Issue 27053: Measuring Angles Excercise always displays as incomplete despite finishing tens of times with picking up steam badges

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Big Earl

Jan 27, 2014, 10:26:26 PM1/27/14
I have finished the measuring angles excercise tens of times but the icon which appears as a light blue solid cicle (in case of successfully mastering it) is always half filled but for only this particular excercise, despite my having picked up steam badges several times for this excercise. I was expecting this excercise module to show that I have mastered it by displaying the usual full solid circle of light blue but after many attempts at finishing the excercise successfully, the measuring angles icon always appeares as half filled. why is this happening??
I completed the measuring angles exercise many times and I want this module's icon to appear solid blue to show that I have successfully completed it. Despite it showing that I have mastered the excercise on my skills dashboard, the measuring angles module appears as a half filled light blue circle with half a star in it on the knowledge map and the knowledge list on the left hand column.
If I reload the page and do the exact same action again, this is what happens: the half filled blue circle with the half filled star asppears again. This is not happening to other excercises but only with this particular excercise - Measuring Angles
 I am using IE 9 browser
my account details : Username: bigearl and my email -
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