Webinar on Inclusive Strategy for Rehabilitation of Climate Displaced Communities.

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Ranjan Panda

Jul 25, 2023, 8:52:33 AM7/25/23
to Water Initiatives Odisha
Dear All,


We at Water Initiatives, along with Aaina, #Youth4WaterIndia, The Asia Foundation and OSDMA, Govt. of Odisha are organising a webinar to discuss "Strategy for Inclusive Rehabilitation of Climate Displaced Communities" in Odisha.  The webinar is on 27th July at 3pm IST.  

Sharing this information (in the attached poster) and the registration link (below) so that interested people may like to join the same.  Even though the discussion will mostly centre on Odisha specific issues, the strategy may be relevant for other states and countries facing similar situations.  

Registration link: https://bit.ly/3OpfKvN

Looking forward to seeing you at the webinar, and working with you on this issue.

Thanks and regards,

Call/WhatsApp: +91 9437050103

Ranjan K Panda

Convenor, Water Initiatives
Steering Group Member, Climate Migration & Displacement Platform (Global)
Co-founder:  #Youth4Water campaign

Convenor, Combat Climate Change Network, India
Mahanadi River Waterkeeper (Member, Global Waterkeeper Alliance, New York)
Senior Fellow, Foundation for Ecological Security (FES)
Formerly Country Manager for India, Climate Scorecard Project (Boston, USA)

Email: ranja...@gmail.comranja...@yahoo.com

Skype: ranjan.climatecrusader

LInkedIn: Ranjan K Panda

Fighting water woes, combating climate change...more than 3 decades now!
Poster - Water Initiatives OSDMA webinar on climate displacement..jpg
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