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Fwd: COVID-19 Call w/ Mayor Garcetti on Monday, 3/23

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Hyepin Im

Mar 23, 2020, 4:27:14 PM3/23/20

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Price <>
Date: Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 5:12 PM
Subject: COVID-19 Call w/ Mayor Garcetti on Monday, 3/23
Cc: Lisa Payne <>

Dear Faith Leader, 

Please join Mayor Eric Garcetti for a Coronavirus/COVID-19 briefing from 2-2:45pm tomorrow (Monday, 3/23). The Mayor will provide an overview of City actions and plans moving forward, and he will be available for a brief Q&A around those policies and next steps. 

Please know how aware he and we are of the extraordinary pain and sacrifice this unprecedented crisis has caused your members, likely yourselves, and all Angelenos. We know you all are on the very front line - and scraping and clawing for some of the most vulnerable people in our City.

Thank you - and we look forward to talking with you on the call.

I will be following up tomorrow morning with dial-in instructions. Please RSVP for the call and submit your questions by completing the RSVP: Interfaith Call w/ Mayor Garcetti Form

Thank you, 

David Price
Southwest Field Representative 
Mayor's Office of Public Engagement 
200 N. Spring Street, Room 303


Hyepin C. Im, MBA, MDIV, CPA
President and CEO
Faith and Community Empowerment (FACE), formerly KCCD
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