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Important...Can you send a letter on Koreatown LA Redistricting?

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Hyepin Im

Nov 1, 2021, 5:37:58 PM11/1/21
to Information
I am reaching out on Koreatown Redistricting. FACE with other organizations have been advocating to unify Koreatown under one council district to counter the neglect being currently represented by 4 councilmembers. The redistricting commission has recommended a map to do so, but the Council President is voting tomorrow to redo the maps. Can you  send at least one letter if not more to your councilmember? If you do not reside in LA, you can still write as a stakeholder being connected with our organization. More guidance is below. If you do not reside in Koreatown, you can write to Council President Nury Martinez.Thank you.

Keep Koreatown Unified! 

It’s not over until the final map with the unified Koreatown is approved by the City Council! 

The Councilmembers will vote on a final map, and because the proposed map may change, the Koreatown community needs to keep raising our voices to maintain the boundaries of Koreatown whole in a single district

You can help the community by joining us in a letter-writing campaign by using the template letter to email the Councilmembers in your district by this Friday, October 29, 2021

[Guideline] How to write a letter to your elected officials 

  1. Look up who your Councilmember is at: 

  2. Please use the template letter attached below to email the elected official:

  3. Send your letter to the Councilmember. 

  4. When sending the letters, remember to address emails to two addresses:

    1. the main email for the elected official and, 

    2. their chief of staff. You can find the contact information on the attached chart

  5. Please add your mailing address and signature to the letter and fill out the all the highlighted portions on the template letter.

  6. In the subject line, write “Request to Unify Koreatown”

  7. Please share with your family and friends and encourage them to send their letters as well!

[In Korean]

한인타운 선거구 단일화를 지지해주세요 - 아직 안심하기에 이릅니다!

단일화된 한인타운을 포함한 선거구 재조정 지도 최종안이 시 의회에서 통과가 될 때까지 선거구 재조정 절차는 끝난 것이 아닙니다. 한인타운이 단일화된 상태로 최종 통과가 될 수 있도록 지역 커뮤니티가 끝까지 목소리를 내야 합니다. 이번주 금요일 (10월 29일)까지 시의원들에게 한인타운 단일화를 지지하는 편지를 보내주세요!

LA시의회 선거구 재조정위원회가 LA 한인타운을 10지구로 단일화하는 방안을 담은 K 2.5 지도를 최종안으로 시의회에 제출하려는 가운데 LA 시의회 시의원들 중 일부가 반대의 목소리를 내고 있습니다. 11월 중에 진행되는 시의회 시의원들 논의 과정에서 그들의 이해관계에 따라 또 다른 지도 변경이 이뤄질 가능성과 이같은 변경이 현재 한인타운이 속한 10지구 경계선에 영향을 미칠 가능성을 배제할 수 없기에, 선거구 재조정안에 대한 투표권을 갖고 있는 시의원들에게 한인타운 단일화를 지지하는 편지 보내기 운동을 시작합니다. 

한인타운 단일화의 염원이 이루어지는 그 날까지 지역 사회와 더불어 함께 목소리를 내주시길 바라며 많은 동참 부탁드립니다. 편지는 이번주 금요일, 10월 29일까지 보내주시기 바랍니다. 

편지 보내는 방법

  1. 다음 링크에 접속하신 후 현주소를 입력하면 본인이 거주하는 선거구를 대표하는 시의원(City Council Official) 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다: 

  2. 아래 첨부된 Template 편지 양식을 본인 이메일에 복사해서 넣어주세요.

  3. 아래 첨부된 표에서 본인 선거구 시의원의 이메일 주소를 찾아서 이메일을 보내주세요. 

  4. 이메일을 보내실 때, 반드시 보좌관(Chief of Staff) 이메일 주소까지 포함해서 이메일을 보내주세요. 연락처는 아래 첨부된 표에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 

  5. 편지 양식에 노란색으로 표시된 곳에 수신인(시의원) 이름, 직책, 편지 작성자 본인의 주소와 서명을 넣어서 보내주세요.

  6. 이메일 제목은 ‘Request to Unify Koreatown’ 라고 해 주세요. 

  7. 주변의 한인 또는 타민족 지인들에게 편지를 복사해 주고 같은 방식으로 편지를 보내도록 권유해주세요.

¡Mantener Koreatown unificado!

¡No habrá terminado hasta que el Ayuntamiento apruebe el mapa final con el Koreatown unificado!

El alcalde de la ciudad, el controlador de la ciudad, el fiscal de la ciudad y los miembros del consejo votarán en un mapa final, y debido a que el mapa propuesto puede cambiar, la comunidad de Koreatown debe seguir alzando la voz para mantener los límites de Koreatown en un solo distrito.

Necesitamos que la comunidad se una a nosotros en una campaña de redacción de cartas utilizando la plantilla de carta para enviar un correo electrónico al alcalde de la ciudad, al controlador de la ciudad, al fiscal de la ciudad y a los miembros del consejo de su distrito antes de este viernes 29 de octubre de 2021.

[Directriz] Cómo escribir una carta a su miembro del Consejo

  1. Busque quién es su miembro del consejo en:

  2. Utilice la plantilla de carta adjunta a continuación para enviar un correo electrónico al funcionario electo:

  3. Envíe su carta a los miembros del Concejo, el Alcalde de la Ciudad, el Contralor de la Ciudad, el Abogado de la Ciudad.

  4. Al enviar las cartas, recuerde enviar los correos electrónicos a dos direcciones: el correo electrónico principal del funcionario electo y,su jefe de personal. Puede encontrar la información de contacto en la página 6 a continuación:

  5. Agregue su dirección postal y firma a la carta. Complete las partes resaltadas en la plantilla de carta.

  6. ¡Comparta con su familia y amigos y anímelos a enviar sus cartas también!


[ADDRESS LINE 1 주소 입력]

Los Angeles, CA 9_____

To: Councilmember _________ via email

RE: Requesting your support to Unify Koreatown in One District for City Redistricting

October 27, 2021

Dear Honorable Councilmember                 , 


I am a Los Angeles City resident at the address above, and I am writing in support of the proposed unified Koreatown boundaries as reflected in the DRAFT Map K 2.5 Final, or any other map that similarly maintains the boundaries of Koreatown within a single council district. Koreatown is one of the most densely populated, diverse, economically challenged, and immigrant-heavy communities in the City, and having such Koreatown divided into multiple districts dilutes the community’s voice, diminishes the accountability of its elected officials, and further complicates community engagement with government entities. 

Unifying Koreatown under a single district would correct the boundaries created 10 years ago that led to Koreatown being split into 4 districts. That process was widely criticized for lack of transparency, fairness, and equity.  

The issues facing Koreatown are well documented. Despite being the most densely populated area in the City, Koreatown has the least number of green spaces. One in five residents live below the federal poverty line, nearly double the rate in California. There is a severe shortage of affordable housing, and public safety and quality of life issues need immediate attention. Keeping Koreatown consolidated into one district would make sure Koreatown’s council member gives it the attention it deserves.  Koreatown is by definition and character a “community of interest” and should be kept whole in a single district.  

The boundaries of Koreatown reflected in the DRAFT Map K 2.5 Final Koreatown boundary provides the geographic cohesion necessary to revitalize Koreatown. There have been hundreds of public comments and testimonies from residents, plus online and paper petitioners signed by thousands urging unification of Koreatown under one single district. 


I urge you to continue to hear and heed our voices, and be a champion of our community of interest, by unifying Koreatown in one district that reflects not only the census data, but the desire of Koreatown’s residents. 

Thank you,

[NAME/Signature 작성자 이름/서명]



Los Angeles, CA 9_____

Estimado Concejal __________,

Unificar Koreatown en un solo distrito corregiría los límites creados hace 10 años que llevaron a Koreatown a dividirse en 4 distritos. Ese proceso fue ampliamente criticado por su falta de transparencia, justicia y equidad.

Los problemas que enfrenta Koreatown están bien documentados. A pesar de ser el área más densamente poblada de la ciudad, Koreatown tiene la menor cantidad de espacios verdes. Uno de cada cinco residentes vive por debajo de la línea de pobreza federal, casi el doble de la tasa en California. Existe una grave escasez de viviendas asequibles y los problemas de seguridad pública y calidad de vida necesitan atención inmediata. Mantener Koreatown consolidado en un distrito aseguraría que el miembro del consejo de Koreatown le brinde la atención que se merece. Koreatown es por definición y carácter una “comunidad de intereses” y debe mantenerse en su totalidad en un solo distrito.

Los límites de Koreatown reflejados en el BORRADOR del Mapa K 2.5 El límite final de Koreatown proporciona la cohesión geográfica necesaria para revitalizar Koreatown. Ha habido cientos de comentarios públicos y testimonios de residentes, además de peticionarios en línea y en papel firmados por miles que instan a la unificación de Koreatown en un solo distrito.


Les insto a que sigan escuchando y prestando atención a nuestras voces, y sean un campeón de nuestra comunidad de interés, unificando Koreatown en un distrito que refleje no solo los datos del censo, sino también el deseo de los residentes de Koreatown.



Contact Information 


Office Email

Name of 

Chief of Staff

Email of 

Chief of Staff



Eric Garcetti

Richard W. LLewellyn (Acting Chief)

City Controller

Ron Galperin

Jeremy Oberstein.

City Attorney

Mike Feuer

Leela Ann Kapur

Council District

Name of 

Council Member

Office Email

Name of 

Chief of Staff

Email of 

Chief of Staff


Gil Cedillo

Debby Kim


Paul Krekorian

Karo Torossian


Bob Blumenfield

Lisa Hansen


Nithya Raman

Najeeba Syeed


Paul Koretz

Joan Pelico


Nury Martinez (President)

Ackley Padilla


Monica Rodriguez

Christine Jerian


Marqueece Harris-Dawson

Solomon Rivera


Curren D. Price, Jr.

Curtis Earnest


Mark Ridley-Thomas *

*Please send to:

*Please send to Council President for CD 10

*Please send to:


Mike Bonin

Chad Molnar


John Lee

Hannah Lee


Mitch O'Farrell

Jeanne Min


Kevin de León

Jennifer Barraza


Joe Buscaino

Jenny Chavez

Hyepin Im
Faith and Community Empowerment
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