Seems like there is no more maintenance of keybr, am i right?

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Apr 14, 2020, 5:37:23 AM4/14/20
Hey peoples,

i am wondering if there is no one working on keybr
cause i wrote 3 months ago about a wrong key frequency histogramm in german (via mail and here in the forum) but still got no response.

Well the histogramm isnt that big of a problem, but when i train on german there is an other problem, at least for me. My typing speed went up and i startet to use the whole alphabet, unfortunately we have the character "ß", many people not even now when to use it right, even some authoritys sent me letters it was written wrong. So i write it just as "ss", in fact there is no need to train this for typing.

I liked keybr pretty much to start typing even it was some wired to not start with "asfd jklö" at first. But now i need something with more options like disabling the "ß"

Any ideas?

Thatnks a lot and have a good time

Nadim Chammas

Aug 31, 2023, 5:21:44 AM8/31/23
Same issue for me - I would like to disable the letter SS from the typing exercise since its not used in Switzerland. 
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