Everyone is welcome- Share with Network: FACE To Host Covid-19 Reopening Our Churches, Vaccinating Our Communities Korean Clergy Roundtable - Youth Ministers Welcome!

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Hyepin Im

Jun 9, 2021, 1:13:48 AM6/9/21
to Information
Want to extend this invite.  Everyone is welcome. This is great opportunity to get answers from the State on best practices, resources for vaccine  and reopening. Please share this invite with your network and your leadership. Everyone is welcome.
Thank you and many blessings.

From: Information <in...@facela.org>
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 9:53 AM
To: silvia....@kccd3300.org <silvia....@kccd3300.org>
Subject: JOIN US! FACE To Host Covid-19 Reopening Our Churches, Vaccinating Our Communities Korean Clergy Roundtable - Youth Ministers Welcome!
With Tapestry LA Pastor Charles Choe, State Epidemiologist Dr. Erica Pan, Church Everyday Young Adult Pastor Kevin Yi & Former Middle School Pastor Ellie Kim!
FACE To Host
Reopening Our Churches,
Vaccinating Our Communities
Korean Clergy Roundtable

Thursday, June 10th @ 11am PT
(Register Below)
FACE is pleased to be a partner with the California Department of Public Health, Sierra Foundation and Vaccinate All 58 Campaign in hosting an informational session on the Covid-19 for Korean Ministers desiring insight and guidance on Reopening our Churches, Vaccinating our Communities in light of the June 15 the re-opening and new vaccine qualification for ages 12-15 on Thursday, June 10th at 11am PT.

President Hyepin Im will be moderating our group of Ministers and Medical Professionals including Tapestry LA's Pastor Charles Cho, Church Everyday's Young Adult Pastor Kevin Yi, State Epidemiologist Dr. Erica Pan from CA Public Health, former Middle School Pastor Ellie Kim, and representative from the Governor Newsom's Office.

Find registration information below!
JOIN US on Thursday, June 10th at 11:00am PT for this important webinar. Registration information below.
FACE Mission

To advance the Asian American community's participation, contribution and influence through faith and community partnerships.
Faith and Community Empowerment
3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1124 Los Angeles, CA 90010
Faith and Community Empowerment | 3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1124, Los Angeles, CA 90010
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