Fwd: 再次狼來了的「規劃」?《環珠江口宜居灣區重點建設行動計劃》民間研討會/ A‘Cry Wolf’ Planning AGAIN? Seminar on Study on Action Plan for the Bay Area of the Pearl River Estuary - Organized by the Cvil Society

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Kim Ling Lau

Mar 15, 2011, 1:19:50 AM3/15/11
to kim...@googlegroups.com
Dear friends,
For your information.  陳雲 will be the main guest speaker

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From: <ma...@cdiorg.hk>
Date: 2011/3/15
Subject: 再次狼來了的「規劃」?《環珠江口宜居灣區重點建設行動計劃》民間研討會/ A‘Cry Wolf’ Planning AGAIN? Seminar on Study on Action Plan for the Bay Area of the Pearl River Estuary - Organized by the Cvil Society

(Please scroll down to read the English version)


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《環珠江口宜居灣區重點建設 行動計劃》民間研討會


由廣東省5個市政府及港澳兩地特別行政區政府所主導的《環珠江口宜居 灣區重點建設行動計劃》,受盡珠江三角洲各地爭議。除了諮詢模式飽受批評之外,更引申出香港「被規劃」及一國兩制等不同爭議。


事關香港人於未來的生活規劃,理應由香港人自行尋找共識。 為此,社區發展動力培育與香港城市大學當代中國研究計劃合辦《環珠江口宜居灣區重點建設行動計劃》研討會,讓民間及公民社會打破被諮詢的 角色,主動為香港人的未來規劃進行探討。詳情如下:



主講嘉賓:    陳雲

香港嶺南大學中 文系助理教授

討論嘉賓:    葉毅明

香港城市大學公 共及社會行政學系副教授


新界東北發展關 注組成員


社區發展動力培 育高級項目主任


主持:            林旭華









查詢:請電郵至 ev...@cdiorg.hk 或致電3114-0784



A Cry Wolf’ Planning AGAIN?


Seminar on

Study on Action Plan for the Bay Area of the Pearl River Estuary - Organized by the Cvil Society


There has been a huge controvery over the ‘Study on Action Plan for the Bay Area of the Pearl River Estuary’ presented by 5 cities in Guangdong as well as Macau and Hong Kong. Apart from the blackbox consultation practice, the debate has been extended to whether Hong Kong has been ‘planned by the above’ together with the notion of ‘One Country, Two Systems’.


When outlining the future of Hong Kong would be crucial for our livelihood and next generations, consensus should be made within the city before taking the plans to coordinate with neighbor cities. Therefore, Community Development Initiative and Contemporary China Research Project of the City University of Hong Kong jointly present the Seminar on ‘Study on Action Plan for the Bay Area of the Pearl River Estuary’. It is hoped that civil scoiety and citizens can take actions on planning Hong Kong proactively rather than being consulted as usual. Details of the event has been shown as below.



Speake:r          Wan Chin

Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese, Lingnan University

Panel Guests:  Ip Ngai Ming

Assistant Professor, Department of Public & Social Administration,

City University of Hong Kong

                        Chan Kim Ching

                        Member, Concern Group of Northeastern New Territorities Development

                        Michael Mo

                        Senior Project Executive, Community Development Initiative

                        (More guests will be added)

Host:                Peter Lam

                        Current Affairs Commentator



Date:               March 19, 2011 (Saturday)

Time:               2:30PM – 5:30PM

Venue:             LT-12, City University of Hong Kong


To Attend:        Please click here

To Inquire:       Please E-mail to ev...@cdiorg.hk or call 3114-0784



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