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Join me tomorrow! The Asian American Experience: The Model Minority Myth & Anti-Asian Hate with Jewish Federation & White House AAPI Liaison/Deputy Assistant to President Biden Erika Moritsugu, LA Councilmember John Lee, Occidental College Professor Jane

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Hyepin Im

May 11, 2021, 3:00:32 PM5/11/21
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Join me tomorrow evening at our FACE event with Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles on The Asian American Experience: The Model Minority Myth & Anti-Asian Hate.  We will have White House AAPI Liaison/Deputy Assistant to President Biden Erika Moritsugu, LA Councilmember John Lee, Occidental College Professor Jane Hong Lee and The Jewish Federation's Senior Vice President Alisa Zelman Finsten to dispel myths surrounding the AAPI community and uplift solutions for solidarity and improvement of quality of life for the AAPI community. Great to have MSNBC/NBC News Anchor Richard Lui moderate the conversation.

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Hyepin Im


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