HSC 2012 Panoche Airstrip Fund status report.

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Jan 18, 2012, 5:56:15 PM1/18/12
to KCVH_Soaring_Center_Group
Hi everybody,

As of January 18th, I have taken in a total of $3,381 toward the
$3,500 that was sent to the owner of the Panoche Airstrip on December
1st, 2011 Additionally, I have received two other pledges in the
amount of $100 each, so as soon as those funds come in we will be over
our current goal by $81. Also, I have paid back the two pilots within
the soaring community who volunteered to loan HSC some funds so I
could make a timely payment to the owner of the Airstrip.

The next financial goal for the soaring community to reach is to
continue to donate funds which will pay for a portion of the HSC
Premises Liability Insurance. This insurance is also called "trip and
fall" coverage, and I am required to have this in order for HSC to
conduct commercial operations at both the Hollister airport and
Panoche Valley Airstrip. I just sent in my 2012 Premises Liability
Insurance payment for both airports for 1/20/12-1/20/13, which came to
$1270. This comes to $635 for Hollister Municipal Airport operations,
and $635 for Panoche. In the past, I have covered 1/2 of the Panoche
bill out of the general HSC budget, but because of the current
economic state of HSC I am only covering 1/3 this year, and am asking
the soaring community to contribute the other 2/3. This amount comes
to .67 x 635, or about $425. Subtracting the $81 surplus over the
$3,500 already paid, and the new balance to be paid by users of the
strip comes to $344. There are several pilots out there who haven't
yet contributed to the fund, so I'm confident that HSC will take in
enough money throughout the course of the soaring season to offset
this current balance. In addition, there may be the additional charge
of mowing the airstrip in the spring, just before the onset of the XC
season out of Hollister. Last year Danny Feist volunteered to bring
his nice mower down and spent a relaxing day driving up and down the
airstrip for us. I'll check in with him again this year, but we may
not be that lucky in 2012.

Happy soaring and Panoche Fund donating,
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