[KinkForAll] KFASF2: Facebook Invite

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Rebecca Crane

Mar 28, 2012, 12:46:13 PM3/28/12
to KinkForAll
Per request from Alisa, there is now a Facebook invite for KFASF2 here: http://www.facebook.com/events/324107900978560/

Since I didn't find any KFASF-specific graphics in the files archive, I just used the basic flame -- but if anyone comes up with a new graphic, feel free to send me a replacement or to replace it yourself.

- R

James Sheldon

Mar 28, 2012, 12:47:16 PM3/28/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
If people don't like the image, they can flame you for it :-)

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Rebecca Crane

Mar 28, 2012, 12:47:49 PM3/28/12
to KinkForAll
Oh! Just saw the pretty graphic on Twitter. I'll yoink that one instead.

Rebecca Crane

Mar 28, 2012, 12:50:42 PM3/28/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:47 AM, James Sheldon <voyag...@gmail.com> wrote:
If people don't like the image, they can flame you for it :-)

AHA! See THIS is what I was talking about: http://www.facebook.com/wanderingpirate/posts/10100632514672423

Thanks for keeping it playful, James. ;-)


Mar 28, 2012, 1:07:52 PM3/28/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
On Mar 28, 2012, at 12:47 PM, Rebecca Crane wrote:

> Oh! Just saw the pretty graphic on Twitter. I'll yoink that one instead.

Pretty indeed. :) However, that image is a derivative work sourced from a picture on Flickr.[0] The source image has a CC-BY-NC license, so please ensure a link to the original on Flickr is included in the Facebook event invitation (and anywhere else where you use the image). Note this is what the @KFASF Twitter profile does,[1] too.

Blog: http://maybemaimed.com
Talk show: http://KinkOnTap.com
Community: http://KinkForAll.org


[0] https://secure.flickr.com/photos/vgm8383/3059013232/
[1] https://twitter.com/kfasf

Rebecca Crane

Mar 28, 2012, 1:22:05 PM3/28/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
Fixed. Thanks! :)


Mar 28, 2012, 4:45:49 PM3/28/12
to kinkf...@googlegroups.com
On Mar 28, 2012, at 12:46 PM, Rebecca Crane wrote:

Per request from Alisa, there is now a Facebook invite for KFASF2 here: http://www.facebook.com/events/324107900978560/

Awesomesauce! I've signal-boosted[0] this to…uh…several hundred Bay Area peeps. :) Here is the promo text I used, in case anyone wants to copy and re-use it somewhere else, or integrate portions of it into the Facebook event invite page itself:

This June 16th at 10am-5pm, join fellow Makers, hackers, educators, activists, students, and general awesome-doers at the Noisebridge Hackerspace in SF's Mission district for KinkForAll San Francisco 2 (#KFASF2), a free and open to the public event designed to inspire conversations that challenge the status quo! People like asexuality movement founder David Jay are already signing up on the pre-registration page for KFASF2, discussing topic ideas, and proposing sessions. Do RSVP on Facebook, but *register* for KFASF2 here:

This anarchic, free-as-in-freedom & free-as-in-beer convergence welcomes sexuality educators, academics, non-hierarchical organizers, social justice activists, technologists, environmentalists, writers & new media journalists, youth, trans pioneers, bloggers, photographers, chefs, nomads, circus troupes, street performers, entrepreneurs, counsellors, *and* EVERYONE who may reject unchanging identities to an ongoing conversation about RELATIONSHIPS: relationships between humans, between machines (including between humans and machines), between non-animal life forms (including between humans, machines, and non-animal life forms) and even between ideas.

Possible session topics include:

* "Tools for Technomads: Using Cyberspace to Subvert Meatspace"
* "Learning to See: how what we don't see impacts our behavior"
* "Asexuality & Kink"
* "The Cake Is Not A Lie; The Closet Is"
* "Custom Relationship Design & Impacts of Relationship Illegibility"
* "Open Space Technology (OST) and Kink"
* "Defying Dunbar: Engaging Humans as a Social Cyborg"
* and whatever you want to add!

In other words, KFASF2 welcomes *YOU*--yes, you--to participate by leading a 20 minute session, bringing or cooking some food to share (Noisebridge has a fully-equipped kitchen), sitting in and live-tweeting the sessions using the #KFASF2 hashtag,[0] helping us move chairs and tables around, or any other contribution you feel you can make.

Learn more about how to participate by reading our wiki website:

Come prepared to share your ideas, your passions, and your experiences with others. Leave ready to take what you learned into your home, your communities, and the world. Learn more about what to expect:

Videos from previous KinkForAll events can also give you an idea of what talks are like. Highlights from past events include:

* Jacob Appelbaum: "Anonymity On the Net" http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5621695/highlight/58572
* Sarah Dopp: "My Gender Broke Your Sexuality Language" http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5618018/highlight/58476
* Zac: "Rituals, Objects, & Kink" http://vimeo.com/9518540
* Maymay: "Freeing Sexuality Information" http://vimeo.com/6579943
* DDog & Gerard: "'Q' and the (blank) Community" http://vimeo.com/9611937
* Liam: "Gender Identity, Transitioning, and Navigating Systems" http://vimeo.com/9518127
* Marty: "How and Why I came Out as Pan/Poly/Kinky on my Law School Applications" http://vimeo.com/9310463

You don't have to lead a session to attend. Simply showing up counts as participation. (Really.) Read more about the structure and guidelines for KinkForAll events on our wiki website:

Donations will be collected near the door for the Noisebridge Hackerspace; financial contributions of any amount are gratefully accepted, and are completely optional. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WILL BE TURNED AWAY for lack of funds. (We mean it. KinkForAll is an anti-invite, open-door, no-monetary-cost event, and always will be. For more information, read our Diversity commitment.)[1]

Noisebridge is a wheelchair- and disability-accessible venue.

Share this invitation: http://fb.me/PRtGp9dX
Tweet about KinkForAll San Francisco 2 using our hashtag: #KFASF2
Follow @KFASF on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kfasf

And don't forget to sign up: http://tiny.cc/kfasf2

Need help signing up on our wiki? Watch a 1-minute video walkthrough: http://wiki.KinkForAll.org/HowToSignUpStepByStep

Got questions? Read our FAQ:

Still have questions? Join our e-mail discussion list:

Spread the word! Share freely! See you in June!


I'm really looking forward to seeing how this develops. :) It looks like there's a real possibility here to engage many people on a number of new fronts.



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