Call for Submissions: Sin Fronteras ❘ Borders without Boundaries

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Atlas Poetica

Jan 13, 2019, 5:49:38 PM1/13/19
Call for Submissions: An Atlas Poetica Special Feature:  

Sin Fronteras    Borders without Boundaries

Guest Editor:  Don Miller

Submit poems to: with the subject line:  Sin Fronteras; ‘Your Name, date’ 


Sin Fronteras    Borders without Boundaries

Living in southern New Mexico, USA just minutes from our international border with Mexico, I have had the opportunity over the years to experience a border region fraught with barriers, barriers that have been intensified by the political rhetoric of our current Commander-in-chief.  Of late I have been following President Trump’s desire to build a border wall, as well the migrant caravans.  These people, mostly from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, are fleeing the terror and violence in their homeland and are walking north through Guatemala and Mexico to seek asylum in the United States.  However, once at the US border they are met with physical and political boundaries barring their entry to the sanctuary they seek.  As is written in the poem “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus,

“. . . Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,”

the United States once welcomed the world’s masses with open arms.  Now those ‘arms’ are automatic and aimed at defenseless civilians seeking safety and asylum within the boundaries of the United States.

While following these current events vicariously through headline news, I have also been an active, but behind the scenes participant in a couple lesser known headlines this year. 

New Mexico land boss to Border Patrol: Stop trespassing*

You might find this interesting.  I have been asked to review an appraisal; interesting, right!  So, the appraisal is of a strip of land 60 feet wide by 1 mile long.  Getting any better?  Well, this strip of land happens to be on our southern border and was suppose to have been reserved in a 1907 Presidential Proclamation by Theodore Roosevelt in order to keep the land "free from obstruction as a protection against the smuggling of goods between the United States and the Republic of Mexico;"**.  Somehow this particular strip escaped the reservation, and is part of a larger parcel owned by the State of New Mexico, and the New Mexico Commissioner of Public Lands has sent a notice to the United States demanding the Border Patrol stop trespassing on this land.  If they continue, then they will have to take their wall with them!  Serious, our land commissioner is pissed off and is trying to restrict the Unites States from using this 7.27-acre parcel of land on the border! 

"Mr. Trump, tear down that wall!"

the caravan
in plain view
all the signs pointing
to a breach in the wall

Well, I determined the appraisal was invalid because the person who prepared it was not a licensed appraiser in New Mexico, nor did he obtain a temporary practice permit.  I told the Commissioner the appraisal violated state appraisal law and he could not accept it.

New Mexico Land Boss Says No to Offer From US Border Agency***

Due in part to the 'low ball' offer from the Army Corp of Engineers on behalf of the Unites States, or my rejection of the appraisal, or both (probably the former), the Commissioner has rejected the offer and instead has decided to auction this strip of land to the highest bidder.  Wielding his gavel from the courthouse steps. . .

bidding for this chance
to erase a line in the sand
the beginning of
sin fronteras  
borders without boundaries

After I wrote the last two lines of this concluding tanka, I got to thinking more about what they mean, and whether this would make for an ATPO Special Feature.  As most of you know, these barriers along borders are not unique to the United States, they are worldwide and omnipresent on almost all of the continents (Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe, as well as North and South America).  How do we tear down these boundary barriers and once again become humanitarian beacons to those fleeing persecution. . .  

As a world wide community of writers, I invite all of you to participate in this ATPO Special Features:  Sin Fronteras   Borders without Boundaries.  Topics may include international borders and barriers, border conflicts, violence, persecution, migrants, immigrants and refugees, and/or visions of a world with no boundaries.  Be creative and expand beyond international borders and physical barriers, and explore other boundaries prevalent in our lives.   

Tanka Submissions:  Please review the general submission guidelines for Atlas Poetica : A Journal of World Tankaat .  Individuals are invited to submit 5 tanka poems, more or less; however in keeping with the theme and format of the ‘25 Poems’ features on the Atlas Poetica website no more than one poem will be selected from an individual poet.  Tanka submissions must be placed within the body of an email.  Poems along with a brief bio (75 words or less) should be contained in the body of your email.  No attached submissions will be opened.  Also, please include your name, State (Province, Prefectures, etc.) and/or Country.  All submissions must be original and not previously published.  Poems posted on social media are not eligible.  Tanka written in any language is encouraged.  All poems and bios in a language other than English, must be translated to English prior to submission.  Please submit original language as well. 

Please submit your tanka to with the subject line: Sin Fronteras; ‘Your Name, date’. 

Submission period:  Submissions will open on February 1, 2019 and run through March 17, 2019.

Notification of acceptance or decline will be provided within a month after the March 17, 2019 deadline. 



**Headline of an article by Diana Alba Soular, Las Cruces Sun-News; March 6, 2018

***Headline of an article by Susan Montoya Bryan / Associated Press;  August 15, 2018

M. Kei
Editor, Atlas Poetica
A Journal of World Tanka

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