Tanka in Translation for 2020

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M. Kei

Jan 1, 2020, 12:05:00 PM1/1/20
to Keibooks...@googlegroups.com

Just a short head’s up to let you know that in 2020 we will be working on a special tanka translation project running over issues 40 and 41 (spring and summer). ATPO 40 will introduce the project and provide guidelines, but we wanted to let you know in advance so that you can find translating partners if you choose to participate.

ATPO 41 (Summer) will be devoted to tanka in translation. We hope to fill the issue entirely with translated work. Translators are the unsung heroes of literature; without them we would never be able to meet the finest literary works from around the world written in languages other than our own. Translating poetry is especially demanding; the translator must be a poet in their own right to capture the nuances and rhythm of two languages.

Stay tuned to our website, email list, or Twitter to receive further details about this exciting international tanka project. We have already secured translations in Dutch, German, Spanish, Danish, Japanese, and Twi. We look forward to many more.

publisher of literature for discerning readers

P O Box 346, Perryville, MD, 21903 USA
Keibooks (at) gmail (dot) com

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