I am attempting to perform a load test using the Keycloak Benchmark 0.15-SNAPSHOT API with Keycloak version 26.0.5, using the CLI command below. However, I am encountering the error:
"regex(action="([^"]*)").find.transform.exists, found nothing"
Could you please help me understand what might be the cause of this error and how I can resolve it?
Here is the load test CLI command I'm using:
bin/kcb.sh \
--scenario=keycloak.scenario.authentication.LoginUserPassword \
https://serverdnsname.com/ \
--realm-name=77333955-7fbd-3801-ca61-d3f7df1df65z \
--username=username \
--user-password=password \
--client-id=63a15c87-c553-4977-b39b-396d96d3eda7 \
--client-secret=9YP7502dFcHrKgTBBcTqXuoBtbsCknAC \
https://redirect-uri.com/signin-oidc \
--users-per-sec=1 \
--concurrent-users=15 \
--measurement=10 \
Looking forward to your guidance.
Thank you!