FW: Future Waste Strategy - Get involved

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Ian Edwards

Dec 22, 2015, 9:00:19 AM12/22/15
to John Newson (BHIOP)

From: John Newson [mailto:]
Sent: 21 December 2015 16:02
Subject: Future Waste Strategy - Get involved

Can you help to circulate this please?

Birmingham City is consulting its citizens about whether they should move from burning our waste to recycling most of it. There is an online survey and we have until 4th January to fill it out. See below John Newson, Balsall Heath Is Our Planet

From: "Birmingham City Council" Subject: Future Waste Strategy - Get involved

Future Waste Strategy - Get involved




Birmingham needs a Waste Strategy that is right for the city – a strategy that takes into account the changing context that Birmingham sits in, environmentally, socially, technologically and economically. We also want to create a more sustainable environment of minimal waste, reduced costs and one that is better for the health and wellbeing of our residents. Changing people’s behaviour is vital but we must also make sure our services get it right first time before we can expect others to change.

We are undertaking a survey on the Future Waste Strategy which can be accessed through the Birmingham Be Heard portal HERE.

There is also an ongoing public dialogue that allows you to share and discuss ideas on the Future Waste Strategy. This can be accessed through Birmingham Speaks HERE.

Share your  ideas and get involved in the discussion today!



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St. Paul's Community Development Trust Hertford Street Balsall Heath Birmingham B12 8NJ Telephone 0121 464 4376 Registered in England & Wales No: 1429707 Charity Registrations No. 508943 www.stpaulstrust.org.uk E-Mail:adminis...@stpaulstrust.org.uk This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual organisation to whom they are expressed. The views expressed within this email are those of the individual, and not necessarily those of the Trust.
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