Dedicated multi-tenancy / organization support for Keycloak

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Thomas Darimont

Mar 15, 2023, 5:12:28 AM3/15/23
to Keycloak Dev

Dedicated multi-tenancy / organization support for Keycloak

I recently had an interesting discussion with different customers where they told me that Keycloak fits very well for some use cases but not such well with others.

TLDR: Many customers need something like a realm with support for customization on the "tenant" or "organizational" level for specific realm settings (theme, domain/hostname) / components (IdPs, user federation) with generic client configurations. Are there already plans for such a feature?

What currently works well with Keycloak:

# EAIM In-house

- many different applications/services connected via OIDC, SAML

- users stored in an LDAP directory, Keycloak database, or external user store

- Integration with company IdP (ADFS, Azure AD, Okta, etc.)

- ~10s - 10000s of users (employees, external partners)

- Branded login, account theme

- Centralized user management 

- single domain

-> This use-case works very well (flexible enough and reliable) with Keycloak today

# CIAM SaaS Product

- few (uniform) applications/services connected via OIDC, SAML

- users stored in the Keycloak database, external user store, or LDAP directory

- ~10s - millions of users (consumers)

- Offline Sessions for mobile apps

- Social Login

- Branded login, account theme

- Centralized user management 

- single domain

-> This use-case works okayish (flexible, yes, but scale and reliability need quite some effort) with Keycloak today and scales with proper Keycloak configuration.

What doesn't work so well:

# CIAM Multi-tenant SaaS Product

- few (uniform) applications/services connected via OIDC, SAML

- applications might be tenant aware and allow branding/customization

- users stored in the Keycloak database or external user store, or LDAP directory

- ~10s - millions of users (employees and customers of a tenant) 

- 10s - 1000s of tenants/organizations

- tenants/organizations users might come from different IdPs, user federations, databases

- multiple tenant-specific domains (staged environments per tenant)

-> IMHO, this use-case is currently not supported out of the box and, in some cases, not possible with Keycloak as it comes today.

To support tenant-specific IdPs or user storage federations, one must create a realm per tenant based on a template. 

This approach currently hits a scalability limit (with a few 100 realms), which the new storage implementation might fix. However, even 

if Keycloak would support an arbitrary number of realms, users would still need to use a templating mechanism to deal with that many realms, which

differ only in minor configuration (IdPs, user storage federation, etc.).

Other workarounds are to model tenants/organizations with groups in Keycloak, but this is difficult to manage and has limited use.

One can model organization structures with groups and store tenant/org-specific metadata. Still, things become difficult or impossible when you need to support tenant-specific users via dedicated IdP user storage.

Other auth solutions use a concept of an "organization" to express org/tenant-specific differences of a global configuration.

It would be great to have support for such an organizational concept.

In the Keycloak community, some folks already build interesting extensions like keycloak-orgs[1], which support organizations at some level. Still, those solutions are an add-on and require some maintenance effort to keep them working 

with new Keycloak versions.

An alternative to an organizational layer could be a realm template/parent realm concept, where a realm could inherit settings from a parent realm 

with support for overrides and additional configuration

However, it would be great if we had support for modeling organizations with dedicated / customization of:

- Identity providers

- Storage user federation

- custom domains

- auth-flows

- Groups

- Users

- Roles

- Keys 

- Scopes

- Protocol mappers (with defaults to map orgId into token/assertions)

- User management with delegated administration -> organization admins can manage their users, configure their IdPs, etc.

The list above sounds like a dedicated realm-per-tenant model. However, I think most users only need to customize keys and IdPs with a logical segmentation of their users with support for delegated administration.

As I did not see a design proposal [2], I'd like to ask: Are there already any plans to support such a model? 

Support for this would enable the usage of Keycloak in more scenarios which are currently barely possible with Keycloak, and increase Keycloak adoption rates.




Mar 15, 2023, 5:41:14 AM3/15/23
to Keycloak Dev
Thanks Thomas for the great write-up! It was helping to serve the IAM needs of companies with multi-tenant SaaS products that caused me to start building the mentioned `keycloak-orgs` extension ~3 years ago. It would be great to see some/all of this approach built into Keycloak itself to gain broader adoption for the concept. One thing that Phase Two (the company that we have built to commercialize our custom Keycloak offering) has found is that Keycloak is not even on the radar of companies with multi-tenant SaaS products, both because it doesn't have a good solution to the organization issue, and because (for whatever reason) it is not widely adopted or known of by startup companies (especially in the US). Lots of the commercial IAM tools (e.g. Okta, Auth0, etc) and some of the oss ones (e.g. Zitadel) have introduced an "Organization"/"Tenant"/"Workspace" concept in the past few years, and the expectation is now that an IAM tool should have that.

Currently the functionality we have built includes:
- Identity providers (we do this by adding some custom attributes to the Keycloak internal IdP and creating a mostly duplicate API that uses the Organization's roles, rather than Realm/Client roles. There are also some custom Authenticators that facilitate lookup of the IdP based on Organization.)
- Custom domains (right now we do this to validate domain ownership so that we can route and control the use of certain Organization-owned IdPs by email domain..)
- Groups (we're in the process of building this right now in order to facilitate, like Keycloak, grouping of Roles)
- Roles (these roles are separate from Keycloak's Roles. Similar to `realm-management` Roles, there are a set of standard Roles which control a User's ability to change data of the Organization and its child elements)

One of the big things we have struggled with is delegated administration. We'd like to piggy-back on the "Fine-Grained Authorization Service" to allow administration using the Keycloak Admin UI, but we've never got it working, and so we abandoned the idea of working in conjunction with that feature. Instead, we've had to build our own "Admin Portal" that uses a combination of Keycloak and our Organization Roles to authorize a user to manage organization data.

In any case, we're certainly excited about having a discussion of how this concept could be integrated into Keycloak, and happy to contribute effort if there is agreement on a proposal.

Thomas Darimont

Mar 15, 2023, 6:59:58 AM3/15/23
to Keycloak Dev
Thanks Garth for joining the discussion :)

As you've implement such a concept yourself you have a good understanding for customer requirements that will greatly help with this discussion.

In my projects, I've been thinking for a while about introducing a concept such as realm templates.

In my mind, a realm template is a collection of realm components/settings that's meant to be shared across multiple "realms instances" without requiring repeated configuration within a "realms instance."
Users can create or mark an existing realm as a realm template.
Users can create realms based on a realm template which effectively becomes an "instance" of the realm template.
A realm based on a realm template will then inherit the configured components. Whether this happens by reference or copy is to be defined, both make sense depending on the element.

Realm templates could allow configuring the following, with the possibility to override settings per concrete realm instance:
- Login customizations
- Themes (Keycloak could ship with a generic theme (admin, login, account) that can be parameterized (styled) with realm attributes without requiring explicit custom themes like the keycloak-orgs extension does)
- Default User Roles
- Clients (With the possibility to customize URLs, scopes, protocol mappings, role mappings in realm instances)
- Client Scopes
- Authentication Flows
- Required Actions
- Feature toggles (Which OAuth or OpenID Connect or SAML features to advertise and enable, most clients don't need device auth flow)
- Client Policies
- Password Policies
- 2FA Policies (HTOP, TOTP, WebAuthn)
- CIBA Policies
- Roles (Think generic roles which are the same across multiple tenants/organizations)
- Users (Think support users, alternatively allow IdP connection with a "Support Realm")
- Groups (Think generic groups which are the same across multiple tenants/organizations)
- Email
- Identity Providers
- User Federation
- Events
- Security Defences (Web Security Headers and Brute-force Protection)
- Session settings
- Token settings
- User Registration (default roles, groups)
- User Profile

Some stuff would explicitly NOT be part of the realm template:
- Realm Keys (should be controlled per concrete realm instance to give control to the tenant)
- Email Connection & Authentication
- (User federation connection & credentials, I'm not sure here)
- SAML Signing / Encryption Keys
- Client Credentials (each concrete realm-instance of a realm-template would have its own client credentials / service-account user)

Inherited settings/components from a parent might be read-only. When a component needs to be customized, then the customization could
"augment" the component definition from the realm template. It should be possible to override settings, remove settings, reset settings to default,
add values to lists, or remove values from lists, e.g. redirect URIs. It should always be visible which setting comes from the template, and what was added/customized in the concrete realm instance.

Import and export for such realms should take the templating into account. We could export a realm with a template reference with a "realm-overrides" structure containing the customizations or completely materialize the realm by rendering the effective configuration.

Perhaps this approach is "easier" to implement than to introduce a dedicated organization layer which in its fullest extend would infact be 80% of a realm anyways.

What are your thoughts on that matter?

Kind regards,

Stian Thorgersen

Mar 15, 2023, 7:14:12 AM3/15/23
to Thomas Darimont, Keycloak Dev
We are actually planning and hoping to deliver an organization concept in Keycloak this year. We won't be able to focus on it right now, but will share more details in a few months and open the discussions then.

I'll give a quick summary of what we're thinking about though, which is a lot in with what you've mentioned.

At some point realms of realms was an idea to solve this problem. However, I think the realm inheritance is a very complicated approach to this problem, and want to rethink it into having an organization concept within a realm instead.

At a very high level right now I'm considering an organization in a realm will be something is:

* A collection of users
* Where the users can be associated with an external IdP, as well as also considering syncing with other sources of users like LDAP/SCIM/etc.
* A collection of clients (third-party oauth clients, service accounts, etc.)
* Can be associated with an authentication policy, for example one organization may require OTP, while it is optional for another organization
* Can be associated with a verified domain, for example to automatically redirect to
* An admin of an organization can manage the org through Admin APIs and UI

The one thing I haven't considered from your list is keys per org. Not quite sure how useful this is, but should be relatively easy to be ble to also associate different signing keys with an org in a similar fashion to authentication policies.

Right now I'm thinking about implementing this with a concept I'm calling smart/advanced groups, where the difference between a regular group and a smart group is a smart group is something that has special meaning to Keycloak. In essence the ability to mark a top-level group as an organization group. By allowing clients to also be associated with a group, we now have a relatively easy thing to build on to build a concept around organizations, and can for example associate a authentication policy or a domain with this smart group through group attributes. This approach would allow a gradual evolution of building a org concept within Keycloak compared to a much bigger approach of introducing a separate concept of groups, or even worse realms of realms.

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Mar 15, 2023, 8:38:30 AM3/15/23
How exciting! It's great to hear that this is already being planned.

Is there already a GitHub issue/discussion where this is being discussed (similar to how the database support issue was constructively presented to solicit community feedback before making a decision [1])? Please let us know when there is a design proposal that we can see.

I agree with Stian's opinion on "Realm of Realms". We originally prototyped our approach this way, and found that the relationship between the Realms was complicated and fragile, and ultimately couldn't be implemented without a new management layer with authn/z between Realms (or more abuse of the "master" Realm). However, we never tried anything like Thomas's templating approach, so maybe we missed something that would make it easier and more resilient.

The "smart" Groups idea is really interesting. I like the idea of being able to associate other top level Keycloak elements (Client, Authentication policy, Domain, etc.) through typed Group Attributes (think new User Profile, but for Groups). An outstanding issue that would need to be addressed is that of Roles. A few thoughts from our experience:
- The reason we took a separate approach was that an individual User (in our model) could be associated with multiple Organizations, and could have different Roles within each organization.
- It was not evident to us that the Organization's Roles had anything obvious relationship to Keycloak's Realm and Client Roles.
- Having separate top-level roles for Organizations made sense since there was not always inheritance between Keycloak and Organization Roles.

In any case, I'm very enthusiastic to help out with this, as we have many customers and users on our `keycloak-orgs` extension, and we've had success serving many use cases with the decisions we made. We're big supporters of this concept being integrated into Keycloak.

>>>> *# EAIM In-house*
>>>> - many different applications/services connected via OIDC, SAML
>>>> - users stored in an LDAP directory, Keycloak database, or external user store
>>>> - Integration with company IdP (ADFS, Azure AD, Okta, etc.)
>>>> - ~10s - 10000s of users (employees, external partners)
>>>> - Branded login, account theme
>>>> - Centralized user management
>>>> - single domain
>>>> -> This use-case works very well (flexible enough and reliable) with Keycloak today
>>>> *# CIAM SaaS Product*
>>>> - few (uniform) applications/services connected via OIDC, SAML
>>>> - users stored in the Keycloak database, external user store, or LDAP directory
>>>> - ~10s - millions of users (consumers)
>>>> - Offline Sessions for mobile apps
>>>> - Social Login
>>>> - Branded login, account theme
>>>> - Centralized user management
>>>> - single domain
>>>> -> This use-case works okayish (flexible, yes, but scale and reliability need quite some effort) with Keycloak today and scales with proper Keycloak configuration.
>>>> What doesn't work so well:
>>>> *# CIAM Multi-tenant SaaS Product*
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Stian Thorgersen

Mar 16, 2023, 2:47:55 AM3/16/23
to Garth,
Started something rough here so we can capture the discussions going forward. At some point down the line we'll do a more detailed design around this.

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