Error “can not get encryption KEK” when trying to encrypt id token

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Jesse Pitkanen

Oct 8, 2021, 10:55:11 AM10/8/21

Working on Brazilian OB requirements, got this:

I've a client registered on keycloak that uses JWKS URK as key (

It's working correctly when doing authentication through my authorization endpoint (/auth). I send a encrypted request object to my authorization endpoint and it can decrypt and validate without problems and returns the code and id_token.

There's a new requirement to return an encrypted id_token instead of just base64 format, so I've set the options below on keycloak client at Fine Grain OpenID Connect Configuration section:

ID Token Signature Algorithm=PS256
ID Token Encryption Key Management Algorithm=RSA-OAEP
ID Token Encryption Content Encryption Algorithm=A256GCM
After set these properties, when trying to authenticate I'm receving the message "Unexpected error when handling authentication request to identity provider" and in the keycloak logs I can see the error "KC-SERVICES0013: Failed authentication: java.lang.RuntimeException: can not get encryption KEK"

I really don't know what's missing on my configuration or maybe on my JWKS file.


Jesse J Pitkänen


Oct 8, 2021, 6:19:10 PM10/8/21
to Jesse Pitkanen,

Hello Jesse,


Could you check the following two points?


1. key use field

To encrypt ID token by your client public key, you need to tell keycloak that the key is used for KEK (Key Encryption Key).


I have found that your key’s use field is




Could you change it as follows?





2. use JWKS URI client setting

To make keycloak get your public key, you need to ask keycloak to do so.


Login to keycloak as admin.


Move to the following page.

Clients -> [your app] -> Keys


Set the following switch to ON.



Enter the URL through which you provide your keys to the following setting box.




Takashi Norimatsu

Hitachi, Ltd.

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Ranieri Mazili de Oliveira

Oct 11, 2021, 8:57:17 AM10/11/21
to Keycloak Dev
Hello Takashi, thanks for your help. I'm working with Jesse on this issue and I've tried to apply your solution but it didn't work yet, but I think we're close...

To have a JWKS with enc setted, I've made a copy of the original file and have duplicated the keys, replacing sig by enc.

Then I changed my client to use this file as you mentioned at step 2.

When running the test I see the following error on the logs:
2021-10-11 12:31:44,374 WARN  [org.keycloak.keys.infinispan.InfinispanPublicKeyStorageProvider] (default task-111) PublicKey wasn't found in the storage. Requested kid: 'null'. Available kids: '[TIP3MNUwy3RI3XU7d9F05NkYbiSwGVasssqg_nj2Bmk, 7dzPOnvHjVdQlYRTkC8BsGELIQ-D00jIBiyeJCcXkUQ]'
2021-10-11 12:31:44,374 WARN  [] (default task-111) KC-SERVICES0013: Failed authentication: java.lang.RuntimeException: can not get encryption KEK
at org.keycloak.jose.jws.DefaultTokenManager.getEncryptedToken(
at org.keycloak.jose.jws.DefaultTokenManager.encodeAndEncrypt(
at org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.TokenManager$
at org.keycloak.protocol.oidc.OIDCLoginProtocol.authenticated(
at org.keycloak.authentication.AuthenticationProcessor.authenticationComplete(

Before add the enc keys, the available kids was an empty array, now it's listing my kids but the it's showing that the requested kid is null... where should send the requested kid for encryption?


Oct 11, 2021, 7:36:42 PM10/11/21
to Ranieri Mazili de Oliveira, Keycloak Dev
Hello Ranieri,

I've looked into and its related classes.

Could you check the following two points?

1. key "alg" field
Here I assume that you used RSA-OAEP for encrypting CEK.

Could you add the following "alg" field to your "enc" key?


2. client app setting for ID token encryption

Could you login to keycloak's admin console and make sure the following setting?

->[your client app]
->Fine Grain OpenID Connect Configuration
->ID Token Encryption Key Management Algorithm

Also note that it might be better to use unique "kid" for each key even if its "use" is different.

Takashi Norimatsu
Hitachi, Ltd.

I've a client registered on keycloak that uses JWKS URK as key (

It's working correctly when doing authentication through my authorization endpoint (/auth). I send a encrypted request object to my authorization endpoint and it can decrypt and validate without problems and returns the code and id_token.

There's a new requirement to return an encrypted id_token instead of just base64 format, so I've set the options below on keycloak client at Fine Grain OpenID Connect Configuration section:

ID Token Signature Algorithm=PS256
ID Token Encryption Key Management Algorithm=RSA-OAEP
ID Token Encryption Content Encryption Algorithm=A256GCM
After set these properties, when trying to authenticate I'm receving the message "Unexpected error when handling authentication request to identity provider" and in the keycloak logs I can see the error "KC-SERVICES0013: Failed authentication: java.lang.RuntimeException: can not get encryption KEK"

I really don't know what's missing on my configuration or maybe on my JWKS file.
Jesse J Pitkänen
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Ranieri Mazili de Oliveira

Oct 13, 2021, 10:16:26 AM10/13/21
to Keycloak Dev
Thanks  Takashi, it's working now... I had to add the alg attribute on jwks file.
Thanks again for your support.

Kannan Rasappan

Feb 7, 2023, 11:07:13 PM2/7/23
to Keycloak Dev
Hi Ranieri & Jesse

I stumbled on this for our work on Brazil OB/F
* Were you able to edit the JWKS to include "alg" on the Directory after the cert import?
* Did you pursue any fixes to Keycloak just for OBBR?

Could you let help us with your response? 

Many thanks

{ "keys": [ 
"kty": "RSA", 
"use": "enc", 
"n": "tQswhl...O2Dq9XmsQ", 
"e": "AQAB", 
"kid": "d9ee054ce5d48ea0dac801e9795eb631e25eedb20f84fc2eeb8d8e72570bab8d" 

Jesse Pitkanen

Feb 9, 2023, 6:28:59 AM2/9/23
to Kannan Rasappan, Keycloak Dev
Hi Kannan,

I don't remember what was the final solution, but i believe you can achieve this in 2 ways:
1) You can edit Keycloak source code to reflect what you want in the /auth/realms/YOUR_REALM/protocol/openid-connect/certs;
2) You can have a reverse proxy in front of your AS that points to a static json file when someone requests the cert endpoint.



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