Changing the order of related items, or creating lists of items with distinct order

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Nathan Wittstock

Jun 10, 2014, 6:45:19 PM6/10/14
So I'm trying to use KeystoneJS for a few new projects, but keep running into an issue that I haven't been able to solve: when creating categories or collections that have many items nested, is it possible to change their ordering?

For example, I have three models: Client, WorkItem, and WorkCategory. A WorkItem belongs to a single client, and multiple WorkCategories. When displaying a WorkCategory, I'd like to have the WorkItems appear in one order, and when displaying the Client, I'd like to see them in another order.

My Models:

var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Work Item Model
 * ===============

var WorkItem = new keystone.List('WorkItem', { sortable: true });

title: { type: Types.Text, required: true, index: true, initial: true },
description: { type: Types.Markdown, initial: true }
}, 'Assets', {
image: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage, note: 'Must be > 2048px on the long edge'},
thumbnail: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage, note: 'Must be > 800px square'},
mediaUrl: { type: Types.Url, label: 'Media URL' },
mediaInfo: { type: Types.Embedly, from: 'mediaUrl' }
}, 'Categorization', {
category: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'WorkCategory', many: true },
client: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Client' }

 * Registration
WorkItem.defaultColumns = 'title, mediaUrl, client';

var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Work Category Model
 * ===================

var WorkCategory = new keystone.List('WorkCategory', { sortable: true });

name: { type: Types.Text, required: true, index: true, initial: true },
description: { type: Types.Markdown, initial: true }

WorkCategory.relationship({ path: 'items', ref: 'WorkItem', refPath: 'category' });

 * Registration
WorkCategory.defaultColumns = 'title';

var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;

 * Client Model
 * ============

var Client = new keystone.List('Client', { sortable: true });

name: { type: Types.Text, required: true, index: true, initial: true },
description: { type: Types.Markdown, initial: true }
}, 'Identity', {
logo: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage, note: 'Must be > 400px on the long edge'},
thumbnail: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage, note: 'Must be > 800px square'},
url: { type: Types.Url, index: true }

Client.relationship({ path: 'work', ref: 'WorkItem', refPath: 'client' });

 * Registration
Client.defaultColumns = 'name, url';

Is there a way to solve this in Keystone, but still have a nice UI for an eventual non-technical user to manage this?

Thanks a bunch! Really hoping to move away from Django/Wordpress, but not have to write my own CMS UI!


Paul Walker

Mar 11, 2015, 4:56:19 PM3/11/15
Bump. I'm looking for a solution to this problem as well. The documents mention a "sortable" attribute and a "sortContext" attribute, but I am unable to get this to work and can't find a working example.

Timon Davis

Apr 21, 2015, 2:34:45 AM4/21/15
+1  I am currently running into this issue as well.  Has anyone managed to find a work-around in the meanwhile?

Timon Davis

Apr 21, 2015, 2:21:09 PM4/21/15
Looks like there's something of a solution here:!topic/keystonejs/wD_vwZQ9EfM

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