I would like to have signed SAML metadata provided by Keycloak
I am able configure kyecloak saml wiht my service provider and all works as expected.
I start keycloak locally using docker
docker run -p 8090:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin keycloak/keycloak:26.0.7 start-dev
I configured client and the content of
is provided but is not signed.
There is missing the Signature section in EntityDescriptor generated by Keycloak:
How could I enable Keycloak SAML 2.0 metadata generating this SignedInfo element in SAML 2.0 XML metadata?
I have tested with docker Keycloak 17.0.1 too, all works but I can't get IDP (Keycloak) signed metadata url.
How could I add Signature to IDP metadata url?
Thank you.
Zdenek Henek