vertical char limit at 2 monitor diagonal config

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Kirill Zotov

Dec 20, 2013, 12:57:59 AM12/20/13
Hello! Just tried the matrix, but got a strange issue. I have two monitors, primary is 1280x800 and secondary is 1024x768 attached to the left upper corner of primary. So I tried config:
left -1024
right 2304
start height -768
total height  1568

so I got a black screensaver area sctretched to both monitors exactly as expected, green symbols also started at -768 Y-position, but ended approximately at position +70, so I got secondary (upper-left) monitor full of matrix and full-wide thin stripe at the primary one. Also the lower ~20 pixels of the "stripe" were filled with brighter symbols. I tried to increase total height parameter but got no result. Is there any solution?


Dec 20, 2013, 9:42:57 AM12/20/13

Obviously, you have an odd configuration -- different resolutions at odd physical locations.  It's difficult to allow for every possible scenario these days.
It would help if you included a link to a screenshot of your monitors, and/or a cameraphone snapshot of them with the matrix running.
As for suggestions, try placing/configuring your second monitor to the left, not top-left.  Also try using the same resolution across both.  These aren't ideal suggestions, but it will get it working for you.
Hope this helps.

Marcel Englmaier

Dec 20, 2013, 10:42:14 AM12/20/13
I have 1600x900 primary and 1080p secondary. no settings changed, and it works properly

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Dec 20, 2013, 12:45:59 PM12/20/13
I run it on 6 1600x1200 monitors.  Over the last couple years, I've changed my monitor configuration from 4 monitors to as many as 8.  The 8 monitor setup had 2 in portrait on either side of the 2x3 array.  To the point, I've always had the Kelly-software matrix screensaver installed.  But reconfiguring it for different setups was always a chore.  Here's the easiest way I've found to do it:
1. Set "left" and "start height" both to 0.
2. Set right and total height both to 100.
3. Preview the screensaver and take notes as to where the little 100x100 pixel box shows up.
4. Use the Display Settings control panel to figure out what you need to adjust for all the settings.
I usually try to first lock down where the "left" needs to be.  Depending on the location of my main monitor, it can vary quite a bit.  But if you make it display a small box first, then lock down one corner of the box in the right place before adjusting the other variables, it's a lot easier.
The point is, the screensaver will display a rectangle.  You just need to make sure all your monitors fit inside the rectangle.  And if you want the title bar thing at the top, you'll have to make sure you have monitor space that fills the entire top of the rectangle.
That should make sense to some people.  For the rest of you, I'm sure you'll figure something out on your own.

Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013 10:42:14 -0500
Subject: Re: vertical char limit at 2 monitor diagonal config
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