/5/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
On Apr 5, 2012, at 3:07 PM, Rebecca Crane wrote:

> This looks good to me!
> Only thing I'd change is I'd add a word e.g. "session ideas" or "topics" to this sentence: "Interested individuals are already using websites and social media to brainstorm [topics], such as: [...]"
> Thanks for taking a look. :)
> - R

Oh, hey, lookit me and my thinking-faster-than-I-type. And I know better.[0] Thanks for catching that. Fixed in the Google Doc draft.

Blog: http://maybemaimed.com
Talk show: http://KinkOnTap.com
Community: http://KinkForAll.org


[0] https://twitter.com/maymaym/status/171797232784379905


Apr 5, 2012, 6:31:33 PM4/5/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
Yay, thank you all for supporting this process and pushing through to get this out the door. 


"'You know zat another term for an icongrapher would be 'photographer?'  From the old word Photus in Latation, vhich means--' 'To prance around like an idiot ordering everyone about as if you owened the place.'" ~ Pratchett; the Truth

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