Special Feature ‘Tanka of Flowing Tranquility,’ Edited by Kira Lily Nash, Published by Keibooks

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Atlas Poetica

Dec 15, 2019, 5:36:22 PM12/15/19
to Keibooks...@googlegroups.com

Special Feature ‘Tanka of Flowing Tranquility,’ Edited by Kira Lily Nash, Published by Keibooks

Press Release—For Immediate Release—Please post to all appropriate venues

15 December 2019 — Perryville, Maryland, USA

Never before in our time has disintegration seemed so prominent. Never before in our time have so many felt so far from stability, grounding, the reassuring rhythms of earth and sky. It seems like such an overwhelming task to find our feet again – to remember how to flow and breathe — but the path is always there, always open to us. It may not always be obvious, but its subtlety doesn’t diminish its importance. If anything, it is the quiet humility of tranquility that may help to save us. While we absolutely must recognise and fight against the evils that multiply around us, it’s also essential that we give awareness and energy to the good.

As the world falls further into chaos, it’s ever more important that we focus not only on overcoming the darkness but also on encouraging the light. Find a place in your heart, your day, and your life for peace. Cultivate and nourish the tranquility that rests within all of of us. It may seem hard to find, but really it’s just lying dormant, like a spring that waits patiently for the rains to come. Take the time to breathe. Go outside and feel the earth spinning the changing seasons to your door. Unplug, go to bed early, do something that brings you joy every day.

Sample Poems

refuge from reality

in a night of shooting stars

I inhale

the breath of the moon

its peace fills me

Carol Raisfeld

White sugar drifting

from a silver spoon into

one pink coffee cup . . .

snowflakes in the lantern light

swirling past my windowpane.

Kiersta Recktenwald

for dessert

in the smoky mountains

biscuits and jam

as blackberries ripen

under a summer moon

Tina Crenshaw


Michael H. Lester, Darrell Lindsey, Carol Raisfeld, Joy McCall, John S. Gilbertson, Amelia Fielden, Joe Witt, Kiersta Recktenwald, Autumn Noelle Hall, Vasile Moldovan, Geoffrey Winch, Matthew Caretti, Sue Colpitts, Thelma Mariano, Don Miller, Crystal K. Li, Susan Weaver, Marilyn Ashbaugh, Pris Campbell, Tina Crenshaw, Kath Abela Wilson, John Quinnett, Samantha Sirimanne Hyde, Pravat Kumar Padhy, Wendy C. Bialek, Richard Grahn

Visit http://www.atlaspoetica.org/special-features/ to read ‘Tanka of Flowing Tranquility’ for free.

About Special Features:

Keibooks is a small press specializing in tanka poetry. The ‘Special Features’ are open to Guest Editors to address a variety of topics in tanka literature today. Anyone interested in being a Guest Editor for a Special Feature at the Keibooks website <AtlasPoetica.org> will find guidelines at the bottom of the Special Features home page.

Anyone interested in being a Guest Editor should read the Special Features to familiarize themselves with the scope and format of the project. Keibooks’ Special Features are published on an irregular schedule.

About Keibooks:

Keibooks is a small press located in Perryville, Maryland, USA, founded by poet and tall ship sailor, M. Kei. Keibooks publishes select projects reflecting his interest in tanka poetry and the sea. Using print-on-demand technology, Keibooks is able to publish high-quality literature in attractive, affordable editions. Keibooks is home to Atlas Poetica : A Journal of World Tanka and published Stacking Stones, An Anthology of Short Tanka Sequences in 2018. For more information, visit AtlasPoetica.org.


M. Kei, publisher and editor


P O Box 346

Perryville, MD, USA 21903

Email: Keibooks (at) gmail (dot) com



M. Kei
Editor, Atlas Poetica
A Journal of World Tanka
P O Box 346
Perryville, MD 21903


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