Kentucky Winlink NetSession Type: VARA P2P, RMS local node of your choice, Telnet
***Net Times and VARA P2P Frequency Schedule***:
08/28 19:00 EST to 08/28 21:00 EST Center Frequency **7096** KHz USB, Dial Frequency **7094.5** KHz USB
08/28 21:00 EST to 08/29 09:00 EST Center Frequency **3586.5** KHz USB, Dial Frequency **3585** KHz USB
08/29 09:00 EST to 08/29 19:00 EST Center Frequency **7096** KHz USB, Dial Frequency **7094.5** KHz USB
08/29 20::00 EST to 08/29 23:59:00 EST Center Frequency **3586.5** KHz USB, Dial Frequency **3585** KHz USB
Information Requested: All requested info should be submitted on a Kentucky Winlink Check In form. See above for how to download and install.
Kentucky Winlink Check In form fields should be filled out as follows:
Date/Time: Date and time of report
Status: NET
Band: If checking in via a gateway select the RMS option that matches your gateway type. If checking in via VARA P2P please select the band that matches your check-in. If sending via telnet please select N/A (i.e.. if you used a 2m gateway to check in, select VHF RMS)
Mode: Select mode you are sending. If sending Telnet select Telnet. If using VARA for a gateway check-in pick either VARA HF or VARA FM depending on how you checked iny. If checking in during the P2P session select VARA P2P. If sending Ardop select that. If sending via packet select packet.
First Time Checking-In: If this is the very first time you have ever checked into the Kentucky Winlink Net then select YES, if not select NO.
Send To: AF4Y
Call Signs of Initial On-Site Operators: Leave Blank or your call
Sender: Your Callsign
Location: Your QTH, if EOC or Hospital please note
MGRS: Will auto populate once you put in GPS info
Grid: Will auto populate once you put in GPS info
Comments: Please answer the following questions. Last one is Trivia thought we could have some fun with our practice. Feel free to lookup the answers if you want, we are not keeping score and you may learn something new.