Carrion Crow a predator

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May 14, 2016, 5:09:08 AM5/14/16

I have regular seen Carrion Crows scavenge, carrion on the roadside and were fallen quarry have laid, but hearing the screech of a rabbit cry out, I looked up and what was flying with a newly emerged bolter in its claws, a Carrion Crow,  it carried the rabbit a score of yards, before landing and started to dissect it, head off and intestines out with the aid of its beak. I had heard of carrion crow killing young lambs by taking out their eyes, from this encounter I now believe it is possible, and it bounds the question how many other birds that we take as carrion eaters only are also predators given the opportunity. This question is triggered by our know understanding that chimps once thought to be fruit eater, were found to be pack killers of monkeys.


Paul Cumberland



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