[ANN] kilim 2.0 pre-release and new maintainer

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2016/12/07 0:26:202016/12/07
To: kilimthreads
a couple announcements

first, i'm excited to announce that i joined the kilim team as day-to-day maintainer - thanks for having me sriram. i'm actively using kilim and think it has great potential. i signed on in july and have done a ton of work to integrate various versions and fix bugs / race conditions. which brings me to the reason for this mail ...


this is a pre-release (2.0.0-5) and the first public release in the 2.0 series
maven: org.db4j:kilim:2.0.0-5

new features:

 - lambdas & java 8
 - runtime weaver
 - continuations (pure fibers) - up to 20x faster than tasks
 - Scheduler based on ThreadPoolExecutor
 - high performance single producer and single consumer mailboxes and no-context-switch timers
 - ASM5
 - maven based dependencies and deployment to the central repository
 - maven plugin for weaving within a pom.xml
 - demo projects (battle royale, jetty)
 - idledown: automatically stop kilim when outstanding tasks complete

(for a complete list see doc/history.txt and the git log)

collectively, these "new" features make kilim a much more usable tool, and much easier to integrate into a project. many of the features have existed in one form or another for several years, but they had showstopper bugs that prevented them from being used in a sandbox. that should no longer be the case

the API is not yet 100% stable yet. don't do major development based on this release without mentioning what you're doing on the mailing list. and if you try 2.0 and find that there are conflicts with your existing code, mention them - i'm open to making adjustments

give it a try and report any bugs / comments / criticisms / success stories

Sriram Srinivasan

2016/12/07 8:20:482016/12/07
To: kilimt...@googlegroups.com
Thank you so much, Seth, for all the hard work. This is a big change from 1.0, and kudos to you for picking up the ball and handling it so deftly! You integrated lots of disparate pieces of work and got them to work as a coherent whole. I’m glad to not just have you on the team, but to have you lead the team as well.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Hedvig folks, esp. Avinash Lakshman, for using Kilim in a commercial product as well as contributing their performance changes to the codebase. In addition, I’d like to thank my student Nilang Shah for the work on fast non-blocking cache-friendly Mailbox and Scheduler implementations

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