Special Feature ‘Sin Fronteras / Borders Without boundaries,’ Edited by Don Miller, Published by Keibooks

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M. Kei

Aug 9, 2019, 3:57:28 PM8/9/19
to Keibooks...@googlegroups.com

Press Release—For Immediate Release—Please post to all appropriate venues

7 August 2018 — Perryville, Maryland, USA 

Those of us living in the United States have been inundated with political rhetoric telling of a “humanitarian emergency,” and from some of the international headlines gracing the media it would appear this rhetoric is rampant throughout the nations of the world. However, the perception of this “emergency” is a flawed vision blurred by prejudices and biases, and an unwillingness to accept differences exist not only along physical borders between countries, but also along personal boundaries of sexual orientation, gender identity, mental and physical disabilities, in addition to the barriers separating race, ethnicity, religion, the sexes, and social status.

“The humanitarian emergency before us is the lack of understanding a person’s situation, and willingness and compassion to assist and aid in their flight searching for a new frontier. . . without fear.”— Don Miller, editor. ‘Sin Fronteras / Borders Without Boundaries’ seeks to open the borders to understanding through tanka poetry. 

Sample Poems

Christina Nguyen, Minnesota, USA


I tuck my daughters

onto the boat

and shove them out

into the storm

Chen-ou Liu, Ajax, Ontario, Canada

the edge

of the border fence

this winter night


last silhouettes

Hifsa Ashraf, Pakistan


from the chaotic world

a peaceful mind

draws a double rainbow

on both sides of the fence


André Surridge, Anonymous, Autumn Noelle Hall, Carol Raisfeld, Chen-ou Liu, Christina Nguyen, Elizabeth Moura, Gerry Jacobson, Grunge, Hifsa Ashraf, John Tehan, Joy McCall, kenneth slaughter, Kira Nash, Lee Felty, Lorne Henry, Margaret Van Every, Marilyn Humbert, Matthew Caretti, Michael G. Smith, Miriam Sagan, Pravat Kumar Padhy, Pris Campbell, Robin Anna Smith, Tracy Davidson

Visit http://www.atlaspoetica.org/special-features/ to read ‘Sin Fronteras / Borders Without Boundaries’ for free. 

About Special Features:

Keibooks is a small press specializing in tanka poetry. The ‘Special Features’ are open to Guest Editors to address a variety of topics in tanka literature today. Anyone interested in being a Guest Editor for a Special Feature at the Keibooks website <AtlasPoetica.org> will find guidelines at the bottom of the  <a href=“http://www.atlaspoetica.org/special-features/“>Special Features</a> home page. 

Anyone interested in being a Guest Editor should read the Special Features to familiarize themselves with the scope and format of the project. Keibooks’ Special Features are published on an irregular schedule.

About Keibooks:

Keibooks is a small press located in Perryville, Maryland, USA, founded by poet and tall ship sailor, M. Kei. Keibooks publishes select projects reflecting his interest in tanka poetry and the sea. Using print-on-demand technology, Keibooks is able to publish high-quality literature in attractive, affordable editions. Keibooks is home to Atlas Poetica : A Journal of World Tanka, and published Stacking Stones, An Anthology of Short Tanka Sequences in 2018. For more information, visit: AtlasPoetica.org.


M. Kei, publisher and editor


P O Box 346

Perryville, MD, USA 21903

Email: Keibooks (at) gmail (dot) com


publisher of literature for discerning readers

P O Box 346, Perryville, MD, 21903 USA
Keibooks (at) gmail (dot) com

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