Installing KartaVR with Davinci always gets stuck MacOS

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Irina Vassiljeva

Sep 11, 2023, 9:02:42 AM9/11/23
to Kartaverse
Spent several days trying to install. Most modules get stuck at random and after several attemps, I manage to get them to complete, but the Kartavr gets stuck persistently on the same file. Tried different internet connections. No luck.

When it gets stuck like that, the only way to start over is to kill -9 the Resolve process.

Please help.
Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 11.24.35.png

Andrew Hazelden

Sep 13, 2023, 12:54:15 PM9/13/23
to Kartaverse
If you look in the Resolve Console window you can often see an error message that would indicate what might be causing the issues. This is found in the "Workspace > Console" menu.

The "Kartaverse > KartaVR > KartaVR" and "Kartaverse > KartaVR > KartaVR 3rd Party Library" packages are there for convenience only. Those two specific packages simply install a pre-set collection of regular atom packages when they are added. You can manually add the individual atom package items you want to use in a "one at a time" fashion.

Also, in your screenshot several packages are listed with a red coloring on their entries. What is the error message shown in the atom description text area for why those packages are disabled?

Andrew Hazelden

Irina Vassiljeva

Sep 13, 2023, 1:12:36 PM9/13/23
to Kartaverse
Andrew, thank you for your response. The console has no useful messages in there. I can't get the screenshot right now, but I hope you take my word for it.
I assumed the KartaVR and 3rd party libs are metapackages, so I went on and clicked every other package and, with few restarts, managed to have them installed individually. It took me quite a few attempts to do the 3rd party... But I was very surprised when KartaVR started to get stuck on the CameraA.mp4 which was previously installed by one of the smaller packages...

So, if they're not necessary, that's a big relief. I'll try to just redo the whole thing with individual package installation attempts.

The red ones are a side effect of me messing about with the Reactor folder. After I've given up on the regular Reactor installer, I cloned the git repository directly and started going back on the commits trying to find a version that does not get stuck...
Anyway, I'll start everything over on a clean install. That should sort me.

That said, I believe there is a general problem with installing on Mac. Maybe it is related to the varying quality of my internet connection, but that would be strange as everything else works reasonably well.
Also, aside from me getting stuck, KartaVR reinstalling files that have been installed by dependency packages also looks like a bug to me. But maybe it is a side effect of things breaking in between...

Would also be nice to have some verbose logging of the installation process. It is impossible to see what's being downloaded, at what rate and if it has hit a problem or simply taking longer than expected. Please let me know if there are some config files or command line arguments that could tweak the logging level. 

Is there a command line interface to that btw? Starting everything from Gui IMO is a big inconvenience.


Andrew Hazelden

Sep 13, 2023, 1:33:10 PM9/13/23
to Kartaverse
There are Reactor environment variables that can be used to track down some Reactor installation issues. They are mentioned in the GitLab Reactor based documentation. I was expecting you might see a Lua interpreter error in the Console that might have halted the running of the Reactor GUI.

Reactor itself is written in Lua so the script would work out of the box with Resolve/Fusion's built in LuaJIT interpreter. This makes Reactor sensitive to paths that have multi-byte character Unicode encoding, and accented characters in the "Reactor:" based PathMap. Most of the support issues I have to assist users with are due to accented character issues in the home folder path, or the "Fusion.prefs" file having disk permissions issues so the PathMap entries aren't saved when Resolve/Fusion is quit. The version of Resolve that is delivered via the macOS App Store also causes support headaches due to the way it has limited disk access.

An effort to help make Reactor offline package installation possible was started via a zipped atom package usage approach. It works with a cloned local copy of the GitLab Reactor Repo. This approach uses Python scripts to allow drag and drop installation of individual atom packages. 

For more information about this workflow:

To work with zipped atom packages in Resolve/Fusion, you also require a 64-bit copy of Python v3.6 - v3.10. The Python dot org installers for Python are easier to work with compared to homebrew on macOS.

As far as Reactor performance goes, there was a feature regression a ways back when GitLab changed their API usage policies for public repositories. GitLab enacted a connection limit that forced us to turn off multi-stream downloading in Reactor. This change slowed down the performance of the syncing code by 10x since we can only use a single socket connection.

Andrew Hazelden

Irina Vassiljeva

Sep 18, 2023, 7:16:57 AM9/18/23
to Kartaverse
So, successful install with a more stable internet connection.


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