How to avoid generating 0 amount USAGE Line items for not applicable tier units

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vivek rao

Jun 11, 2024, 8:32:38 AMJun 11
to Kill Bill users mailing-list

In our business case it is possible that unit quantity could be 0 and we also need to generate a 0 invoice line item for the same.

But there could be a case some units are not applicable for some accounts, in this case even though the plan has the usage section for the unit, its line item in the invoice with 0 amount is not needed.

We have tested the case by setting the below mentioned env variable to true and false. But both modes are not meeting our expectation.

if env set to false:
All the units which are available in the catalog plan will have a USAGE line item. If quantity was 0 then USAGE Line Item exists with 0 amount.

if env set to true:
Only the units for which there are some usage quantity more than 0, there will be USAGE line item with amount = rate * quantity.
All units for which there was no quantity provided will not be available as a Line Item.

Our expectation
  • Only those units for which Usage Plugin provides the quantity need to be considered in Usage Line Items. When the quantity is provided as 0, then there can be a USAGE Line item with amount 0.
  • For those units which are not available in List<RawUsageRecord>  return param of getUsageForAccount or getUsageForSubscription need not add USAGE LIne Item with 0 amount.
only the units available in List<RawUsageRecord> from Usage plugin needs to consider for USAGE Line item in invoice. The units which are not included can be ignored.

Please let us know a way how this can be achieved.

A sample invoice is attached where the catalog plan has 8 Units. and only for two units 0 quantity is returned from Usage Plugin which is marked. In the invoice we can see for all 8 units there is a line Item with 0 amount. 
What we want is the invoice has only two line items with 0 amount which is marked and remaining 6 line items should not be generated.



stephane brossier

Jun 14, 2024, 5:04:32 AMJun 14
to vivek rao, Kill Bill users mailing-list
Hi Vivek,

Given your requirement: "But there could be a case where some units are not applicable for some accounts", I would suggest either:
1. Generate different Plans to ensure that each usage section of a Plan only contains the units that pertains to your customer, OR
2. Apply some filtering logic on the invoice items generated by the system (you could have a plugin that owns the presentation layer).


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