An introduction

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Tim Hodson

Dec 8, 2011, 11:34:15 AM12/8/11
to Kasabi Developer Network
I am Tim Hodson, and my raison d'être at is to find ways to
help people like you be successful in using the data available through
our APIs. Over the coming months I will be contacting some of you
individually to see what you think about Kasabi; what you think is
missing; and what you think we could do better in order to make the
Kasabi marketplace work for you.

You probably already know that the core data hosting and ready-
provisioned APIs of Kasabi datasets allow you to get a data backed
application out of the door much more quickly than you would if you
had to incorporate data hosting and access infrastructure within your
project. We want to concentrate on helping you build something
fantastic that is compelling for your user groups. We're going to be
doing this in several ways; by improving our documentation; by holding
webinars to demonstrate key features; by running hack days to give you
space to play and learn how to effectively work with the Kasabi APIs
in order to get the data you want.

If you have any feedback on what we have done so far, and which gaps
in our documentation have infuriated you most, I would be most happy
to hear it.

I look forward to working with you.


Dec 8, 2011, 12:13:37 PM12/8/11
to Kasabi Developer Network
Thanks Tim. I am creating a Genealogy dataset starting with my own
family history. I'd love to hear ideas on how
I can make use of this, get more people to share their genealogy, and
then create applications for displaying
genealogical information graphically... maybe find ways to use the
application to discover
additional information/data of genealogical nature.
I setup a Semantic Mediawiki site that was awarded the November
Semantic MediaWiki Wiki site of the month:
My wiki is at: http;//

I'd love to get some ideas on this, people to join, and some help
making this happen. So far, the data hasn't yet been
uploaded to Kasabi as I wanted to get more data in the set first.
I hope to get real interest. Mostly with wikis you get just spammers.

Tim Hodson

Dec 15, 2011, 12:07:59 PM12/15/11
Hi Bruce,

On 8 December 2011 17:13, brucewhealton <> wrote:
Thanks Tim.  I am creating a Genealogy dataset starting with my own
family history.  I'd love to hear ideas on how
I can make use of this, get more people to share their genealogy, and
then create applications for displaying
genealogical information graphically... maybe find ways to use the
application to discover
additional information/data of genealogical nature.

Its always good to find other people with similar data to yours and encourage them to also share in the same way. 
I setup a Semantic Mediawiki site that was awarded the November
Semantic MediaWiki Wiki site of the month:
My wiki is at: http;//

I'd love to get some ideas on this, people to join, and some help
making this happen.  So far, the data hasn't yet been
uploaded to Kasabi as I wanted to get more data in the set first.

Sometimes you have to start with something however small that might be. I would encourage you to have a go with uploading data - you can then point other people to your data in kasabi, as easily as you can in mediawiki, and you will get the additional APIs that kasabi provides.
I hope to get real interest.  Mostly with wikis you get just spammers.

On Dec 8, 11:34 am, Tim Hodson <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Tim Hodson, and my raison d'ętre at is to find ways to

> help people like you be successful in using the data available through
> our APIs. Over the coming months I will be contacting some of you
> individually to see what you think about Kasabi; what you think is
> missing; and what you think we could do better in order to make the
> Kasabi marketplace work for you.
> You probably already know that the core data hosting and ready-
> provisioned APIs of Kasabi datasets allow you to get a data backed
> application out of the door much more quickly than you would if you
> had to incorporate data hosting and access infrastructure within your
> project. We want to concentrate on helping you build something
> fantastic that is compelling for your user groups.  We're going to be
> doing this in several ways; by improving our documentation; by holding
> webinars to demonstrate key features; by running hack days to give you
> space to play and learn how to effectively work with the Kasabi APIs
> in order to get the data you want.
> If you have any feedback on what we have done so far, and which gaps
> in our documentation have infuriated you most, I would be most happy
> to hear it.
> I look forward to working with you.
> Tim

Tim Hodson
Developer Advocate
irc: #kasabi TimHodson


Jan 26, 2012, 11:48:46 AM1/26/12
to Kasabi Developer Network
Hi Tim,

I am new to Kasabi and the semantic web as well.

Would it be possible for you to share a sample program that explains
how Kasabi can be used ?

Also, are you exposing data via web services as well?

Bonson Mampilli

Tim Hodson

Jan 26, 2012, 12:45:23 PM1/26/12
Hi Bonson,

On 26 January 2012 16:48, Bonson <> wrote:
Hi Tim,

I am new to Kasabi and the semantic web as well.

Would it be possible for you to share a sample program that explains
how Kasabi can be used ?

Which programming languages are you most familiar with? That'll help me point you at the right sort of program that will make the most sense.
Also, are you exposing data via web services as well?

All our data is accessible through the Kasabi APIs which are HTTP based services so are available through the web.
When you say 'web services', do you mean something different to me?

Let me know...


Tim Hodson
Developer Advocate
skype: tim.hodson.kasabi
irc: #kasabi TimHodson

Bonson Mampilli

Jan 26, 2012, 6:27:17 PM1/26/12
to, Bruce Whealton
Hi Tim,

I am most conversant with Java. Do let me know if you have any sample
programs in Java.

Regarding Web Services, I need to understand a bit further I guess.
How do you return the data for and API call from a client?

Would you have an architecture document or something that would
explain the architecture / Use of the API in more detail?

p.s. I have also included Bruce in Cc as he also is interested in the same.

Bonson Mampilli

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