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Judi Armbruster

Aug 1, 2012, 9:09:24 AM8/1/12
to karuknews

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Nimchira <nimc...@versalinkus.com>
To: Undisclose...@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 7:16 PM
Subject: Voices

Voices, The Peoples News
Published Since March 2000
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
# Indigenous
Revealed: secret agenda of ranchers to steal uncontacted tribe’s land
Tell Us What You Think about Trust - Indian Land Tenure Foundation - Indian Land Tenure Foundation Week two of our federal-Indian trust survey is now open! Everyone who completes all surveys in the four-week series will be entered to win one of several fabulous prizes, including flat screen TVs, laptops, ipods and more. You can complete all surveys to date by clicking the link below. Get started now!
Opponents of day laborer center wonder about unmarked graves - The specter of a Native American mass grave now hangs over a proposed Live Oak Day Laborer Center following a 11th-hour plea by opponents as the project heads to a critical vote. The possibility that part of the project - located on the perimeter of Holy Cross Cemetery - could be built on unmarked graves was cited by opponents Monday, based partly on reports of an old mass grave on cemetery grounds. The Planning Commission is scheduled to vote on the matter Wednesday morning.
The tribal council on the Flathead Reservation in northwestern Montana has voted how it will spend the $150 million in settlement fund coming from the federal government: Half will go to members and half with be spent for things like cultural programs and economic development. Some members aren’t happy with that decision. http://www.buffalopost.net/?p=17994
Who is Frank Deluca AKA Frank Black Horse, The Man Arrested with Leonard Peltier?
Oglala Sioux Speeds Up Feds to Get FEMA Trailers for Homeless Displaced by Storms
More than 200 American Indian and Alaska Native youth and adult leaders from 53 tribal communities across Indian Country have convened at the 2012 National Intertribal Youth Summit. http://www.nativenewsnetwork.com/intertribal-youth-summit-focus-on-critical-issues-leadership.html
The Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency will host a public open house and stakeholders meeting to provide information about the Federal Implementation Plan. http://www.nativenewsnetwork.com/navajo-nation-epa-to-host-public-meeting-on-regional-haze-dispute.html
Sealaska, an Alaska Native regional corporation, is still waiting for land promised in 1971 by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.
Tomb of Ancient Mayan Prince Discovered in Mexico
Oldest Known Mayan Calendar Debunks December 2012 Myth
Mayans Never Predicted December 2012 Apocalypse, Researchers Say
# Our Northern Neighbors
Unequal economic and social conditions for indigenous women will be the focus of a national conference to be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 1–2.
# Health / Medical
Conventional personal care products are linked to a 60% increase in diabetes risk!
# Economic / Financial
Cash continues to flow into US Treasuries and other perceived financial safe havens. How long can this keep up? And what about China? Has the world's "engine of growth" hit a bump in a road? Video: http://www.realecontv.com/page/11603.html
"Reliable" is no longer a word people associate with the euro, after private bondholders of Greek debt were forced to take a haircut in the last "rescue" package. And now the Greeks need another one and officials in Brussels and at various central banks have been conferring over the weekend whether this time they too should be prepared to suffer haircuts. http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Walkers_World_The_euro_at_bay_again_999.html
# Military / Police
The first systematic look at the New York police department's response to Occupy Wall Street protests paints a damning picture of an out-of-control and aggressive organization that routinely acted beyond its powers. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/jul/25/nypd-occupy-protests-report
Anthony V. Mangione, the former chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in South Florida, plans to plead guilty rather than go to trial next month on Internet child-pornography charges, according to a federal court filing.
Evidence is mounting that western media is distorting the facts on the ground in Syria. Even to the point of blaming the Syrian regime for terror attacks committed by Al Qaeda. Now, Germany admits that 'illegal' operations are being conducted in Syria, in favor of  jihadists.
# Environment
Breaking news on the Fukushima radiation cover-up:
# Other
OK City Bombing
A new report demonstrating that the decriminalization of drugs DOES NOT increase usage. And in at least one country, after 11 years of decriminalization, drug use has been cut in HALF. Video: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/11667.html
Large areas of empty seats seen in stadia for the second day running. London 2012 chairman Lord Coe reveals students and teachers are also being called in at the last minute. London hotel rooms empty as tourists stay away. Fear mongering with 13,500 troops deployed, which is more than in Afghanistan.
# Stuff
Printed for educational purposes only: The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity. The articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinion of the editor. Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This e-mail cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html
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Judi Armbruster

Aug 1, 2012, 8:25:43 PM8/1/12
to karuknews
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Nimchira <nimc...@versalinkus.com>
To: Undisclose...@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 6:46 PM
Subject: Voices

Voices, The Peoples News
Published Since March 2000
Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2012
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
# Indigenous
Leaders say climate is changing Native way of life: The land that once held Mike Williams’ childhood home is now a fishing hole. That’s what the Yupit Nation chief from Akiak, Alaska, told a Senate committee during a hearing intended to draw attention to how climate change is affecting tribal communities. http://www.buffalopost.net/?p=17999
# Our Northern Neighbors
# Health / Medical
US Health Care Debate: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
Secret transcripts have emerged proving that US and UK vaccination schedules are based entirely on government lies:
Due to the enormous amount of evidence that has been compiled indicating that statin drugs cause damage and have adverse side effects in patients such as cognitive impairment (e.g., memory loss, forgetfulness, amnesia, memory impairment, confusion) the FDA has recommended a label warning be placed on the cholesterol lowering medications. http://experimentalvaccines.org/2012/07/31/alzheimers-linked-to-statin-drugs-fda-warning/
Despite its many delights, summer brings its fair share of pestilence.  One, called babesiosis, (pronounced buh-BEEZ-e-OH-sis) is named for Dr. Victor Babes, has only recently been widely recognized as a potentially serious outdoor hazard.    Unlike Lyme disease, which quickly leapfrogged across the country, babesiosis is spreading slowly through the Northeast and Upper Midwest, where it is increasingly recognized as the cause of a flulike summer ailment. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/07/30/another-tick-borne-disease-to-guard-against/
# Economic / Financial
It starts a little slow, but at the one minute point, the heat gets turned up. Ron Paul asks Timothy Geithner the multi-trillion dollar question: The Big One that the financial  infomercial "news" networks won't touch with a ten foot pole. Video: http://www.realecontv.com/page/11635.html
Service Employees International Union: Janitors and Supporters in 17 Cities Rally to End Poverty Wage Jobs in Houston
# Politics
Gore Vidal: We Are the Patriots
Gore Vidal and the Unfinished American Revolution
Congress to Obama: Show Us Your 'License to Kill'
As Obama and Romney Compete for 'Top Iran Hawk': It's a Tie
McCain Should Release Romney's Tax Returns
# Military / Police
Military Intervention in Syria: No
# Environment
The U.S. government blocked Enbridge Inc. from restarting a key oil pipeline on Tuesday, saying last week's spill on the line was "absolutely unacceptable." http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/31/us-enbridge-pipeline-regulator-idUSBRE86U1DK20120731
USA infrastructure is crumbling:
Dealing another blow to the Obama administration's crackdown on mountaintop removal mining, a federal judge on Tuesday threw out new federal guidance that aimed to reduce water pollution from Appalachian coal mining operations.
Below Greenland's vast ice sheet could lie enough rare earths, which are in extraordinary demand, to satisfy at least a quarter of global demand in the future, but concerns remain about damaging the pristine Arctic environment.
Is Dilbit Oil? Congress and the IRS Say No: The oil industry has often said that dilbit, a heavy crude oil from Canada's tar sands, isn't much different from conventional crude oil. But when it comes to paying into a federal fund used to clean up oil spills, it's different enough to deserve a sizeable tax break.
Coal mining companies and state regulators are struggling to figure out the impact of U.S. EPA's new greenhouse gas emission rules on mines. While the policy debate has centered on large industrial emitters, the mining industry has been trying to understand how new regulatory systems apply to them. http://www.eenews.net/public/Greenwire/2012/07/31/1
A study on possible effects of the 2010 BP oil spill indicates dispersants may have killed plankton -- some of the ocean's tiniest plants and creatures -- and disrupted the food chain in the Gulf of Mexico, one of the nation's richest seafood grounds.
# Other
A man is facing steep fines and jail time for having ponds on his own rural property. Why? Because it's rainwater, and they claim that it's theirs, they own it.
They're even going to drain the ponds. He's fighting it, of course, but the jury was disallowed from hearing his arguments.
# Stuff
Printed for educational purposes only: The news that is reported is not necessarily the viewpoint of Voices, The Peoples News. Nothing within this message should be construed as endorsing, promoting or abetting any illegal or unethical activity. The articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinion of the editor. Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of International Copyright Law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

All copyrights belong to original publisher under Bill s.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This e-mail cannot be considered spam as long as we include: Contact information & a Remove Link. Reprinted under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

Judi Armbruster

Aug 4, 2012, 4:48:05 PM8/4/12
to karuknews
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Nimchira <nimc...@versalinkus.com>
To: Undisclose...@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2012 7:03 PM
Subject: Voices

Voices, The Peoples News
Published Since March 2000
Friday, Aug. 3, 2012
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
# Indigenous
Ten years after fish kill, stalling threatens salmon
Megyn Kelly: I've Been Drinking: A distasteful FOX NEWS video by Megyn Kelly about Elizabeth Warren/Native Americans
# Health / Medical
The High Cost of US Health System Dysfunction
A new investigations video which quotes U.S. government statistics that reveal you are 62 times more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a homicidal shooter. http://www.naturalnews.com/036679_doctors_guns_fatalities.html
A related article about why violent shootings are caused by psychiatric medications and other chemical factors:
Victory against fluoride poisoning! Milwaukee lowers fluoride levels and warns parents about using tap water for infant formula:
Scientists said Friday they had developed a revolutionary "spray-on skin" treatment for venous leg ulcers - a common ailment involving a shallow, open and stubborn wound on the ankle or lower leg. http://www.interndaily.com/reports/Scientists_treat_ulcers_with_spray-on_skin_999.html
Through the assembly of genetic components into "circuits" that perform logical operations in living cells, synthetic biologists aim to artificially empower cells to solve critical problems in medicine, energy and the environment. http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Boston_University_researchers_expand_synthetic_biologys_toolkit_999.html
A new strain of influenza virus found in harbor seals could represent a threat to wildlife and human health. http://www.terradaily.com/reports/New_influenza_virus_from_seals_highlights_the_risks_of_pandemic_flu_from_animals_999.html
One person dies every hour from melanoma skin cancer in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society. A technique, known as photoacoustics, can find some forms of melanoma even if only a few cancerous cells exist, but a recent study by MU researchers found that the technique was limited in its ability to identify other types of cancer. http://www.interndaily.com/reports/Detecting_cancer_with_lasers_has_limited_use_999.html
# Economic / Financial
Video: Major Banks Help Clients Hide Trillions in Offshore Tax Havens
On a daily basis we are asked what's happening with oil prices alongside questions on China's slowdown, which commodities or instruments will provide safety in the current environment, will the Euro-zone split in the future and what impact the presidential election is going to have on the economy and markets?
# Military / Police
US Drone Attacks in Pakistan Violate Sovereignty, Weakening Democracy: Diplomat
# Politics
We Are the Patriots by Gore Vidal
Transcript: THE SECRET GOVERNMENT – The Constitution In Crisis - Bill Moyers, Secret Government, PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) 1987
Text and videos are excerpts of the full 90-minute version of "The Secret Government." To see the entire broadcast, search for the 90-minute version here.
# Science

Embryonic Blood Vessels That Make Blood Stem Cells Can Also Make Beating Heart Muscles. The finding is important because it suggests the endothelium can serve as a source of heart muscle cells. The finding may provide new understanding of how to make cardiac stem cells for use in regenerative medicine

Scientists have discovered variations in long-term reversal rates of the Earth's magnetic field may be caused by changes in heat flow from the Earth's core into the base of the mantle.http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Scientists_probe_link_between_magnetic_polarity_reversal_and_mantle_processes_999.html
Despite the current and rapid melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet, it remains uncertain just when we will have reached a point when scientists will be able to predict its disappearance. Scientists report this is not the first time in history the ice sheet has been in retreat and stabilized again.
# Environment
Oil Spill Investigations “a Fiasco” in the Niger Delta
BLM Analysis Reveals Massive Damage From Las Vegas Water Grab
Food Disaster Worries Mount as US Drought Worsens
As chronic drought hammers America's Midwest, scientists say this is "the new normal" -- this means food prices are set to skyrocket in 2012...
Rights group Amnesty International said Friday investigations into Shell oil spills in Nigeria were a "fiasco," alleging the company repeatedly blamed sabotage in an effort to avoid responsibility. http://www.energy-daily.com/reports/Investigations_of_Shells_Nigeria_spills_a_fiasco_Amnesty_999.html
# Other
A team of international scientists explore a Mexican cave filled with unbelievably giant crystals. Their mission: to unlock the secrets of the mysterious ancient crystals, some of the largest ever discovered. Video: http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com/videos/earth-sciences/naica-crystal-cave---mexico.html
Three airports now have replaced the TSA with private security firms. Here's the latest news on the most recent move away from the 'cop a feel' approach
to airport security. Video:

Judi Armbruster

Aug 7, 2012, 10:21:00 AM8/7/12
to karuknews
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Nimchira <nimc...@versalinkus.com>
To: Undisclose...@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2012 7:06 PM
Subject: Voices

Voices, The Peoples News
Published Since March 2000
Friday, Aug. 3, 2012
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
# Indigenous
Drought Hits Navajo Nation Ranchers Hard
Civil and Human Rights Coalition Calls Republican Refusal on VAWA [Violence Against Women Act] ‘Vexing and Horribly Misguided’.
# Health / Medical
Dave Dvorak, MD: US Medicine: We Can Do Better Than This
Animal Health: Dr. Becker (Veterinarian): Vaccines causing autoimmune disease in animals.
One-third of a second. That's how long a federal inspector will have to examine slaughtered chickens for contaminants and disease under new rules proposed by the federal government. http://www.ajc.com/news/playing-chicken-on-food-1491072.html
For the first time, researchers have reported levels of the industrial solvent trichloroethylene in human milk. The solvent is the most frequently reported organic contaminant in groundwater in the US. http://cen.acs.org/articles/90/web/2012/08/Carcinogenic-Solvent-Measured-Breast-Milk.html
People With Allergies May Have Lower Risk of Brain Tumors
For years we were sold on the lie that we need megadoses of calcium for strong bones. Not only was it not true, but evidence shows a link between
calcium supplements and heart attacks. Video (6:30):
The mainstream media is pushing a malicious fluoride lie, claiming that bottled water somehow damages your teeth because it contains no fluoride! A desperate attempt to fluoridate the large percentage of the population that's consciously avoiding fluoridated tap water.
Carbonated sodas cause devastating damage to the human body, say scientists:
# Economic / Financial
One of the best videos we've shown for explaining the dynamics of the endless Euro patch job.
In this 2003 documentary produced by the Dutch broadcasting organization, VPRO sheds light on the international world of private equity banking
and how politically-connected firms, such as the Carlyle Group have had the ability to affect change in government policies all over the world,
which would affect their investments.
Steve Wozniak, who co-founded Apple with the late Steve Jobs, predicted "horrible problems" in the coming years as cloud-based computing takes hold. Wozniak, 61, was the star turn at the penultimate performance in Washington of "The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs," monologist Mike Daisey's controversial two-hour expose of Apple's labor conditions in China.
Reality Check: Is auditing the Federal Reserve really necessary?
Gov't spending to protect gov't secrets has grown by almost $4 billion in the last two years. It now stands at more than $11 billion a year, not even including the CIA, NSA, and other agencies you'd EXPECT to keep secrets. Video: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/11715.html
Understanding the tricks behind the endless Euro shell game. ...And why the UK is not out of the woods.  
US auto giant General Motors said Monday that its sales in China surged to a record 199,503 vehicles in July, defying a market slowdown and moves by a major Chinese city to limit car numbers. GM's sales in China - the world's biggest auto market - rose 15.1 percent in July from the same month last year.
# Military / Police
Sikh Temple Shooter Identified: US Veteran Wade Michael Page
United Nations Vehicles On U.S. Soil. These vehicles are coming into Port Beaumont, Texas at a staggering rate.”
China's ire was provoked by a US State Department statement Friday expressing concern over increased tensions in the area and criticising Beijing for establishing a new city and military garrison. http://www.energy-daily.com/reports/Chinese_state_media_blast_US_over_sea_criticism_999.html
In the 'land of the free' an activist is facing 21 years in prison for posting a video about a big bad police officer who physically abused a scrawny 17 yr. old high school student. The 'officer' is still on the job, the activist is in jail facing some serious prison time for using a recording device. This case really needs some attention... Video: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/11716.html
Authorities treating Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting as domestic terror incident. FBI handling investigation. Police, SWAT, other law enforcement teams converged on temple. ATF involved. http://www.legitgov.org/Wisconsin-shooting-be-considered-domestic-terrorism
A gunman opened fire Sunday and killed six people at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee before he was killed in an exchange of gunfire with one of the first officers to respond to the chaotic scene. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2012/08/05/witnesses_tell_of_hostage_situation_at_sikh_temple/
# Politics
Tragedy in Wisconsin and Our Out-of-Control Gun Policies
The Neoconservative War Criminals In Our Midst http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2012/08/01/the-neoconservative-war-criminals-in-our-midst-2/ You can find the names of some of humanity’s worst enemies here: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article32021.htm
# Environment
Court Weighs an Order on Nuclear Waste Site in Nevada
Wal-Mart OK with selling genetically modified sweet corn
You’re being experimented on without your permission. Untested mutations in your kitchen... DNA-altered food in every box, bag and container at the store... hormone-filled meat and milk... so-called “organic” chicken... and no one has to tell you anything. The feds have welcomed in these mega-processors with open arms. They aid them with a labyrinth of government regulations that stifle the efforts of organic farms, horrify investigators and watchdog organizations and terrorize family farmers. http://www.alsearsmd.com/freebonus/frankenfoods/?gclid=CNSCmYWezrECFQeR7QodYnYAzg
Prosecutors to investigate criminal charges over Fukushima disaster
So many fish died in one Illinois lake that the carcasses clogged an intake screen near a power plant, lowering water levels to the point that the station had to shut down one of its generators. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/thousands-fish-die-midwest-streams-heat-16934379#.UB8IFfaPXRo
“Too many fish to count,” turned up dead Monday and Tuesday in a pond at Brookfield Acres and environmental experts are investigating whether runoff from slag at a future natural gas well is to blame for the kill. http://sharonherald.com/local/x44822683/Gas-driller-Ohio-DCNR-probe-fish-kill-in-pond
13-year Cascadia study complete - and earthquake risk looms large
# Other
Chris Hedges: The Science of Genocide
How many coincidences can there possibly be, before it ceases to be a coincidence at all? Once again there has been a horrible shooting tragedy in our country, and once again SEVERAL witness contradict reports that a man acted alone. What can we believe?
The war on home gardening (food self-sufficiency) is under way in Canada:
Food prices are going to spike in 2012 and 2013 due to the horrendous droughts still hammering North America:
Obama sells hemp scarves using hemp made in China, while hemp farming in America remains criminal!
Komen for the Cure has been caught red-handed engaging in massive propaganda deception and fraud. Two scientists have now blasted the dishonest non-profit in a high-profile article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Article exposes the full extent of the Susan B. Komen fraud, the organization's "pinkwashing" scam and why you should boycott anything with a pink ribbon on it: http://www.naturalnews.com/036711_Komen_for_the_Cure_mammography_fraud.html
Comedians Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey discuss the roadblocks in place whenever they attempt to make jokes about President Obama. Every President in my lifetime has been the subject of humor, impersonation, and  parody. Is this President really off-limits?
The installation of electronic water meters across Texas is meant to cut costs and save water. The effort reflects a similar change in the way electricity use is increasingly being measured, with smart electric readers. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/05/us/water-meters-are-being-replaced-across-texas.html?_r=1
Pirate Alert: Nigeria Sunday intensified its search for four foreigners kidnapped during a deadly attack on a vessel belonging to an oil services company, the navy said.
# Stuff
Return To Makin Island  
Leo Rojas plays Pan Pipes. Beautiful.
A creature discovered in the Amazon is a type of caecilian, a limbless amphibian that resembles an earthworm or part of the male anatomy.

Judi Armbruster

Aug 8, 2012, 9:23:46 AM8/8/12
to karuknews
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Nimchira <nimc...@versalinkus.com>
To: Undisclose...@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 6:43 PM
Subject: Voices

Voices, The Peoples News
Published Since March 2000
Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2012
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
# Indigenous
Since the Navajos voted down the Navajo-Hopi Little Colorado River Water Rights Settlement last month, presumably stopping its progress, leaders from both tribes have been lamenting the loss of a clear path to clean drinking water that the settlement had promised.
Dancing the Spirit Back Into Parched Rivers: After a decade-long drought, Aboriginal elders travel the length of Australia's Murray-Darling Basin performing the Ringbalin---a pilgrimage designed to 'dance' the spirit back into the land and heal the rivers. And it appears to work.
# Health / Medical
New research shows that chemotherapy actually promotes cancer tumor growth. http://www.naturalnews.com/036725_chemotherapy_cancer_tumors_backfires.html
Calorie-conscious consumers who opt for diet sodas may gain more weight than if they drank sugary drinks because of artificial sweeteners contained in the diet sodas, according to a new study. "There's something about diet foods that changes your metabolic limit, your brain chemistry," said ABC News' medical contributor Dr. Marie Savard. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/OnCall/story?id=4271246&page=1#.UB07gaDAHLQ
Hospital Chain Internal Reports Found Dubious Cardiac work: HCA, the largest for-profit hospital chain in the country, is confronting evidence of unnecessary cardiac treatments at some of its medical centers in Florida after a nurse’s complaint prompted an internal investigation. HCA, the largest for-profit hospital chain in the United States with 163 facilities, had uncovered evidence as far back as 2002 and as recently as late 2010 showing that some cardiologists at several of its hospitals in Florida were unable to justify many of the procedures they were performing. In some cases, the doctors made misleading statements in medical records that made it appear the procedures were necessary, according to internal reports. 
Read More:
According to the government's own numbers you are much more likely to be killed by FDA approved prescription drugs than a homicidal shooter.
And yet, the media and the gov't want you to trust your doctor and fear your neighbor.
# Economic / Financial
A week after uncovering a hidden-funds scandal at the state parks department, finance officials are now trying to piece together why the balance sheets for similar "special funds" are off by $2.3 billion -- money that appeared to be right under their noses amid California's financial meltdown. http://www.mercurynews.com/california-budget/ci_21168552/up-2-3-billion-california-public-funds-hiding
# Military / Police
F.B.I. agents on a hunt for leakers have interviewed current and former high-level government officials from multiple agencies in recent weeks, casting a distinct chill over press coverage of national security issues as agencies decline routine interview requests and refuse to provide background briefings.
The FBI, for the first time, has admitted publicly that it knew the radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was returning to the U.S. in October 2002 and that an FBI agent discussed the American's return with a U.S. attorney before he was detained and then abruptly released from federal custody. Al-Awlaki, who would become the first American targeted for death by the CIA, eventually was killed last September in Yemen by a U.S. drone strike. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/08/01/top-official-admits-fbi-had-al-awlaki-in-custody-but-let-him-go...
As soon as they saw the terrified boy’s photo three years ago, federal agents Peter Manning and Gregory Squire had the same thought: we have to save him. Assigned to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations office in Boston, their job is to track down child pornographers and victims. http://articles.boston.com/2012-07-29/business/32903262_1_milford-man-combat-child-photos-and-videos
Not long ago, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta cited the UN and NATO as providing a 'legal basis' for military action. Not the U.S. Congress.
With that in mind, let's take a quick look at some of the more infamous 'actions' that NATO was responsible for, as they may apply to recent events.
Is Operation Gladio coming home to the States? Video:
# Technology
This video shows how scientists at the MIT Media Lab reconstruct a hidden object using scattered laser light. Future applications may include seeing in
dangerous or inaccessible locations, such as inside machinery with moving parts, or in highly contaminated areas.
# Environment
A new chunk of Petermann Glacier broke off in July 2012, two years after another large ice island was launched. In the same week, the surface of the Greenland ice sheet experienced unusually widespread melting and some flooding along rivers.
Most recent earthquakes in North Texas happened close to injection wells used to dispose of wastewater from oil and gas drilling in the region. A two-year study by the University of Texas at Austin also found that the relatively minor temblors happened more often than indicated in previous investigations. http://fuelfix.com/blog/2012/08/06/study-barnett-shale-quakes-rumbled-near-drilling-disposal-wells/
At the heart of the Keystone XL battle is whether the pipeline would pose a threat to the massive Ogallala Aquifer, one of the world’s largest underground sources of fresh water. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/keystone-xl-pipeline-may-threaten-aquifer-that-irrigates-much-of-the-central-us/2012/08/06/7bf0215c-d4db-11e1-a9e3-c5249ea531ca_story.html
From Climate Change and Energy to Fires and Fish: USGS Science at the Ecological Society of America
Enbridge Inc. plans to restart a pipeline that leaked more than 1,000 barrels of crude onto a Wisconsin field after receiving the greenlight from U.S. regulators, which issued Enbridge a corrective action order, calling for measures to be taken before it would allow the resumption of flows along Line 14.
Environmentalists are warning that a plan to pipe billions of gallons of water a year from rural central Nevada nearly 300 miles to the Las Vegas metropolitan area will dry up wetlands and springs, damaging thousands of acres of wildlife habitat and potentially creating a "dust bowl" scenario.
The Great Drought of 2012 has yet to come to an end, but we already know that its consequences will be severe. With more than one-half of America’s counties designated as drought disaster areas, the 2012 harvest of corn, soybeans, and other food staples is guaranteed to fall far short of predictions. http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/08/07-2
# Other
High-Capacity Semiautomatic Handguns: The Weapon of Choice for US Mass Shooters - A deadly common thread runs through spate of rampage shootings in the US. http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/08/07-4
"The FDA inspects only 1% of the 10 million food products shipped into the US every year. That makes food fraud an easy and lucrative way for organized crime to make money." This report shows some specific kinds of foods that are most vulnerable to fraud and how little is done to stop it.
Video (3:52):
# Stuff

Pete Seeger: 'The Time Is Now Quite Early Morning' ["An inconvenient artist, who dared to sing things as he saw them." President Bill Clinton] Thanks to Pete Seeger, we can have many "singing tomorrows." But before Pete's fingers can strum no longer, let's honor him with the Nobel Peace Prize.


Judi Armbruster

Aug 9, 2012, 7:05:21 PM8/9/12
to karuknews
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From: Nimchira <nimc...@versalinkus.com>
To: Undisclose...@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2012 6:44 PM
Subject: Voices

Voices, The Peoples News
Published Since March 2000
Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
# Indigenous
Pine Ridge Indian homicide cases get new scrutiny: The top federal prosecutor in South Dakota agrees to reexamine dozens of unsolved homicides, venturing into a long-running feud between the Oglala Lakota Nation and the FBI.
Duluth TV news director criticized over Facebook post: Jason Vincent of Fox 21 wrote on his personal page Wednesday night: "Add drunk, homeless, Native American man to the list of animals that have wandered into my yard . Then he proceed (sic) to wave at me and give me the peace sign when he spotted me in the window. Wow." http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/238843/
Statement Issued from KQDS-TV Management: The following is an official statement from KQDS management: "Jason Vincent has apologized for making his statement on Facebook. Jason was on personal time and he will not be returning until Monday. We here at KQDS Fox 21 TV do not condone this behavior. There will be a statement on the Fox 21 News tonight. We are truly sorry this incident occurred." General Manager, Jackie Bruenjes
New app for equipment teaches kids Dakota language
# Health / Medical
Group Exposes Practice of Adding Synthetic Preservatives to 'Organic' Baby Formula
UN Warns of 'Food Crisis' as Prices Continue Surge
ObamaCare health plan
How ObamaCare May Disrupt Your Health Plan
It's true: Fluoride may be lurking in your grapes. A fluoride compound is commonly used as an agricultural pesticide, and it's widely used on all sorts of grapes. Read more at: http://www.naturalnews.com/036753_fluoride_pesticides_grapes.html 
Thimerosal in vaccines continues to be linked to neurological disorders:
Are onions healthier than many superfruits? Learn the fascinating facts:
Mammography causes cancer! Here's a safer alternative that uses no radiation: Thermography
Chevron Under Fire for Slow Response to Massive Blaze, as Area Residents' Health Concerns Mount
Corporations Sneak Synthetic Preservatives into Organic Food
# Military
From deformed infants to grandparents with cancer, families near Vietnam's Danang Airbase have long blamed the toxic legacy of war for their ills. Now after a decades-long wait, a historic "Agent Orange" clean-up is finally beginning.
# Police
NYPD to Launch Expansive For-Profit Surveillance System
"All the evidence we have, every single indicator is that this is all Mr. Holmes activity, and that he wasn't particularly aided by anyone else." So says the policeman, who wasn't in the theater. However, the news media interviewed several EYEWITNESSES that say otherwise. For your consideration...
# Politics
That President Obama had signed a 'secret' order directing the CIA to aid the Syrian rebels is now public. This reminds me of Jimmy Carter's 'secret' order of July 3rd 1979, which directed the CIA to aid the Afghan Mujahideen. That led to the creation of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. What will this lead to?
# Science
Exciting new fossils discovered east of Lake Turkana confirm that there were two additional species of our genus, Homo, living alongside our direct human ancestral species, Homo erectus, almost two million years ago. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120808132705.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_science+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Top+News+--+Top+Science%29
# Technology
NASA's reaction, a Times Square viewing, and Curiosity's first images from the Red Planet
Google on Wednesday began allowing users to extend online searches to include messages stored in accounts at Web-based email service Gmail. "Sometimes the best answer to your question isn't available on the public Web - it may be contained elsewhere, such as in your email," Google search senior vice president Amit Singhal said in a blog post. http://www.spacemart.com/reports/Google_extends_online_search_to_email_boxes_999.html
Smartphones powered by Android or Apple software accounted for an unprecedented 85 percent of the global market in the second quarter of this year, industry tracker IDC reported on Wednesday. "The mobile OS (operating system) market is now unquestionably a two-horse race due to the dominance of Android and iOS." http://www.spacemart.com/reports/Apple_and_Android_rule_smartphone_world_IDC_999.html
# Environment
Worldwide Demand for Water Outstrips Supply: Study
Mississippi going dry?
Asia, US plains facing water extraction crisis
A witty and and pointed breakdown of the global warming myth by the recently departed writer and social critic Alexander Cockburn.
The oil flow from the Turkish-Iraqi pipeline will resume Wednesday following a blast that damaged the pipeline. "In addition to security measures, the maintenance of the damaged pipeline will continue but the flow of crude oil will hopefully resume today," Taner Yildiz was quoted as saying by the Anatolia news agency on Wednesday. http://www.energy-daily.com/reports/Oil_flow_from_Iraq-Turkey_oil_pipeline_to_resume_minister_999.html
# Other
# Stuff
Video: US Flag Drops ON CUE at Olympics
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