Session Facilitator: Sandeep Patnaik, Development Professional
10.15 – 10.30: Invitation and Context setting
10.30 – 10.45: Inviting guests to the dais and book release
10.45 – 11.05: Presentation of the book by Pradeep Baisakh
11.05- 11.25: Interface with the Press
11.25 – 12.20:
Panel Discussion: Is Odisha’s development inclusive?
Akshaya Sahoo, Senior Journalist
Shri Rabi Das, Senior Journalist
Ms. Sharada Lahangir, Senior Journalist
Shri Ghasiram Panda, Development Professional
Open Discussion
12.20: 12.25: Concluding Remarks
12.25-12.30: Thank-giving: Ashok Dash, Software Professional
Followed by snacks