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Need help with FieldTypes import

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Andžej Maciusovič

Jul 11, 2016, 12:07:20 PM7/11/16
to Keystone JS
In ItemsTableRow.js I see FieldTypes import
import { Columns } from 'FieldTypes';

In EditForm.js I see FieldTypes import
import { Fields } from 'FieldTypes';

Can someone tell me where is this FieldTypes module described ?
I saw there is lib/fieldTypes.js file, but this file not exporting Fields or Columns 
var fields = {
get AzureFile () { return require('../fields/types/azurefile/AzureFileType'); },
get Boolean () { return require('../fields/types/boolean/BooleanType'); },
//... other fields

module.exports = fields;

Maybe there is webpack config file? In system.js all mappings described in config file so it easy to figure out paths.
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