A lot of ways to make money online with a blog

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Aug 12, 2011, 8:46:02 PM8/12/11
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A lot of ways to make money online with a blog
Most people forget the advertising promises, auto-pilot, said from their blog, weekly $ 1,000. You make money with your blog, while you sleep, they cry. All it means is really hard to make money with a blog rubbish.Does it? The answer is both yes and no.But First, it is difficult to use the blog��s money? The fact is, you can not just write from your blog several posts of money. Sometimes, you can not write more than 4 or 5, because your niche too narrow in scope, and if you manage a sufficient number of articles written by the diversity of ideas and topics.Even, you need to promote your blog generate transport it. For this, your article directory to submit articles, spend money on search engine advertising, peace and RSS feeds to your blog on social media web site to generate back links and traffic to your blog.All This is easier said than done difficult. It requires a huge amount of tiring and monotonous chore, almost killing your desire to make your blog itself.How money easily make money from blog, do not work hard intelligence, say the wise. Intelligence work is very easily.I hope most of you are on the blog software, the problem of hard work to make money blogs.The heard the pain of making money from your blog a secret, but there has been: how to buy the best blog software? More important than this, how can you avoid fraud, deceptive advertising? The answer is that you should only buy a really well-known blog software vendor. If you search the Internet, you may encounter the name of Jason Potash.Jason potash is a software developer and the industry��s most well-known and successful search engine experts. He is a man with impeccable integrity. Inspire trust in his name, and confidence.He blog has developed an automated program called blog Blueprint.Blog blueprint includes teaching materials to support the blog software suite of products. Now do not let that intimidate you. This tutorial is so easy and simple, even dummies can understand and implement them.How from market speculation, the blueprint for many different blog? Blog money for those most difficult task is to come with the unique nature of knowledge almost every day fresh and useful content. Run of the mill automatic blog software to do that, they steal the article directory, article, and posted on the blog. Needless to say, this is spam. These blog search engines are detected and blacklisted.Blog blueprint, however, work in different ways. Jason Potash, its creator, the author of hundreds of dedicated, who wrote the laser-targeted and unique articles, blog blueprint for him.The other blog software took packaage blog.The software products from the database related articles and posts them to submit articles in different article directories, ping, and RSS on your social media web site, set up relevant topics, your Word Press blog and do all the hard work, intimidation and tire you. Blog blueprint will not allow your money on autopilot fortune each week, while you sleep. You may be hundreds of dollars in the first few months, and ultimately an increase of about one year time.Above all your blog to make money, 4000-5000 yuan per month, no doubt the plan is a 60 �C day money back guarantee if you During this time, not money. Could never be a better bargain.Click make money blog link, and download a free e-book 13 auto blog mistakes
If you are looking for different ways to make money online, you are in the right place. Making money online is dream of many people. Although unlike what most people think, making money online isn��t always easy. It takes hard work and consistency to make money on the internet. There are some methods in this list that can help you make real money online, but most of them aren��t gonna make you thousands of dollars, but depending on how much time and effort you put into them, you can make some extra money. Wherever possible I tried to provide you some other resources and information about some of these methods by linking to other articles that are more in dept and detailed, which will give you more information on how to start making money with that method. With that said, here are 53 ways to make money online. Make Money Trading Forex Forex or Foreign Exchange is basically a forums of trading where you buy and sell foreign currencies. It��s a very profitable business which is very risky. Make sure you spend enough time to learn how Forex works, before you get into it. A good place to start is the biggest Forex trading website Forex.com which gives you $50,000 practice money, so you can start trading and learning without risking your own money. Selling PhotographsIf you like photography and/or can take interesting pictures, there are many sites you can upload your images too, and get paid every time someone buys it. The good thing is that a photo can sell over and over again. Imagine the potential if you have 100 or so photographs. Make money selling stock images.pSell unused items on EbayI know your getting tired of hearing about ebay, but the truth of the matter is, you can make money on ebay in many different ways. You like most other people may have stuff laying around the house, in the garage or wherever, find them and sell them on ebay. Many times you can find valuable stuff in garage sales and second hand for very cheap, turn around and sell them on ebay for a profit.Sell other peoples stuff on Ebay There are many people who don��t know how to sell on ebay. You can their stuff on ebay in exchange for a commission. Designing Logos and AdsHundreds of new websites and blogs are born everyday, but most of the blog/site owners don��t know how to make a logo or an ad. Use free classified sites and related forums to provide your service for a flat rate. Website and Domain FlippingBuy good domains and resell for a profit. Build a website or a blog, work on it for a while and get it going. Just like flipping houses. When you get the site to a good point, put it up for sale. People like websites that are ready to go, and they do pay good money for it. Hundreds of website are bought and sold every day on sites like Flippa.com Get paid to take online surveysPaid surveys are a great way to make extra money. Although you have to be careful and watch out for scammers, there are hundreds of legitimate paid survey companies out there, that you can register with for free, and make money taking online surveys. Designing WebsitesIf you are good at building websites, why not make money doing so. Use forums like site points and digital points to offer your service to webmasters. Design T-Shirts and Other Customizable ItemsGood with coming up with a cool catch word or a cool design? You can make a decent amount of money designing and selling T-shirts on sites like Caf Press. Make Digital Scrap Booking TemplatesI personally don��t get this, but many People love to scrapbook, and they do pay good money for templates. Make different kinds of templates, and make it easy for people to use them. Record Songs and Sell OnlineDon��t laugh at this one! If you can sing, there is no more worries for finding a record label company who will help you get there. Thanks to the internet and all the video sharing sites, you can easily find your way up, if you are talented an have the voice for it. Make MySpace BackgroundsThey are all over the internet, those ad for myspace background! That means there is a market for it, if those advertisers are willing to spend money advertising them for this long. Creating MySpace backgrounds isn��t that hard. But many people don��t want to do it, or don��t have the time to do it. You can provide them with this service and customize their MySpace pages, and charge a fee for doing so. And what place better to advertise your service than MySpace itelf?�?br /> Create videosWith the huge interest in videos online, there is always room for more. Create interesting videos of yourself or whatever, and upload them to Web Sites like Revver and Break. They will share a percentage of their ad revenue with you. Plus you get something for each download as well. Get Paid to SurfNot much money, but you don��t really have to do much either. Basically you click on a link and keep it open for 20 sec and move to the next one. Get paid to surf is kind of big on the internet. And of course there are scammers following it as well. So, be careful and make sure you register with known and trusted sites. Get Paid To Or GPT programsThere are many sites online known as GPT (Get Paid To�?, which you can sign up with for free. You earn money or points for doing things you do online. Like registering with freebies sites, shopping and things like that. They are sort of middle man. They get paid from advertisers to drive leads to them, and when you go through their website, the share a percentage of that money with you. Directory Submission In order for a website or blog to be successful and make money, it needs traffic. There are many ways to work on traffic. One way is to submit your site to website directories. But, many webmaster and blogger are busy with other aspects of running a site, so they don��t have time to do this. That��s where you can come in, and offer to submit their site to directories for a fee. Again use forums like site points and digital point to offer your service. Make money as an Affiliate MarketerThis is by far the best way to make money online, at least in my opinion. You are basically selling other peoples stuff for a commission. You can find digital products like e-books and short reports to promote on sites like clickbank and paydotcom.Get Paid To ReviewSet up a website or a blog, and start a review site. Website owners and bloggers will pay you to post a review of their site on your site. It helps them get the word out and helps you make money. Niche DirectoryYou have seen those directory sites that have a list of specific sites in different categories. Set up one for yourself. Gather a list of site and sources related to a specific niche, and list them on your site. Sell ad space to other webmasters. You can charge a monthly fee to have their ad shown on your site. byuandsellads is a good place to look for potential costumers. Get Paid to SearchSearch engines are big money makers. No wonder every day new search engines pup up everywhere. But since they are not as big as Google and yahoo and some other engines, they pay you to use ther site to search. Basically their sharing their earnings from their advertisers with you. Make Photo MosaicsIf you can make photo mosaics, set up a website and offer your Photo Mosaics service. You will be surprised how many people pay for these things. Become a Virtual AssistantIts becoming very popular, as more and more online based businesses are born every day. People use virtual assistant for research, finding things, doing time consuming tasks, making phone calls and etc. Setup a free blog or site to offer your service. Forum HostingUse software like SebFlipper you to host hundreds of separate forums from a single web server. Make money by charging people to host a forum with you, or offer it for free, but show your ads on their forums and make money that way. Get Paid To Install ApplicationsMost People have problem with installing different kinds of applications. If you are good at installing a particular app or a software, why not make some money while helping others? Get Paid To Answer QuestionsIf you have knowledge about something (which you do, everybody knows about something that others may not know), put it to work for you. There are many websites that you can offer your expertise and knowledge in exchange for money. 11 Site To Give Advice & Answers For Money.Pod castingThink of it as a voice or video blogging. Talk about interesting topic and make money from ads shown. If you are a good speaker, and have a nice voice, its not that hard to get hundreds of subscribers. Get Paid To Participate In Focus GroupsFocus group are basically the same as paid surveys, but unlike paid surveys, most focus groups are conducted in a physical location. Focus group studies are held in most major cities. You will be in with a group of other selected people, talking and answering question about whatever product or service the study is about. You can expect to get paid from $60 to $250 for an hour to a full day of study. Domain Drop shipping!Its basically selling domain registration for big domain registration sites like TuCows, which makes it easy for you to start your own private label domain registration and make money not only from the initial sale, but from renewals as well. Create and Sell E-BooksYou can make e-books about anything. If you have some knowledge about anything, whether its a recipe or a how to do this and that. Its not as hard as you think. Look at some e-books that are selling for $50-$100 or whatever, and you see what i mean (most of them are crap, but people do pay for them!).Make money with Amazon Mechanical TurkIts one of the biggest unknown ways of making money online, yet its so easy to do. You do simple tasks like differentiating pictures from text, and get paid for it. If you have enough time to invest in it, you can make good money with amazon turk.Software ReviewWebSites like SoftwareJudge will pay you for using and reviewing any of the software available in their collection. Make Money BloggingBlogging is becoming more and more popular. You can set up a blog in less than an hour. There are many free blogging platforms you can use at first. When you get comfortable, then pay for your own hosting and domain name. You can blog about anything you like, no matter how bizarre and unusual it is, there will be an audience for it, believe it or not. You can make money by showing ads on your blog using advertising programs like Google adsense. Moderate A ForumForums are another great way to make some extra money. You probably already participate in a forum or two, so why not start your own? Make money by showing ads. plus if the forum gets good and popular, you can charge people to join, or have a special room in the forum where one has to subscribe in order to participate. An example of that would be the WarRoom which only paid users of worrier forum have access to. Get Paid For Data EntryNot the scam one, we are talking about data entry for Google. Google pays people to take photos of businesses, and enter basic data such as hours of operation. You know how many business are located just next to your favorite grocery store? Write And Sell SoftwareKnow how to make a software? Then start writing software and plug-ins. One of the hottest plug-in markets is the blogging platforms like word press and blogger. Use forums to find out what bloggers need that you can make a plug-in for. Create your plug-in or software, and set up a free blog to advertise it. Get Paid as a freelancerThere are tons of places online you can offer your writings. There are even ome websites that pay you for writing exclusive content for them.Make Money Posting On ForumsPeople who start a new forums often pay people to post on their forums, so it will look active, therefore attracts more people to join the discussion. Many forums will pay up to $0.25 per post, which can be just a sentence or two. Again you can use established forums to find people who are looking for forum posters. Ads On ForumsIf you like participating in forums or are already a member of any forum, look for ��ad share�� sign in your user CP. Some forums offer a percentage of their earnings from ads, with their members. Translate DocumentIf you speak a second language, why not translate document online and offline, and get paid for it? Free classified sites are the best way to advertiser your service. Become a Life coach or an AdviserYou don��t even have to set up your own company if you don��t want to, there are already many sites that pay you to advise and couch others over the phone or by chat. You can use your expertise on many different subjects to make money as a coach. Get paid to play games (game money)On game sites like Farm Gold and Second Life, you can make virtual money, which can be exchanged for real money. I am sure you have heard of like Ansche Chung, which is the first person who become a millionaire, exchanging her virtual money earned from Second Life for real money, worth over a million dollar.Become Game TesterVery easy way to make money by doing something enjoyable. But its hard to find though, but if you look around, you may find a company or two. If I do find one, I will update this page and post it here. So be sure to bookmark this page and check back. Your own Search EngineUse Google to build your own custom search engine. Build a search engine for a specific topic like a search engine just for finding information related to music or what have you. To get it going, set up contests for searchers, and give a prize to the biggest searcher. You make your money when people search from your search engine and click on ads. Get paid to comment on blogsIn order to rank higher and attract more traffic to make money, bloggers need quality links pointing back to their blog from other blogs, more than anything else. You can do that for them by commenting on other peoples blog and charging $0.50 or so for each link back. Become a Job ReferrerSome firms pay referral bonuses of up to $1,000 for referring the right person for a job. Develop relationships with recruiters, like temporary job finding services and refer people who you know are fit for the specific job. You can do this both online and offline. Software PlusWork on already developed softwares and make programs that will make the software better and easier to work with. Convert Online MoneyYou can make money by converting, EGold money into Paypal money, etc. people charge up to 5%-10% to do the same thing. Drop ShippingUse sites like Caf Press to create a free storefront online and be a drop shipper. You don��t have to deal with anything but getting costumer to visit your online store front. Sell Craft and Art Work onlineHave free time on your hand and are good at making things? Well, use your skills to create art work and crafts to sell online. You can sell your art work and crafts either on ebay or classified sites, specially craigslist. Get paid to Shop as a mystery shopperMystery shopping is becoming a popular method for companies to evaluate there employees and customer services skills. Although there are a lot of different opinions about this, mystery shopping is actually growing as an industry. You will be assigned to shop and dine in different places and report your experience back. Depending on specific assignments, you can expect to get paid anywhere from $40 to $300 or more per assignment. Of course the amount that you spend buying goods and services, will be reimbursed. Sometimes you get to keep the item you bought at no charge to you.Make money with CPACPA is a much easier version of affiliate marketing, which most of the time you don��t have to sell anything, you just have to send leads to advertisers site. For example, some Advertiser will pay you up to $2 each time you send a lead to there page where the person enters an email address or a zip code in order to participate in a survey to win something. The good thing about CPA is that although to get accepted by CPA networks you have to have a website or a blog, you don��t need a website or blog to make money. Depending on each advertisers terms, you can even use free classified sites to advertise your special link which send people to advertisers page where they can enter information, so you get paid.Get paid for sharing filesThere are a couple of document sharing sites that you can upload any kind of file you own to, and every time someone downloads it, you get paid for it. The files can be in almost any format, from txt to pdf and everything else.Get paid to SocializeNow that Social networking sites are becoming more and more popular, a lot of people want to get in the game and make money running their own social networking site. But again since they need some members to get the word out and make the site look active, so they are willing to pay people to become a member and post messages. Here are some social networking site you can get paid . 5 Social Networking Sites that pay you I hope this list can give you some ideas and inspirations to make some extra cash, specially in this hard times. There are many great ways to make money online, but there are also many scams out there. So watch out!

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