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christian KAKOBA

Jul 18, 2011, 6:39:21 AM7/18/11
to OLPC In Kenya
I’m Christian KAKOBA, and I’m very glad to be part on this network; an
environment for us to share our experience, deployment and help each
other, but also to participate in OLPC activities of our region
Currently, I’m working on Sugar labs: Translation Systems project, I’m
the Swahili admin,
I also work with Tonny Omwansa, the initiator of the OLPC Kisii at
Upper-Hill Academy school, where we deployed xo-laptops.
Up to now our deployment has been a success.
I would like to see our community involve in the translation Systems
We’ll be happy to learn more about you…


Jul 18, 2011, 7:05:03 AM7/18/11
I am Shedrack Mutungi a graduate. Physics and Mathematics teacher at Kenyatta High School in Mwatate constituency, Kenya. Was a student at Kenyatta University and graduated in the year 2004. From my years in university i was much interested in use of computers in teaching and learning though in my high school used to only hear of computers.

I am also the Ministry of Education ICT champion/ Ambassador for Mwatate constituency to spread the gospel of ICT integration in teaching and learning. Also help school managers procurement of ICT tools and capacity building to teachers of Mwatate constituency.

Recently met Aaron and Ted from Graet Northburry Bura Alliance (GNBA) who introduced me to XO laptops while at Bura Primary during deployment of the XOs. Am now part of OLPC Kenya and will be very happy to be part of it.

I have interests in support gang and deployment of XO laptops to all parts of Kenya.

Shedrack Mutungi

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Aaron Strick

Jul 20, 2011, 7:08:06 AM7/20/11

Thank you for introducing yourself.

It is very exciting knowing someone that someone is actively working to get Sugar up and running in Swahili. I see from the website though, that you have quite a bit more work to do. Here on this listserve, you have a terrific resource: many inspired XO users and Swahili speakers.

Could you share with us a list of steps we can take to assist you in this noble project. I am sure, that if we knew how, we could all contribute to the translation process, and even begin working on translations for tribal languages as well (Kidawida, Kikuyu, Kikisii etc.)


Sandra Thaxter

Jul 20, 2011, 8:13:00 AM7/20/11
HI Christian,  
      I was browsing through Tonny's website for the Upper Hill Academy.  It's great to hear more about what is going on there.  This is an ambitious project and congratulations to you for the undertaking.   You are a great example of how. Kenyans are stepping up to big challenges. 
       If you could post more information or links about your work on the Kisii Upper Hill Academy blog that would also be helpful.  
    Good to hear from you Christian,
Sandra Thaxter
Small Solutions Big Ideas
Sandra Thaxter

christian KAKOBA

Jul 20, 2011, 2:01:33 PM7/20/11
Happy to read from you, and thanks for your interest in the sugarlabs project,
When working in rural environment is always good to make things easy
to use for students and teachers. XO- laptops are good tools to
enhance kids learning, and are better when both students and teachers
know how to use them easily once they’ve got the first view and guide
on how to use laptops.
I’m working on sugarlabs translation; since I’ve started I had the
envy to set a small lab with a group of local people so that we can
work together and make sure that at the end of the day, we have
translated a good number of strings; but since I could not get people
who want to volunteer, I’m working on it alone, and sometimes, I have
some good friends who helps me for this work.
The translation system is easy, in Kenya most people talk Swahili and
many know the Swahili meaning of some English word, the concepts here
is to translate the English word or strings into Swahili and then
click suggest if you are not sure of the word you have typed; so that
the admin can come and look for the correct meaning; or you click
submit if you are really sure that your string is correct,
Many times you don’t know exactly, or you don’t remember the meaning
of some word. Well, I’m completing my study in Information Technology
and in University, in the library; we have an English-Swahili
dictionary. you can find this dictionary in many libraries here in
Nairobi town, so I try to check quickly the exact meaning of the word
and write down and submit or sometimes when I’m travelling or when I
cannot access the library; I use an English-Swahili dictionary online
which gives you meanings of English words and even sentences into
Swahili, but pay attention you should know the meaning of a sentence
in English before you write the translated version in Swahili,
sometimes word are well translated but they are not well organized, so
when you translate into Swahili, the English sentence should have the
same meaning with the Swahili sentence.
I am happy that we have an OLPC community in Kenya, it will be now
easy for members who interested also to work on this translation
system to participate and in little time; we will have a sugar up and
running in Swahili, easy to use for our rural community.
Thanks for your interest in what I’m doing, I will be happy to share
deeply with you and the all community how I do all this. This an
occasion for the sugarlabs to be improved and the translation will be
much better for all the community around Kenya but also some Swahili
countries in the East of Africa.

For sugarlabs translation system:
For Dictionary online:
I also talk French so sometimes I have to make sure that English and
French meanings are the same, if not, I go to the library to check, so
if you also talk French you can use:

Thanks for contributing to the translation process; your ideas are
always welcome.

Thanks a lot;

christian KAKOBA

Jul 20, 2011, 2:06:27 PM7/20/11
Hi Sandra and thanks you for your encouragements;
I’m working with Tonny at upperHill academy, on May 2011, we have
received 10 xo-laptops from OLPC, they help teachers and kids. They
really assist them on their class’s activities
Upper Hill academy is a primary school with almost 260 students, it
composed of 8 classes, and we have Class 1 to class 8; but we have
also the staff which is composed of teachers and supervisors. Since we
have got xo-laptop we brought them at the school for the first contact
with teachers and students, but they could not use them because the
school hardly access to power. In June 20th, 2011, we went back in
rural Kisii with a solar solutions so as they could be able to use
many often these laptops.
After setting the solar panel, we tested it and started by reminding
some lessons, how to use xo-laptop, how to play activities, etc.
Our session started with teachers; showing them how to open xo-laptop,
to see different view, to charge laptops, and the big part was how to
play activities and how to apply these activities to the concepts of
their subjects and the environment.
We had also a chance to have a session with some parents, we show them
also this technology and tools that they are kids would start use at
school and sometimes at home for their homework and practical
Our next session was with kids, I really like this part because it was
amazing, we learn a lot from Kids and teach them a lot of things.
We divided students into groups (Class1&2; class 3&4; class 5&6, class7&8)
We have started first by showing them a computer. It was the first
time for many of them to see a computer and to touch it, we explain
the difference between xo-laptop and my HP Pavilion laptop, we show
them how to open the xo-laptop, how to close is, how to connect the
charger and how to switch it on and off, how to see the different view
of the sugar interface and now we start play activities.
Our first activity was “How to create different figures or Shapes”, we
asked students first to come and draw on the blackboard different
figures they’ve learnt, and then we show them how to draw these
figures with xo-laptop. After this, we ask them to look for any
activity and ask for guide so as we can tell them what it is about and
how to play it.
We show them so many way of using these laptops and sharing activities
between them.
During our session with Kids we were assisted with teachers, Helene
and other graduate students to make sure that every kids is able to do
an activity.
For the next step we would like to set up a network with internet
connection so as kids can be able to browser and use wireless.
Now, students use laptops thrice a week, and teachers can easily assist them.

My thanks go to OLPC France for the translated manual guide, since I
could not find a good and well explained English manual on how to play
xo-activities, I’ve been using “l’ORDINATEUR XO DANS LA CLASSE”
because I’m fluent French.
For more information about our work use this


Sam Klein

Jul 20, 2011, 8:03:58 PM7/20/11
to OLPC In Kenya
Hello Shedrack, Christian, and all.

I am Samuel Klein (also a former math instructor) from OLPC. I worked
with schools near Kibwezi ten years ago for a semester, and I have
been following the Kibwezi pilot with enthusiasm. A friend of mine,
Asaf Bartov (, is going to be spending a week in
Nairobi in mid-August, to find ways to distribute more books and other
content offline to schools with limited connectivity. He will also be
meeting with Wikipedians in the area (there is a Wikipedia chapter
based in Nairobi).

If any of you are in the area and would like to meet with him, he is a
good contact to have for school projects.

Regards from Boston,

On Jul 18, 7:05 am, SHEDRACK MUTUNGI <> wrote:
> I am Shedrack Mutungi a graduate. Physics and Mathematics teacher at
> Kenyatta High School in Mwatate constituency, Kenya. Was a student at
> Kenyatta University and graduated in the year 2004. From my years in
> university i was much interested in use of computers in teaching and
> learning though in my high school used to only hear of computers.
> I am also the Ministry of Education ICT champion/ Ambassador for Mwatate
> constituency to spread the gospel of ICT integration in teaching and
> learning. Also help school managers procurement of ICT tools and capacity
> building to teachers of Mwatate constituency.
> Recently met Aaron and Ted from Graet Northburry Bura Alliance (GNBA) who
> introduced me to XO laptops while at Bura Primary during deployment of the
> XOs. Am now part of OLPC Kenya and will be very happy to be part of it.
> I have interests in support gang and deployment of XO laptops to all parts
> of Kenya.
> Shedrack Mutungi
> +254721249897


Jul 21, 2011, 1:28:17 AM7/21/11
Hi Klein,
Thanks so much for introducing me to Asaf Bartov. Though i am not near Nairobi i will try my level best to meet Asaf because  i am interested in what he is doing and also knowing more about wikimedia community.

I am a resident of Kibwezi. How is the project you started? Is it the Imani primary project?


Shedrack Mutungi

Ted Van Nahl

Jul 21, 2011, 6:15:07 AM7/21/11
Have you had a chance to think about the language wiki we talked
about? I wonder if John Hutchison knows of any such resources?

christian KAKOBA

Jul 21, 2011, 10:01:42 AM7/21/11
Hi Klein,
It will be a great idea to work with Asaf Bartov, I’m in Nairobi and I
travel sometimes in provinces for OLPC deployment. I’ll be happy to
get in contact with Asaf and to start planning for our meeting in
middle August.

Aaron Strick

Jul 21, 2011, 10:46:26 AM7/21/11
to christian KAKOBA,

Here is an additional resource for your translation work:


Samuel Klein

Jul 21, 2011, 1:55:38 PM7/21/11
to christian KAKOBA,, Asaf Bartov
@Chris, I am glad to hear it. Asaf can tell you more about his travel
schedule. And good luck with your translations! I hope you can
connect with the local Wikipedians as well.

Shedrack Mutungi writes:
> I am a resident of Kibwezi. How is the project you started? Is it the Imani primary project?

Yes, this is the Imani school project. OLPC only facilitated it; it
was started by Grace Chege and the Kibwezi Educational Center, with
help from their church volunteers from around the world. Are you
working with them?


benjamin wambua

Aug 3, 2011, 4:25:22 PM8/3/11
to OLPC In Kenya
my name is ben wambua and saw this idea a few years back and would
like to participate in the project in kenya

Sandra Thaxter

Aug 3, 2011, 4:42:09 PM8/3/11
Hi Ben,
   Tell us a bit about yourself and what your interests are.
To check out the Kenyan Sites go to :  and type Kenya in the search engine.
To learn more about the OLPC Foundation programs:

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:25 PM, benjamin wambua <> wrote:
my name is ben wambua and saw this idea a few years back and would
like to participate in the project in kenya
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Ted Van Nahl

Aug 3, 2011, 5:31:25 PM8/3/11
Hi Ben,
This group was set up to provide a forum for collaboration between folks interested in the XO computers and e-learning in Kenya.  Most of us are working on deployments in rural schools.  The largest of these is probably 100 XO's.  Check out Kibwezi and the Imani school.  Ntugi Group and GNBA and OLPC in Bura are two blogs that reflect the partnership from the mzungu viewpoint.  Tonny Omwansa supports a XO project in Kisei.  His site is Kenyan viewpoint and very good.  There are some very helpful folks who check in here.  Welcome aboard.
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:25 PM, benjamin wambua <> wrote:
my name is ben wambua and saw this idea a few years back and would
like to participate in the prcreate a forum for collaborationoject in kenya


Aug 4, 2011, 4:10:53 PM8/4/11
Hi Ben Wambua,
Welcome to participate. if possible give us more information

Shedrack Mutungi

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 11:25 PM, benjamin wambua <> wrote:
my name is ben wambua and saw this idea a few years back and would
like to participate in the project in kenya

Jan 3, 2018, 6:15:20 AM1/3/18
to OLPC In Kenya
Good Afternoon,

Would you be interested in an elearning platform for ecde and primary. we also have digital books in various formats e.g animation, pdf.
I work with Longhorn Publishers.
Kindly have a look at our website

Tindi Sharone

Jan 3, 2018, 6:20:58 AM1/3/18
to OLPC In Kenya
Good Afternoon,

Would you be interested in an eLearning platform for ecde and primary. We (Longhorn Publishers Ltd) also have digital books in various formats e.g animation, pdf.

Kindly have a look at our website

Tindi Sharone

Limoke Oscar

Jan 3, 2018, 12:48:55 PM1/3/18
to, Christian Kakoba, Muya David
Hi Tindi,

I am Oscar Limoke; A member of the OLPC Kenya Team. I have copied Chris and Muya, my colleagues.

We shall take a loo and see if there are any ways we can find your content beneficial to all of us.

We would be more than interested to see if we can develop interesting solutions around the same.

Thanks you


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