New features to come with 0.5.2 version

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Mar 23, 2009, 7:43:41 PM3/23/09
to keepnote
> The change log for this version is the following:
> keepnote-0.5.2
> --------------
> - customizable node icons
> - any node can have child nodes (e.g. "pages" can have children)
> - add minimize to tray option (hide from taskbar)
> - editor remembers scroll and cursor position in each page (for the session)
> - added scrolling to treeview/listview drag-and-drop
> - easy install fix
> - fixed modified time bug

As for minimize to tray option, although i'm not using it since
KeepNote starts fast, i was expected that clicking on the tray icon
would minimize/maximize KeepNote but it only works for maximizing and
not for minimizing

For instance Specto (application for GNOME) icon tray allow both to
minimize/maximize the application.

(i'm running Ubuntu)


Mar 23, 2009, 7:50:11 PM3/23/09
to keepnote
I'm note sure that the "Empty trash" entry in "Edit" menu is new
therefore i've reported issue 29 : Ask confirmation before emptying
trash from Edit menu


Mar 23, 2009, 7:53:49 PM3/23/09
to keepnote
As for customizable node icons, i think that contextual menu for a
page should only show page icons and that contextual menu for a folder
should only show folder icons.
At present time the contextual menu is not very contextual since it
shows the same icons set for a page and for a folder


Mar 23, 2009, 7:55:18 PM3/23/09
to keepnote
Are node icons also picked from GTK stock icons ?

Matt Rasmussen

Mar 23, 2009, 8:04:44 PM3/23/09
The concept of "folders" is going to be phased out since all nodes
(pages included) can now have children. The visual cue of a folder is
now achieved using customized icons on page nodes. So I expect most
people won't need to make folders anymore. I was going to delay
removing the add folder button until 0.5.3, but perhaps it should
happen in 0.5.2 to avoid confusion. In addition the notebook upgrade
could auto-convert all folders into blank pages.



Mar 23, 2009, 8:04:52 PM3/23/09
to keepnote
As for customizable node icons :

* Differents shapes & colors or only different colors ?
Either you allow different kind of icons (that is the case at present
time for pages : differents shape (X, ?) and colors) or you only allow
different colors and the entry can be renamed into "colour icon".
Is there a need for differents icons shapes ? i don't know.

* Support Tango icons colors
Is it possible to have the option to have a tango colors icons set for
GNOME user ?
here is the color palette

Matt Rasmussen

Mar 23, 2009, 8:06:21 PM3/23/09
any icon is allowed. You can load your own. I have just supplied
colored folders and pages as a default. I also plan to a couple more
defaults, like stars, check marks, etc.



Mar 23, 2009, 8:09:53 PM3/23/09
to keepnote
It looks like a regression to me
I find the folder concept more suitable that the blank page concept
i think that a folder is by concept different from a icon
i don't want blank pages to act like a folder, i want folders to acts
like folders!
i'm convince that users are familiar with the folder concept and that
it's more clear to keep folders
my 2 cts

On Mar 24, 1:04 am, Matt Rasmussen <> wrote:
> The concept of "folders" is going to be phased out since all nodes
> (pages included) can now have children.  The visual cue of a folder is
> now achieved using customized icons on page nodes.  So I expect most
> people won't need to make folders anymore.  I was going to delay
> removing the add folder button until 0.5.3, but perhaps it should
> happen in 0.5.2 to avoid confusion.  In addition the notebook upgrade
> could auto-convert all folders into blank pages.
> Matt


Mar 23, 2009, 8:20:07 PM3/23/09
to keepnote
As for added scrolling to treeview/listview drag-and-drop

1 - i did succeed to scroll the listview while dropping a page, but i
didn't succeed to easily scroll the treeview while dropping a page

(it's hard to explain : ) it seems that the sensitive area at the
bottom is to low

2 - Besides in listview, browsing the context menu scroll the
listview. The scroll stuff should be desactivated while browisng the
contextual menu

Tell me if you need a screencast to understand


Mar 23, 2009, 8:35:31 PM3/23/09
to keepnote

Matt Rasmussen

Mar 23, 2009, 8:42:26 PM3/23/09
This is intended behavior. It scrolls with the mouse outside the
window, just like excel.

Thanks for your reports.



Mar 23, 2009, 8:48:32 PM3/23/09
to keepnote
ok, i understand.

But what looks strange to me is that top of the treeview doesn't have
a status bar and then is far more sensitive that the bottom!

As for "2 - Besides in listview, browsing the context menu scroll the
listview" i can't reproduce it anymore...

On Mar 24, 1:42 am, Matt Rasmussen <> wrote:
> This is intended behavior.  It scrolls with the mouse outside the
> window, just like excel.
> Thanks for your reports.
> Matt
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 8:35 PM, antistress <> wrote:
> > here is an illustration (mockup)


Mar 23, 2009, 8:55:42 PM3/23/09
to keepnote
ok, i understand.

But what looks strange to me is that top of the treeview doesn't have
a status bar and then is far more sensitive that the bottom!

As for "2 - Besides in listview, browsing the context menu scroll the
listview" i can't reproduce it anymore...

On Mar 24, 1:42 am, Matt Rasmussen <> wrote:
> This is intended behavior.  It scrolls with the mouse outside the
> window, just like excel.
> Thanks for your reports.
> Matt
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 8:35 PM, antistress <> wrote:
> > here is an illustration (mockup)


Mar 27, 2009, 6:55:40 AM3/27/09
to keepnote
as for the "scrolling to treeview" functionality or bug - it depends
on how you see it - this rellay looks like a bug to me.
The treeview is an element of the GUI, the status bar is another one,
like the icon bar or the menu bar. Why would you include the status
bar at the bottom of the GUI and not the icon bar at the top of the
screen ? It doesn't make sense to me since there is no logical to it.
treeview is a GUI element distinct from the status bar and the icon
Please make the treeview bottom area sensitive like its top area for
scrolling and not the status bar bottom.

What do the others think of that ?

Matt Rasmussen

Mar 27, 2009, 11:21:10 AM3/27/09
Ok. I'll look at it again. I think one issue is that I have
miscalculated the header size for the treeview (the listview has one
but the treeview doesn't). I believe this messes up the area
sensitive to scrolling. Its probably a simple quick fix. I was
surprised that GTK didn't do this automatically. Seems like a feature
every program with a treeview would need. Oh well.

Thanks again for you feedback,

thibaut bethune

Mar 27, 2009, 11:23:20 AM3/27/09
that is interesting, you should fill a bug against GTK

2009/3/27 Matt Rasmussen <>

Keith Noddle

Mar 27, 2009, 12:11:18 PM3/27/09
> I find the folder concept more suitable that the blank page concept
> i think that a folder is by concept different from a icon
> i don't want blank pages to act like a folder, i want folders to acts
> like folders!
> i'm convince that users are familiar with the folder concept and that
> it's more clear to keep folders
Have to say I agree with this. I'm really pleased pages can have
sub-pages, but please do keep folders as well - there's an implied
contextual meaning that I don't feel a re-badged page can provide!

Also, it would be nice if clicking the tray icon restored AND minimised
the keepNote window - this does seem to be the accepted behaviour for
these artefacts.


Mar 28, 2009, 2:07:18 PM3/28/09
to keepnote
I also would rather keep folders. People don't need to use them if
they like the pages within pages idea, but folders are meaningful.
Three months from now I could change my mind, once I get used to
nested pages, but for now I still think in terms of folders.


Patrick Installé

Mar 28, 2009, 2:48:04 PM3/28/09
me too ;-)

Patrick a écrit :

Matt Rasmussen

Mar 28, 2009, 8:22:19 PM3/28/09
Ok. No problem I'll keep folders for the time being. There's no rush
to get rid of them, I just thought new users might find them
confusing. Thanks for all the feedback.


thibaut bethune

Mar 28, 2009, 10:11:51 PM3/28/09
great! therefore maybe color menu should be contextual as suggested
before (show only colored folder icons for folders and colored page
icons for pages) ?

2009/3/29 Matt Rasmussen <>:

Jan 7, 2014, 7:13:16 PM1/7/14
Keith, please contact me concerning Stripboard Magic.  Thanks, Dale
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