Transforming image from react.js into tensor issue

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Sergy Youbi

2022年7月16日 01:59:242022/7/16
收件人 Keras-users
Hi folks, i hope ya'll doing good ! 
I've trained a cnn model in python , then I saved it as a json model (model.json) to use it later in my Node.js  server ( i want to predict in server side ).  The image that I want to predict come from React.js (req.files) , but I'm having issue (error) transforming the image into tensor. How to do it propery ?  Please see attachement to look  code image. thanks !!!!

the code:

const image = req.files.image;
const tensor = tf.browser
.resizeNearestNeighbor([256, 256])
Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 23.05.19.png
Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 23.05.43.png

Lance Norskog

2022年7月16日 20:20:032022/7/16
收件人 Sergy Youbi、Keras-users
There is a general forum that is probably a better place to find help:

The error is a bad image shape, so I would look at the shape of the output of each step in the above chain.

I don't know this library, but what is the purpose of "mean(2)" ?

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Lance Norskog
Redwood City, CA
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