KDC Showdown: Opportunities Inside!

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Vicky Olusanya

Jun 8, 2017, 6:30:10 PM6/8/17
to kdctheatre

Hi all,

What Keeps Me Awake Update

Rehearsals are well under way for What Keeps Me Awake! There is such a variety of work being created, if you would like to see something a bit different, this show is for you! Buy tickets here!

AGM (Annual General Meeting)

Hello KDC

As Summer makes an appearance we in the KDC committee are getting ready for the AGM. This year it’s on Tuesday 11th July at 7pm at the Hoop and Grapes.

It’s a great chance for you to have your say on the direction KDC will take for the next year so we’d love to see lots of you there. We’ll present a review of the year gone by, elect the new committee, and answer your questions on what the future hold for us.  

Being on the KDC committee is a brilliant way for you to directly influence the shows and activities that we put on for our members. From show budgets and subs, to the shows themselves and how we market them, all these things and more are up to the committee to decide.

If you’d like to put yourself forward to be on the committee please contact Secretary Sarah (secr...@kdctheatre.com) by Monday 10th July to formally put your name in the hat. At the AGM you’ll be asked to give a 2 minute pitch on why you’d like the role and answer any questions before everyone who’s there votes. You’ll need someone on the committee to propose you, and someone else to second you.

To help you decide if you’d like to stand, here’s a rundown of the committee positions and details on who’s standing down. You can still put yourself forward for a role if the existing person isn’t stepping down.

Chair – big boss of the committee who keeps everyone in check and on plan. Applicants must be existing committee members. Emma is standing down this year. For more info contact Emma on ch...@kdctheatre.com

Artistic Director – responsible for setting the artistic direction of the company, choosing all the shows we put on and which theatres we use. Applicants must be existing committee members. Kim is standing down this year. For more info contact Kim on arti...@kdctheatre.com

Treasurer – holder of the bank account details and responsible for making sure we spend money on the right things. Applicants must be existing committee members. For more info contact Will on trea...@kdctheatre.com

Secretary – needs to be an excellent organiser to keep the wheels of KDC turning. For more info contact Sarah on secr...@kdctheatre.com

New Writing Co-Ordinator – sources original writing for KDC to put on and nurtures our pool of writers. For more info contact Carl on newwr...@kdctheatre.com

Tech Director – lights, sound, props, costumes; all the things that make the actors look good! For more info contact Dave on te...@kdctheatre.com

Publicity – responsible for getting the word out about all the good things we’re doing. For more info contact Vicky on publ...@kdctheatre.com

Social Secretary – chief drinker and organiser of KDC get togethers. For more info contact Steph on soc...@kdctheatre.com

Webmaster – curator of the website and general go to person for all things computer-based! For more info contact Will on webm...@kdctheatre.com

Executive Officers – very helpful people who pick up projects as the committee needs them to. A good starting place if you’re pondering committee life. For more info contact Emma on ch...@kdctheatre.com

We look forward to seeing lots of you in July. In the meantime, happy sunbathing!

Emma xx

External Opportunities
Tower Theatre Company will be holding open auditions for their Autumn productions of Top Girls and Pravda – please do come and read! For more information, please visit the website http://www.towertheatre.org.uk/notice.htm

Love KDC


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