Keycloak Terraform Provider 5.0.0 Release Date

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Björn Eickvonder

Jan 7, 2025, 12:23:55 PMJan 7
to Keycloak Dev
Hi all,
do you have any estimation on when you want to release a 5.0.0 of the terraform provider with full Keycloak 26 support? 
As I am now in a team in my company dedicated to Keycloak we may also have resources available to support the development here with one or another PR. Is there a list of issues still open for 5.0.0 or are you good with the people/resources you currently have?


Thomas Darimont

Jan 7, 2025, 12:36:22 PMJan 7
to Keycloak Dev

Hello Björn,

the current master already works with and tests against Keycloak 26. The "standard" Keycloak configuration works as usual, but we're currently lacking support for manging KC25 / KC26 features like organizations etc.
We aim for a 5.x release in January.

Of your team has some bandwith, feel free to send PRs to

Kind regards,
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